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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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I have had a quiet day, had a rest in the sunroom, and a bit of tidying up. I still have tools and theings everywhere.
Nice to see you Mamacita. Vale Senator Kennedy
27/Aug/09 3:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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He was a very unusual politician. He actually cared about people, and did everything he could to help people who needed it. The Kennedy's are a family who truly understand what public service means. The world is NOT a better place without Senator Kennedy.
27/Aug/09 3:41 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to bed now.
27/Aug/09 4:22 PM
Qld, Australia
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Sleep well Heidi.
Vale Senator Kennedy.
Mama you always seem to come up with the right words, I will go with whater rocks your boat hehe!
27/Aug/09 5:42 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Posting without reading here...
Our connection is SO SLOW!!! It is taking forever to load!!
June... how ghastly!
Nola I am glad it was a stone and nothing more sinister. Happy birthday to the twins.
Glad the codeine is working Heidi.
Cyn... live long enough and ones days are made up attending funerals or send condolence cards... It has been a bit like that around here as well of late.
Can't remember what else I was going to say... do not know how I will cope without Julie and her wonderful posts... I am going to get SO confused!
27/Aug/09 5:44 PM
Qld, Australia
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You know what I meant!
Somehow managed to jump back to page 60??
27/Aug/09 5:44 PM
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Evening all!
May I add my Vale Senator Kennedy to others. I wish I had Mamacita's talent with words.
27/Aug/09 6:33 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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We have had a VERY busy day...
A lot of jobs were crossed off the list and we also managed to have a splendiferous lunch. I FINALLY finished making my soup... Minestrone a'la Bean...which was supplemented by the offerings of the workers...
Wonderful morning/afternoon spent with friends with a lot of jobs crossed off Beans list as well!
Certainly WIN WIN for me. Kate immediately got stuck into a job that I hadn't even been game to write on the list.
None of us need to go to the gym today...we suggested Judy take home a sandwich for Rob so Judy won't need to think about cooking either...just before Pot & Kettle finished them off...I cannot even pretend to be sorry... they were so good!! LOL
I think Lachie would like to come home from school to a lunch like that everyday... complete with cake!!
and now this exhausted little Bean is probably going to sign out for the day and fall asleep in front of the tv...
27/Aug/09 6:36 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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It is curious how so often it is only the scandals that get reported on whilst someone is alive. How about some recognition for the unsung hero's in our midst whilst they are alive? So much is done for the general improvement of the lot of mankind by an often silent minority. Why do we so often wait until they are dead to sing their praises?
If we could all acknowledge when we think someone is doing something significant then we would have a chance to learn more from that individual and MAYBE learn the skills from them to continue their works in their absence. What a better world it would be if we could all follow their examples.
Heidi... I agree... it is unusual to find a politician that really CARES about people. I hope that someone will continue in Senator Kennedy's footsteps and his aims for health reform.
Thank you for your erudite post Mama..
I have now caught up with the reading and I'm having serious cognitive problems at the moment... sooo tired... bye...
27/Aug/09 6:50 PM
Qld, Australia
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Bean, was having trouble tring to understand your posts until I realised cognitive meant "understanding and trying to make sense of the world".
NOW I understand.
27/Aug/09 7:50 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Phew... thanks Broni for explaining what I meant... not sure how anyone can expect to know what I mean when I don't half the time... LOL
Decided I had best turn the puter off before I go to bed...
27/Aug/09 8:58 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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She's tired!!!
27/Aug/09 9:01 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Just a quick stop before we head to Boston to bring Meghan back to school. The van is over stuffed and my house looks like a bomb went off! It will be 2 down and 1 to go after today. Bryana leaves for school next week! The morning soccer practices with Ian will end on the 1st, but he starts plebe training on the 2nd, so have to drive there anyway!
27/Aug/09 10:45 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Nola, glad it wasn't something more serious with Greg, even though a stone is painful, this too shall pass! (sorry for the humor) Tell Kailah and Maddylain, Happy 2nd Birthday! Hope they had a fun day!
27/Aug/09 10:46 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Ted Kennedy started off very rocky. It's usually the "rise and fall" of people in power, but with him, it was the "fall and rise." To make up for all of his misdeeds, he worked tirelessly for many noble causes. He had a good and prosperous life and left a legacy of his work behind him that his family, state and country can be proud of. RIP
27/Aug/09 10:52 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Can't remember anything else I skimmed over. Hope everyone is healthy and happy this day! Have a great one!
27/Aug/09 10:54 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Good Morning friends!
Nola - Happy B'day to the twins and so relieved to hear Greg's problem wasn't worse...although I'm sure the kidney stones are no picnic.
Judy - you were a spunky and hip youngster - that's a great story about knocking your tooth out with a surf board. If you gotta have a dead tooth - best to have a cool story to tell!
Suzanne - I'm watching America's Got Talent, too. Who are your favorites? I have narrowed my choice down yet, but I always love the dog acts and the magician is awesome...some good singing acts too.
28/Aug/09 1:45 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Sounds like a busy day at Bean' fun to have the gals all there making the work quick and enjoyable. Hope you all wake without soreness from your hard work.
Morning Stella - Traveling Mercies to Boston. Sounds like a busy, yet fun, day.
Belated b'day wishes to Brendan - hope he had some fun.
28/Aug/09 1:51 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Poor Mikey caught my flu - thought we were through the woods (6 days had passed since I brought the darn thing home) - but he came down with the symptoms last night. I feel so badly for him - it is not a pleasant experience.
He's just bummed that he will miss work (on the addition) as we are VERY far behind. Still not moved into the darn thing which we thought we would be by now. Can't say we will even be in before I leave for Australia.
