Canuk Greg from Ottawa, Canada

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Take care and stay smiling, and have a great day everyone!



May you always have love to share, health to spare, and friends that care.

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bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Thank you for the Candian bear hug, Greg. Awwww. ... You are a bona fide party animal, so you might want to know we're repairing the first class cabin of our plane that 'somebody' trashed on the trip to Napa. This time, we'll be cruising around the world for a New Year's bash at 35,000 feet. Put on something very sparkly; tell us the airport nearest to you, and we'll scoop you up!
Chris  From Massachusetts, USA

Greg, do you know anyone named Olivia, who lives in Ottawa? She's a friend who is a first cousin, once removed, of my husband. I enjoyed a visit to your lovely city a few years ago.
   Lizbaby4  From NJ    Supporting Member
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What cuddly kids you have Greg!!! A big bear hug to you!

Have a great and a
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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Fantastic page Greg!
That picture is far too cute!
fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg

wishing you and your family a very happy and relaxing Christmas season..

Watch those pastries though!
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Great site Greg and thank you for the bottle of Crown Royal. I always enjoyed a good whiskey (back when I was a drinking man). I do miss it but my health must take the front seat. I have it available to anyone who stops by and would like to enbibe (have a sip or two). Very nice greeting card...
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas
   Mon  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg. Thanks for the Christmas wishes. I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas, and a New Year full of wonderful and exciting things. My very best wishes for the holiday season, and for the year to come.
Anne  From Wickham
Hello Greg
Sun 24th: Hope you have a lovely day today.
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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A Happy Christmas Eve to you too Greg, have a wonderful day tomorrow with love to you and your family, Cheers xx
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Have a happy Christmas Greg, I hope the day goes well for you.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Greg
Hope you had a lovely evening with your friends.
Enjoy your day.
Chrissy  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas Greg...

   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Cute pictures Greg. Thanks for sharing. Happy Box Day.
Topaz  From Jindera
Sad but true Greg, Sad but true. It is fun doing the shopping and unwrapping, but it ain't free!
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Greg: You are such a charmer! Spare room is ready.
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Love the cartoon!! Excellent, knew you would find one. Hope the hols have been enjoyable so far.. Now for New Year..
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Thank you for your thoughts, much appreciated
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hey Greg - I think I am looking forward to a better year......2007. I hope you and your family have a safe and Happy New Year. I am sending you some Florida Sunshine! By the way, any snow up there yet?
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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12/27/06 CG, Bringing you greetings from my house to yours for the very best that the New Year can have in store for a special guy and his talented family for a year filled with all that you dreamed would be available to you. May your health be the best to be able to do as you wish, and may your friends continue to be true. God's Blessings to you my friend!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Greg - so, you've finally been having some snow up your way. A bit late for a white Christmas, unfortunately.
We've been having very hot weather here.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg~ Thanks for being so nice

You are sweet!
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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best wishes for 2007! keep smiling!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Leaving a glass or two of wine for you on your arrival(can you bring some of that famous snow?? Enough to build a snowman!!) and a small parcel of chocolate. Wishing you the Happiest of New Years and hoping that it will be a peaceful one, love to you and yours xx
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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oh p.s. Love the Old Father Time.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg. Thank you for your message, I appreciate its significance and have taken it to heart.

I will always remember the following -
'I had no shoes and wept - until I met a man who had no feet'

Take care and may the New Year be kind to you.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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CG, I thank you not only for visits, advice, compliments and encouragement, but doing it all with humor and style. Getting to know you just a little bit has been a big plus for this year. Getting to meet you in person would indeed be a great pleasure. If you come to this area, or even nearby, please keep me in mind. I'd love to show you my town, or just sit and pass the time of day with you...let it be! May this year be all that it can be for all of us. Good times are recognized as being good when we realize that the bad times keep us looking forward. Godspeed my friend! Happy New Year to you and yours.
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your visit and best wishes for the New Year, Greg. Our NY Eve will be spent babysitting grandchildren while their parents provide music for a rock 'n roll club dance. I don't think we'll be indulging much but chocolate sounds good! I hope the New Year will bring good things to you and yours.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Greg, what did you do to me - first I disappear then re-appear. Can you magic away a few pounds round my middle to get the new me on a good start!!!!?
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Greg, thank you for stopping by my page to wish me a Happy New Year. I appreciate the time it takes for you to make the rounds leaving personal messages! Thank you for the wit, wisdom, & warmth you have shared with all of us in Sudokuland throughout 2006. I look forward to more in 2007 & hope the new year will be a healthy, happy, & prosperous one for you & those dear to you.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Greg ~ Dito!

   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Happy New Year dear friend. You are a very special person and we are that much better for having you in our e-lives. You deserve the very best.
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Greg, I would change my pic, but given how many long hours it took me to figure out how to get it there in the first place, I just can't imagine how many more it would take me to change it! Oh alright then I will TRY!!! A very happy new year to you for tomorrow! x
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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31/12/06 Greg. Thanks for visiting my page and leaving such a nice New Year message. 2007 is looking good and I hope it lives up to all my expectations. To you and your loved ones, I wish a safe and happy 2007. I hope you have joy, laughter, love, strength and perhaps a little bit of weakness to learn and grow from.

Whatever you are looking for in 2007 I hope you find it and I hope you find some other nice surprises that you werent' looking for.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Greg~ Sorry for any confusion-

Dito is a term, or reply, stating that I think or want to say, the EXACT same thing you said to me. SO~ with your new years message, I said Dito, because I thought the exact same wishes for you. Instead of typing it out, it's an option of saying the same thing. I don't use it often, but it is fun... and It' the way I understand it, to be used.
Again~ Sorry for any confusion! AND~
Loza  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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hi C-Greg
thank you for your wishes
and to you and yours also.
may it bring good health and peace, and compassionate understanding to us all.
   Mon  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg. Thanks for your lovely words of welcome to 2007. I appreciate the thought. So pleased you like the picture of my kids, too.
   Mon  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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My New Year's Toast for you:

A health to you,
A wealth to you,
And the best that life can give to you

Anne  From Albany
A very Happy and Healthy New Year, my friend.
Have a lovely evening and a wonderful year to follow.
Chrissy  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Happy New Year Greg

Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg,
Thank you very much for your wishes ! Though I am an ' old ' member of Sudokuland, I am still not very familiar as how to use ' my page ' - hope you get what I've just written.
It is still 2006 over here for a few more hours .
I want to wish you a very Happy New Year , Health and all the best in the world. I will start checking my page - I hope I will have the time learn how to manage it . Look forward to hearing from you .
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