Rena from ChristinaLake,BC,Can

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We went for a trail ride and they had a little petting zoo.
It was a lot of fun.


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   Eve  From So. Oregon
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BTW - Mull of Kintyre - a great video. You probably noticed that I have a love of Scottish & Irish music - especially the pipes.
15/Sep/07 4:02 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Rena. Just popped in to say a quick hello. My daughter Kelly is now an 'almost' neighbour of yours, as she arrived in Kelowna Saturday and has settled in to her temporary home until they find a permanent place. Might get down your way when I get out for a visit. Hope all is going well! Cheers!
18/Sep/07 8:37 AM
   Wilodene  From Utah    Supporting Member
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, Rena! Thank you for visiting me and for the birthday greeting. I have enjoyed your photos of both family and where you live. I just took a photo of my place with a rainbow on Sunday and might try to send it to you on a separate message. Yes, I do enjoy homeschooling, even though it started as a temporary solution for the grandchildren while their house in Colorado was being remodeled. Then their parents decided to sell the house and the bottom fell out of the housing market. After two years, their house has finally sold, but the grandchildren are enjoying living here. Their father is still trying to decide where he will find 'permanent' work. He has accepted moving to Utah, but hasn't checked out any jobs in our area. He likes Salt Lake City, but my daughter prefers the rural life. We'll have to see what happens. Meanwhile, their education continues with me teaching the older two children and my daughter teaching the younger two. We have an excellent curriculum, so all it takes is time and patience. We love the flexibility of scheduling, so that any unexpected events can be attended to at the time and the children just bring their homework along. And we don't accept just passing grades; the object is to learn and if their tests don't reflect a thorough knowledge of the subject, we review until we know they fave full comprehension of the subject. They have special community classes offered on Thursdays by the local homeschoolers group and that helps, too. They are enrolled in the community Shakespeare class, pen and ink (writing) class, Liberty girls (history and crafts), art class, builders class (young boys), princess class (young girls), and science class (young boys). Besides those classes, they attend martial arts, Suzuli violin, and Scottish dancing classes. Then you throw in church activities, too, and their lives are full. And I am busy either teaching or transporting. Is it worth it? Definitely, yes. They are getting an excellent education and kept from premature pressure for drugs, sex, and violence. They have social interaction with children of other parents with high standards. It's the best we can do with today's environment. Whew, this is a long answer to your simple question. I better stop before you wear yourself out reading. And thank you again for your visit; it's great to have company.
19/Sep/07 1:53 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Huge cyber pats on the back, Rena. You will have to start holding classes for us all. You for the video lessons and MizT for the avatars! Loved it.
19/Sep/07 4:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Rena, the YouTube is great, loved the hummingbirds (it took 3/4 hour to down load). We saw hummingbirds at Mount Robson. Just got out the photo album but have not labelled much. We went through Hope and Kelowana, Revelstoke and on to Lake Louise. You would know the route!!!All that was 10 years ago.
loved seeing the photos of your family.
19/Sep/07 5:29 PM
appy  From india
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Hi Rena, thanks for your msg in my page. I was a bit doubtful abt the response for the song, but sure I knew some will be there like me!:)..and regarding the tooth, well still fingers crossed, for the infection has come down, the pain reduced with less inflamation.The dentist says we shall take a call on the tooth only after the meds are stopped and observing how it behaves under normal another couple of days to go..but with less agony, hopefully
20/Sep/07 6:50 PM
appy  From india
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hi Rena thanks for your msg in my page. I have something for said you are a lover of rainbow..heres a video for you, you can view many similar stuff once you visit this..
26/Sep/07 2:12 AM
   Lori  From Adelaide
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For your gift of chocolates and your nice comments about my pics. I was trying to work out which one was you in your pics. It's nice to put faces to names. Feel free to drop in anytime.

26/Sep/07 10:04 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Hi Rena, and let's hear three cheers for our mothers. What troopers they are! Thanks for dropping by with your kind wishes, and I'll be sure to let Mom know you send her positive thoughts. Let's hope both moms will steam forward for many more healthy years. Bless you for caring.
27/Sep/07 1:40 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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What a wonderful video Rena! You have hidden talents! Brave to shoot that skunk when it's tail was raised! Well done!
27/Sep/07 6:31 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Gosh, Rena, after my message from mere days ago, here I am again, saddened that things haven't worked out as I'd hoped. Mom's been transferred back to the hospital and it doesn't look too hopeful. We'll be visiting later today, maybe even camping out there. A helpless, hopeless feeling, but we'll be sure she's comfortable and know that she's much loved. Thanks for visiting with your caring message; I've taken great comfort in knowing that so many from near and far are in my corner.
29/Sep/07 2:08 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi , R E N A .
Many thanks for your very kind wishes to me .
My new photos is now on my photos galary on my own page .Enjoy it and have a very nice time.
29/Sep/07 9:58 AM
   Tami  From Florida
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Rena, thank you for the birthday greeting. I enjoyed the photo gallery, especially the one of the rainbow. I also love rainbows. I painted one on my bedroom wall when I was a teen. It became a group project. I drew the outline and whoever happended to stop by helped paint it.
02/Oct/07 9:36 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Rena, thank you for your message, At this stage we do not know what has caused all the ulcers but I am sure medication and maybe diet will give her relief and she will start to eat better and put on some weight. It is good to finally know what her problem is. Sharon has been getting told for 12 months that Laura's problems were "behavioural".
Laura had reflux as a baby and every time the antacid type medication was reduced she stopped eating.
05/Oct/07 7:46 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Rena, me again, thanking you from the bottom of my heart for your message of condolence. My mother continues to occupy a large corner of my heart and there are traces of her everywhere in our home. I've packed her overnight travel suitcase with the essentials--slippers, pajamas, an outfit and her crossword puzzle book; it will sit in the bedroom where she slept when she came for visits. In this way, she'll know she'll always have a place in our home. Thanks for your encouragement, and your kindness.
05/Oct/07 8:56 AM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia
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Oh! Rena, I just love your pic of the double rainbow. The last time I saw a double rainbow was when I visited Jim from Jupiter in Florida a while back, there is a pic of that one on my photo gallery. Thank you so much for your Good Wishes on my Birthday, I had a great day and look forward to an even better year
06/Oct/07 10:17 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Rena, we got sort of close to you when we were in Kamloops riding the Rocky Mountaineer just a couple of months ago, but, on those tours, there's no improvising along the way. I'd love to get back to that area, and if we ever do (not part of a group) I'd make an effort to connect with you. If you ever come to the California redwoods area, you're welcome at my place.
07/Oct/07 10:07 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING (or is it have a wonderful Turkey Day) Either way, enjoy - eat well and give thanks for the blessings bestowed upon us all.

