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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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I'm soooo sorry Broni! If I had known I would never have left! I just thought it would be a good idea to wet myself down before subjecting myself to the public. It's TaeKwonDo for Ally tonight and I will head down and get some stuff to put in that cold thing.
Gail, you've trained him well. I'm sure his partner is very happy with you...
31/Aug/09 4:26 PM
Qld, Australia
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Yes, well just don't do it again Missy!
31/Aug/09 4:30 PM
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I have to leave now, TKD calls...
31/Aug/09 4:40 PM
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I'm back, and no one has posted in 2 hours...
31/Aug/09 6:35 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Went to lie down and have a brief nana nap...
Heard the timer and rolled over and went back to sleep...
That put paid to the elaborate dinner plans... beef snags tonight instead... your risotto sounds MUCH better Gail!
I feel really awful now... had my 5th desensitising shot this morning and I think I am just reacting to that but I am SOoooo tired...
Three more to go and by then it will well and truly be spring and Vici will almost be here...
May be back later...if I don't fall asleep again!!
31/Aug/09 7:33 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hi everyone
OK will try to remember what I've read
Nola- how nice of your sis to get you a car, I'm sure it will help with the driving..
Broni- The day you come down here I fly up to the Sunshine coast for my nephews wedding, yes Im sorry but I miss the party, the Wedding is on the 31st at Coolum, and Im flying home on Sunday.
Heidi - I do hope your feeling better soon, and anyone else under the weather..
Sent a nasty email to a taxi company this morning, and I think I was just waisting my time, I will be amazed if they even reply, but sure felt good sending it.
have a good whatever ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
31/Aug/09 8:10 PM
Mamacita 2
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Good Morning all...A wee bit early for me to show up I know, but this was one of those nights where sleep came but an early awakening problems, so I have been able to read, and enjoy, but forgot all that has been said...oh well, can't have everything....What little I do remember is good...Broni, a brat???? Noooooo! CynB....yes, a good man is hard to find, but you found a winner...good! Bean and Heidi, June as well, and Broni I won't even call your names....You folk have not been up to par for far too long...Don't know what I'm going to do with you all....however, I am ready TO SEND OUT A SEARCH PARTY for MIZ T....SHE HASN'T EVEN BEEN ABLE TO REPORT IN AS THE REST OF YOU HAVE AT LEAST BEEN ABLE TO DO...I'll keep watch.
Loved reading the stories of acceptance/non-acceptance of siblings...don't know how my sister and brother felt about my coming into the fold so long after they had thought they had full control, but am happy that we have grown close to each other over the years, and it seems to work out...Off to start my official day since its now after 7 in the morning....perhaps I'll get to take one of those nana naps you all write about later...Peace!
31/Aug/09 9:21 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Good Morning Mama! Glad you got some sleep last night. Same for me, fell asleep I am awake early (but I usually am up at this Farmer's hour!)
Broni! I'm so excited that you are getting to Melbourne for the Halloween party (was bummed that Lizzie had to head off to a wedding at the same time, tho)
Nola - great news about the car...a generous sister indeed.
I, too, enjoyed the sibbling stories. My brother and I became much better friends in adulthood - we bonded during his divorce and have been close ever since.
31/Aug/09 11:12 PM
Vibrant Vici
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I'm afraid I am responsible for the missing post. I asked Gath to remove a post where I gave out too much information for such a public site. I forget when I am here with you guys that we are not alone.
Suzy - loved your picture - left my impression with a post on the page!
Cyn - I loved your summation of the car theory! I always think "little pee-pee" when I see those guys - hahaha! I think the same thing when I see guys in the huge monster trucks with the deafening mufflers and over-sized wheels. Am I quick to judge??? I think NOT! hahaha!
31/Aug/09 11:16 PM
Vibrant Vici
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I didn't come on line yesterday because I was doing extensive virus checks and such on my laptop. When I signed on yesterday morning some weird stuff started happening. Multiply pages opened of the same website...I shut down immediately and ran checks all day. I was worried that I had compromised my laptop when I responded to the IM from Suzy - that wasn't from Suzy and wouldn't go away.
So far this morning - all is well...
31/Aug/09 11:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That sounds a bit nerve wracking, Vici. I hope everything is OK with your laptop. I don't even begin to understand the mentality of those
who feel the compulsion to create and spread computer viruses.
01/Sep/09 12:02 AM
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Good Maen everyone! Missed 3 pages since yesterday.
Gail: PLEASE post the roast pumpkin/chicken risotto recipe!! I've never made risotto, but it sounds yummy!
