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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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I'm going to a fun 4th Party tomorrow. Good friends, LOADS of great food, and killer volleyball. 10 years ago I broke my leg playing volleyball with this group..... we consider it a contact sport. Somebody breaks something every year. So far, I'm the only one to break a leg, tho'.
04/Jul/09 7:50 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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OMG.With your reputation for things going wrong,maybe you shouldn't play Heidi.
04/Jul/09 8:31 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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June..glad the bird survived the night.I would let it go too,unless you have cats outside that might get it.
04/Jul/09 8:35 AM
Alabama, USA
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OH JUNE, what a way with words, and I have to agree with you, fireworks indeed hehehe. Sorry about the end of the radio show, you able to get a copy of this last broadcast, for a souvenir?
Yes, I also was wondering if fireworks would set Dennis off like the t storms. do let us know, Heidi, please.
Well, I took the easy way out today, never got all the ffuts with the sucky thing, one more room in need. But Hubby had a customer, who actually bought on the spot, so we went to bank with the check. Had lunch at the local oriental place to celebrate. NO flinging food tonight for me. we ate enough to not need to eat again till at least breakfast!
NOLA, how about getting 3 wooden stakes, as takk as you can manage, put around the new fig, and tie it with some bright ribbon or fabric strips, so he can't miss it!! YEAH for the resurfacing of counter tops, I will look forward to the photos.
04/Jul/09 8:39 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am at a loss for words, contact sport volleyball, and you think that is great? Something broken every year, and it seems that person gets bragging rights for the year? Not for me, I would be afraid to sit and watch this game, someone would come flying into me. I am mush to lady like to play rough. Momma always told me to sit still and be pretty like a good little southern belle hehehe.
June sorry about the bird, hope it recovers.
04/Jul/09 8:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Believe it or not, I'm NOT the most accident prone one in the group! I probably come in 3rd. We frequently play in the rain, and only stop when the lightning gets close. They're calling for thunderstorms again tomorrow. I plan on tranking Dennis and Hollie before I leave. The party starts at 2 pm.
04/Jul/09 8:44 AM
Alabama, USA
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MUCH TOO lady like
04/Jul/09 8:45 AM
Alabama, USA
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In the rain could be fun, and a lot cooler at 2 pm.
04/Jul/09 8:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... I've always liked playing contact sports. In high school, we played girls football for a while. I preferred being a lineman, usually an end, 'cause I loved tackling and sacking the quarterback.
04/Jul/09 8:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The volleyball gets really slippery in the rain. So does the ground. It leads to a lot of hilarity.
04/Jul/09 8:54 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Have lots to eat,great conversation and a fun game of volleyball Heidi.Is IH going too?
I WILL stake the fig,and flag it also MizT.
Greg is working on sons bike brakes today and being a thoughtful Mum,I lent him my car to get to work, so that DIL can do her shopping.
I have taken the "before" shots of the kitchen,but I should have dried the dishes first.Oh well...
04/Jul/09 9:21 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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G'Day all! Happy 4th!
I don't know if Meghan is actually better. Her text message said they found cheap tickets to Rome, going to Vatican, going back to Hungary on Monday. She comes home on Wednesday. I'm not sure why she thought we couldn't contact her by phone. But that's all I know.
Bryana is 16. The only music we listen to is the "oldies" music. My brother was shocked to hear Meghan singing all the words to the 70's songs that were playing at the last party. Bryana will probably recognize the songs once she hears them. A couple of years ago Meghan worked at the "Journey" concert and she didn't know who they were, but when she heard them play, she knew half the songs!
My sister gave me a photo to scan from when we went to New York City with my dad's brother(from Ireland) after my dad died. I never went through the photos before and I've been caught up going through them and posting them on facebook. It consumes a lot of time! Brings back a lot of memories as well. It was 3 years ago this month.
My mom and brother are stopping by on Monday. She wants to see Niagra Falls since she's never seen it. It makes me nervous when someone says they want to see something, like before it's too late.
Must get back to the troops.
Heidi, DON'T get hurt! Have fun at the party!
Everyone, have fun at your bbqs and whatever else you're doing this weekend!
04/Jul/09 10:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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No, IH rarely goes. Some friends of his from church also have a party a few hours later and he always goes to that one. Both parties are pot luck.
04/Jul/09 10:24 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, please be careful playing volleyball. I would hate for you to break something and not be able to come to Florida for Fionafest.
