Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, I hope your bathroom fixing is done! Has the weather there improved enough to help get rid of your acheys?
27/Oct/09 2:13 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Have lost posts and even lost my smilies for a while.
Have a great day all!
27/Oct/09 2:45 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Julie.
I am like you Mamacita.
Bit slow with the Halloween smilies.
I have submitted some.

I bought these gorgeous shoes on e-bay.
Oh dear a tad too tight.
None in a bigger size so I guess I will have to list them and see if I can sell them now.
27/Oct/09 2:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda, I forgot your trip was here already, sort of got over shadowed with many other things going on.
Have a wonderful time, and pass on love and hugs to all you meet.
Hope you get the chance to check in occasionally.
27/Oct/09 4:20 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I hope I haven't missed Brenda - like gail, I didn't realise her trip had come up so quickly. If you're still around, Brenda, have a wonderful time and, in particular, enjoy your meeting with Tami, Bobbi and Debby.
27/Oct/09 4:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Sorry, Gail, I missed your capital 'G'
27/Oct/09 4:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That's ok Cyn, I'm short...
27/Oct/09 5:07 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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You SHORT Gail.... what dous that make me?
27/Oct/09 6:42 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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yep... the travellers are alive and kicking and have connected with Port Campbell Wifi hotspot...
We were going to head out after checking in and eating but I am stuffed. We have driven from Halls Gap today. I'm a thinkin & a hopin that the 7 Apostles will wait intil we get up tomorrow... I am stuffed. Vici is leading me astray... she has discovered TIM TAM's. We are going to rename our blog the Tim Tam Travels... we have decided to limit ourselves to only one packet a day...
[dare I tell you we discovered a shop selling 'double' packets!!!... I am trying hard to convince Vici that the one packet a day was for a 220gm pack...not a a 400gm pack]
I am going to wander over to our blog and so you can catch me up there... ciao for now
BTW only one of us can be on line at a time and so Vici will be on later....
27/Oct/09 6:52 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Bean.
Nice to hear from you.
I can imagine you would be stuffed.
You are packing heaps into Vici's visit.
If you go through Geelong say hi for me.
I miss it, my old home town of course.
Heaven forbid. Double packets of Tim Tams.
27/Oct/09 8:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bean, let Vici eat Tim Tams, she won't get them anymore when she goes home! Boy did I gain weight when I came home to all my favourite bikkies and chocolate bars... 6
For the fb people who love to play blitz!
27/Oct/09 8:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vici, try a chokito, a polywaffle, a chomp, and a white knight - to name a few....
27/Oct/09 8:28 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Good morning all. I'm still around. We leave home tomorrow and fly out on Thursday. Still not packed properly but getting there.
SOunds as if Vici and Bean are having a good time and probably will be in need of a diet after their time away.
27/Oct/09 8:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wonder why I have a hole in my tooth?
27/Oct/09 8:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Have a fantastic time Brenda!!!

I'm off... I know I know.
27/Oct/09 8:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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How did you go at the jabbers and pokers, Suzy?
27/Oct/09 8:40 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Have a great time Brenda.
Have just finished packing up nearly $1,000 worth of Avon orders.
Might hit the sack I think.
Nite all.
27/Oct/09 10:01 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Pleased to hear that you have such a big order for Avon Viv, but it must take ages to pack all that stuff
27/Oct/09 10:54 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Here I am again, checking in without reading. Life has sure got busy for me. Here is just a bit of what has happened to our bath remodel.

We had a very interesting weekend. Glad it is over now. Started out to be simple, but simple got lost very early on. we were going to get a new bathtub and tub surround, nothing fancy, but better for us than what we had. our friendly handyman could work us in on Saturday. One day job, no problem.

We knew there had been a water leak recently, but we did not think much damage was done. SURPRISE, that "recent" leak had just come to our attention recently, after being a long slow leak which caused major damage under the tub, under the wall to adjoining Master bedroom. SDaturday afternoon at 3 oclock, the entire bath and a good part of my bedroom had no floor! Some of the joists were even cut out and replaced! This one day simple job turned into a night mare! A hidden leak had damaged the floor severely and one section of the wall behind the tub! It is a wonder I had not fallen out the back wall, in my altogether!

Our wonderful handyman and part time employee stayed till bedtime to help get us at least with no holes big enough for animals to come through and smaller holes around hard to fit places were covered with something or other to keep in the warm and keep out the cold. I was soo tired and sooo achey by bedtime.

I was offline untill Monday because my computer and computer desk were stacked over other side of the bedroom with everything else that normally resides this end of the room. I had to clear a path to get to my bed last night through the furniture and tools still about here and there. NO shower until last night (we have a bath and half, no other tub/shower) Hubby could not even get into his closet for a clean shirt ! It was easy to got to my clothes, they were piled on a chair, so they could get to the sub floor of the closet to see if it was damaged and then to make sure the floor outside the door was built level with the one inside the closet.

Then I woke Sunday morning to a room very cold! I thought it was just wind leaking in around the new, unfinished construction and toddled off to the bathroom at the OTHER end of the house. Met hubby on my way back who said, do not turn the thermostat, our furnace died last night! House got very cold for this southern hot house flower, I do not do 50 degrees inside very well. I found my plushest robe, the one it is too hot to wear most times, and pulled on sweats under it. Made me some coffee while hubby went back to bed a while, he was more tired than I was I think!

Well, after 2 more days, I now have a tub! potty has returned to it's normal place, and not sitting in the dining area! Heat is patched back together until we can buy a new fan motor. There is even floor covering on the bathroom floor, and the carpet that was rolled back to access the bedroom floor is back in place.

