Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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And now to start a fresh page for the day.
06/Aug/09 7:11 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
Check out my page's a shame you wont have the beautiful magnolia in bloom.Fancy having possums so close to the city at Epping.
We had many kangaroos and possums a few years ago,but cats and land clearing as well as the roads must have take there toll.I am dreading the day when I hit a kangaroo as they do on a daily occurrence on the highway road close by.
06/Aug/09 8:04 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I must bath the dogs bedding so that it drys before she needs it tonight and then we are going to Renaes.Have a good day/night all.
06/Aug/09 8:06 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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NOLA, once pine trees burn, the y are lost forever. Now some pine cones will not open to release their seed until a fire, so these actually replant themselves. Not all pine trees though.
06/Aug/09 8:19 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all
Busy morning this morning. Poor Ebob has to go straight to school from work today. Not such a big deal except she doesn't start work until 6. Hubby will have our only working car in Wollongong as he has TAFE tonight. We've given her money for dinner and she has taken a book to read.

June, bummer about the possums, and I will be thinking of you at your friend's funeral today.
Nola, have a great time with the babies today.
Julie, I love all of your avatars! Maybe I should finally change mine again?
Bean, how lucky you are to have Dino drop in! Great photos btw! I am sooo jealous of you and all of the concerts you are going to.
Hi Bobbi, good to see you.
Hi Rena! Watching the dogs swim sounds like a lot of fun. I hope none of them tried to climb on you with claws scrabbling! Decluttering sounds like something a lot of us could use - me included!
MizT, August 18!! That's a long time to tolerate chronic pain. I hope the pills and resting continue to work for you. Hope hubby feels better soon too.

06/Aug/09 8:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We'll have 4 girls plus my 2 for the sleepover. One of the girls will sleep separately to the others. Apparently she has a concert or something and needs a good night's sleep. The only way to make sure that happens is to put her at the opposite end of the house to the others. One of Ebob's friends will come over for a while but won't stay the night.
The party is actually a belated 13th. We couldn't have the party on her actual birthday and this is the first weekend where everyone could come. I have everything crossed right now as I feel like I'm coming down with something and Ally would kill me if she had to postpone again. Hubby and Ebob say they will just lock me in the bedroom for the duration of the party and run it without me.
06/Aug/09 8:29 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning lovely SA people.
Suzy - sorry about the car. Hope you get that one sorted asap.
Nola - mind those kangaroos, we have a lot around here, too,
MizT - I hesitate to say this, but maybe you should get Al to the Doc - those are the symptoms of swine flu.
Lots more to say but I forgot.
Off to see Mum today for the first time in weeks - haven't been able to go because of the flu.
06/Aug/09 9:34 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Good Morning everyone.
06/Aug/09 9:47 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Today, it would have been my Dad's 93rd Birthday
and Hubby's Grandmother's (the boys called her Granny Grandma) 99th Birthday.
and it is a friend from School 53rd Birthday today.

