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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Just touching bases. Alarm is set for early - platelet donation day.
{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and
14/Apr/14 3:56 PM
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OOPS! I need a quote!
“What we think, we become” – our thoughts, not outside events, determine the quality of our lives – so be kind to your mind, and think positive! ~ Buddha
Thinking positive for Everyone!
14/Apr/14 3:58 PM
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Hi all,
Nola, thinking of you too!
Theresa, I hope you are well and so are your kitties your FIL, your D and the grandies... laughed over your funny!
June, I hope Ken is resting after his second trip to the reamer... I hope your pain is better today. I've tried driving with a sore shoulder and it's for the birds! Luckily I was in a country town with fewer cars, lights etc so was able to fudge my way along.. Sydney driving would be agony! Hating the sound of the pain you are in!! Wish I could do something to make it all go away!
Broni, I hope you are beating the woman from h3lls attempts to rip off the company! About those energy levels, I've discovered today that my vitamin D levels are very low and that tiredness/low energy levels are a symptom... He's put me on a triple dose until I get rechecked in a few months.
Heidi, I hope the electric fence problems have been fixed by now.
MizT, how are you going to get any sleep with that low battery beep???
14/Apr/14 4:29 PM
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What's happening with me and mine? Alie went to a memorial for her friend at the river. They, unfortunately, released a couple of hundred balloons - people brought their own bunches, Alie didn't. Although we both thought it was sad for the wildlife, they did look beautiful floating away and I think gave a moment of peace to her parents. Apparently this girl was quite popular, not bullied, but was bipolar or something. Alie said everyone loved her even though she was annoying sometimes. The mix of people there supported what Alie said: All different types of kids from obviously different social groups.
We had Dana and the kids over this weekend. Dana took advantage of a 4 year interest free offer at Joyce Mayne to replace her TV and buy a clothes dryer. We've had so much rain!! A while ago I thought I'd never complain about rain again...
I got my flu shot and had a blood test last Tuesday. Wednesday morning the docs office called and left a message that I needed to come in, then again on Thursday - for a non-urgent appointment.
My cholesterol is high, even on meds, so he's doubled my meds, and my Vitamin D is low, as I said earlier.
14/Apr/14 4:37 PM
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Julie, are you on any of those 'frequent donor' lists? Have any good citizen medals? If not, someone should get in the ear of someone who does that stuff....
14/Apr/14 4:38 PM
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Suzy, I hope you get all your levels sorted out soon. You need to take care.
A temp. cap fell off my tooth so I have just been to the dentist to have it glued back until the permanent crown is made.
A nuclear bone marrow in the morning and I have to drive myself to Castle Hill. Will take 1/2 to 3/4 hour depending on traffic.
Wednesday is an ultra sound.
Not sure when Laura is coming to stay. We have not seen her very much this year and we miss her.
14/Apr/14 6:11 PM
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June, you'll need a ride home from the bone marrow. Wish I lived closer.
I hope Laura comes over soon! I hate to be cynical, but i think he likes the free babysitting so hopefully he'll send her over.
Although I could fix everything but the vitamin D with diet and exercise but he wasn't willing to gamble on that.
14/Apr/14 7:56 PM
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Sorry Suzy, it is a bone density I am having tomorrow. I just keep calling it the wrong thing.
14/Apr/14 9:20 PM
Mamacita 2
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Good Afternoon from here. Sorry to hear of so much discomfort and out and out pain that far too many are going through right now...I do hope things soon get better for all of us. I'm okay...continual headaches have been bothering me but things are good otherwise.Just haven't felt too much like commenting. Broni...I too hope the coworker finds her karma sooner rather than really makes life harder to have to be held captive to those who need to annoy /hurt/humiliate others to feel good about themselves...sad too, but so hard to feel the empathy while going through such unpleasantness.
Heidi...I do hope the cows bought you a great check after all of the inconveniences the third party caused you to go through.
Today would have been my 58th wedding anniversary and I've been doing lots of reminiscing as you might but am in a good place with everything. Thinking of you and wishing all better health and Peace. ♥
15/Apr/14 2:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The temperatures lately have been delightful.... ranging from 70˚F to 80˚F (21˚C to 27˚C). My lilacs are in bloom! Tonight it's supposed to plummet. IT'S SUPPOSED TO SNOW TOMORROW MORNING!!!!!
When will this winter go away????
15/Apr/14 8:01 AM
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Copying from that other page...
