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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are...........Chauncy Depew.
26/Jun/14 8:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The last epidural WAS a good one. I did too much too soon 'cause IH wasn't around to help me feed critters.
Good luck on getting a transplant soon, Midge.
The Vet can squeeze us in at noon. Meanwhile, the cow is comfortable in the trailer, but misses her calf.
26/Jun/14 10:41 PM
Alabama, USA
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orning friends. I have slept away another day. At the moment I feel some better, but still not eating. I have lost 4 or 5 pounds this week. Now, I have been slowly loosing this year on my new eating plan, but this is a bit fast. Today I will try oatmeal and soup for breakfast and lunch, see how those go. Pains in belly not as severe as they were earlier, and just in area across my waist, so perhaps it is about to run it's course. I do hope so!
SUZY, so glad you have a diagnosis, and something to do for it. did the doctor suggest icing the shoulder? After I had injections into my hips for bursitis, Icing was recommended for me, and it did help. First time I had injections was before a trip to Connecticut to visit daughter for 3 weeks, when she was on bed rest while pregnant, oh, 23 years ago now! I made arrangements for the airlines to supply ice packs during my flights, and got rid of a seat mate that way hehehe. Lots more room when no one is squashed into the middle seat. I have had injections into joints that hurt and ones that did not, I think it depends on the amount of inflammation and if the doc hits the most inflamed spot. Even the hurty ones were not bad and brought great relief, so it is something to look forward to, the pain relief it brings.
MIDGE, I do hope you are put on the transplant list, and a transplant becomes available soon for you. We will be thinking of you and keeping fingers crossed, saying prayers and all that. Do keep us informed, we care.
June, so glad the ironing did not upset your shoulders. It is nice it is so near the exercise you were to do. I find it harder to do exercises just cause. If there is something to accomplish, such as your ironing, It is a lot easier for me.
JULIE, enjoy your cello lesson, I hope it goes a lot better than you are imagining it will. You are harder on yourself than others are, I think.
Heidi, I am glad you found a way to contain the blind cow till the vet can see her. I hope it will be a good visit, and curing her problems. what are fly tags that the cows are getting?
Today is forecast to be a LOT cooler, coolest day in weeks. I would like to go out on the porch and enjoy the cool.
Tomorrow is inspection, they will just have to see my apartment as is. I did get the fridge and oven cleaned a few weeks ago, I ran the floor sweeper over the walk paths yesterday, today I will pick up clutter and swipe the Swiffer Duster around. Hey, I LIVE here hehehe and that is all I am able to do this time. Blinds were cleaned a couple months ago, really intended to clean again, sorry, no can do.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
27/Jun/14 12:12 AM
Alabama, USA
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Happy to report, we got a bit of rain today. My sister, 40 miles north of me, had a nice all day soaking rain. We had one 5 minuet shower, and one that lasted 15 minuets. Rain is just so much better for the garden than all the hand watering one can do.
I actually ate a meal today. I made soup from a small beef patty, mushrooms, onion,tomato and chicken broth, with a desert of stewed peaches. I am still weak as water and have slept most of the day, but I do see an end to this now, thankfully. the stomach pain os only a dull ache this afternoon. Looking forward to more soup for dinner in a bit, too, that is a good sign. Thanks to you all for the get well wishes.
My friend Mary, who plays scrabble with me, (remember her Heidi?) had shoulder surgery today. She had done major damage over the years, there were bone spurs to remove, and a bone fragment, plus a torn rotator cuff to repair, seems there was one other thing also. I do hope she is doing well. She will be back home after one night in hospital, but her daughter will be with her. One of her daughter's is a doctor, not sure if Dr Daughter will be in attendance or not, but nice to have a doc you can phone 24/7, who could get your surgeon on the line easily if needed
Jan our activities director had a hip replacement yesterday. It seems we are keeping the orthopedic docs busy here. I did not realize Jan was old enough to qualify for replacement, she does not look nor act her age.
