Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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And turn over to a new page.
09/Aug/09 12:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, All! Just jumping in here without reading, and we're at the top of a new page. Congrats on the TOPP, June! It's nice to see you here. We have missed you! Now back to krow on the ffuts. I'll try to get back in a while!
09/Aug/09 12:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, I'm back, but I'm still alone. We have had too many early mornings, but NOT enough early-to-beds, so I'm going to hit the sack. I have no idea what I missed on the previous page, but would like to send positive, healthy, happy vibes to everyone! Those who are under the weather, please get better soon! Take care!
09/Aug/09 2:10 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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fellow SA8ers

Just sitting here while the soup bubbles away merrily.
Pea and Ham for dinner tonight.

Hubby and I have been in the garden yet again. We have changed the direction of one of the paths and created a new bed from an area at the bottom of the yard that was a wasteland. Looks fantastic too if I do say myself.

Please don't ask BTW, hubby lamented once we had finished that we never take 'before' shots!
09/Aug/09 6:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
Vici, I've been a bit befuddled for the last couple of days so I missed your upset stomach. I hope it is feeling better now and you managed breakfast peacefully.

June, bowls sounds like a good thing to be busy with. Much better than painting!

Gail, I don't have time to work on my garden this week so please stop trying to corrupt me! It's bad enough you guys have got me flinging stuff without adding gardening too.

Julie, I hope you catch up on your sleep! Ally is asleep in the back room. She can't be comfortable...
09/Aug/09 7:00 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Guess Zusy doesn't want to know that Hubby and I spent the day in the Garden, weeding and tidying it up..............
09/Aug/09 7:49 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sssh Rolanda!
09/Aug/09 8:08 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy, maybe you should do as I do and get a gardener in to tidy the garden. Mine comes every three weeks and stays for a couple of hours. Garden not perfect but looks good.
09/Aug/09 9:34 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Good Morning all - still with the punky stomach...can't figure it out as I don't have a fever or any other symptom...just a queasiness after I eat.
All of this does not bode well as today I start "prep" for that lovely procedure we have after we turn 50. Having just turned 55, this will be my second experience...oh goody!
I don't go in until 1 p.m. tomorrow, so I should be good and cranky by then!
10/Aug/09 2:03 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Oh Brenda! How I would love a gardener...just can't really justify it being retired and all. I bet your place looks lovely.
Rolanda - when are you going to post some pictures of your backyard? I can't wait to see it!...and yours, too, Gail. So much great yard work going on here in SA-land! I am hoping to be finished with mine (at least what I have decided to undertake at this time) by the end of this month. I will have to wait to put in the fencing for the veggie garden and raised beds until the early spring as the ground is way too hard to dig up right now.
10/Aug/09 2:05 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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It was fun seeing June via webcam yesterday and now I'm really looking forward to that Chocolate Ripple, Suzy.
Loved the bracelet and lawnmower pictures from the least I'm assuming those were the pictures you loaded onto your page from Ally's party.
10/Aug/09 2:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Greetings Sudokuland. I had ffuts to do this morning, fore the back gave ou ton me.

I got the flowers watered, and the dishwasher emptied. I made breakfast and had my snack. did all the routine morning chores one has to do. I also got almost all my exercise in for the day. I am doing chair exercises and hope some of them will help strengthen the back. I do need to take my Tylenol and see if that will help.

I have so much more enegery and sleep so much better now on this eating plan, never knew what and when you eat could " fix" so many things. If It could fix my back, all would be well.

Shhh, SUZY, do not read, but sounds like so many are doing such wonderful things in thier gardens. Spring is fast approaching Oz and they want to be ready.

VICI, I hope your procedure is easy and your results are positive.

Suzy, sounds like the girls had a wonderful time at the party.

GAIL, your soup smells so good! I love pea soup.

Time for that morning nap now, then I have a bit more ffuts to do. It seems to take forever, what with work and rest, but we are managing.

Hugs till later, Everyone have a good day.

