Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,

Live is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. There's my contribution, really helped me after my car accident.

She is here until after Xmas, so far, everything crossed.

Drove a car load out to my friends new home, she didn't chose the moving date her in-laws who own one half of her double house did! One son is over the moon, the other seems to be sulking.

If I hear 'I'm like that and I haven't had a stroke' one more time I'll bang her on the head!

Off I go to do the family thing - love and hugs to all.
22/Dec/10 4:43 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I assume that is your mum you are going to bang on the head Suzy. :-)
Good news that Ebob is with you until after xmas, it will give her a chance to see what she is missing being with her family.
MizT hope Al hasn't been exposed to too many germs, it must be very difficult to miss that exposure. Good to hear that he is feeling like eating, but not so good that things don't taste so good. It is probably the chemo causing that.
22/Dec/10 8:08 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Bathroom is now all back together again, yes Suzy that it the one we had done 2 years ago.
Now I have a lot of swearing to do in the house to be ready for the weekend.
We had thought that there would only be 6 of us here on the day, but now we have 10 plus an extra dog. Thank goodness I ordered a large turkey not a medium one as I did last year. What makes me a little nervous is that one of the new guests is a hotel chef. I'm not the greatest cook in the world!
22/Dec/10 8:14 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzy and Brenda.
How has your health been Suzy? Good I hope.
Is ebob moving back home?
Brenda, you are having a white christmas by the looks of the weather.
My brother was supposed to fly into Heathrow last weekend but could not and was diverted to Bangkok and put up in a motel room.
I assume he has arrived by now.
His wife's family live in Cambridge and they have their two kids with them.
22/Dec/10 9:08 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Thank you all for the Welcome back.
Good to know I made someone's day Heidi. Lol.
Hope Al is doing okay MizT. I need an update when you have time.
22/Dec/10 9:10 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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I have an Avon order coming to me tomorrow.
I will be out and about all day Friday delivering it. In the evening have some neighbours coming over for a while.
Avon has had a terrible time supplying items this christmas and so I have lost a few customers over this.
22/Dec/10 9:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The puddings are cooked! I had a lot to do today but Sharon and Laura came over, we did a bit of shopping but Sharon got tired so we came home and she slept all afternoon. They stayed for dinner, bathed Laura and they have just gone home. I love them dearly but does mean I have some extra tidying up to do before the cleaning lady come tomorrow.
22/Dec/10 9:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Viv, sorry about the lost customers. How annoying after all the work you put in. I bet they do not give you any compensation when it was their mismanagement.
MizT, the chemo certainly alters the taste of things. my friend drinks lots of cordial to try and disguise the metallic taste. I certainly hope Al does not get an infection from your visitors.
22/Dec/10 9:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, I had the same attitude to cards this year, even got as far as buying stamps to send cards to people who'd sent them to me...gave most of them to Bill when I was in Adelaide because he had the same idea!. He wished people wouldn't send them to him so he didn't have to send any out! I am a bit bah humbug about the card sort of thing, maybe next year.
22/Dec/10 10:23 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm happy to say that my card count is way down - thanks to the internet. Whereas, once I would have sent and received up to 60, this year so far it is only about 20 and mostly older people or those who do not use the net.
I didn't even buy Christmas stamps, just used some I had here.
22/Dec/10 10:43 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all,

Sleep has been interrupted for me. Youngest grandie is still not well and she has been having nosebleeds. Suggested that they contact her doctor.

Got to have a coffee .... NOW ....

22/Dec/10 10:52 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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eaa, don't ever disappear on us!
23/Dec/10 12:13 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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to you.
to you.
dear eaa,
to you.

Hope you have a great day. Keep sticking your furry little nose in here. We miss it.
23/Dec/10 1:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After my post yesterday evening, I laid down for a nap. I just woke up 12 hours (or thereabouts) later.
23/Dec/10 1:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This has been an exciting 24 hours here! Viv posted. Eaa posted. Steve posted. Ebob is at home. Brenda's bathroom is back together. My horses feet have been taken care of. June's puddings are cooked.
23/Dec/10 1:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hope you have a wonderful day.
23/Dec/10 1:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy birthday eaa!!!!!

Youngest grandie stayed home from school today; I have a feeling my day will get more hectic. We have both grandies this evening while their parents do a little last minute shopping. I think we'll take them to McDonalds for supper, or take-out from McDonalds if the youngest is still not well.

The oldest grandie was in a foul mood this morning. I was kind of glad to see her get on the bus! Hopefully she'll be in a better mood when she gets home.
23/Dec/10 1:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The head of our Collie Rescue just emailed me. She needs to pull a collie from a pound about an hour from me... in the opposite direction from her place, and she's going out of town for a week. She's asked me to go get her and keep her here for the week. I'm now waiting to get the go ahead to get her. She still has to OK it with the pound.
23/Dec/10 1:42 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas.
Suzy...I am so happy that Ebob is home with you for christmas.A tremendous start to rebuilding the family again.
I doubt if I will be back until after Saturday,so I will wish you all Peace and Happiness for Christmas and 2011.
Am working Sat & Sun but will have dinner at Renae's with the whole family xmas day.
It is still raining here,I don't ever remember it being this wet,and they are forecasting more to come for another week yet. Half of the local news is on flooding roads and rescues of people trying to drive through them.
Take care of yourselves lovely people!!
Catch you next time.
23/Dec/10 5:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nola, wishing you a merry Christmas and a Happy 2011. Hope it is a great one for you.
23/Dec/10 5:33 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Thank you Tami. You are all a great bunch.
Gotta run.
23/Dec/10 5:54 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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We all get heavier as we get older because there is a lot more information in our heads. So, I'm not fat, I'm just really intelligent and my head could not hold any more so it started filling up the rest of me!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
23/Dec/10 6:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nola... with all that rain, the chances of fires are lessened. Look at it that way. You'll celebrate all that rain as the (much) lesser of two evils.
23/Dec/10 7:17 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Thank you Heidi for the summary of what has been happening as I don't have time yet to catch up.
eaa and anyone else I have missed.
Not sure if I told you Pete got through the MRI and will be operated on January 18th.
Wishing you all a good day.
23/Dec/10 7:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Grandies are here watching kids' shows with grandpa.