At 5.50am this morning my phone rang - every mother's worst nightmare - what happened? Who's hurt?... My caller id says it's Dana calling. Hello, I say..Hello. Hello says Tahli. Huge sigh of relief! Then she called again 5 minutes later. I'm pretty sure she got in trouble for that....
15/Apr/14 10:47 AM
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Phew June, I'm glad you're not having bone marrow testing. I saw a man have bone marrow taken when I was 16 and almost fainted!
Mamacita, thinking of you today. Once again you have used beautiful words to encourage us to see the good in something...
15/Apr/14 10:49 AM
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Bone density done. I find it painful having to keep still for so long. They had to help me get up from the table. Then the 1/2 drive home. I took some pain killers so I will be OK very soon. Have to go back in three hours to pick up the results. (Ken has gone in to work today as he has not been in for three weeks).
It is cute the first time they learn to use the phone. Not all the time after that.
15/Apr/14 12:09 PM
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Dropping by with positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, and
for all!
15/Apr/14 3:45 PM
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By the way, we had snow this afternoon and evening. Hopefully it's the last until next winter.
15/Apr/14 3:47 PM
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Hi all, haven't been around for a while. Been in hospital again (my graft vein clotted and had to have the graft extended). Seems to have settled again and they are using it for dialysis. still a bit of a sook- have lignocaine injections before they needle me. Dialysis is 3 times a week so I really look forward to the extra day off. Hubby and 1 son in China for business so has been very hectic at work. Had a sad morning - puss (nearly 19 yrs old) somehow ended up in our pool. This is the 2nd time one of our pets has gone this way - how I hate it. So sorry to hear of Alies friend - let's hope the young ones learn something from the grief felt by her family and friends. Sorry also to read of so many problems and pain - hope the sun shines soon. Going camping overnight at Easter at Bonnie Doon - should be lovely. . The night sky there is so beautiful without any lights to mar the stars. So looking forward to it. Take care everyone.
15/Apr/14 4:10 PM
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Midge I was thinking of you yesterday and wondered how you were getting on. We cannot complain with our minor problems compared with all you have to endure.
Take care and enjoy your camping trip over Easter.
15/Apr/14 6:05 PM
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Heavy cloud coming in from the east with some light rain. No hope of seeing the lunar eclipse.
15/Apr/14 6:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's snowing!!! I don't think we'll have any accumulation, though.
Off to the sale barn to pick up the check..... but first I have to unhook the trailer from the truck.
15/Apr/14 8:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Midge..... gentle ((((( HUGS ))))).
15/Apr/14 8:07 PM
qld, australia
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Yay Heidi, hope you get a good yield.
Midge, hang in there.
15/Apr/14 8:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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We did NOT get the price we hoped for. These were 5 of the best animals we've ever produced, and they were fully vaccinated and dewormed, but we got about $150.oo - $200.oo less per animal than we expected. Oh, well. It was a decent price. I'm just used to topping the market each sale.
15/Apr/14 11:55 PM
Alabama, USA
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I am of to pain clinic shortly. It is a bit cool outside, time to dress in layers for my 2 block ride in power chair. It is 47 out, but with a very strong wind that makes it feel much colder.
So far I am pleased with results of the pain block. Now when I take my meds, I get pain levels of ZERO! It has been years since I felt no pain at all for any length of time. We will see how long this lasts and when I need another one.
Heidi, sorry you did not get the price you deserved on those yearlings. You should be getting top dollar, if the price of beef at the grocery is any indication. Poor ranchers are the last to get their part of the price increases we see.
How much snow did you see? It is forecast low enough tonight I shall bring in what plants I can and cover the rest. It might get just below freezing, or might just flirt with it. Best to cover and not need it.
June, we did not see the eclipse either, solid cloudy. Did anyone see it? What other tests must you have done? When do you see the specialist? I do hope they can help you with your pain. When it hurts to be still you really cannot get any rest.
Midge, my ex first husband has a graft for his dialysis. He has a lidocaine cream they must put on an hour before he leaves for dialysis, so no needle before the larger needle. So sorry tohear of the loss of your kitty. Nineteen is a rope old age for a kitty, but we are never ready to loose them. Huge hugs to you. Enjoy your trip and seeing the stars without light pollution from the city.
Julie, how much snow did you get? Good to see you drip in, so we know you are just busy. I also hope this is your last snow of the season.
