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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Mamacita 2
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Wow! I started reading to catch up a bit, but couldn't stop. It's now 2:15 A.M and I haven't gotten sleepy's annoying because I have an early doctor's appointment and have to undergo my lung test...that takes a lot out of me because I'm off my meds for so long before hand and then the test are hard, but needed, much like the mammy test we all have to do once a year...I'll be glad when its over and perhaps I'll get a nap for a change.
Glad to hear that those who have been ailing are starting to recover and its good to know that the doctors were able to find that Heidi had a brain...Oppps...I mean that it was undamaged by her fall....(if you really believe that one, I have a sale to talk to you Heidi...just couldn't resist after you made the crack about having your head
MizT, You and Al hang in there, its tough running back and forth to the doctors so much when you have to travel a distance...hope Al gets things going with the machine next week as promised. Hopes for the end of treatment at Christmas time for June's friend too.May this be the last needed and complete recovery occurs.
Well I think I'll try to grab a couple of hours of sleep and pray that I wake up in time since I can't hear alarm clocks w/o my hearing aids...sigh.
Today is also my Great grand, Angelique's 3rd birthday...boy time flies doesn't it?
Sending hugs and positive vibes to all...take care..I care.♥
04/Jan/11 6:28 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all.
Happy Birthday Angelique!!!
I woke up at 2:45 AM, but I had a 7 hour nap! Needless to say I hope to have a "small" nap later this morning. The congestion seems to be moving upwards into my sinuses, but I take that as a good sign.
MizT, I don't dread dates that were important for my mother, it just makes me think of her more. I do find that memories of her crop up more on her birthday, Christmas, anniversary of her death, etc. But they are good memories. I guess it's just that I haven't been feeling well lately and could sure have used a mom to lean on.
I just stuck my head out the door to see what the weather was like and could hear the coyotes howling in the distance. I heard at least 3 - what a lonely sound. And it's snowing now.
Off to grab a coffee ..... yum!
04/Jan/11 7:06 PM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, sorry that Al could not start the radiation. Thinking of you and Al.
Suzy, I am giving the swishy thing a workout with cat blankets. Trying to get caught up from when I was just too exhausted to do much of anything.
Hubby goes back to work today after three weeks off. I have enjoyed (for the most part) having him here and I wish his vacation could be longer.
Both hubby and I are hoarders to some extent, although over the last year or so we have improved. I still have boxes to go through, but I have to be in the mood to toss. I like the idea of going through one box per month - must try and stick to that.
04/Jan/11 7:25 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon all! Just read another 3 pages - grandies have gone, hubby goes back to work tomorrow - my life may resume some normalcy, at last!
04/Jan/11 7:44 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Now where to start -
Mamacita - Happy Birthday to Angelique - I cannot believe that she is already 3 - she and Rosemary's grandson (Ethan?) were my first sudoku babies!
04/Jan/11 7:45 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - glad you went to the ER. It's good to know for sure that there's no bleeding there.
Suzy - most charities launder the clothes when they get them, I understand.
04/Jan/11 7:47 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Thoughts and cyber-vibes to Al & MizT along with June and her 'friend'. I hope 2011 is a healing year for all, including Theresa'a daughter, Gail's hubby and anyone else with on-going health problems.
04/Jan/11 7:50 PM
Small Town Canada
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Cyn, the Salvation Army here in my hometown does not launder clothing when they receive them. They don't have the facilities or the manpower for that. I have to say when I used to do volunteer work there, some of the items they received were just disgusting!
04/Jan/11 7:58 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Just thinking of people with on-going health problems - a good news story:
Early in 2010 Col and I ran into a man we used to work with, he looked awful and was very vague but finally recognised us. He told us that he had an abdominal tumour. He's in his late 60's and lives on one of the bay islands. Before we could get or give contact details his bus came and off he went out of our lives and uncontactable. We have often thought of him especially when another dear work colleage passed during the year and expected him to be the next casuality.
Yesterday, I was in our local Supermarket and spotted a man who looked like him but fatter - then I realised he had the patchy hair of someone who been having chemo. It had to be him. I spoke to him and he said he was doing well and the docs were hopeful. We exchanged contacts this time. And I feel so relieved, I worked with him for 20 years.
04/Jan/11 7:58 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I know it won't be smooth sailing but this is better than the alternative.