OK, I am off to hold down my recliner. Seems the best place for me today. I got the De-cluttering and dusting done. Only thing left is to vacuum floor. I shall get that done after my next nap hehehe Wash dishes in the morning, and all will be neat and tidy.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
27/Jun/14 7:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Glad you're feeling a bit better, Tricia.
I got the cow in to see the Vet, and she's been treated. She got shots in both eyes, one third eyelid sewn shut, and her body pumped full of antibiotics. She was also treated with a pour-on fly repellant, and had fly tags put on her ears. The fly tags protect their faces from face flies (which carry the pink-eye virus) for at least 5 months. They were supposed to have been applied in early May, and weren't. So now something like 14 animals are suffering from pink-eye (conjunctivitis). The blind cow (the only one to have it in both eyes) is a lot happier now. After we left the Vet Clinic, I drove her, in the trailer, across the pasture that the herd is in, up to her calf, and let her out. As soon as the calf smelled mama in the trailer, he started bawling. Mama started bawling back. I opened the trailer door, and with both of them bawling back and forth, they ran up to each other immediately, and the calf started nursing. They're now happily relaxing in the shade among the trees lining the creek. The cow should be able to see again in about 2 days.
27/Jun/14 9:13 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I was going to ask if the pink eye was the cause of her blindness, but you answered that for me. I am glad her sight will return so quickly with the proper medication. Thanks for answering about fly tags, too. It is good to have those if so many cows do get pink eye without them.
27/Jun/14 11:40 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Just here to comment briefly. Our 'grand-dog' was picked up today by D and SIL and transported back to her 'new' home. The report is that she is finding it to her liking.
While the dog was here, we had to keep our cat in our bedroom/closet/bathroom area, as she doesn't care for other animals. Tonight she has made multiple trips to her litter box and seems to have blood in her urine. We'll call the vet first thing in the morning. Hopefully she can see her right away, as we need to get to a quartet coaching at noon.
I am headed to bed, as will need to be up and ready for a possible trip to the vet in the morning. Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for everyone!
27/Jun/14 3:31 PM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Weekend all...Friday here but close enough to the start of the weekend. Hope all are feeling in the fair to good range, seems some of us are on the road towards healing while others still have a way to go. Before I forget...just want to let you know Midge that everything is crossed in hopes that you will soon be on the transplant list and you too will be given a new lease on life. Heidi, glad the cows are getting better too and the blind cow's sight will be restored. Julie, I do hope you are able to have your cat treated quickly, I know you don't need the added worry of her being sick. I feel good about your cello efforts MizT said, you are most likely too hard on yourself.
Tricia, nice to hear that you got a helping hand with the watering of the garden with a little rain. Isn't there someone who could spell you on days like you just had though and after a phone call request be able to occasionally water the garden? I know it's your baby, but I hate to think of how you have to push when not up to par to give the flowers water or worry about losing them if you can't. Just a the topps you've posted recently.
Time to take Jazz out and do a few things around the house before I get glued to this computer chair and lose a chunk of the day. Take care all....know that I care.
27/Jun/14 11:30 PM
Alabama, USA
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Mama, I now have the garden set up with soaker hoses so that someone else could go out and water the in ground flowers, just by turning on a faucet and back to turn it off in an hour. It would be easy to find someone to do that. The containers might be a bit more difficult to get someone to water. It is easy enough for me, using the foot rest on my chair to take out many heavy watering cans, but I am not sure anyone else would want to do that. As I said, it is easy for me, and when we get rain, it is not a twice or 3 times a week need. It is what gets me up and out some days, without them 'needing me' I would vegetate here in my recliner
There is some slack in how often I must water, and so far, I have fitted it in without pushing too hard. I would ask if I found I could not get out to water, I would not let my babies go thirsty hehehe.
I need to watch the clock, (OH, glad I caught that typo, I left out a letter) and get down for the veggie man today. I need bananas and a cantaloupe, I am short on fruits at the moment. Might have to go to grocery for milk and half and half for coffee before the weekend is over.