CRAFTS is now a permanent condition!! Hope everyone is well.
Glad to see Heidi here!! How are you feeling hon??
01/Sep/09 12:30 AM
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Vici: sorry to hear about your pooter problems!! I have never had that happen,thank goodness. My husband does laptop repair & makes sure we have the most current & best protection for all of our pooters...glad it is working ok today!!
01/Sep/09 12:35 AM
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I did not sleep well last night, Darrell came home after a 36 hour shift and we've both had allergy issues in the last week...planning to take a nap today (hopefully)
01/Sep/09 12:38 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning all. Just stopping by quickly on the hotel pooter. Wedding was wonderful. Danced and drank the night away. Not too much drinking though. We are leaving in a few minutes for the airport. We are going with a few other people. Unfortunately our flight is not until 3:30 pm so we will have about a 4 hour wait at the airport. I will try to get back tonight from home. If not, I will talk to you all tomorrow.
01/Sep/09 12:43 AM
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Seems like I'm the only one here, going to say bye for now, TTFN everyone, take care!
01/Sep/09 12:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Great hearing from you Tami.... on the fly, so to speak. I'm delighted that you had so much fun at the wedding!
01/Sep/09 12:50 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Trying to get some ffuts done! Bryana's stuff is all over the place. She leaves for school on Thursday. Once again, the house looks like a storage unit. Also getting laundry done(helping Bryana who forgot to wash all of her blankets). Just cut Ian's hair. He starts plebe training on Wednesday and everything has to be perfect. Just heading out to paint some more. Trying to finish all of the priming before my fil gets here on the 13th. Then off to brink Ian to soccer practice and then rush back to bring Bryana to her last day of work, Blink 182 concert.
Hope all is well with all!
Vici, glad your computer is not showing any ill effects. I didn't receive any weird emails, but hubby updated all of my stuff over the weekend anyway.
Have a great day!
01/Sep/09 12:51 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Great to hear from you, Tami - glad a good time was had by all (except Bobbie and Rachel - haha!)
Suzanne - sorry you didn't sleep well - I find that is a condition that comes along with CRAFTs!
Heidi - is your avatar finch eggs? Can't quite make it out.
OK - off to work in the yard - hugs to everyone!
01/Sep/09 12:51 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Morning Stella - sounds like you should be back to normal (re: storage facility) come Thursday. Will all the kids be situated by then???
01/Sep/09 12:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The avatar is a couple of finch eggs, and a couple of baby finches.
01/Sep/09 1:59 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there all you lovely people!!
Welcome home Tami,glad you had a good time.It is always great to get away for a few days. is all systems go at your place.
Suzanne...hope you and Darrell get a nap and some relief from your allergy probs.
Heidi..when you finally get rid of this coughing,you won't know yourself.It had really taken a hold of you.Get well!!!!
Very entertaining reading about siblings and hubbys.
Greg never takes my pillow,but he has been known to take over my side of the bed which makes it a bit hard to get comfy on a foot wide gap.
June...I can understand your frustration at trying to stay well,and Ken takes your pillow.
Good luck,but you will probably get it anyway.
01/Sep/09 5:05 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I saw the fires briefly in California on tv last night.Such devastation!!
Makes me realize how lucky we are to have volunteers and firefighters who risk their lives saving others and their property.
It is the 1st day of spring in hope we don't have another shocking fire season.
I wish it would rain and put the fires out.
01/Sep/09 5:52 AM
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Morning all!
Yikes. I made Broni push the sucky thing around and Vici spend a day checking her computer. I hope it's not my fault MizT is MIA too! Can I apologise enough?
Nola, have you driven your new car yet? How does it feel?
01/Sep/09 6:27 AM
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I too have been watching the news of the fires near LA. They are at the opposite end to my family and friends. There was a brief moment of concern and some trolling of websites to ensure that the firefighters who lost their lives were not known to us. Our next door neighbour is/was a fire fighter in LA county. That is, the man who was our next door neighbour is a firefighter. I discovered that finding out it wasn't him didn't make the news any less sad.
01/Sep/09 6:33 AM
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Vici, we have an ad campaign running over here showing young men doing dumb things in their cars and people wiggling their little fingers about it. Did I describe that well enough for you to picture what I mean? JIC, it's the little pee pee thing...
01/Sep/09 6:38 AM
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Tami, glad the wedding was fun and can't wait to hear more about it.
Stella, do find time to get dressed? Brush your hair? You have so much going on!!!! I hope things are a little quieter once the kids are back at school.