June, yes I was waiting for someone to TOPP. I ended up falling asleep.
Brenda, keeping your friend in my thoughts.
Stella, Glad to hear Meghan is having a good time in Europe.
Forgot what else I wanted to say.
04/Jul/09 11:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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In case I don't get here tomorrow I just want to wish all the topsiders a safe and happy July 4th. We will be going down the street to the city's fireworks display. I will be working and hubby will bring the kids by a little later. They use the camp counselors as "volunteers" for the kids activities. Yes, we do get paid.
04/Jul/09 11:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami.... if the storms are bad enough, we probably won't play. Anyway, I've already been hurt playing volleyball. I never have the same accident twice. There are SO many ways I could get hurt that I don't worry about it.
04/Jul/09 11:30 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi All.
To the topsiders...wishes for a great 4Th celebration...Heidi...I add my voice of concern to those already heard..don't want any harm to interfere with Fiona fest...I concede to your foreknowledge of how to best take care of yourself while having fun....
To those of you down under....have a great time doing what you love to do, and to all who are weak, sick, despondent, or just in need of a hug...get it comes......
((((((((X)))))))..... feel the love..know that we all care...Peace will find you in time!
04/Jul/09 12:36 PM
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G'Day SAers, just fling through on this wet Saturday afternoon.
04/Jul/09 12:50 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hello lovely people.
Happy Fourth of July to our US friends for tomorrow your time.
Might not be around for a few days. Got 1 grandie sleepover tonight, hubby's birthday tomorrow, going with DIL to hospital on Monday for Emily to have an MRI (being a child she goes under a general anaesthetic [sp]), then having another 2 grandies for sleepover Mon night - I will be exhausted by then.
Have a nice weekend all.
04/Jul/09 1:50 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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vdV - are you flying or flinging?
04/Jul/09 1:51 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm off to bed now.
04/Jul/09 1:51 PM
Magnolia, KY
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CynB... Is Emily the one with epilepsy?
04/Jul/09 1:53 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Yes, Heidi - that's why they're doing the MRI to try to find whether it's the childhood version and the permanent (worse) one. They think it's the latter. We won't know until 22 July when she see the specialist for the results. Fingers crossed it's good news. Poor little mite is dreading Monday - I'm off now to buy her a little gift as a sweetener for Monday.
04/Jul/09 1:59 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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BTW - Brenda - I'll try to get time to come back quickly to check on your friend's progress. I'll be thinking of her. It makes you put things into perspective, doesn't it?
04/Jul/09 2:01 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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entertaining reading today...
It is a bleak and wintery day in Melbourne... the wind child [and there is always a wind in Melbourne...or so it seems at times] is making it much cooler to delicate little petals like me...LOL..
I'm glad you are enjoying the Rolalogue.. thanks for the encouragement..
July4 Lijiang [direct cut and post today]
"Over 22 different ethnic minorities have made Lijiang their home and, for this day, so will we. This day will be a day spent relaxing and recharging as we leisurely tour Lijiang city. Shopping, strolling, photographing, local specialty tea tasting and delicious food eating; but nothing too strenuous."
I hope she is enjoying a less strenuous day in what sounds like a very interesting place.
Tomorrow she will fly to Xian [12-4.00], check in, have dinner and view the night life. Xian is responsible for my LOVE of Sechuan food…it was sooo hot and delicious. I hope the cuisine hasn’t been westernised too much. It was still very traditional way back when we went to China but there have been a lot of changes over there since then. The interesting thing that I did discover whilst over there is that the local Chinese restaurant serves pretty typical Cantonese style cuisine. I had always presumes that it was adapted for our tastes. Every where we went had a different type of cuisine.
04/Jul/09 2:14 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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I think it is time I dragged out my China slides...wonder if I can find my diary that I kept.
Have just bought a scanner and if I can convert my slides to digital images on the computer I will shock you with some VERY old photos....
...and now I am out of here... the house looks like a bomb has hit it!
Catch you later.
Have a good one everybody...
04/Jul/09 2:19 PM
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CynB, positive thoughts for the best results of Emily's MRI!
Bean, looking forward to seeing your China slides one day!
It's nice to see you flying by, vdV!
Mamacita, as always, I enjoy your words of wisdom. Some day if I have time on my hands, I would like to look back and enjoy them again.
MizT, of course, we knew you were the lady-like one!
Heidi, I hope you enjoy your party & volleyball and come home all in one piece.
