Sacky from Tasmania

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youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Hi Sacky, You just about did a 'CP' on my page recently !
I think that you and I came to sudokuland very much about the same time - May this year.
Loved the Mollis azalea shots. Inspired me to go to see if I could do likewise. I did get a couple of photos which I'll out up n a day or two.
Going to be busy tomorrow; the choir that I used to be a member of is having a singing workshop in the afternoon,followed by the performance (Handle's Messiah') at 6-00PM.
Then on Sunday,I'm helping to cater for a friend who is having about 30 guests for a piano duet(she is one of the pianists).
Hopefully, I'll get back into the garden on Monday !
26/Oct/12 10:58 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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No worries about accidentally calling me, Kate. I think it was because I mentioned Kate in my comment. I enjoy your photos & info so much. Glad you have become a frequent contributor in Sudokuland.
27/Oct/12 1:40 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Sacky. Haven't seen a report on the shelducklings lately. How are they doing? Hope all 7 are still surviving.
02/Nov/12 2:01 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Those ducklings are certainly growing up, Sacky!!!
What are the purple flowers in your garden - lovely colour!!!
02/Nov/12 2:10 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Sacky for vigilance re the ducklings!!!
09/Nov/12 5:55 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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HI Sacky,
May I add my thanks to the many others who have and are enjoying the continued update on the duck(lings).
Also to answer your question on one of my photos, the white one,you asked if it grew in the shade. Yes. My plant gets a little morning sun but protected from afternoon. It is another deciduous Mollis azalea, again I am unable to provide it correct name unfortunately
10/Nov/12 4:25 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Sacky, love the little nesting party in your album!!
I have some photos (not uploaded though - one day!!??) of a willie wagtail sitting on its nest - mum & dad share the job. The one not sitting keeps watch & acts as a decoy if it is threatened. I guess the greys do the same! I've not had the pleasure of seeing the hatchlings etc because this was at my daughter's place and she's 3hrs north of Sydney! We'd had a weekend with her a few weeks ago!
13/Nov/12 4:58 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Didn't go back far enough missed the eggs etc!! Thanks Sacky!
13/Nov/12 5:16 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Yes Sacky, thanks, that link was good. So it is spider webbing that holds the nest together. These little fellas will keep you busy for a few weeks.

13/Nov/12 10:56 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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I see that youkidme also checked out that link. I, too, was amazed to read that the nests are made of fine grass held together with spider webs! And also surprised that you measured your nest at about 2 inches across - that's really little! Seeing your photos & reading about them is like having my own little nature show -
15/Nov/12 2:46 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Just caught up with your photos! Wonderful! Have a great break!!
19/Nov/12 8:27 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I see that I have never given you a proper welcome to the site on your page...Please forgive my bad manners, but I'm so glad to be able to enjoy your great pictures none the less. You do add much and I'm glad to finally say a proper welcome!
20/Nov/12 5:59 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Lovely photos, Sacky. Tasmania sure is a very pretty scenic place.
24/Nov/12 8:21 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Love the new photos, Sacky, thanks!!!!
27/Nov/12 11:36 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Hey, Sacky.
I know you are away, but I was thinking of you when I went avatar hunting.
There are two for you. There is a way for you to take this and put it in your profile thing, at the moment, I cannot remember how to do it. I do know either Kathy knows how, just ask on the easy page, if you don't know, and someone will answer and I might remember how.
05/Dec/12 10:29 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Here is the other one.
I think I remembered how to get it to your profile.
Copy and paste to documents. Save. Then send it in for approval.
05/Dec/12 11:39 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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OH, Sacky, it was no problem, and I saw your comment from the other night. It was one of those, 'thinking of you--while you were away,' things.
Hope you enjoyed your time away.
12/Dec/12 9:09 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and nothing but the best for 2013. Merry Christmas!
24/Dec/12 6:45 AM
   Peter  From 42ยบ South
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Sacky, and a merry Christmas to you and yours. I hope Santa is good to you.

Thanks for the updates on the ducks......perhaps it will all happen again next year.

24/Dec/12 12:41 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Sacky - Thank you! A very Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope you have a lovely day and best wishes for the New Year.