Mamacita, nana naps are wonderful, even for non-nana's, unfortunately they take a big chunk out of the day...
01/Sep/09 6:47 AM
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There is more I wanted to say but it is 'that' time and I have to leave for a while... have a great day/evening everyone!
01/Sep/09 6:51 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy...yes I am driving the car to work.It is so different after the manual.Just love the power steering and I feel like a queen sitting up there as it is the newest car I have ever had.
When ever something goes wrong here at the site,we will have to blame you Suzy.hehe. Suzy did it.
01/Sep/09 7:03 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I have to get a move on now...washing to hang out etc.Hope you all have a great day/night.
01/Sep/09 7:42 AM
Alabama, USA
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SUZY, luckily I have another pain medication I had taken before and it makes me sleepy. I have used that one when I needed it.
STILL no appointment for the block. Talked to the doc office today, twice, and they act like I am being impatient. it will be a week tomorrow since I was sown there, and they have not got around to getting the appointment. Said they do not have the dictation ( from the doc?) about it. The telephone nurse said maybe they can get the request called in tomorrow. THEN we will have to wait for when they can schedule it! If they do not hurry up, I might just get well before they do it.
Thanks everyone for the good wishes for a better night's sleep last night, and I did sleep better, but still was after 1 am fore I slept. I s;ept in some this morning till after 8 am, so not too bad. I have cut out ALL caffeine, I was drinking green tea in the mornings with caffeine, even that and chocolate have gone now. I do not like being awake in the small hours of the morning.
01/Sep/09 8:28 AM
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Empty house!
MizT, at least you have the alternate pain medication. Obviously no one in the doctors office has ever had to live with back pain or they would have been on it right away. To give up all caffeine, even chocolate, it must be bad! I hope they get their acts together today!!!!
Nola, I'm so glad the car is so wonderful. When I first got married hubby had a Honda Prelude. I had never driven anything that steered with 2 fingers before and it felt like the most luxurious car on the planet. Unfortunately it had a tiny back seat and only 2 doors and so it had to go once Ebob joined us. We've haven't had as nice a car since.
01/Sep/09 8:45 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely SA8 people.
MizT - oh dear! You do wonder, what's so difficult for them to just make the appointment. Glad you got a better night's sleep.
Nola - happy you're enjoying your new car.
Tami - glad you enjoyed the wedding - now back home to save Bobbi from the dog!
Suzanne - hope you sleep better tonight and get over the allergies.
Stella - the only person I know who is perpetually busy all the time like you is my sister, now retired and busier than ever. How do you keep it up?
Suzy - news footage of the fires is distressing but would be made even worse for anyone worried about a friend or loved one in the vicinity. My thoughts to those people.
01/Sep/09 8:59 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Vici - I'm still chortling about your theory on my ex. Without giving away too much information - that was NOT his problem. He just turned out not to be a nice man. Oh and BTW - that's where the money came from, he owned big rigs with all the bells and whistles!!!!
01/Sep/09 9:03 AM
Alabama, USA
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I read all the posts, 3 pages of them, and remember little of it. Heidi, hope you can stop coughing soon.
Broni, glad you have your trip booked. Nola, great about your car.
June, would changing that pillow case help remove Ken's germs?
Cyn, hope the rain makes everyone's grass grow and you get lots of business.
SUZY, your straight hair photo still had lots of waves! Was hubby totally shocked with your hair in a good or bad way?
01/Sep/09 9:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... Pain Management Clinics tend to be very busy. Around here, you have to book an appointment at least 3 months in advance. You cannot get one quicker than that. It'll take a while to get that appointment scheduled, once you've gotten the Doctor's order for it.
01/Sep/09 9:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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Just noticed this at the bottom of the page.
You can also try the Chatroom (1 people chatting right now)
I always wonder how one person does that!!
01/Sep/09 9:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I finally got the rest of my hydrocodone syrup. The coughing has let up already.
01/Sep/09 9:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Sad news....
My newest finch just lost the fight. I wish I knew what disease he had. It didn't respond to the antibiotics.
01/Sep/09 9:10 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, if it is going to take that long for me to get an appoimtment, why bother?? Noone has even told me WHERE it would be done or how much co pay I will have to pay or anything about it. I got much more info from you than I got from doc and I ASKED him !!
Here, I have untill recently had np problem getting appoimtments, they were all just so happy to see me and my insurance card! I think most all the doc offices and hospitals are trying to work now with smaller staff and nothing gets done in a timely manner.
01/Sep/09 9:10 AM
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