Suzy, cute of your grandie to phone you. Can Dana lock the keyboard? I can lock mine and until unlocked, two keystrokes needed, no calls go in or out. No pocket dialing for me is why I use it.
OK, I am out of here for now. I hope everyone has a good mAen. Hugs to each of you with extras.
16/Apr/14 5:27 AM
Alabama, USA
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Julie did not drip in, she dropped in hehehe
Nineteen is a ripe old age, no rope.
16/Apr/14 5:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It snowed the whole way to and from the sale barn.... at times very heavily.I had to scrape an inch of snow off the windshield, windows and side mirrors so I could drive there. I ended up taking the RV since it's MUCH heavier and less likely to slip.
I suspect that the weather forecast kept buyers away, so there was less bidding and lower prices. At least I hope so.
16/Apr/14 8:59 AM
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Miz T and Heidi you amaze me. With your problems with pain how you both keep going. Sorry you didn't get the price you wanted for the cattle - after all of your work and messing around. MizT - they have also given me the cream but tried it first and didn't seem to work. Put it on, waited an hour and then stuck pins in it (I was at home mind you!) They are still pushing me to do home dialysis but at this stage, it is too much to think of. Am opting out for a while on that one. Saw the eclipse last night - it was amazing - next one is in OCtober and then the best is supposed to be next APril - at least for us on this side. Bought hubby a telescope (really for my daughter and me)one year for his birthday. We really have a lot of fun with it. Haven't seen the man in the moon yet though...
16/Apr/14 11:03 AM
Alabama, USA
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I have covered the polants that I could not bring inside. Pots are in the first floor elevator loby of building 2, and in the commons meeting room in building 1. The ferns are too large/heavy a container to come inside, so they are covered with a warm fleece throw to hold in any heat in the soil and containers. Even taped it down so
the gusty wind would not blow it off. A couple other containers covered by the drive, and the coleus I just planted last week out in the back garden. I think they will be OK.
I am off to bed early, hope to get really warm and stop the aches that this cold front is causing. I did get 2 months scrip for meds this time, and next time, in June, I will get 3 month supply. suits me, save the co pay for a 'specialist' doc appointment. It is not a problem that I cannot take the gabaentin 4 a day as prescribed, the 3 I am doing will do nicely for now.
Good Night all, Huge to each of you with extras.
16/Apr/14 12:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... I'm so glad that you're discovering the joys of epidural pain blocks. The results are SO worth it!
16/Apr/14 1:26 PM
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I had the ultrasound of my shoulders today. Read out the results to my daughter (who once worked in pathology) and her comment was 'Mum, you are getting old'. I am not sure which is causing me the most problems. The nerves in my neck or the degeneration of my shoulders. I see the specialist (with the results of this weeks tests) next Tuesday.
16/Apr/14 6:06 PM
Stevenage UK
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Maybe your daughter will remember that you are getting older when you have to go and stay at her place. Hope you can get some pain relief from all your problems. Hope Ken is feeling a lot better now too.
16/Apr/14 8:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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June.... is bowling the best thing you can do for the nerves in your neck or the shoulder degeneration? You might want to cut back. I know..... quitting is not an option.
17/Apr/14 12:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I woke up this morning to a bitterly cold house. My first thought was that the heat pump had quit. Then I got up. IH had left the kitchen door wide open .... in 35˚F /1.6˚C temperatures!!!! It was open for nearly 2 hours! The next time he blames me for the high electric bill, I'm going to explode!!!
17/Apr/14 12:20 AM
Alabama, USA
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Plants made it through our cold night with no damage. I went down about 10 am and uncovered them. I had taped the blankets around the bottom, and they did not blow off in the high winds, good. I almost got my power chair stuck, had to change direction to get out. I drove it around on the cement patio floor for a while, hoping to dislodge the dirt from the tread of my wheels. Evidently I did not get it all out. After I had been out front and back inside, I noticed there were little clumps of mud on the floor. Remember last year when residents thought someone's dog had pooped all down the hall? Looked the same again. I got paper towels and picked up clumps of mud. Hope I did not leave more behind me
I must go to pharmacy today to see if they have my pain meds. They did not have them last 2 months, and I had to go to another pharmacy. Viva insurance will only pay for the cheapest generic, and my pharmacy runs out. The big chains will just fill with a more expensive generic and take the loss, but my small family owned pharmacy cannot do that. It is a chore now to get pain meds. I may have to ask the doc to somehow change when I can fill the script, earlier in the month before thepharmacy runs out, but that is going to be a pain trying to do that. Pain clinic is not going to prescribe one pill more than what is allowed in 30 days.