I sent Joy an e-mail this morning, asking about an e-mail I think might not be from her. I get an auto reply, she is off work for next 10 days. Since I have not talked with her in 2 weeks, first she was working hours a day of overtime, last week cause I was sick, I guess I am out of the loop on her vacation plans. I will try texting her this afternoon, because I imagine she is sleeping in her first day off work.
Julie, glad the grand dog is settling in it's new home and approves of it {smile} Sorry to hear your cat is not well, hope you are at the vet and can get her treatment so she is on the road to recovery.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
28/Jun/14 1:18 AM
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Physio yesterday decided the tingling in my left hand might mean I have developed carpel tunnel. Something to do with nerves going out in sympathy with one another. He gave me a brace to wear at night. Did not help me get to sleep. However I probably got 4-5 hours and will go back again soon.
Julie, I hope your cat is OK.
28/Jun/14 5:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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So sorry to hear that, June. Feel better soon.
Tomorrow I'm going with friends to an Oak Ridge Boys concert, about 3 hours away. It'll be fun. The ''Boys'' may be getting old, but they haven'y lost their voices, and they put on a great show.
28/Jun/14 2:24 PM
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Just stopping by briefly to say hello and send the usual {{{HUGS}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and
Vet was at her free & reduced price neutering clinic at least 30 minutes away today. She said if cat seemed comfortable, we could wait until tomorrow (already scheduled for fluids). Next week is a crazy/busy week for us, so hopefully she'll be fine without too much extra attention.
Take care, everyone, and feel better!
28/Jun/14 3:19 PM
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June, carpel tunnel syndrome is no fun! Cried myself to sleep a few times with that one. Mine was caused by repetitive actions so I was able to get it under control by stopping all repetitive actions, though it took a long time, a few years. You can't even do that! Sending very gentle hugs and lots of thoughts hoping your physio is wrong and it will sort itself as your shoulders get better... The brace didn't help mine feel better, but it did break me of bad habits like bending my wrist while sleeping, which makes the pain worse.
Just had a flash back to your phantom of the opera trip. I've only seen it once and it was horrible. I thought it was just me, uncultured or something, until intermission when a whole stack of people actually left. It was probably just a really bad night.
28/Jun/14 9:05 PM
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MizT, hoping your tummy is starting to feel better. I suspect you will be weak until you have been able to eat and drink a few times, your reserves must be very low! I send calming hugs to you, tummy calming that is.
Heidi, saw an article that mentioned Kentucky. It didn't say if that part was true.. robot-20140628-zspdy.html?utm_source=social&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=nc&eid=socialn%3Afac-13 omn1676-edtrl-other%3Annn-17%2F02%2F2014-edtrs_socialshare-all-nnn-nnn-vars-o
28/Jun/14 9:21 PM
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Midge, sending thoughts out into the cosmos that you both get on the transplant list, and find a donor.
Nola, I love that you are able to turn work down to spend time doing what you want to do!
Julie, sending thoughts that kittie is okay.
I got my vacuuming done today! Plus all of hubby and my washing, plus I unloaded and loaded our repaired dishwasher, and I bought Alie's birthday cheesecake. I'm throbbing a bit now, but I feel so good about having a clean floor I'm dealing with it...
28/Jun/14 9:59 PM
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Hello folks! I haven't been here for ages, so I'm not up with the news ... we have just got back from a holiday, and we're pretty much exhausted (not as young as we used to be!) We went on a trip to Europe - Had a great time, though the weather was often pretty bad. I'll talk about it more later - I'm told that it's bedtime now ... can't keep Rob waiting, were both SO tired
Love to you all!
28/Jun/14 11:01 PM
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I keep losing what I type. We are going away for a few days with Laura. She is very excited as we will be stopping in a hotel with a pool and she will have her own room with its own bathroom. She 'borrowed' one of my suitcases and packed all her clothes, probably enough for a month. We will be back late Wednesday.
29/Jun/14 2:45 AM
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Nice to see you back Judy. Glad you had a good time.