10/Aug/09 2:24 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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SA8ers! Darrell worked OT again last night, got up, ran the noisy thing over the rugs, denaelc kitchen & entry way floors, had breakfast, getting ready for lunch (chicken queesadilla--leftovers) and might read my book later (James Patterson--7th Heaven ist the title. good writer). Not too much else going on, FINALLY cooled off! It was 50 degrees when I got up and about 77 now!!! PERFECT!!
That's it for now, feel better everyone!
10/Aug/09 3:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi everybody. I still haven't read posts yet. I don't believe that I'm among the living. This is one NASTY cold.
10/Aug/09 4:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The baby finches are growing like weeds. I will need to put their leg bands on in a day or two.
10/Aug/09 4:31 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Just dropping in to say hi before I leave for work.
Take care.
10/Aug/09 4:39 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, glad that the baby finches are doing well. I do hope that you feel better soon.
Suzanne, stop complaining about the temperature. It is over 90 here and with the humidity it feels like 100.
Suzy, glad the party went well.
I am in the process of helping Beastie boy #2 clean out his closet. He is outgrowing his clothes too quickly. He has two good friends on the block who are both smaller than him. They will have a lot of new clothes soon.
10/Aug/09 4:57 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Up early even though I'd rather be in bed. In all of the hullaballoo this weekend I got the school clothes de-stinked, but not de-wet. They are in the hot spinny thing as I type.

Vici, I have a queasy stomach often. Some people say gall stones, others diverticulitis. I say until I am doubled over in pain I will avoid certain foods and pretend it isn't happening!
10/Aug/09 6:27 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Not going to dignify the digging and growing stuff with a comment... phththgt

Heidi, great news about the finches, terrible news about your cold/flu. Feel better.

Vici, the bracelets were the 'goody bag' from the party. Instead of a bag of sugar they all got a matching bracelet - a sort of friendship pact. All the girls rode the lawnmower and had a ball. I handed over the camera and let them go mad - there are over 100 photos of the party! Some of the best involve face painting. They all look hilarious! 5 little actresses.
10/Aug/09 6:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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BTW, we had the 'coolest party ever'. All it takes to have the coolest party ever? Not yell at the kids to go to sleep. Apparently ALL the other parents do.
10/Aug/09 6:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, can I come to the next party? I get to hang out with boys all day.
I am up to my eyeballs in clothes. One neighbor just took a bunch of uniform pieces, there is a stack of uniforms to donate to the school and there is still a huge pile-up. Mitchell went through his closet also as I emptied Dylan's.
10/Aug/09 6:50 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Over an hour ago I couldn't get comments to load or get to other pages. I'm not sure if it was the site or my connection. I'm back to try again.

10/Aug/09 7:58 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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WooHoo! It worked! Good Later Afternoon/Early Evening, Sudokuland!
10/Aug/09 7:59 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Wow, Tami, you had help going through the closets - from boys?