JUNE, keeping fingers crossed that specialist can help you with your pain. Less than a week now, that is doable. Like Heidi mentioned, I would ask doc if bowls is aggravating the shoulder pain, and what other things should you avoid. How is Ken, did he survive his day at work with no pain?
Heidi, ya never know what Gil is going to do next, ya just know he is going to do something, and it will be wrong!
Heidi, yes, I am enjoy9ing a LOT of things now. I can even stand to wash all my dishes without it hurting.
Time for a rest, I have been up and outside for a bit. Not yet time for meds, so perhaps a little nap will do me good till it is time. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
17/Apr/14 2:20 AM
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I have not bowled for a couple of weeks. Once the nerves affected my fingers I could not control where the bowl went and I was playing competition. My team has one more game and it looks as though they might win and I am very disappointed I cannot play. I am taking an anti- inflammatory and nerve pain pills. Also topping that up sometimes with panadol osteo. Actually I am pretty OK in the daytime. Cannot lift anything.
After my test today I went to Aldi but had a coffee and now I cannot get to sleep. Having a block put on FB tonight so I cannot see photos of my grandsons is not helping. I know a way to get around that though!
We get Laura today till Monday. We generally have an egg hunt at Belinda's at Easter.
Ken is OK and not in pain at all. Another blast next Wednesday and a week after that to take the stint out.
17/Apr/14 2:39 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi everyone..Good news about Ken, June and I add my voice to the others hoping that your pain is soon relieved. I too agree with the thought that bowles may be adding to the long term degeneration you have...yet know that some things that bring us pleasure are worth the pain if we can control it. I hope the precautions you are taking will allow you to play in the next competition. I bet your team mates feel the same way.
Heidi..I can only shake my head at Gil's thoughtlessness as well as his carelessness...and he has the nerve to complain only makes it worse. I am however not Tricia said...ya don't have to know what...just that something is gonna happen when Gil is around.
Hey Midge, so good to hear from you, but sorry that you still haven't learned to stay out of those hospitals yet. Sending gentle hugs along with the expectation that your little get away will go smoothly and be lots of fun...Enjoy.
Tricia, good to know that you have been experiencing pain free time since you've gotten
the if you can get the meds being available to you when you need them at the lowest cost, you will have really accomplished something.
Broni, hoping things at work have been a tad less stressful for you during the tax season. That causes more than enough stress. What ever happened as a result of the 'itche's 'request to be paid for her problems...or was nothing determined yet? Please keep us posted so I don't have to come over there and apply those lessons you suggested Heidi might apply to Gil rather than having words with Can't you just see that picture of me kicking butt?? Funny, but with the right motivation I know I can do it....Just back fro the vet with Jazz where I dropped a fair bundle and still have to go get his meds with cost 100 bucks for 3 months supply, and the vet is talking about the possibility of needing to increase the amount depending on the outcome of his blood work. Honestly, I will soon end up in the poor house holding up signs to ask for help with the cost of medicine for the two of us if things keep going this way. He has dementia but otherwise is in pretty good shape. They are just trying to control the seizures and keep him going a while longer. She did say she didn't think he was suffering when asked and that it was too soon to think about putting him down, but warned that time nor symptoms are not on his side.I of course was glad to have her confirm my view, but didn't need a reminder that he's getting old. He was 12 years old in April with health problems...not a good mix...but then I'm even older with health problems and sure don't feel ready to leave just yet so the two of us will just do the best we can with what we've got. Guess that goes for all of us...we've been dealt a certain hand and we need to try and make the best of the cards we hold and enjoy every moment we are given as much as we can... It's so very hard to do sometimes though...but I know we'll all keep trying. Okay fo
17/Apr/14 3:27 AM
Alabama, USA
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Mamacita, today my pharmacy had my pain meds. I have not had to pay more for any of them, just hunt a pharmacy that had the cheap ones in stock. I think there is now another manufacturer of the meds at the lowest price. These are different, larger tablets. That is a good thing, since I cut them in half. Being larger makes that easier.
Sorry to hear Jazz is having so many problems. You are taking good care of him, that is all anyone can ask of you. I am glad the vet says he is not suffering any.