Suzy, I am finding it a bit hard to sleep with this splint on my hand but I am tired of the numb feeling in my fingers. I did not have it before all this problem with the pinched nerves in my neck. It does make it had to drive the car any distance. Must go back to bed. Just needed a drink as the tablets make my mouth dry.
29/Jun/14 2:51 AM
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Just popping in to say hello. Welcome back, Judy and Rob! I hope you get a really relaxing and restful sleep! Take it easy tomorrow!
June, I hope the splint helps you to get a better sleep. Hopefully the doc will find an easy solution to your shoulder and wrist problems! Enjoy your time away with Laura! How well I know the feeling of packing too much. Years ago when D's went away to summer music camp, the van would be LOADED! They would be gone for 6 weeks and needed clothes for every day; dressy clothes for performing; their musical instruments and all the music, metronomes, tuners, music stands, etc.; box fans (no air conditioning); bedding & linens; etc., etc.
Suzy, hope all of your family are well! What a busy day you had, but you got so much accomplished! Seems you need a good night's sleep, too!
Thinking of Mama, MizT, Heidi, June, Midge and all who could use some healing and gentle {{{HUGS}}}. Take care, all!
The coming week will be our busiest of the summer, I think. It's highly unlikely that I'll find time to stop by and say hello. So, here is a week's worth of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers,
, and {{{{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}}}! Feel free to use all you need!
29/Jun/14 2:07 PM
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Just, welcome home! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
June, I had a work colleague whose commute was almost 2 hours each way, and he had carpel tunnel. He told me to have my hands at the bottom of the steering wheel as much as possible. It did seem to help, though it was only possible for portions of my commute. Hugs. It's not easy.
Julie, I look forward to hearing about your busy week when it's all over!
My baby turned 18 today! We bought her a vodka with cranberry at dinner. I think she surprised herself by liking it.
29/Jun/14 8:31 PM
Stevenage UK
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Wish Alie a happy birthday from us.
Isn't there a surgical procedure for carpel tunnel, my sister in law had it done over here twenty odd years ago.
Richard and I were at a christening yesterday, the grandchild of one of our friends. Never been to one like it before. The baby had oil (can't remember names of oils used) put on his neck, then was christened with holy water or should I say nearly drowned in it. Chaplain used a large shell scoop filled full three times, poured over the head and down the face. Just before we moved from the font the chaplain proceeded to splase the congregation with holy water, those near the front got soaked. Later in service more oil was used on his head. After the service there was refreshments in the common room. I forgot to say this took place at Hurst Pierpoint College, a public (private fee paying school) school where the baby's father was educated. In the evening we went to our friends home for a Hog roast...delicious. unfortunately I was driving home (2 hour drive) so couldn't have a drink.
29/Jun/14 9:23 PM
Mamacita 2
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Good Morning All.
Beautiful Sunday here....hopefully the weather where you are is also good, or at least tolerable. Nothing of real great interest going on here...the city has started its holiday period of 10 days of entertainment all over and fireworks most nights cap off the festivities, so lots to do if one wants...I just am not into the crowds and noise any more...but it really can be fun.
Jazz has been acting really strange the past two nights making me lose sleep. He normally goes to sleep for the night in his crate...he's been doing so for over 12 Friday night he started to bark and I took him outside thinking he had to take care of business...not so, and he barked to come back in...this was 1:30 in the morning, so I quickly got him back inside where he just walked from each room and didn't settle down . At first we stayed in the bedroom, but he soon barked to go into the rest of the house and wouldn't stay in any one room. Finally about 4 a.m, he went to sleep in the dining room. He was fine during the day on Saturday and didn't seem to have any special problems, although he had been walking in a funny manner, similar to a drunken stagger at the time. I thought all was well when he went to bed in his crate as usual last night, but he repeated the actions of the night before. Now again he seems fine. Angelique went away to stay with her grandparents for the weekend and I'm wondering if this was what upset Jazz and he was looking for her...she's due back today so I'll see what he does tonight. I just want him to be okay and to make up his mind where he's going to sleep. I don't mind if he no longer wants to sleep in the crate, but I do want my routine back so we can all sleep w/o his walking and barking. I'm lucky to have good neighbors and want to keep them that way. While he does seem to know it's late and barks quietly...just loud yips really, it can be annoying.