August is a good month for Birthdays !!!
06/Aug/09 9:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good evening all,
Suzy, have a great time with the party. Being locked in the bedroom actually sounds like a good idea. Sorry to hear about your car.
June, sorry to hear about your friend's passing. I will keep you in my thoughts also.
Miz Tricia, get your husband to the doctor. Now is not the time to be sick and not get checked.
06/Aug/09 10:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... that is VERY good advice from CynB. Al really needs to se a doctor.
06/Aug/09 10:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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For those who want to see me with straight hair, I posted a picture on my page. I also posted an after picture. I had 11 inches cut of today and donated to Locks of Love. I think it took of about 10 pounds also My hair is so thick that they cut it off in two ponytails to make two donations out of it.
06/Aug/09 10:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi Heidi, you snuck in and posted between my posts.
06/Aug/09 10:35 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks..
Tricia... it sounds like Al is coming down with what I had. That is how it started - 2 weeks ago today... and still all I want to do is sleep!...and cough....and sleep some more!!!
At least I am well past being infectious...gotta get that in...
Judy... you are WELCOME anytime... what are you doing tomorrow? Hope to get some done this afternoon before the weather changes and hopefully get the bulk of them done tomorrow... have to return my neighbours green waste bin and would like to get as many done as possible I do that.
June... thinking of you. Emotional times. Possums...grrr...they ALL come here to eat because I have a garden that is pretty chocka with things that they like to eat!!!
Now I had best get out of here... hope to be back later...
06/Aug/09 11:16 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello everyone!
Bean - unfortunately, any day but tomorrow! Maybe sometime next week? And I've actually done a bit of work in my own garden - incredible hey! :)
I have Rachel and Wayne arriving tonight, and apparently I have to drive them places tomorrow. Then we have a wedding-dress fitting on Sat. morning, a double birthday lunch/dinner to fit in somewhere (Sat.?) and on Sunday (he-he) we see how fast Rob can RUN! Trial hair and make-up, for four, at our place, for half the day - the Man is already planning his escape route! (I can't think why!) ;)
06/Aug/09 2:02 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Most Thursdays are the go Judy. I will be there next Thursday.
Couldn't be there today because we got together on Tuesday. Today I went to the hair magician so she could make me bootiful again, or at least my hair at any rate!
06/Aug/09 2:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all.
Gail - you're a beautiful person without the hair magician.
Bean - sorry to hear that you're still under the weather - so is my hubby. I'm fairly near 100% again - maybe 95% - still a bit of a cough in cooler temps and still not overly hungry - good side-effect, that one!
Rolanda - thinking of your Dad and Granny-Grandma today on their birthdays - just because they are gone, they're not forgotten.
June - sorry to hear about your friend's passing. (Meant to say that earlier).
06/Aug/09 3:05 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Finally went to see Mum today after 3 weeks. She was happy to see me but did not seem to notice that it had been so long. Both of my kids called in to see her at different times while I was sick, so I feel that she would have been happy with that - especially since it was Andrew's first visit to her in 3 years. Less to do with the family separation and more to do with not wanting to see his much-loved Granny like that. He coped. I gave him some clues - like showing her all the family photos in her room, telling her again who everyone is in the photos, recalling memories of the past - he said once he got the hang of it, he felt better. She can't make conversation. She has to be coaxed into remembering something - any little thing is a victory. I asked her today if she remembered that he visited her - after a look of confusion, she brightened up and said 'Did he have a little girl with him?' - He did - it was Chloe. Win for Andrew, I'd say!
06/Aug/09 3:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! It's after midnight again. Way too many things to do around here, and it doesn' look like it's going to slow down any time soon. Worked with a personal trainer Monday, had physical therapy Tuesday, acupuncture today, trainer tomorrow & physical therapy Friday. Because hubby and I volunteer & help with fund raising at our health club, the person who runs the major fund raiser said the club would give me 2 complimentary personal training sessions. (She was thinking of doing it after my knee replacements as rehab.) The trainer suggested using them as "pre-hab," as she's been watching her MIL, who is having knee replacement tomorrow. Of course, they expect you to do exercises at home, and I have been going to our water aerobics classes. A lot got scheduled for this week, so hopefully less next week. Sorry for talking so much about myself!

MizT & Suzy, I hope your cars will soon be repaired & running smoothly! MizT, sorry about the snafu getting your MRI scheduled! Suzy, how is the gninaelc & other ffuts coming as you prepare for Ally's sleep-over?

Yikes, Heidi, your hand looks like it would be sore. Are you able to use it? I agree with June that perhaps an X-ray is in order.

CynB, good luck ignoring the call of nicotine! Also thinking warm & positive thoughts for Kath!

Rena, I'm glad you could stop in. Enjoy your horse ride and any more days you can have at the beach!

Bean & Gail, it sounds like you two have made tremendous progress in the garden! Bean, sounds like you had lots of wonderful visitors. Good luck to your nephew in starting a business!

June, I'm sorry to hear about your magenta magnolia! Those possums need to find something else to eat or move out of the neighborhood.

Hi, Bobbi! Thanks for dropping by!

Hi, Tami! Just a few more days of camp!

Judy, nice to see you today! How are things in your neck of the woods?

Brenda, how nice that the girls are enjoying their time in Canada!

Take care today, Nola! Is this a day off? I hope you get some rest!
06/Aug/09 3:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, June, Nola, MizTricia, Suzy, CynB, Rolanda, Tami, Heidi, Bean, Judy & Gail! I'm fading fast & CRAFTs prevents me from further commenting. I don't even have the energy to change my avatar. It will need to wait until tomorrow. Good Night, ALL!
06/Aug/09 3:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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CynB, I'm glad you could visit your Mum! Hubby went to visit his Mom today. (We had a call last night around 11:30 to let him know that she had fallen, but she was OK. She didn't mention it today, so he isn't sure if she even remembered it. And now - really - I'm off to bed.
06/Aug/09 3:39 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It was a nice service this morning. He and his wife are from the bowling club and I know his wife best. I mainly mentioned it as a reminder to the few smokers that are around.
Julie, I am sure you will recover from the knee operation much better if you have done lots of exercise before hand.
Thinking of your relatives on their special day Rolanda. They are still with us while we still remember them.
06/Aug/09 4:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon everyone.
Sad news. Sam the Koala has died. She had complications from chlamydia.

