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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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I just had a very nice nap. Now I'll read the comments that I slept through, then feed some critters.
07/Jul/09 8:32 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am glad you had a nice nap. I am going to watch a movie with the beastie boys. I will be back later.
07/Jul/09 9:18 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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fellow SA8ers
Brenda, please add my thoughts and prayers for your friend.
07/Jul/09 9:39 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I've said it before and I'll say it again...
The best thing about going away is coming back home!
There really is nothing like your own bed...and toilet!
07/Jul/09 9:40 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Bean, warning...I love having garage sales!
And I may be tempted by that TV...
07/Jul/09 9:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've never had a garage sale, and I only stopped at one once. I was driving by and spotted a camel saddle out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't resist it.
07/Jul/09 10:01 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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A camel saddle! Only you Heidi, only you. lol
07/Jul/09 10:05 AM
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OMG, think I had better go back to naelcing, my brain obviously is on the blink - I thought I read about a camel saddle! Well, that's what naelcing will do to you....
07/Jul/09 10:26 AM
Mamacita 2
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Bean... I can relate to you on so many levels in which we connect...the love of writing...the gathering of things, the need to discard stuff yet needing help in the decision-making, health issues, strange, often misread sense of humor....and on and I say in all sincerity, how happy I am that you have decided to tip-toe through the bean pods of memory to tell us about the China you witnessed so that we can have a comparative to the China that Rola is seeing today...Wonderbar!
Speaking of discarding...I need help if anyone is willing to act as "my Gail"....Don't know if any are close enough to help in that manner...but it would be wonderful. I have a garage that really is in dire need of cleaning out...books that once were fit to be shared...but sadly are no longer in any usable condition , dolls that are in various stages of completion, unable to be finished due to my hands no longer working with needles and thread, Sully's clothes that are still usable, but won't last forever, and just plain old junk!...Help wanted signs are up!!! Let Me know of any lurkers in the area are possibly angels in disguise....May peace walk with you as you think about it! I do want help and would be most appreciative!.
07/Jul/09 10:57 AM
Mamacita 2
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Oh...Forgive me please folks...hello...good day. and good night...May this be a blessed day in more ways then we can count.....
07/Jul/09 11:00 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am going to say good night. I will be back tomorrow to cause more trouble.
Good Night/Good Day to all
07/Jul/09 11:05 AM
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Mamacita, I wish I was close enough to help! I am much better with other people's stuff than I am with my own.
Gail, you reminded me of one thing I found unusual during my prac - the teacher's toilet was unisex. It was just a single toilet so no chance of running into anyone in there - but I kept finding the seat left up!!!
07/Jul/09 11:16 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What is so strange about buying a camel saddle? They make incredible foot rests. The garage sale one was my second, actually. (The other I found in an antique shop.)
When I worked in the Zoo, one of the animal species I worked with were the camels. We trained all of them for riding (we had about 30 of them) and each had their own saddle. On Sunday mornings we'd saddle a bunch of them up and have free camel rides. So my brain can spot something that familiar pretty easily.
07/Jul/09 12:06 PM
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Hello, All!
No camel saddles here, sorry. Have been to a couple of garage sales. One time a neighbor down the street had an orchestra conductor's stand (not the foldy kind) that one of our D's spotted. (Maybe I've mentioned that they are musicians?) Another time hubby spotted a small plastic slide - about 3 feet tall. We were about to get a puppy at the time and had seen the puppies playing on one. Hubby ended up having major surgery and we had to pass on the puppy. Now, our grandies enjoy the slide. Another time I saw a garage sale a couple of miles from home and asked if I could donate some items for them to sell - and keep the money. I had been given so many coffee cups and mugs and perfumed hand cream as a teacher, but would NEVER put them in my own garage sale in case a former student saw me selling something they had given to me.
07/Jul/09 12:55 PM
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Mamacita, too bad IL and PA aren't neighboring states. Wish I could help.
07/Jul/09 12:56 PM
Magnolia, KY
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And I'm about 14 hours drive from Philadelphia.
07/Jul/09 1:11 PM
Alabama, USA
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I have used freecycle. I gave more than things than I have received. I gave away rooted "babies" of helicopter plants, I gave away old plastic pots that nurseries use for plants, I have twice given away clothes, I gave away quilting magazines.