June, I am glad the panadol long acting is working for you. Here, the government is trying to cut down the usage of Tylenol, which is same thing as your panadol, just different name. They are getting rid of so many pain medications now. First they advised doctors not to use Darvocet, because of side effects if taken in larger than prescribed doses. Same now with Tylenol. Most narcotic pain medication has Tylenol in it. I think there is only one without, the one I am taking. Everyone being deprived of a good medication because some fools take more than prescribed.
My friend Eddie is coming up to visit tomorrow. He is not doing well. He was fired from his job, because having his oxygen in an auto shop is dangerous. I hope this makes it easier for him to get disability. He is drawing unemployment for the time being. He also had a biopsy done, gets results Friday. Please say a little prayer, send healing vibes and good wishes his way, he does not cancer added to all his health problems.
Heidi, gotta tell you, played scrabble today, and I won both games, really unheard of when Mary is playing. In one game, for my turn I played only one letter but my score was 50! Played the X on a triple letter space, making Ox across and Ex down, triple letter counted twice, really neat, eh?
OK, time for bed now. hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
17/Apr/14 2:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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Has the site been down? Eleven hours with no posts? Hope everyone is just busy getting ready for the Easter weekend.
17/Apr/14 2:29 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Did a quick read and will try to respond.
Suzy, love and {{HUGS}} to you and Allie. Prayers for her friends. That is so extremely sad for a young person to feel as if there are options available.
Heidi, I hope you're feeling better, and the short in the electric fence can be found and repaired. Too bad you can't fix IH as easily as things can be fixed around the farm. I wish you had been able to get a better check of the calves.
June, thinking of you and Ken and hoping you are both feeling better! Enjoy the time with Laura when she visits!
June, I was told the other day that I had made 54 donations at that location. I have donated other places, as well, over the years, including whole blood, platelets and white blood cells. It is in NO way record-setting. Occasionally I read about someone who has donated 15 or 20 gallons. By my calculations, I'm only half-way to 15 gallons.
MizT, I hope you are feeling better. So glad you now have a pain doctor. Hopefully your pain can be held at bay! What a shame about your car, but good that it is fixed! Sending positive thoughts for your friend Eddie!
Midge, thinking of you and what you're going through with dialysis. Problems with grafts are (unfortunately) not uncommon. Hopefully all will be well soon. It's hard to keep your life 'normal' and work while on dialysis! We know from experience, as hubby was on dialysis for 18 months. He also had many issues with grafts/fistulas.
Mama, I hope you and Jazz are both feeling better and benefit from whatever medications are available to you! You have such a wonderful command of the English language and express yourself so well. About all I can say is, 'What Mama said.'
Broni, I hope your busy time at work passes quickly and productively. Hopefully you will find some time to rest and take care of yourself!!
I'm sure I read posts from Brenda, Theresa, and Nola. Unfortunately, I can't remember what I was going to say, and I really must get to bed. The alarm is set for 5:30 again, and we must be out of the house by 7 a.m.
We only had about 2 inches of snow, most of which is gone.
Hubby has been dealing with pain since mid-January. At first it was centered in his neck and neck. That is improved, but now sciatica is his companion. He has physical therapy 3 times a week and is also working with a chiropractor.
ALERT: MAJOR RANT AHEAD! We got everything ready for our accountant, met with him last week, and he attempted to file our return. It was kicked back because someone had already filed a return using his name and number. We are waiting for information from the federal government on steps we will need to take to clear up the identity theft. Unfortunately, he doesn't think we should do anything until we receive the information from the government. I keep telling him it could be WEEKS, and who knows what other things are happening. Unfortunately, I can't make all of the calls, as it was done in his name. When I have tried t
17/Apr/14 3:59 PM
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OOPS! I ran over. Here's the rest:
When I have tried to call, I've been told to put him on the telephone. They won't even let us put the call on speakerphone so I can take notes. We will need to work with 3 federal agencies and must file a police report and get our credit reports. On top of that, I have TONS of cello practicing to be done, as he wouldn't let me practice for nearly a week while we were working on taxes, and my 'end-of-the-year recital' is in 4 weeks. I'm SO sorry I'm taking out my frustrations on all of you. I will drop by when I can!
Positive thoughts, prayers, gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes,
, and prayers for each of you!
17/Apr/14 4:00 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone. Wishing you a great Easter break, safe traveling for those catching up with family or friends, and Health and Happiness to you all.
17/Apr/14 4:38 PM
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