Off to pick up some sickie medicine for Mikey.
Hugs to all!
28/Aug/09 1:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I got some quality sleep last night. FINALLY.
I missed the surfboard story.
I'm gonna have to go back and read.
28/Aug/09 1:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Judy. Did you any other injuries from the surfboard incident? At least a dead tooth doesn't hurt. But they're prone to breakage. And of course you will look beautiful for the wedding.... you are already beautiful.
28/Aug/09 2:06 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Heidi - good morning and glad you got some sleep! Hoorah! The meds must have helped.
Now I have to head out the door and fetch some good meds for Mikey. Ciao!
28/Aug/09 2:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope he only has a mild case, Vici. I wouldn't wish a nasty bug on anyone.
28/Aug/09 2:37 AM
Stevenage UK
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Vici hope mikey doesn't suffer for too long, with the flu.
Hope the twins had a good birthday.
We went through the town where Rayray lives today. It wasn't planned in advance so no way could I have arranged to meet up with him
Bean it sounds as if you are going to have a spic and span palace ready for Vici's visit. It's fantastic to have such great friends around and make the work more like fun.
28/Aug/09 2:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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A brief video tribute to a great man.
28/Aug/09 4:28 AM
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Morning all!
I've left my glasses in the bedroom where hubby is still asleep so I am having trouble reading the posts. I'll come back and try again later after he is awake. He stayed up late the night before last and got up very early yesterday to finish an assignment, only to have his lecturer say he wouldn't look at it until next week!
28/Aug/09 6:25 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Morning folks...
I was woken up by aches and pains in parts of my body that I didn't know could ache...
The paracetamol has kicked in so I am going back to bed catch another 40 winks...
LOVE to be decadent....
28/Aug/09 7:07 AM
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Judy, are you going to tell us how you came to be hit in the mouth by a surfboard? I love reading about everyone's youth. MizT and Heidi have had some amazing stories!
Bean and Gail and Kate, can you move today after all that work or are you aching all over?
28/Aug/09 7:35 AM
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June, I'm glad you had a quiet day. It sounds like you needed at least one of those! Did Ken make it home?
There you go, Bean answered my question before I even asked it! How's that for pschic?
Vici, bummer about Mike! Hope he feels better soon.
28/Aug/09 7:39 AM
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I wish we could go back and edit our spelling mistakes out of our posts!
28/Aug/09 7:41 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I'mmmmm Baaaaacccckkkkkk!!!!!!!
Just when you thought it was safe, I have returned.
28/Aug/09 7:44 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have caught up with the reading but I don't remember anything I have read.
Happy Birthday to all I missed, and my mom missed for me.
Get will wishes to Heidi, Vici and who ever else I missed.
Cyn, sorry about the loss of your neice.
28/Aug/09 7:45 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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So far the school year is good. I know most of my kids from last year and they are behaving. I won't be around much for a few days. I am leaving at 6:00 am saturday morning for New York. My nephew is getting married and hubby and I are going. The beastie boys will be with my mom and dad. You may want to keep her in your thoughts this weekend
I haven't even started packing and have an early flight. We will be back monday. I won't have internet access so I will be back on tuesday. I will try to stop by before then.
28/Aug/09 8:02 AM
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Yay! Tami is back! And then gone again... I'm glad the kids are behaving. I've had so much advice about the beginning of the school year etc and you have missed having to do that this year...
News story of the day...
I think this is hilarious! Talk about taking things into your own hands. I know the place they are talking about and it is a bit of a traffic zoo...
28/Aug/09 8:08 AM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Suzy ---- Are you around
I'm getting some very strange emails from you
is this really you ---- yikes --- whats going on
OOPS sorry hi everyone
28/Aug/09 8:55 AM
Alabama, USA
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SUZY, I am getting strange things that I do not think are from you. ON MSN, I kept getting this same message over and over, every 5 minutes or so, asking " is this you? " and a my space photo page with my zuke vine address in it.
First thing I noticed was you were listed as offline. and you did not answer when I typed an answer. When it kept comming I asked Al what was going on, I did not have a my space page anywhere. He told me, you most likely have a
a virus, mal ware, a trojan horse, a keylogger and who knows what else, in your computer. It is dialing up any names on your e-mail and MSN buddy list, any address it can find and sending out maliscious stuff. Anyone who would click on that link it is sending out would get the same whatever that you have.
Al said you need to have your computer checked, sooner the better. You could be infecting everyone on your mailing and buddy lists. IF it is what he thinks, only way to rid of it might be to completely reformat your whole computer.
28/Aug/09 9:14 AM
Alabama, USA
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28/Aug/09 9:15 AM
Alabama, USA
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LIZ, that is not from Suzy, something is using her address to send out bad stuff. so do not open anything or click any links from Suzy right now. .
28/Aug/09 9:18 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely SA8 people.
I just checked and haven't got anything from Suzy but I have had that happen before when a trojan virus got into someone's computer and infected the rest of us. This one was hard to find because it was not sending out emails from the person with the infected machine but from people in their email address file. When tracked down it was my mother's computer (yes, pre-alzheimers) but it infected us all before we found it.
28/Aug/09 9:24 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Vici - sorry that Mike has the virus now.
Tami's back (yayy!) and off to NY on the weekend - enjoy yourselves. Bobbi - I will be thinking of you - I love having the grandies to stay but am SOOOOO worn out by the time they leave.
Stella - glad you got the van packed and left enough room for the passengers.
Heidi - glad you slept well finally.
RIP Ted Kennedy
28/Aug/09 9:33 AM
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