Nola, keeping fingers crossed for your new fig tree.
Brenda, continued prayers for your friend.
Stella, sounds like lots of work with the photos, but well worth it!
June, I hope the bird is improving.
Tami, glad to hear that the 'volunteer' service will be paid.
eaa, it's always a pleasure to read your posts - and so nice to see you back here regularly.
Wishing everyone a great, safe, enjoyable day tomorrow, whether it be the 4th or the 5th wherever you are!
Goodness knows what else I was going to say. Guess what has struck again?
And now, off to bed for me. See you tomorrow!
04/Jul/09 3:14 PM
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Happy Birthday Mr Cyn!
Thoughts and wishes to Emily! I hope your Nanna's presents help make it easier for you.
Mamacita, I think I should start a file of your words of wisdom..
Julie, you remembered an awful lot before crafts set in.
04/Jul/09 4:59 PM
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Bean, don't do too much krowing or I will feel guilty.
Off to read some more of the second book in the Twilight series...
04/Jul/09 5:01 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hello SA8.
Thanks for the update Julie, more that I can remember.
04/Jul/09 6:37 PM
Qld, Australia
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how rude!
Happy wishes for a great 4th celebration!
04/Jul/09 7:41 PM
Qld, Australia
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04/Jul/09 7:41 PM
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Happy 4th. July for all the topsiders.
The bird is starting to fly a bit but needs to get more strength in its wings before I let it out. The sun room is large (25ft x 18ft with vaulted ceiling) with windows on two side so the bird has plenty of room. Perched in the clothes airer last night, as I discovered this morning!!!!. I have removed the clothes and put in a couple of oold towels for it to hide in tonight. Heidi the wing did not look broken so that is why I decided to 'wait and see'
04/Jul/09 10:28 PM
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Heidi, hope you have a great party. I am not sure if I would be playing rough volley ball with all your injuries and back problems!
Cyn, Happy birthday for Hubbies birthday tomorrow.
Bean when did you go to China? We were there in 2003, the year of the SARS virus. We had to delay our trip from May till September because of the virus.
Julie, thanks for the marvellous update!
04/Jul/09 10:34 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hey June how are you going?
Heidi, think I remember this game from last year, sure you will do you best hehe!
04/Jul/09 10:45 PM
Qld, Australia
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'Tis nite from me, hope your day is good or improving.
04/Jul/09 10:46 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Maen Sudokuland! A comfortable start, weather wise, to a beautiful day. No special plans for us, hubby does not like to travel on the 4th of July. He plans to put a radiator on his work van, his repairs have not been successful long term. I plan on doing as little ffuts as I can, after all this is a holiday
Julie, thanks for the good summary could not do better myself, so I say what Julie said!
I must add special prayers and thoughts and wishes for Emily, cause a little one being afraid touches my heart.
04/Jul/09 11:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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BEAN, thanks for keeping us updated on Rolanda. I have enjoyed the reports. sometimes I groan at all they are stuffing into a day, though. Todays itinerary is much more my speed, leisurely enjoying a region and the people.
Holiday or not, must check plants for water. I have some large plants in some small containers and they need a lot of water.
Must tell you about one giant I have. Regular marigold, but I tried something new. plants could use mulch, I had coffee grounds daily, why not mulch with those? Well, I will tell you why not! Although there is not one weed growing in that pot, the marigolds have grown shoulder high! Well, that is pot and all, but pot is only 10 inches of that height. A marigold is not supposed to be almost 4 feet tall! I got to thinking, coffee grounds when used for composting are considered a " green" cause they are high in nitrogen, I have fertalized the heck out of those plants. Not a lot of flowers, nitrogen does not promote flowering, but leaf and stem growth, but the few flowers I am getting are carnation sized! This container must be watered daily, and would like a second drink if I am out there. I leave a gallon jug of water, fill it when I water, so I can water as soon as I see it's leaves drooping. It is indeed an ugly plant, tall, skinny, and huge leaves. I think I will not use coffee grounds as mulch again.
05/Jul/09 12:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Or maybe use them sparingly, MizT. You know what too much caffeine does to us!
Everybody. It's a dark and gloomy day here, and I woke up with my back hurting. Maybe there's a connection.
I need to have brekkie, take some pain pills, then hop in the shower. My hair takes hours to dry.
05/Jul/09 12:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Why does everyone leave me alone on the bottom of the page?
05/Jul/09 12:55 AM
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