Miz T, thanks for taking time to let me know that the watering of your babies keeps you going and the task isn't a big burden....we all need a reason to be needed and plants sure need a good person like you to care for them...that community is lucky to have someone like you living and caring there. June, have a great trip and hope your wrist soon responds to the brace. Brenda...that was one heck of a christening you described...I've seen many, but none like that.
Susie, hard to think of Alie being 18...boy time flies. Sending belated birthday wishes to her. It's really special when parents buy their grown child 's first really welcomes them to adulthood and a form of equality that is remembered. I say first drink, even though we all know that only kids know if its really a first drink or not...but that fact doesn't take away the special act from Mom and Dad. Wonderbar. Julie, I too am looking forward to learning more about your busy week when its over and you are rested...but I guess by then you will have covered so much you won't even notice...
30/Jun/14 1:58 AM
Stevenage UK
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Mama, the first thing my kids did when they turned 18 was to go to a shop and buy Richard a bottle of beer.
30/Jun/14 2:52 AM
Alabama, USA
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Did I say that because of inspection, I will be getting new floor covering in my storage closet? I think I mentioned the white vinyl tiles turning a horrid amber gold color and nothing will clean them. I showed it to Linda during inspection, and she said they would replace floor. She showed me where the coat closet (that I put shelves in and turned into a grocery pantry) the floor covering had been replaced, it is a different kind, possibly replaced for the same reason. Only thing I have to do when they schedule this is to put things on the removable book case into boxes, they will remove all the boxes, the book case and those things on the floor already to get to the floor. Mary, my house cleaner, and my sister and I have tried everything to remove that discoloration, nothing works. Will be nice not to have to look at it any more!
Saturday I got laundry done, came in and before putting the clothes away, took a nice nap. I am slowly getting my strength back, but can tell the smallest thing drains me of energy. Sunday, today, I bought groceries and again a nap when I got in. but I did put away the cold things before napping. Watered flowers early this morning, too. I still have pansies, but they are beginning to look a bit worn. I might be replacing them in a couple of weeks. It is a good thing I bought 'replacement flowers' back when I did, and kept them in medium sized containers. there are no annuals in the nurseries at this time. OH, my Cleome seeds are coming up, I gave them all a drink this morning too. I might need to thin and transplant some, I have one heavily seeded spot, and one bare spot.
In November we will have a fall festival, and be selling plants among other things. I will collect seed from the Cleome and offer for sale. You cannot find seed at local nurseries, if you want to order them you must go online and only a few sites have them. I know I got my first from another gardener. I do need to look for pricing for seed. Now here I am selling seed from plants who just now have their second true leaves hehehe, planning ahead.
I need to cook something for dinner. Not sure why I did not buy a roasted chicken today, I did not see them I guess. OH I have cooked rosemary chicken, did that yesterday and have planned overs, so it is just veg I need. Perhaps green and yellow summer squash with onions? I am off to the kitchen, hope to get back to comment on the posts. If not, I did read and thought of you as I did. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
30/Jun/14 8:28 AM
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Boy, has the wind been blowing! We are enjoying being away and for Laura this is the first holiday she has had like this, Today we went to a place that has tanks with reef sharkes and sting rays. You could get in the tanks and feed them. laura had a ball. Loved it when this ray, about 3 foot across came and gave her a hug, The keeper coaxed the ray till it covered her body up to her chin. I will put up some photos when we get home. Tomorrow we go on a three hour cruise to see whales and dolphins,
Happy birthday to Alie.
Hope Jazz is OK.
I find wearing the brace hard at night. Waiting to see if it makes an improvement. A bit behind in my exercises while we are here.
Certainly an unusual Baptism.