25/Dec/12 2:37 PM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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Merry Christmas
25/Dec/12 9:29 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Sacky,
I am just beginning to catch up with things like sudoku, FB, etc. after Christmas. We had a great day with 8 of our family here, but I was really worn out by the time it was all over. The very next day we switched to our next project - helping our daughter & SIL get their house ready to list for sale. We told them we would help with the painting & decorating, including the room that will be the baby-to-be's nursery. I was so sorry to read about the dog that attacked your dog & your husband!! That must have been so frightening for ALL of you. I hope your husband will heal up okay. It's amazing your dog was uninjured!
29/Dec/12 10:08 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Hi Sacky,
Came to check out the latest photos, and thought In look at some of the previous ones - THEY'D ALL GONE!
Did this happen in error, or did you remove them or is there a limit to how many one can have on the page at any one time ? Pity, if that is the case, as it is nice to be able to revisit sometimes.
29/Dec/12 12:06 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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, may 2013 prove to be a wonderful year for you and your family with love , happy surprises and high flying adventures
31/Dec/12 4:26 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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31/Dec/12 5:20 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Sacky, wishing you and yours the best in the New Year.

01/Jan/13 4:30 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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A to you and your family, Sacky!
Have a great one.
01/Jan/13 5:19 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Loved the wattlebird photos, Sacky.
Is the Waratah a native or one of ours?
06/Jan/13 8:16 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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hit the button too soon!
Thanks for showing us these photos!
06/Jan/13 8:18 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Sacky - actually I was stirring you, because I was almost 100% sure it was one of ours. I have seen a photo of the Tassie one here:
(one of my favourite sites for Aussie plant info, I have a few!!)
06/Jan/13 10:07 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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There are different varieties of Waratahs in NSW & there is a tree Waratah from rainforest in northern Queensland:
I've seen this in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney.
The Telopea speciosissima in it's natural setting is much leggier than the cultivars & garden grown ones, but they still look spectacular with there large flowers sitting at the top!
06/Jan/13 10:27 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Sorry Sacky, for babbling on!!
06/Jan/13 10:27 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Sacky, it's me again!!
Have you found Birds in Backyards, yet? It's very informative! I was told about it on Sudoku back in 2007/8 & they only had a few birds, but they're gradually getting more & there are hundreds now! radoxa
06/Jan/13 10:42 AM
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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I've really enjoyed your photos, Sacky, especially the bird ones. I love to watch the birds that come to my garden, but I'm not much of a photographer. My avatar - the spotted pardalote - is one that I see often at the bird bath.
11/Jan/13 12:27 PM
Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
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Thanks for all the wonderful photos of the birds and flowers. I wish I had a camera and could take some photos to show you what I see. But Sue from OK gives you an idea with her photos.
11/Jan/13 3:31 PM
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Hello again, Sacky. Yes, we have a number of larger trees - ironbarks are indigenous to this area and most of our block is natural bush. We also live close to a flora reserve, which is why we are visited by so many birds. Several years ago we had some pardalotes nesting in the fold of a rug in our carport. They became used to us coming and going, so it was common to see them outside the nest when we came into the carport.
12/Jan/13 11:14 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Hi Sacky,
You have inspired me to take my camera with me when I go for a walk around Lake Alexandra. It has a very pleasant setting, and is dedicated to native species. I'm sure I will be able to get some interesting shots.
31/Jan/13 1:40 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Sacky - thanks for visiting my page and your comment about my new photos. I've been trying to keep away from the computer as I was very busy over Christmas and school holidays with the family staying.
I'd like to put a few of my other new photos on my page of my Antarctica flight but I can't work out how to download them with my new computer.
11/Feb/13 5:31 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Sacky. I really enjoyed your latest flower photos. Like youkidme, I wish that you would leave ALL your photos in your gallery. It's like having a little nature encyclopedia in our Sudoku library! Thanks for taking the time to post all of them.
13/Feb/13 1:09 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Wow Sacky!! Great photos. I was so thrilled I think I went a bit over the top - thank you so much!!
13/Feb/13 8:16 PM
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