Mamacita 2 from PA..

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The Philadelphia Marina with Center City Skyline in the background.

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Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey one and all, since CG became afraid or the weather and cancelled his party, and I had fixed a jumbo pot of jambalya and rice to share, I had to do something with it. I dropped some off at Col's side of the world, left some for CG, and now we'll have a chance to finish it off along with the ribs, shrimp, chicken, beef, salads, fruits, and deserts of all kinds and drinks of your choice, over here....just ask Sully to mix the drink, and serve yourself. Join Bert and the rest on the dance floor....enjoy.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Mamacita. Thanks for the food. Already lost my power once, so it's nice to have something hot. Keep your fingers crossed as it's getting real messy up here in Ottawa.
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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MAMACITA - what a couple!! It is easy to see why you two have stayed married - the love and fun radiates from your picture.
I don't have time now to 'visit' your flickr pictures, but I will soon.
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Mamacita - TGIF!!! Sorry it's taken me so long to come by & see you. Hope you feel very proud of yourself for figuring out how to post your picture here! Where there's a will there's a way. Sorry I can't stay long. Haven't even had time to post a picture at my place yet! Please drop by & see me one day next week. Think you'll be ready for some Florida weather by then!
Mel  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Thanks Mamacita for your delivery of Jambalya - one of my favourite dishes - and the spicier the better!! Love the photo of yourself
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita - thanks for the invitation to join your party. I think Greg got a bit wet walking around in the bad weather yesterday shopping for his party, and then to top it off, his power went out. I suppose you have to put up with that type of weather in Canada.
This jambalya and rice is yummy, thanks a lot. It's nice and cosy in here, have you got the fire going. You've got a lovely lot of partygoers here having fun. It's great to join you all.
fi  From NT
Hello there Marmacita, Lovely to see you.

I've brought you a chocolate ring cake with walnuts.

It's my gran's recipe. She called it her 1234 cake.

Let me see
1/4 pound (125grams) butter

1 cup milk
2 cups sugar
3 eggs and
4 cups SR flour

you know the drum
cream the butter and sugar
Add the eggs
Sift in the flour alternately with slurps of milk.

Blessings to you and your family
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Mamacita - you are up late tonight! I didn't know you were a party animal! Finding out lots about you Just kidding, of course. Rob & I must apologize for giving you bad advice on how to find the Flickr URL number. We should have done my picture BEFORE we tried to help you with yours. But you're so smart you figured it out for yourself. You go girl! Good maeN.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hey Mamacita, it's 12:53 a.m. in the morning on the east coast, and the party is STILL going strong. I've danced and partied so hard, I've made it over to Cairo!! Whew! WHEW!! ''Walk Like An Egyptian.'' Yeah!! When the lights go out in Canada, we know how to take up the slack. Strobe light, please. Sllllliiiiiiieeede to the left and ''drop it like it's HOT!''
Aleia  From Texas
howdy, just thought i'd pop in for a second
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita and Sully. Hope I haven't missed all of the party, I had to go to work. Think I'll try a glass of red wine. If I go to sleep, just ignore me - until you can't cos I snore!!!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita. Thanks for taking over for me last night. It was pretty messy up here, especially considering the day before it was +14. I'll make it back to meet you and Sully another time, and we will party hardy! In the meantime, I'm playing Paul Simon's 'Still Crazy After All These Years' just for you!
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita and Papacito (You don't mind I hope!)Thank you for your invite to your cyber home. It is quite warm and friendly, just like the two of you.
Now off to see what I do about mine.