30/Jun/14 10:51 PM
Stevenage UK
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June that sounds like a wonderful experience for Laura. It is fortunate that she doesn't seem to be frightened of much. Our grandson Akira would have run a mile rather than get in a tank withbfish. His sister is totally the opposite she would have loved it but is a little young to understand that she could hurt the ray.
30/Jun/14 11:42 PM
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Connection very slow so I am pleased the post last night went through. Not quite as windy today. just as well as we will be going a well off shore. I do hope we get to see some good whale sightings.
01/Jul/14 8:56 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi all! I'm just popping in quickly to tell you that I'm on holidays tomorrow. Tasmania here I come. Kevin and the boys are already there and will collect me from the airport tomorrow. They are at Port Arthur today - convict penal colony and the place where Australia's worst mass gun murder occurred. It is a very sobering place but very beautiful. I'll be back home on Saturday 12th.
Have fun everyone! Sorry I won't get to the Brissie sudoku gathering for Tricia.
01/Jul/14 2:59 PM
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Thank you for all the birthday wishes for Alie. I think she had a good day.
Brenda, there is surgery. When I was offered the surgery I had an infant and couldn't work out how to manage being without my hands for weeks. I gave up knitting, crocheting and as much of my letter writing as I could bear to instead. That was when I bought my first sewing machine and taught myself how to sew. I now crochet small bits at a time.
That christening sounds brutal! Did the baby cry much?
Mamacita, I hope Jaz has calmed down. I wonder if it was Angelique going away? That would be strange!
June, how wonderful that Laura got a hug from a ray! Amazing! That's a memory of a lifetime!
Vicki, have a wonderful time!
My injection is on Friday. That seems like a long time to wait! Oh well...
01/Jul/14 9:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, another hot clear day on order here today. Mother Nature is not heading my pleas for rain. I went to grcery on Sunday, forgot bread, when back on Monday. One of the ladies who cleans apartments here also has a farm a few miles north of town. she brought in produce yesterday. We had been given coupons for fresh localy grown produce, and she was set up to receive those, and was giving very good measure too! If you had coupons, valued at $6 eash, you could tell her what you were interested in, and she would make you up a bag. For one coupon I got green beans, and squash and bell peppers. I picked up new potatoes and tomatoes for Myra. Her oxygen tanks were inoperable, she was stuck in her apartment until they brought her new tanks. She has the oxygen generator with a 50 foot cord for at home.
I have my laundry done, still need to put that away, and need to water inside and outside plants once again. Not a hard day on hand for today.
Suzy, thinking about you as you wait for Friday and your injection. I hope it does wonders for you.
Vicki, have a grand time on holiday. I am looking forward to hearing all about your trip when you return.
June, I am also pleased your post came through. It sounds as if Laura had an experience of a lifetime with the ray. I am so glad she has you in her life.
I just had 3 young men come in to check out a 'window leak'. I could not figure what they meant, then remember Linda writing up a sheet rock problem on the living room window wall, but away from window. Same place it has leaked into apartment every year since I have been here. Sheet rock from the patch has turned loose, was hidden behind bookcase, until I bought the loveseat and rearranged furniture. So they are going outside to see if they can discover just where our building is leaking. Wish them luck.
Enough rambling for today, I shouod be outside before it gets brutally hot and humid. Catch you later. Hugs to each of you with extras.
02/Jul/14 12:34 AM
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Back home again. Spent all morning on a fauna and animal farm. A great treat for Laura. Then 2 1/2 hours drive home. One load of washing in the machine. Will post more later.
02/Jul/14 5:00 PM
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MizT, you have been very productive, including a bargain on produce! How nice of you to help out your housebound friend!
We have gad a beautiful winter day! Hubby has been working to rebuild the chicken fence. Also sorting out some stuff food work, and yes, he is on holidays. One of the things he has been working on made the paper. Once it makes the paper everyone panics. So, phone calls at home.
I've just scrubbed Alie's bathroom because her birthday party is this weekend and she doesn't have a clue. I got her to do the two handed stuff. I rested and then swept and mopped all the floors. I'll be on the codeine as soon as the floor dries and I can get some... One and a half more days...