Do you have any cranberry-nut bread to pass this way?
08/Oct/07 5:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thanks Rena, I have passed on your wishes. Hard to imagine I have a son 43 years old!
Hope you are having a wonderful Canandian Thanks Giving day.
09/Oct/07 4:44 AM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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G'Day Rena, for the birthday wishes, I had a great day
10/Oct/07 4:18 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Howdy Rena, haven't caught up with you for a while so I thought I'd pop in and say gday. Hope this note finds you and yours well.
13/Oct/07 6:19 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Rena, thanks for taking time out of your crazily busy schedule to wish Beth a happy birthday. She is out with mates tonight, we did the family 'thing' last night with all our kids plus other relos so that she could go do adult stuff tonight. I told her to me that means laundry and the like! She didn't get the joke.
20/Oct/07 5:28 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Gorgeous photo of the fall color. The Chamber of Commerce should hire you to make post cards for Lake Christine.
24/Oct/07 3:01 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Gorgeous photo Rena. you do live in a beautiful part of the world. Hopefully one day, Hubby and I will come and visit.
loved the you tube of the 'Rocket Science'.. great
24/Oct/07 4:18 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Rena...long time since I've dropped in on you, but the beautiful picture of trees showing off their fall colors, was a great reward. I also enjoyed the youtube. Hope things are going well for you. Things here are still busy, but things are falling in place. Hope to get a chance to chat soon. Peace!
26/Oct/07 4:45 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Very pleased to stop at your page to say Hello RENA.Hope you are very well.
Had enjoyed your beautiful photos and hope to see more and more next visit.
Have a very nice time.
27/Oct/07 5:12 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks heaps Rena for Jed's birthday wishes. We're just about to go down to a surprise party his girlfriend is throwing for him.
27/Oct/07 11:40 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Rena. Great video. Which one of your gang wants to be a rocket scientist and/or astronaut?
29/Oct/07 12:47 AM
   Cazablanka  From Melbourne
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31/Oct/07 4:03 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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I've come Trick or treating with a wine glass in one hand and a Strawberry Pie in the other.
01/Nov/07 9:09 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hi Rena, I was just wondering, is that Nuka on today's Kid's easy 4x4? If not, there is an incredible resemblance.
How is poor Nuka's lip now?
09/Nov/07 8:42 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Rena, me again! Is that Amber on the Parent's page, if so, it must be Rena's day!
09/Nov/07 9:53 PM
   PJH  From NP    Supporting Member
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Hi Rena, thanks for the B-Day wish and cake! ♪♪Yum!! I did have a great day; we celebrate the whole month of our birthdays, one day is just not long enough.♥ Sorry it takes me so long to reply.♥♥ I brought some spiced popcorn and merlot for you, enjoy!!! ♥♥♥ PJ
18/Nov/07 10:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rena - I noticed on the quilters page than you have two unfinished quilts that you need help with. My grandmother made me a beautiful Baltimore quilt but didn't quite finish it before she died. The group she quilted with finished it for me. Maybe you can find a local quilting group who would be willing to help you out, or at least give you advice....
20/Nov/07 7:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Time! That's what we all need! I will have a few weeks of restricted activity soon and I am hoping to catch up on my sewing and crocheting.... There's a silver lining to every cloud.
21/Nov/07 6:55 AM
   Jaspal  From Bangalore
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Hi Rena, sorry for responding so late but things really got hectic for last couple of months. Got so involved in settling my younger daughter that I was in virtual spin and picture was quite hazy. It seems to be getting clearer now and hopefully she will be settled soon.
thanx for the Purdy's assorted chocolates. yummy. will keep in touch from now onwards. bye and take care.
27/Nov/07 4:04 AM
jeb  From ks
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If it was anything other than an accordion, I may deign to look under the hammock. On the other hand, had it been a hurdy gurdy, well...
30/Nov/07 3:01 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Happy 10th Birthday to Amber

02/Dec/07 11:46 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Amber, a very to you. I've brought along a magic . If you imagine very hard, it becomes whatever cake you want! Have a fun day.
02/Dec/07 11:11 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Amber. Hope it has been a great day for you.
03/Dec/07 2:27 PM
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