Happier news, at least temporarily... We had a mobile mechanic check out the car (hubby drove past it on his way to work to check that it was actually still where we left it). He couldn't get it started, fiddled with something, said it was 'airy', but then the fuel started to flow, then the car started. Since he couldn't find out what was wrong - no charge. Never mind the fact he picked up the keys from me, drove over to the car, drove back to me, drove me to the car and followed me home! Impressive.

Hmm, I'm typing this on my notepad while waiting for the page to load so I can catch up on the reading and post. At the moment I'm wondering if I will have to save this until next time.... Why do the news pages load so quickly and this one so slowly??? Okay, let's shut it down and try again... Woo hoo!!!
06/Aug/09 5:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, happy thoughts for Dad and Granny Grandma's birthdays! Happy birthday to your friend too!

Tami, wow! 2 donations from one head of hair! You should be doubly proud of yourself! When I've finished reading and posting I will go and check your photos - just in case I get kicked off again...

Cyn, how wonderful that your Mum remembered Andrew visiting. That would make both of you feel better. A definite win I'd say.

Julie, you never talk about yourself so one paragraph is sooooo not 'so much'! I am glad to hear what you have been up to. I didn't get anything done today. In fact I slept a good chunk of it. That means I'm going to have to work super speed tomorrow regardless of how I feel.
06/Aug/09 5:36 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Yep...I've just had a glass of fizz.....but not drunk...just relaxed..
Julie I am so totally indebted to you for your wonderful posts... I would be perpetually confused if it weren't for you... would never keep up on what is going on here! How we will all manage when you have you surgery I cannot imagine!

As per usual I agree with everything that Suzy had to say... good onya Zusy...
I was very sad to hear about Sam... such a wonderful little ozzie battler... how cruel to have survived the bushfire but to be stricken like this. It was a major news item on a local radio... I almost laughed at the wrap that the DJ gave to the item - breaking news .... much loved ozzie icon passed away today...
06/Aug/09 6:30 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Judy.. what a fun weekend you are in for.
Tell Rob he is welcome to hide over here... we can go out for a coffee!

Heidi I think you had best take the advice you gave to Tricia... get thee to a doctor... xray and splint please.... you have enough joint problems without your R hand being a lifelong problem because of this injury.
06/Aug/09 6:38 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I would have to be one of the luckiest people around... I have some of the best friends in the world.
I think everybody knows how much my garden means to me and how soul destroying it has been to see it turn into a jungle over the last couple of years while I've been caught up with 'family matters'... Today another couple of girlfriends came over... they are mega impressed with our Gail... and we attacked the roses in the front ... yard. Finished the nature strip, [3 roses], and another 13 in the front yard. This probably leaves about 6-8 in the front yard depending on how many have carked it due to neglect.
I have some really big climbers and ramblers in the back and they will be a big job. I will have to decide whether I want to replace all the ones that have turned up their toes... have lost a couple of favourites... 'Dainty Bess' being one...
'Sparrieshoop' is outside Vici's bedroom window and I am going to prune it tomorrow... I want it to be looking spectacular for when she arrives...

My glass is empty and I need to go think about food... Catch you all later!
06/Aug/09 6:49 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Glad to hear you didn't get blown over whilst doing your roses Bean, it has been blowing a you-know-what up here! So pleased you had some extra hands today. Hope I get to meet these other garden helpers one day.
06/Aug/09 7:13 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Bean your garden sounds as if it is going to be glorious again, but where are the photos. It would be great to have seen the before, in between progress and the after shots (when everything is in bloom this summer)
Suzy glad your car is better, sounds as if it could have been a bit of 'dirty petrol' blocking the pipes and the mechanic (good one to keep a note of his number) cleared it easily.
Well I have got to go use the hot slidey thing. Be back later
06/Aug/09 7:19 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Finished with the hot slidey thing for this week. Now to get down to the important things of life!
06/Aug/09 7:53 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Looks like a gorgeous day today! We may go to the movies though because it was originally supposed to rain so I promised the kids we would finally go see Harry Potter in IMAX today. Looks like we'll be able to trade in our huge van for a new tiny car since I think they passed the "cash for clunkers" bill. The van gets about 11 miles to the gallon. The new car will get up to 40 miles to the gallon. It's so I don't have to pick them up from work at midnight! But we'll have to teach them how to drive a standard. This should be interesting!
06/Aug/09 10:09 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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I've been trying to catch up on the hundred emails I got while I was away, so I apologize if I bombarded anyone with too many at once!
Bean, so glad that you were able to get your garden back into shape with all of your friends! Maybe you could send them my way, lord knows I could use lots of help.
Julie, when do you get the knee replacement? Hope all the physio helps you prepare and recover!
MizT, hope Al feels better and you too if you're still not good.
Suzy, great that the car runs and he didn't charge you. That was very nice of him!
Cyn, so glad the visit with your mum went well, especially for Andrew!
June, sorry about your magnolia.
Judy, good luck and have fun with all of your plans for the next few days!
Don't remember what else.
Hope all is well with everyone!