Interestingly, while I couldn't get on here, D2 was going through some closets looking for clothes that could be donated, bless her heart!
10/Aug/09 8:01 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just looked at the clock here. While the DUGs may be thinking about breakfast, I need to start thinking about some flinging of food here. I have no ideas, other than clearing the fridge of remnants of meals gone by.
10/Aug/09 8:06 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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TTT: Who said I was complaining?????? I am THRILLED after 3 weeks in the 100+ range and having the a/c on even when we were in Washington!
10/Aug/09 8:32 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Hello to Suzy, MizT (hope you are feeling better), Julie, Nola, Vici & anyone else I missed. I am getting ready to eat MORE leftovers from the fridge. Pasta tonite with meat sauce. I make my own sauce, NOT a fan of the jarred stuff (other than Emeril Lagasse's sauce, they're decent). I'm planning on downloading the photos in the next couple of days...I am NOT the biggest techno person (AM I TTT???) so I will do it soon.
10/Aug/09 8:37 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Oops! I missed Rolanda!! Hope you are well!
10/Aug/09 8:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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No, Suzanne is not a techno person. I am surprised she even remembers how to get to this site
10/Aug/09 8:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Julie, I don't give the boys a choice. If they want to play video games, they do their chores. I gave 2 neighbors a bunch of clothes, Dylan is the biggest of his friends. I have a bag of uniform pieces that are a little faded, but I can donate them to the school for when a kid has an "accident" and needs to change. I have a big garbage bag full of clothes I am going to take to a consignment shop. What they won't take, I will donate to charity.
10/Aug/09 8:42 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am tired and cranky and I still have to fling food. I will try to come back later.
10/Aug/09 8:42 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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FYI, I posted my photos!! (YES, TTT, I figured it out ALL BY myself!!!) So there
10/Aug/09 9:06 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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TTT forgets that if (and when) I don't know what I'm doing on the pooter, I call Darrell to help me, sometimes it takes 1 or 2 times to get it in my head, but I am pretty good at remembering stuff (I had a slight learning disability from the Cerebral Palsy as a child)
10/Aug/09 9:11 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Changed my avatar, was a bit tired of the manatee for now.
10/Aug/09 9:12 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - Congrats on getting your pictures up. I was able to view them in the "gallery", but couldn't get them to come up individually. Is that you in the yellow top? You and Darrelle make a handsome couple. Also, love Heidi - what a cute pup...and is that other a needlepoint piece of yours? Don't know if it's my computer or your pictures, but at least I got to view them in the gallery.
10/Aug/09 9:46 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Tami - good work with the are a real task master!
Suzy - who would have thunk that all it took to have "the coolest" party was letting the girls stay up late? Of course I'm sure the bracelets and lawnmower rides had something to do with it!
10/Aug/09 9:49 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Julie - enjoy your dinner - I'm about ready to take my first dose of the prep - YUCK!
May not get back here, if all goes as planned!
10/Aug/09 9:50 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, June, Gail, Suzy, Rolanda, Brenda, Vici, MizT, Suzanne, Heidi, Tami and Nola!

Gail, soup sounds yummy! I'm sure your yard is looking magnificent. Ours looks fairly good. The hostas are actually growing & flowering. Now I'm worried about the local deer that usually pass through our yard when traveling from one part of the forest preserve to another. They usually eat the hostas as soon as they have leaves. Maybe they have found someone else's yard?

Suzy, who knew that all you had to do is stop reminding girls to sleep at a slumber party for the party to be considered cool? Of course, the lawn mower rides were a hit, I'm sure, as well as the bracelets. I'm glad they had fun!

Rolanda, you're also putting us to shame with the garden work.

Brenda, I'm glad you can have someone in to help with the garden! How are your daughters? Do they have much more vacation time in Canada?

Vici, I hope the queasy tummy is feeling better! Was it bothering you while you were moving all of the rocks?

MizT, I hope you and Al are both feeling better and had a good day!

Heidi, that cold/flu just can't hang on! I hope you feel better soon! You mentioned banding the baby finches. Do you band all of your birds?

Nola, I hope you are having a good day at work!

Suzanne, thanks for posting the pictures of Darrell's retirement ceremony!

Vici, we'll be thinking of you as you do the prep for tomorrow's pictures! Do you have the gallon of liquid to drink? My sister got to take a pill. Sort of takes the "fun" out of it.

Looking forward to getting back here after doing some ffuts.
10/Aug/09 10:41 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello lovely SA people - I have been very remiss and some of you know why - I was co-erced by my daughter to join Facebook and now I'm a wee bit hooked. But I still love it here and will try to be a good girl and get here more often.
If you're on FB and I haven't sent you a friend request, it's probably because I wasn't sure who you were.
10/Aug/09 10:51 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - glad the baby finches are still doing well. Sorry about that cold. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Vici - good luck with the procedure.
Suzy - glad the party went well. How did you manage NOT to yell at them to go to sleep? Earplugs?
Hi Julie, Suzanne, Tami, Nola, MizT, Gail, Rolanda and June

10/Aug/09 11:00 AM
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