04/Jan/11 7:59 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Theresa - I thought it had to do with Health and Safety regulations - and they change from state to state, country to country. Who knows!
04/Jan/11 8:09 PM
Small Town Canada
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The Salvation Army here would LOVE Suzy. I always wash things before I donate. Boy, I could tell you some horror stories!
04/Jan/11 8:16 PM
Stevenage UK
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Good morning all. Hoping everyone is feeling ok and that treatments are doing what the are supposed to be doing.
We keep seeing reports from QLD and I hope none of our friends have been too caught up in all the floods. I feel so sorry for those who have lost everything.
I'm sitting here waiting for my friend to drop her dog ( an Hugarian Visla) off for me to look after today while she goes to a funeral. I could be in for a noisy day as he barks quite a lot when around other dogs!
Also waiting for the washing machine repair man to arrive, he said he would be here before lunch.
04/Jan/11 8:58 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning all.
Angelique. Three is such a great age to be. Hope it is a good one for you.
Brenda, hope the machine gets fixed without a big expense. Enjoy dog sitting. Hope he doesn't bark too much.
Good vibes going out to all who need them.
04/Jan/11 10:08 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Angelique, time does indeed fly past swiftly!
04/Jan/11 10:26 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I created a monster!!
I showed Hayley how to play Scrabble on the computer and then set it up so that she could play against me from her father's computer. She hasn't relented all night, game is nearly finished!! Gone to bed (or been sent), finally!
04/Jan/11 10:57 PM
Stevenage UK
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Washing machine cannot be repaired so I now have to look for a new one. Don't think I can wait till one can be delivered so looks like I will have to go to brother's house and use their machine
04/Jan/11 11:41 PM
Stevenage UK
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04/Jan/11 11:42 PM
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Laura has decided she wants to sleep on a matress on the floor in the computer romm so it is goodnight from me.
04/Jan/11 11:52 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I did it again last night. I was making supper... had just taken the breaded pork chops out and was about to start the mac & cheese.... when I felt exhausted and had to lay down. That was about 8:30 pm. I just woke up at 11 am!!!!
05/Jan/11 3:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Angelique! Three is a WONDERFUL age!
05/Jan/11 3:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I can't seem to wake up today.
My body may be telling me something. Only, I think I get too much rest.
05/Jan/11 5:05 AM
Small Town Canada
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Sleep time is your body's way of recuperating, Heidi. If you feel you are sleeping too much, maybe mention it to your doctor next time you see him. We worry about you, girl!
05/Jan/11 6:14 AM
Small Town Canada
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I seem to feel a little better every day, but I still find stairs leave me out of breath. Too bad the bathroom is upstairs!!!
05/Jan/11 6:36 AM
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Morning all,
The place I am giving the clothes to is not actually a charity. It's a place that gets clothes from the charity to give to families. So it's sort of like cutting out the middle man - which means do the laundry first!
05/Jan/11 6:45 AM
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Happy Birthday Angelique!! I hope you have a very special day!
05/Jan/11 6:46 AM
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My hubby has 3 more weeks off work. He will still be over what they like people to carry over when he goes back.
Depression Heidi?
We walked again last night. We didn't go quite as far as usual as we left later than usual and didn't want to get stuck trying to walk home in the dark - there are no street lights most of the way.
05/Jan/11 6:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... Yes, i do have Clinical Depression. I'm on medication for it. Maybe I need the dosage increased, but I think the sleeping is due to the Chronic fatigue Syndrome that I also have. Whenever I get motivated to do something, like go to get a CAT Scan, I pay for it with excessive sleeping. I'm tired of that happening.
05/Jan/11 7:44 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Harley is home. Photos are posted on my page.
05/Jan/11 11:25 AM
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Hi everyone! Happy New Year to anyone I haven't said it to already! Hope this year will be wonderful for all of you. :D
Rob went back to work yesterday after 2 weeks off, and it was a beautiful, sunny day - I didn't MEAN to spend it gninaelc, it just kind of happened ... A new year, and a new start - this year I will be tidier, I will go to the gym, I will cook healthier meals, etc. And I will enjoy the yummy chockies I bought the other day! Would you believe NO-ONE gave me any for Christmas! :D
Hope you're all well and happy - have a great day. :)
05/Jan/11 11:27 AM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, I love Harley already! I am positive he will be an important part of your family in no time.
05/Jan/11 11:29 AM
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Tami, the dog looks great! :D
05/Jan/11 11:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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He IS a gorgeous boy, Tami.