06/Aug/09 10:31 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Stella I don't think it is a bad thing to learn how to drive a, as you call it, a standard. It means that if or when they want to hire a car abroad they can, especially in Uk, as most hire cars are standard. In the Uk if you learn to drive in an automatic and pass your test on one then you cannot drive anything other than automatics.
06/Aug/09 10:37 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda I have posted a few photo's on my blog from when Gail 1st came over. I did take a lot of photo's [on Vici's insistence] before I started the garden renovation [months & months ago] and when they come to light I will post them. I will certainly take lots of photo's when it blooms in spring. I have become very lazy when it comes to posting photo's... they don't need to be shrunk for the blog or Facebook.
06/Aug/09 10:41 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Hope all is well. Getting ready for the day in SLC (Salt Lake City) with Darrell. Thank you for all the lovely comments about his retirement. I am a VERY proud Military Spouse.
Can't remember everything I read, but I remember Cyn saying something about smoking. Tough habit to break, I've been smoke-free since 1994. I wish you luck & we are here for you!
Have a great day everyone, TTFN!
06/Aug/09 11:51 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hello dear ones! My how time escapes me!
Seems like I've missed so much here. Mike has been gone for a week and a half helping his daughter with her first home (a condo) - needed a few things taken care of before she could move in. I did a lot of work in the yard while he was away, but I was also taking advantage of the time alone in the house...ahhhh lying on the couch watching TV - what can I say? I'm a sloth at heart!
So many days I didn't even get to the computer as I loved the feeling of being all alone...absolutely love being alone, too.
Well, that's all coming to an end today - Mike will arrive home this afternoon. I do miss him so it should be a happy reunion!
07/Aug/09 12:58 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - congratulations on your hubby's retirement!
June - sorry for the loss of your friend and glad the service was pleasing.
Suzy - what sad news about Sam...I can handle human deaths pretty well, but I fall apart over animals. Rest in Peace sweet Sam.
Rolanda - thinking of you and your dad on this special day...hoping you are comforted by many precious memories.
Bean and Cyn - so glad you guys are truly on the mend. Tricia - hope this isn't what Al has as it sure is a powerful bug. Keeping him in my prayers.
07/Aug/09 1:01 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Julie - thanks again for the great recap...your CRAFTs is not nearly as severe as mine!
Best wishes for your knee replacement - wonderful to get new body parts! I think it is brilliant to be preparing yourself the way you are. Should make the recovery a snap!
Judy - you sound so very busy - enjoy your weekend festivities!
Possums, car woes, guys got me praying and envisioning positive results for you all!
Cyn - keeping positive thoughts for you beating the nicotine demon. I did it 23 years ago and am so so so so so glad I did.
Beanie - can't wait to see those beautiful rose bushes in person when they start to bloom about the time I arrive - SPRINGTIME!
OK - I do have to get a move on...lazy days are over - boooo hooooo!
Love and kisses to you all.
Please know that even when I don't make it here, you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.
07/Aug/09 1:10 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Oops! Forgot to mention that I visited Tami's gallery to see her hair pictures. They were great! Thanks for sharing your beautiful hair with the kids. I did the same a few years ago and it was so rewarding. Growing it back to do it again. Your after "do" is very cute, Tami!
07/Aug/09 1:21 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Also...(will I ever shut up?) I want to take and post pictures of the yard work I did in the front...but it won't look very impressive until the plants I put in mature. Hopefully I'll have some good shots this coming spring.
07/Aug/09 1:22 AM
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