07/Jul/09 1:26 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Morning folks...haven't read yet but saw your post Tricia when I was logging off before bed last night. Today Rola is in Shanghai and you can't get much further east in China with out getting your feet wet and the riots were in Kashgar, a city in western Xinjiang on the ancient Silk Road. You can't get much further west than that without ending up in another be precise....Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,Tajikistan, Afghanistan or India...
Back to the Rolalogue...
Today is to be a very full day for Rola. In the morning they were going to see the Bund, the Yu Garden and the popular shopping street Nanjing Road. Tonight [9pm sudoku time] they are going to the Shanghai Financial Center, the current tallest building in the world, to see the night views of Shanghai and the Bund.
After that they can relax…unwind in a café or a bar. Or go straight to bed…EXHAUSTED!
You know I would go back to China just to see the Yu Garden again..
When we were in China we stayed at the Peace Hotel which is right on the river and it our window looked out over the river and the bustling road below. we took our live in our hands trying to cross those roads...CRAZY!!
Now for a coffee and a read...
Catch you later.
07/Jul/09 1:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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I have read, but too sleepy to reply to everything tonight. I think I shall go to bed, no nap today, maybe that is why I am so very sleepy.
Hugs to all, and catch up with you all tomorrow.
07/Jul/09 1:28 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Looks like I should have turned the computer on first and updated you all on Rola's location before being sidetracked by the sunshine outside... stop you all from worrying.
Of course Suzy came to the rescue and you had all deduced that Rola was safe before I found my way here... Three cheers for Suzy...
Nola I think my friendship with Gail is pretty special and if she doesn't agree I am going to punch her lights out...and that is saying spomething...LOL ... I am a pacifist through and through....
Julie I am sure that Gail and I would love to do a job on your basement...I'll even bring an empty suitcase in case I want to smuggle some stuff back with me...
Time to turn the page...
07/Jul/09 1:37 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Well I am all caught up and Tricia has just gone to bed and I am all alone...
Mama...I chuckled and smiled when I read your post. We do connect on quite a few levels... that often misread sense of humour has landed me in a heap of strife over the years!!
I LOVE your turn of phrase 'tip-toe through the bean pods of memory'...I'm going to keep that one...thank you!
If you haven't found a Gail by this time next year I will come over [after California] and be your 'Gail'.... how long do you think I could stay over there before immigration would kick me out for loitering, making the place untidy, being a general nuisance or dare I suggest wearing out my welcome...
07/Jul/09 1:51 PM
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Hi everyone! Catching up on all the reading. Bean, thanks for sharing the travelogue - really fascinating. I'd love to see those Terracotta warriors - I've seen photos, they look amazing.
In our house Pea and Ham soup is called bacon soup - my son loved it, but wouldn't touch it if he knew it had vegetables in it!
07/Jul/09 2:21 PM
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Trying to get some ffuts done around here, but also trying to pop in occasionally. Hope all is well, everyone!
07/Jul/09 2:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry to desert you, Bean, ol' buddy. I had to feed a bunch of hungry Collies. You'd think I never fed them.
07/Jul/09 2:30 PM
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Just went outside for a minute - the honeysuckle is flowering and the scent is overpowering. I love it because it means spring is on the way. I put a piece in a jug and put it by my computer. Ahh! beautiful! :)
07/Jul/09 2:36 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That is one of my favorite scents, Judy. That and lilacs..... and puppy breath.
07/Jul/09 3:39 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm off to bed now.
07/Jul/09 3:40 PM
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That was a lot of reading. I too checked out where Rolanda was and where the riots were.Over 2,000 miles away.
Mamacita, I also have some unfinished dolls and some to be dressed.
We had a council clean up this week. We did not get anything put out but did pick something up. (everyone puts out rubbish, furniture etc that does not go into a normal weekly collection). We have two a year.People drive around collecting and resell things at garage sales to make money!
07/Jul/09 4:23 PM
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I have two spare irons. One is a small travel iron that belonged to my Mother and the other was a plain, non steam one that was a wedding present(almost 1/2 an antique). Only gets used in an emergency
It does not feel like spring here Judy. Nearly froze out on the bowling green this morning and now have the heater on.
I love honeysuckle but I think it is now classed as a noxious weed.
07/Jul/09 4:28 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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We just had our hard waste a couple of weeks ago. I had the very best of intentions but...