As tired as he was, my hubby after dinner Monda
27/Oct/09 11:13 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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As tired as he was, my hubby after dinner Monday night reconnected and set up my computer for me! He said, you might want to go check your e-mail. He knows I like to get on puter before bed and early morning fore he wakes.

So, my bedroom is looking better, there are still a few construction items sitting about, but it is warm and dry in my house. I am so glad they got everything back together for us today. hubby can finish the rest himself, but he really needed help for all that rebuilding. some things you just cannot do by yourself!

Catch you again later, I will probably be scarce here for another couple days. I have a LOT of cleanup to do. plus some recovery time. more work than usual for my old bones.
27/Oct/09 11:14 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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MizT I know exactly how you must have felt when this simple replacement job went wrong. My downstairs shower room was exactly the same, unfortunately for us it was the supports for the staircase which was affected as the floor is concrete.
Hope nothing more goes wrong for you and that you get back here more frequently as we do miss your smiling face.
28/Oct/09 12:29 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! I am using Darrell's pooter, too lazy & tired to go down to the basement. TTT will LOVE this: we had about 1 inch of snow last night! I know you're gloating Tami!!! Ready to get out of Utah NOW!!!! I hate the snow!!
Hello to MizT, Brenda, Gail, Bean, CynB, Viv, Suzy, Broni & Julie...Hope everyone is well.
28/Oct/09 1:52 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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For you DUGs, when we have snow this early, means it will be a very LONG winter! Teased Sandra a few weeks ago, told her I was going to Florida & staying thru April!! She knows I hate the cold. For those of you wondering, it wasn't my idea to move here!
28/Oct/09 1:54 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Need more coffee, so I'll sign off for now, TTFN everyone.
28/Oct/09 1:55 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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G'Day all! It's a;ready lunch time here and once again I have not gotten much accomplished. Although, I have started working on my shoulder and hip again so that took about an hour. So much to do, so little time, or desire, to do it. Before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving and the kids will all be home! We're heading to Brendan's school for his last home game. They always have a parent/player dinner after it, so must decide what to bring. Tonight, heading to a fundraiser meeting at Ian's school. Don't really want to travel down to there at night, but I should help out.
28/Oct/09 3:17 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Brenda, can't believe you're leaving already! Have a safe journey and lots of fun in Florida. Wish I could be there! The sweater is gorgeous!! It looks very complicated and hard to do. I could never knit, although I do crochet(self-taught, so I can never follow a pattern) I can't believe it only took you a week!
28/Oct/09 3:21 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Bean & Vici, sounds like you're having a blast! Hope your weather has been good. Have lots more fun!
28/Oct/09 3:23 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Now for some lunch and ffuts! Have a great day everyone!
28/Oct/09 3:24 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Ooops, forgot to wish Suzy good luck with the dermatologist! Hope it all works out ok!♥
28/Oct/09 3:25 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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AND, forgot to to say that I'm sorry to hear of all the troubles MizT is having. I hope it all gets fixed soon and no more problems pop up!
28/Oct/09 3:26 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Now, I'm off! See you later!
28/Oct/09 3:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am back to sleeping a lot these days. Drat.

I had a couple of calves escape this morning. To get them back in required moving the bull to a different pasture by himself, then opening a perimeter gate and driving the escaped calves into the field that the bull had been in, then letting the rest of the herd in with the escapees. I had to move the cows anyways. Of course, this was all in the rain.
28/Oct/09 6:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... I sympathize with you about the tooth. I presently have 7 (SEVEN) temporary teeth in. I get the permanent teeth next week. I had a bunch of cracked teeth.... all the bottom front ones.... that were starting to decay. The best option was to replace them with crowns.
28/Oct/09 6:33 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Good morning/evening all.
Brenda...think I already wished you a safe and enjoyable trip to Florida but here is another one anyway.What ply wool is it then if it isn't 8ply?
Fancy the UK not having it. did you go with the Dr & Dentist?
MizT...What a mess and inconvenience you have had to deal with especially when you need the rest.So glad to hear that you didn't fall through the bath or floor.That would have been very nasty. that it is snowing,what happens to the grass seed newly sewn,does it come up when the warm weather arrives.That is why I asked if it snowed in Utah.
Viv...what a b***er the shoes don't fit.$1,000 of Avon,WOW.
To everyone else,enjoy whatever the day brings.
28/Oct/09 6:34 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Gooday Heidi,so you are still busy busy on your farm.Of course ,it would have to rain while you had stuff to do outside.
We didn't get any of the much needed forecast rain here.The skys are blue and the grass is dead.
28/Oct/09 6:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
My skin doc appointment went well. I have about 15 blisters, but don't have to go back for 12 months.

MizT, when you didn't appear again after telling us about the work I wondered, but there is no way I could have imagined the stuff you described! So glad it is over and done with, or at least close to.
28/Oct/09 6:46 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Just popping in for a moment...apparently the Internet allotment gets used up very quickly here. Bean was on for an hour and we were cut off...she had to go to the office to ask for more time so I could write a quick note to Mike back home.
28/Oct/09 6:47 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, I think you said you leave home today and fly out tomorrow... how exciting! Will you be able to get online while you are away?

Stella, mail a check! Much easier than night driving... I know, dream on, but I sometimes think about stuff like that.
28/Oct/09 6:50 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Sorry Brenda that I could not accept your Skype just this moment - don't have my webcam set up and a video call would chew up all our time allotment for today - have a wonderful trip!
Off to see the Platypi this evening - of course I could just bust from excitement!
Hugs and love to all!
28/Oct/09 6:51 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi - 7!!!! Getting those crowns is going to be sooooo much fun.

Viv, great Avon order. Did John go to the doc?

Nola, sorry you didn't get the rain. The forecast is the most frustrating part of a drought. It raises hopes, only to have them dashed down again.
28/Oct/09 6:54 AM
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