05/Jan/11 11:51 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Harley is settling in nicely. He has explored the downstairs and is currently taking a nap. He enjoyed the car ride home. Rachel used to get car sick. He had his surgery yesterday so we are not allowed to get him too hyper, yet. We took a walk after dinner. We have not heard him bark yet.
05/Jan/11 12:14 PM
Alabama, USA
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Thanks for sharing photos of Harley, he is a good looking dog.
05/Jan/11 12:29 PM
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Good Evening, Everyone!
Hi, Broni, Mamacita, Theresa, CynB, Brenda, Tami the T, Gail, June, Heidi, Suzy, Judy and MizTricia!
Broni, what a LOT you got accomplished. You get the gold star for today! I'm embarrassed to say that all I got done today was my Christmas/New Year cards & letters, paying some bills and my water aerobics class.
How nice that Mamacita dropped by - and stayed to read a lot! I hope you were able to wake up on time to go for your lung test, Mamacita. Happy 3rd Birthday to your great grandie, Angelique!
I hope she has a happy day and a yummy cake!
Theresa, I hope you got back to sleep after listening to the lonely coyotes! We'll gladly accept the moving of congestion as an improvement, as long as you see it that way! Hope you had a great day! Your use of the hot sloshy thing suggests that you're feeling better.
Fellow hoarders, please keep reminding each other, especially me, that we will purge at least one box per month this year! Bonus points for those who accomplish more!
I hope Mr. Theresa enjoyed his return to work today. I hope Mr. Cyn enjoys his return to work tomorrow! I hope Mr. Judy enjoyed his return to work yesterday!
Cyn, thank you for letting us know that some charities wash clothing items when they're donated. I'm with Suzy and Theresa, though; I just couldn't put them out for collection unwashed. However, please don't expect me to iron anything!
Brenda, I hope you enjoyed your day with the Hungarian Viszla! Hopefully he didn't spend the day barking. How unfortunate that your washing machine cannot be repaired! Luckily you can make use of your brother's machine while you look for a replacement! I hope there is one out there with the features you want that fits into your budget!
June, at least Laura is willing to sleep on a mattress in the computer room. Does that mean she won't be climbing into bed with you later on? I hope you BOTH get a good night's sleep!
Heidi, you must have been exhausted! Maybe you were more concerned about the CT scan and its findings than you were aware. Your body apparently needs the sleep! Have you mentioned it to your primary care physician?
Judy, you're another one who has accomplished a LOT! Oh, dear, I better get my butt in gear tomorrow - after we get home from my husband's "procedure." He is scheduled to have a lipoma (fatty non-malignant tumor) removed from his forearm in the morning.
05/Jan/11 3:34 PM
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Oh, my, I clicked away from this page to go see Harley and had forgotten to post my comment. LUCKILY, I quickly clicked back here and hadn't lost it. NOW, I'll go look at Tami's picture of Harley!
05/Jan/11 3:35 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie... My primary care physician is the one who diagnoses me with the chronic fatigue syndrome. Why should I tell her that i have it?
05/Jan/11 3:42 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Night friends, my bedtime meds are taken and I am getting sleepy so will not tarry long.
Hubby and I had a good evening watching some TV programs we missed when they aired. with a small computer hooked to our TV, we can find them online. Only one problem, their comercials are about 30 seconds, not enough time for a potty break. the good thing is, Al can pause it for us.
Mamacieta, good to see you hear. Hope the report from your lung test is as you want it. Happy birthday to Angelique. goodness, I remember when she was born, we talked about it here, and it seems such a short time ago.
Hope all the husbands who are returning to work after vacations find their day an easy one and not the usual hectic first day back.
Theresa, did you get your morning nap? Were you taking advantage of lower rates to get your laundry done?
Tami, how nice that Harley likes to ride. I had a dog once who loved to go anywhere I went and rode nicely. Photos looked like Harley had taken to his toy and his crate both.
OK, that is all for today, catch you tomorrow. Sweet dreams to the topsiders and a good day to the DUGs.
05/Jan/11 3:48 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - the puppy is gorgeous!
Well I have taken all my decorations down. Just waiting for Col to take down the tree and pack it away and take down the indoor lights. I wanted to leave it all until the 6th but I have to go out tomorrow so I would have put it off. Now I am exhausted!
05/Jan/11 3:54 PM
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