We did throw out two toasters, a food processor, a fan, frypan etc from when we cleaned out the pantry (which BTW is still tidy).
There were many other things that were SUPPOSED to go out, but the several monitors and old TV are still waiting to go out.
I said I was a gunna!
07/Jul/09 5:07 PM
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Heidi: It is a beautiful scent. Don't know lilacs that well, but we have jasmine on our back fence - that's lovely in spring. Puppy breath? :0
Hi June. Today our weather has been quite mild, but it will probably be cold again tomorrow! Our honeysuckle is a large shrub, not particularly attractive, but with the sweetest smelling flowers! After going through lists of these plants I'm fairly sure it is European honeysuckle or woodbine - it's quite tall, doesn't seem to spread at all, a fairly large bush or small tree. The flowers are quite small. Rob doesn't like it, but I'll keep it just for the smell, especially in winter, when there's not much else flowering.
07/Jul/09 5:59 PM
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Gail, we also had our "hard rubbish" collection a couple of weeks ago: Rob actually took a day off to make sure we got everything out on time. The professional collectors start cruising the area, checking out everyone's junk to see if any of it is worth taking - we felt quite miffed when they spurned our stuff, but by the next day half of it was gone anyway. We were fairly ruthless this time - we can get into our garage again! And one day the kids will take all their junk away and we'll be able to put the CAR in there again! ;)
07/Jul/09 6:11 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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ha ha...oh Judy... the collectors invariably spurn our heap as well... We live in a rather affluent area and it is amazing what you find out on the nature strip ... picked up a really good trike that only needed pedals...lasted Lachie for years... a shoe cupboard... [never used...obviously someone was having trouble putting it together and turfed it out]... ladders, can't think what else...
07/Jul/09 6:59 PM
Stevenage UK
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Do cars go into garages Judy? I don't think any of our cars have ever been in a garage. Actually there is only one of our cars which would fit into the garage even if it was empty. Whoever did the kitchen extension on my house took a chunk of the garage making the garage too short for anything bigger than a small car. We have big cars so they get to sit out in all weathers.
07/Jul/09 7:00 PM
Stevenage UK
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Your 'hard rubbish' collections sound great. Here in the UK if you want to get rid of anything like that you have to either take it to the local tip yourself or pay the council to come and collect it. Garage sales haven't caught on here either. If you want to sell stuff like that you can go to a car boot sale. I avoid these like the plague. I have enough 'stuff' of my own without buying things other people are wanting rid of. Though Richard loves going to them.
07/Jul/09 7:05 PM
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Ain't it the way Brenda - men can't seem to resist other people's junk! And, to be fair, you do sometimes pick up something that you really want. Along with all the other things that look like a bargain until you find the vital piece is missing, or that fall apart the first time you try to use them ... the voice of bitter experience here!
07/Jul/09 7:12 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good evening lovely people. Well I've just read about 6 pages and forgotten nearly everything!
Brenda - hoping for news of an improvement in your friend's health.
Heidi - hoping for good news on the Gouldian Finch eggs.
Bean - thanks for the continuing Rolalogue - I read she's in Shanghai today - the movie, Empire of the Sun, partly set in Shanghai combined with that documentary on the dam started my fascination with China.
I would rather a car boot sale to a garage sale. I don't like opening part of my home, even if it is only the garage, to strangers. We had a garage sale when we cleared Mum & Dad's house and the dealers descended on us like vultures as we opened the doors.
07/Jul/09 7:37 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I've got to admit to being completely exhausted.
Emily's MRI went reasonably well yesterday (no results until 22/7) although she was quite upset when they put the mask over her face to put her under. Very harrowing for her mother who cried for a while until I settled her down with a coffee. Em's fine today and loved her 'brave girl' present for Nanny & Poppy - the DVD of 'Bolt'.
Then had 2 other grandies over last night. Giggling 8 & 9 yo girls are hard to get to sleep. And they compose their own songs, play ridiculous charades, change one another's hair-styles often, swap clothes etc, etc. Wore us out so we chose the game for when we took them home - 'See who can stay quiet for the longest'. Yee Haa - it worked!
07/Jul/09 7:49 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I think I might veg out for a while in front of the telly - back later, if I stay awake.
07/Jul/09 7:51 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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If I'm reading this right ......
07/Jul/09 7:52 PM
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