Liz  From South France
Called in for your party, but guess I was too late, due to time zones. Oh, well, we have indulged in steak, mushrooms, tomatoes, chips (French Fries?!?) peas, onions and a few (?) glasses of wine, so I suppose it's just as well. Hopefully, catch you tomorrow - but we have a wine fair to go to, sometime. We pay about 5€ entrance fee, and get a glass so that you can taste as many wines as you like as many times as you want ... don't normally come out of there sober, and usually purchase some superb wines for not tooooo much. I'll let you know.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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OHHH I wish I could go! It sounds wonderful and right up my alley. Sorry I wasn't here when you called, but glad that you indulged yourself. We will find a way to get together soon.Nal, I'm soooooo sorry to miss you too, and love the nickname for Sully.I'll be stopping by your place soon.
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita 2, thank you for your visit and your lovely comments and goodies!! You have a lovely place here!! Great pic and you certainly do look like you are having a fun time!! So nice to put a face to a name finally!
Here are some flowers for you and some bubbley to share!!!
harley  From nashville
hello there mamacita. it has been a very very long time since i have seen you in the chatroom, which is my since i can't get in there at work very much these days. just wanted to say hi and miss your wit and charm. take care, i hope that i can see you in the chat soon, if not i can say hiddy here
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh how nice to have Harley and Bluey here. Looking forward to seeing both of you more often. Bluely, you are most welcome..and Harley...I miss your voice too.Thanks for taking time to drop in and say 'hi'! Peace.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita..What a good looking family you have Thank you for letting me visit, sorry it's such a short stay. It's so nice to put a face to a name and now I know who is submitting all the lovely comments.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Morning, Mamacita. Coffee please? Just on my trip around the world, starting here.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good morning CP. Surely you need some cereal to help you through the day. I'd be happy to find some for you. Meanwhile, perhaps a little danish will go well with the coffee. I also have some fresh fruit and cream, if you'd rather.
Liz  From South France
Am now hangin' ! Been a heavy day and a heavy week. Talk to you tomorrow. LOL.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hi there Mamacita,thank you so much for the wine and cheese,its so nice of you stop in.I love your photos of you and your lovely family .you and your hubby make a fine couple,how do you stay happily married for so long!thats GREAT!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Liz, Yes, I'm sure you have been up and down this week...take care of your heart and it will all be okay in the long run! Hang in there! Nancy, . Good to have a home gal in my lair. How do you stay married so long you just keep breathing...that helps you to shut up at the right times, and gives you time to think! Must take deepppppp breaths, inhale.................exhale......
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hey Mamacita! Thanks for your visit. Let's get this Triple 7 off the tarmac! I am so busy, but had to stop by to deliver your plane tickets and boarding passes for our first class ride to San Francisco! This week, we depart BWI and head west to tour Napa and Sonoma, then south to Big Sur and the central California coast.'hope to see you onboard. Cheers!
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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GREAT advise Mama! I will remember that, and I think that goes well for all communications...I'll keep a mental note of that TY! and then go in a enclosed area and and come out
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Thats the way to do it Nancy! Deb, I'm so glad you took time to visit me when I know how busy you are.Bert, Thanks for the tickets, I,m having a ball!
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Thanks for helping to make my birthday the 'bestest' Mamacita. It was so nice to receive greetings from all over the world, and with the many time zones, it lasted even longer!!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Mamacita~ Good to see your pic up! Loverly couple, handsome and beautiful

Thank you for coming to my home as well. We'll always be okay, whether we agree or not, for that, in my opinion, is life!!! We've been good though, haven't we??
As far as the typo's, i didn't even notice them, so that says alot for me, gotta run!
Mindy  From Miami    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the warm welcome, Mamacita 2! The cake was delicious and the flowers are beautiful!
Ed  From Lithia, Fl.    Supporting Member
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Mamacita-How nice it was speaking with you this weekend. I could fell the gentleness and beauty in your voice. Soon we will meet, a day I look forward to.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hey Mamacita. Thanks for stopping in. It's been a crazy couple of days. Well, with the flight out west, the writing deadlines, and just generally not being allowed to stop in and have fun, but I see things are looking good still in your corner of Sudokuland. Take care, my dear.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita, thanks for visiting my page. Did you go into flickr and see the rest of my photos. There are a few more of Albany in there.
I see you have a few friends over for morning tea, mind if I join you all.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Today is a beautiful winter afternoon in my area, and today...December 6,2006, I welcome any who may choose to drop by. Please kick back and help yourself to any of the goodies that you'd like. The bar is also fairly well stocked,but if there's something missing,please feel free to restock it when you come
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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FYI, I have added to my flickr site if anyone is interested. I see that I have had no visitors today, so I will now update my date and welcome to December 7,2006. This was a date that I grew up believing would always be remembered for the start of the U.S' involvement in WW2, but so many other things have happened since, it seems to have faded into the past and is not really noticed any more.What a commentary on our lives....pretty sad!
Rola  From Perth
Hello Mamacita. long time no chat. I've sent email to Ed to forward onto you with photo of my family.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Mamacita! A bathing suit pose!! Cool. Starting to make your page sexy are you?
What's the name of your newest grandchild?
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Happy to see both of you Rola and CG. Hope you made yourself at home. Sorry to have missed you but will catch up with you soon. CG, I was just putting pictures that traveled back in time for all of us(any excuse to relive the good old days), to the current. That picture is of Kristine, who just had her 4th birthday.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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So any more grandchildren since Kristine was born?
Billy  From Perth
Gorgeous photos!! You all look so happy Mamacita.
Off to the brekky this morning - shall toast my Hot choccie to all Sudokuists!
Take care .xx
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