Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Um.... I was a child bride!
30/Jun/09 7:10 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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again Judy was talking to that young thing hehe!
30/Jun/09 7:11 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Dang! Could have made TOPPS on both pages without your help Zusy.
30/Jun/09 7:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Judy - sorry, but not surprised, to hear that things are getting worse with your parents. What is the situation now? Are they still at home? Are they still driving? I think so many of us here have been or are going through it - talk to us - vent - I do. It makes me feel better to get some sympathy sometimes (sorry everyone). PM me if you don't want to discuss it here.
30/Jun/09 7:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Sorry about the topp Broni! Those who have met me know that my 29 years have been hard on me. Anyone would think I was actually older!
30/Jun/09 7:13 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My goodness, we turned a page while I was typing. Usually there's no-one around - Hi Suzy, Hi Broni!
30/Jun/09 7:14 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hey Cyn, this is where you come to vent!
And you have the wealth of the worlds knowledge.
sorry could never figure out where the "'" should be.
We care.
30/Jun/09 7:15 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hehe just the hard life you have lead Zusy?
30/Jun/09 7:16 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I understand Suzy. For years my grandies thought I was 29 and their mother was 22. It's been a disappointment to them to find that I am (whispering here) 61 and their mother is 36!!
30/Jun/09 7:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Judy, I am sorry to hear about your parents. My mother is 65 and a heavy smoker. I worry about the future.
30/Jun/09 7:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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(I wish I was 36... when I was 36 people mistook me for younger... now they call me my kids grandmother!)

I am about to tear my hair out. I had prac for 4 weeks, Mum arrived just before I finished, hubby started holidays this week and Mum leaves tomorrow, hubby goes back to work in two weeks - at which time it will be school holidays and Mum will be here again..... She's going home for an art exhibition and coming back for a nerve conduction study - for carpel tunnel. If you add all of that up, that means 5.5 weeks so far with no alone time, and a long time still to go (my brain isn't working so I can't work it out - or maybe I don't want to)
30/Jun/09 7:20 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Yep Suzy, they all demand your time. The one thing I figured out is if I am not happy no one around me is happy. Hardest part is deciding how much you have to put up with before you me me me.
30/Jun/09 7:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, Ally is off singing again tonight. She wasn't meant to be going but is substituting for someone who is sick. If that hadn't happened, that is, if it had been planned ahead, there would have been a seat available for me and I would have had to have been there. Thank goodness for last minute substitutions that let mummy's stay home!
30/Jun/09 7:30 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Wooo Hooo Zusy!
Wish me luck the boarder is cooking apricot chicken hehe hope to report back later.
30/Jun/09 7:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hmmm, apricot chicken...... num num......

I'm going to go and visit with hubby for a while - not that he's short of time with me at the moment!!

Have a great evening everyone!!!
30/Jun/09 7:52 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Nite Zusy
Nite SA8
30/Jun/09 9:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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By the time I had finished reading you have all gone. Catch up with you all tomorrow.
30/Jun/09 9:35 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I'm not sure who asked (thanks for the tip MizT) but yes Suzanne is blond. I got to chat with her and Tami a when she was visiting Tami a few weeks back.
30/Jun/09 9:57 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon, temps here are hot hot hot. 24C in the shaded house, I hung some washing on the line about 30 minutes ago and it is nearly dry.
I've been making up furniture for D#2 the bed is finished and a bedside cabinet, got a large chest of drawers still to do. Then she has to sort her 'junk' out so we can have a tidyish house again.
30/Jun/09 10:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've just heard a news report about a woman somewhere near Melbourne killed by a tree which fell due to very heavy winds. Sending thoughts and wishes to our Melbournites who might be experiencing those winds right now!
30/Jun/09 10:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thank you Suzy. It was very sad news.
The winds have calmed down now, thankfully, but they were extremely strong and bitterly cold. I did hear reports of trees and branches down all over the place, but we are alright up here.
30/Jun/09 10:22 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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GAIL, I did a check of Melbourne weather, boy you did have some winds the last several hours, and a fast drop in barometric pressure also. It looks as if they have dropped in speed, hope they remain so. I was interested to see what "bitterly cold" was for you, but my site did not show the "feels like" temp. I am sure with the wind, it did seem colder than the temperatures reported.