02/Jul/14 5:19 PM
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*for not food.
That sounds like fun June! The farm I mean, not the drive.
02/Jul/14 5:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I've gone back to the sleeping-ridiculously-long-hours routine. I haven't been waking in the morning until 3 PM!
03/Jul/14 10:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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For anyone not on FB, CynB is in hospital, having tests on heart. I think angiogram is next test. Sending out healing thoughts and wishes to her.
Heidi, it must be contagious, this sleeping thing. Now I do not sleep till 3 pm, but I do keep finding myself back in bed. today I was up and out to water all plants in containers by 8:30 am. Even though it was early and as col as July gets in Alabama, I was wet all over, from the hose malfunction or sweating. Came in, dried off, put on my warm gown and back to sleep. another nice nap in the afternoon after scrabble. Now it is not yet 10 pm and I am ready to go to sleep again! See you on the flip side. Hugs to each of you with extras.
03/Jul/14 12:52 PM
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Heidi, that's a little worrying. I think you need hugs. Cyber ones will have to do, hope they help. I've just been reading that bananas can help with both energy and mood. Lots of other things too.
Two days of heavy cleaning has made me actually look forward to, shot and rest I hope.
03/Jul/14 6:25 PM
Mamacita 2
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Good Morning Still,
Hmmmmmm, sleeping sickness? I guess I have some form of it. Sleep, wake and sleep again but in short spurts and not feeling really rested. Oh well, that good feeling I was bragging about a few post ago wasn't going to last.I was well aware of that. At least I don't feel sick and the major things aren't acting up..that's a good thing.
Suzy, I can understand looking forward to what you consider easier...but please don't push too hard for the celebration...we all want you to be able to enjoy it too. Keeping fingers crossed. Heidi, Cyn, Midge, June, Nola and Tricia...I'm sending some extra healing vibes along with my prayers for you in hopes that you all are soon feeling up to par or better, and that whatever it takes to get there is available.
Jazz is fine...he evidently was missing Angelique while she was away since he returned to his normal schedule and crate at night, once she returned.
Time to shower and get something done around intention of doing much..but what ever I feel up to. Have a great day/night. Peace.
04/Jul/14 1:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope my dentist gets an opening before the 14th. I have a tooth with a broken root that needs to be extracted. The tooth had a root canal in '91, so the pain isn't agonizing, but the tooth wobbles all over the place and the gum is massively swollen and bleeding. So the gum hurts, tho' the tooth doesn't. That same tooth was worked on a few months ago, and the dentist thought she had stabilized it. But it's worse than before. I have a post and crown in it, but the root itself is the problem. So it'll have to be dug out in pieces, the infection treated, and the gum stitched shut. Once it's healed, we'll start the procedure for another implant. It's always something.
04/Jul/14 11:18 AM
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Oh Heidi - my worst fear is the dentist. Good luck and hope the tooth settles quickly. Suzy & June - carpal tunnel ops are a very good choice. Friend had hers done at the age of 85 and can now knit etc to her heart's content. Just out of hospital after overnight stay for colonoscopy (2nd one in a month) and now one more test to go - hooray. Fitting them in between dialysis is not easy. MizT & Mamacita and CynB - hope you are all feeling better. Happy belated birthday to Alie - enjoy the party Suzy - hope the cleanup goes o.k. My family took me out to dinner for mine and it was lovely - my kids all get on so well, it was a laugh a minute. (Particularly when they recounted how hubby put his walkman in the oven to dry it out!!) Better get back to work - only here for a short time then home to rest - cheers to all
04/Jul/14 12:44 PM
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Midge, you are an inspiration with all your health problems and you always sound so positive.
Heidi, I am always happy to go to the dentist but have never had anything like that done. I hope your other medications help with the jaw pain.
Last night we had dinner with our son who had a days work in Sydney. Lunch today with some friends I worked with and tonight we have 'Christmas in July' with Turkey and Beef cooked on the spit.
04/Jul/14 5:06 PM
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