Nola, hope your Christmas time will be fun, although it sounds like you'll be working a great deal.

Tami, that's why I'm the shape I am. Glad someone else has the same condition!
23/Dec/10 8:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Happy Birthday eaa!! I hope it's a great one!

Nola, sorry I missed you, I hope you have/had a great Xmas, even with working both Xmas and boxing day.

Theresa, I hope the youngest grandie is starting to feel better and the oldest is in a better mood.

Broni, you mentioned Pete made it throught the MRI with the help of some valium, but I didn't know the surgery date had been set. Hugs and thoughts and wishes for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.

Tami, I think I'll stick to your story too, I like it!!

Heidi, I hope the new Collie fits in well and is not incontinent or something...
23/Dec/10 8:58 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!
Nola - Col was up your way on Tuesday! I told him to wave to you - hahaha!
Heidi - that was a good long sleep you had. Hope all goes well with the rescue Collie.
Theresa - hope your younger grandie is feeling better.
Broni - how is Pete coping while he waits for surgery? I'm glad it's not too far in the distance.
23/Dec/10 9:30 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Big Happy Birthdays to eaa!!! Have a great day. Enjoy!
23/Dec/10 9:33 AM
   Trouble's Mom  From Florida
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I know I haven't been around for sometime, but I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Very Merry Xmas, and a wonderful and healthy New Year.
23/Dec/10 10:14 AM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Hi everyone,
I got my internet dongle thingie so I can get on line. I've got to do something as it is wet. I have had one swim at the beach and I'm not sure I'll get another while I'm here.
Today we (mum and sister) are going to buy all the food. Some of the family is arriving tomorrow and the rest on Christmas day. I suppose I will have to get a few gifts as well. I just really can't be bothered and wouldn't at all except my mother insists on giving us all a present - usually chocolates etc. We've tried heaps of times to get her to stop but she insists.
I actually sat down and wrote some cards the other morning - mostly to those who had sent them to me - so it was only about 10. I don't think I sent any last year.
I am so ho-hum about the whole thing.
23/Dec/10 10:32 AM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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I haven't read anything but this page.

Suzy, I hope you enjoy the time with your Mum and Ebob over Christmas. Fingers crossed that everything works out well for you all.

Broni, I'm glad to hear that they won't keep Pete waiting too long for his op.

eaa. I hope you have a wonderful day. You share your day with my youngest great niece Zoe who is 1 today. I found out last week that she is going to be a big sister with a new baby due next June or July.
23/Dec/10 10:40 AM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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It's time I got my day underway. I've been for a walk with my sister and read the paper over breakfast so I suppose I must shower and get organised now.
Have a great day all!
23/Dec/10 10:42 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone..

I like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year
23/Dec/10 11:02 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Vicki - you need a grandchild (not yet, I hear you say) to get back to enjoying Christmas. You'll be lining up at the July Toy Sales for that! And don't say you won't - you will, I promise - and loving it!!
(That goes for the rest of you young uns!)
23/Dec/10 11:50 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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You're right, Cyn. Grandchildren do not give you a chance to be ho-hum, and their excitement is contagious.

The grandies are gone home - I am so tired!!!
23/Dec/10 11:59 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just found out that my niece and nephew, who are both home for a break from college, are going to come over for dinner on Friday night. I now have to cook instead of Chinese take-out. I don't mind, I enjoy their company and don't get to see them often. He is in Chicago in law school and she is in Boston.
23/Dec/10 12:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I thought you were doing chinese take out on Saturday, not Friday, Tami. Or am I confused again?
23/Dec/10 1:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The collie that I'm picking up tomorrow is not an old timer, and will probably only be here for a week.... unless I have to adopt her. She's at the same shelter that I got Lucky from, and they don't like releasing dogs to rescue groups. I'm hoping that only goes for puppies, not adults.
23/Dec/10 1:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
I'm melting and exhausted! I have always done my best to avoid shopping at this time of year and this year has shown me that that was a very smart decision!

There was almost no parking at all anywhere! People were circling the lots and waiting for people to finish unloading their groceries to get a parking spot. I couldn't believe my luck in the third lot I looked in had an empty spot with nobody waiting for it. I zoomed in, even though it was in the wrong place for me to do my shopping. Then I had to go to the mall to get the last thing I needed and ended up parked at least 300m away from the official parking area. I've sure got my exercise today - and lost kilos in water weight!! I am almost done, couldn't get the sketch books I wanted and I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow - one more adventure if I'm lucky...

Vicki, hope the rain stops. We've finally got hot December weather down here, which I thought might make shopping a little less painful as I thought the tourists would be at the beach... no such luck.

Theresa, hope you get a nice long rest tonight!
23/Dec/10 3:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Holidays Trouble's Mum!!
23/Dec/10 3:36 PM
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