Hope the weather is mild for everyone today. We were able to turn off the largest AC unit over night, only the small one in bedroom still running. Temps and humidity are so much better, the AC is handling it nicely at the moment, and yesterday also. My one thing to be thankful for today.
30/Jun/09 10:47 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I've just taken D#2 to work and the recorded temperature in the car (outside temp) was 32C. The humididty is ok, but I'm still staying indoors for a while.
Pleased to hear that you didn't have any problems due to the wind Gail.
30/Jun/09 11:05 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen SA8ers! I think it was Cyn who asked if I was blonde, the answer is yes (for the moment--I color my hair) Normal color is a light brunette, but I color it lighter for the summer. I know I let the cat out of the bag with TTT, I am proud to be 48...on my 40th birthday I went out with a friend for drinks, I got asked for my ID!!! What a thrill!! Got home, called my mom & aunt.
30/Jun/09 11:47 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Regarding the haircolor, I once asked my mom what her original hair color was, my aunt (who is 5 years older than my mom) piped up & said "no one knows honey"...Cracked me up!!!
30/Jun/09 11:49 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Hey Broni: if the apricot chicken is as good as it sounds, can you post the recipe??? By the way, has anyone tried the pork recipe I posted??
30/Jun/09 11:50 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Judy, I am agreeing with CynB, we are here to listen and offer support. Many of us have gone through the parent problems already, and understand. II am here if you need someone to talk to, and are not comfortable putting this on the board. Sharing, venting, it really helps. I know it helped me a lot with my Mom's illness.

OK, I am not the punctuation police, just Miss Over Helpful, but somebody said they did not know where to put the apostrophe showing world as owner of problems or some such. One world, so world's problems.

Broni, apricot chicken sounds very good, what time is dinner?

Brenda and Gail, I understand that how hot or cold a temp feels is in comparison of what you are accustomed to, but I would LOVE Brenda's 24C inside (75F). Lately that has been our LOW for the night, and I get up early mornings to enjoy it! Now 32 C (89F) is beginning to get warmish.

Gail's 50 F (9C)for a low yesterday (reported by weather underground) would be chilly, and a bit of heat in the house, but not FREEZING hehehe. (Tricia ducking from incoming cyber objects.)
30/Jun/09 11:51 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Going to sign off for now, have a great day/night everyone, TTFN!
30/Jun/09 11:52 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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HI SUZANNE, bye Suzanne. Sorry I missed you, I was typing and reading while you were here.
01/Jul/09 12:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I believe that I'm alone..... Oh, well. everybody. It's hot and muggy here already. I was outside for 5 minutes and wound up dripping wet. And it's not raining!
01/Jul/09 12:37 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I have to go out and bring some clothes of the washing line, D#1 has just got back from work and said that the temp outside is now 31C. Not looking forward to going into the garden, I have a fan blowing cool air over me at the moment. I have looked at a weather forecast and see that we are due some rain on Thursday, but temps will still be high.
01/Jul/09 2:35 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.It must be my turn to be alone now.
Glad your Mum is doing ok Cyn.Typical of the health system to sent MIL home.
Humidity makes it so unpleasant in the hot weather Heidi.Hope your back is better after moving the hay.
Brenda..unusually hot for the UK.Stay cool.
Our niece had here baby girl.3.3kg about 7.2lb.When I got home from work,I asked hubby for details but just got the reply.I dont know,its a 3.3 girl.Men are not very informative sometimes.Well mine isn't anyway,except if he wants to tell me the mechanical ins and outs of something he is working on.
01/Jul/09 2:51 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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OOPS...Hi Brenda,I'm not alone after all.
01/Jul/09 2:52 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Then again. See you another time.
01/Jul/09 3:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Nola, that sounds like my hubby, cannot tell me details about anything except the computer he is working on or building/ Then I get all these letters and numbers ad nasusium. I have NO idea what he is talking about and really do not care to learn. I have asked nicely that he just tell me he is building one that is bigger, better faster and I will know all I need to know hehehe. But still he tells me.

Cyn, does Australia have anything like hospice there? Support for home care for the terminally ill, and here it is paid for by government if a person is on social security and medicare. An aide comes out 3 times a week to bathe and do skin care, a nurse comes out as needed to check on them. Treatment is limited to comfort, no heroics to keep person alive as the end is near. Although Mom was in assisted living ( no skilled nursing care) she had hospice people come out. They got a hospital bed, and other equipment needed, also. Just wondering.
01/Jul/09 3:25 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Congratulations Nola on the birth of your grand niece. Hope mother and daughter are doing well
01/Jul/09 4:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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With my MIL, she remained in the Hospital. They were going to send her home since she had almost recovered from the pneumonia. As the congestive heart failure got worse, and her organs started to shut down, she was in considerable pain. The hospital staff kept her on morphine to try to make her as comfortable as possible. Gil told me that they were very attentive to her.
01/Jul/09 4:18 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Prayers, hugs, understanding and another shoulder to help you carry the pain of watching dear ones coming to the end of their life on this earth, are being sent your way. CynB and Judy, do release any trials and tribulations here so that we can help you through. May peace find you when it is most needed and desired.
01/Jul/09 4:49 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hello to all of you wonderful folks and to those who have ventured to my page, thanks for the kind words....I know you understand and You indeed lift me up with your love!
The letter will remain up with the music for awhile, I'm not milking a sad time, simply remembering a good man with love and appreciation for all that was, is and will be.
01/Jul/09 4:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You always know the right words to use, Mamacita. It is a real gift.

01/Jul/09 4:55 AM
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