fii from NT

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Cool   Welcome to Top End NT where the wet season brings tropical rain and wonderous electrical storms and the dryseason May to September brings cloudless skies and warm days every day ... Come to think of it the nights are pretty warm too.  

Sunrise over Arafura

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   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Fi - I agree with you whole-heartedly regarding the grace in which most of our fore-fathers continued on after the tragedy of the wars they lived through. My dad is a veteran of WWII and Korea...still going strong at almost 89!
26/Apr/09 2:11 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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fii, I remember the redecoration incident well, but Anne and I both had a good laugh when we returned, so all is forgiven.
I'm really glad that you and CP hit it off in Darwin, I am doing my best to spread the word that Darwin is a pretty good place to visit and that the Ghan journey is something special.
We will return later, this time in our motorhome and make a more leisurely trip of it. I don't know yet whether it will be this year or next, but we shall return (as MacArthur said).
Cheers and love from us both.
26/Apr/09 10:58 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Dear fii, General Douglas MacArthur did, in fact, return. See
I haven't got much time for him as a man, but his story is quite remarkable.
I think your Mum deserves commendation for marching at 88. My Dad did his last march, as it turned out, at 89. He led his men to the end.
26/Apr/09 11:57 AM
   fii  From NT
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ANZAC ode to Grandad

Grandad was a digger
They shot him up in France
Then patched him up and sent him home
Returning to life’s dance

With pieces of skull missing
And shrapnel in his spine,
He bore his wounds and held his head
Said he was feeling fine

They gave him only 5 years
At most if he lived quietly
But Grandad still had spirit
He chose to live life sprightly

Back to work and family life
His health improved in phases
To those who told him to slow down
Said He’d be “a long time pushing up daisies”.

He lived for 26 more years
And worked and lived it well
He fathered 4 more children
Went to uni for a spell

He provided for his family
Raised the children with his wife
In RSL and local council
Gave to others all his life.

Yes his blood was spilt at Passchendaele
And he survived to tell the tale
But more than that his legacy
Of living life was left for me.
27/Apr/09 12:36 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi fii!
I'm glad you liked the poem. It was actually the last two stanzas of a long poem called "The Final Inspection" by an unknown author.
Greg tells me that Remembrance Day in Canada is in November, so I was either very early or very late with my tribute! lol Oh well, it's the sentiment that counts, right?
27/Apr/09 12:42 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Are you going somewhere Fi? I must have missed something.
If you are, have a great time.
27/Apr/09 12:19 PM
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Hi, Fi. (Without the comma, that makes you a piece of equipment!)Thanks for the "Keating" clip. We also watched it last night and had a good laugh. It's a very clever piece of satire.
27/Apr/09 12:34 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi fii,
Thanks for dropping by. Your mum must be amazing to march at 88. WOW..

I was only 5 or so when my grandfather died but the impressions and memories he left with me are quite extraordinary [I hope it isn't because I'm developing Alzheimer's and remember my childhood better than the present...] There aren't many people I remember from back then.

The information we have from the war office is wonderful...he joined the 'Australian Imperial Force' on the 10/3/ long member of the 4th Light Horse Unit. The following year his horse stumbled in a ditch, rolled on him and injured his leg. He was discharged from the AIF the following August in 1919. Would love to know what happened to the horse. I have a lot of questions when I read through his military records. It is so sketchy in places... I would like to see his medals...

He was particularly 'melancholy' at this time of the year. I've seen the films...Gallipoli and the Light horsemen ... it is amazing he wasn't more than a little melancholy. They were all so young and we were lucky he came home. Some of his brothers didn't.

We owe it our grandfathers, fathers, brothers and sons to validate what they have sacrificed for us and our country. But now my only child wants to join the army. It makes my heart ache ... he is very patriotic and I will not stand in the way of following his heart. I can but hope he changes his mind...but then some other mothers son will go to war...It is not easy, there is no answer to this madness.

27/Apr/09 4:12 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Fii...I wrote the above post last night and didn't post it because I'm always being told off about the time I go to bed and I don't like leaving too much evidence around but as it turns out we were up at the same time!! LOL..

Found your message late last night after watching tv and it prompted me to drag out grandpa's war record again. I spent a long time thinking about the young man that went off to war. Read through his medical file and wondered about his hospital admissions during the war. It is not good to be shot but how awful it is to be 'sick' and feel you have let your comrades down... I started a date line..enlisted, departed our shores...the landing, the 'strange' names of ports and places he went...witness statements to when the horse rolled on him [evidence that it was not a self inflicted injury]...but who can blame anyone for wanting a spell from that hell hole...

I did enjoy my quiet moments here thinking about this most special person even tho it left me heavy hearted with watery eyes. I felt I had honoured him. Thank you for your message which prompted my response.

We are going through a spate of 21st birthday's at the moment and they all seem SO young...yet they are older than grandpa was when he went to war. Makes me shake my head....

I saw the stage production of Keating when it was in town and I really enjoyed watching it again last night on tv. VERY clever. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Once again, ciao.
27/Apr/09 4:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Luckily Fi, all of my travels have been to Adelaide and of short duration, either by car, or a fly-in fly-out situation. Both mean throwing a few things in a bag...whatever happens to be clean at the time determines what I'll be wearing!
Take care in your travels, and hopefully, one day our paths may cross...
04/May/09 8:00 PM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
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Hi Fii
It is very inconvenient when the computer is playing up.I too have had the same trouble some time ago and it took about six weeks to be fixed.I hope that yours will be fixed sooner than later.Take care dear Fiona.Blessings to you too.
01/Jun/09 9:05 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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fii, thanks for the information on Tallarook. The timing you suggest is about right but I don't recall anything about the composer - that's not his fault, it's mine.
The other thing I remember clearly from those days was a prominent Melbourne department store called 'Buckley & Nunn'. In Flinders Street I think. The store name was clearly visible on the southern skyline of the City.
It is fixed in my memory that this was the origin of the expression "You've got two chances - and one of them is Buckley's" Or as it later became contracted to "You've got Buckley's Chance".
Just a bit of trivia.
09/Jun/09 5:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Fi, you have been Tagged!

Here are the rules:

(1) Each player starts with 5 random facts/habits about themselves.

(2). You have 24 hours in which to post them on easy.

(3) At the end of your Post, you need to choose 2 people to get tagged and list their names.

(4) You must then let these people know they have been tagged, either posting on their page or by private message.

Try and not “Tag” anyone that has already been tagged.

also... big one here... of the two people you pick, try to tag someone you don't know that well.
12/Jun/09 1:07 PM
   Rayray  From Yorks & E.Sussex    Supporting Member
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Much thanks for your news and your encouraging comments about the Carlin posts.
03/Aug/09 6:30 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello Fi, nice to hear from you again. I have been watching the Darwin weather for the past couple of weeks and it looks to be magnificent. I am a little envious.
Glad to hear that you are able to have a bit of a break,
Take care,
03/Aug/09 11:34 PM
carlsy  From Alice
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HI Fi Thanks for your lovely welcome message.
I have not had a lot of chances to get on and do Sudoku lately. I need to do something on my page to make it Alicey.
Maybe next time I am up late and doing nothing.
Take Care and don't work too hard.
09/Aug/09 12:15 AM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Fii.At UP 42,I needed some more complicated logic to get any further,in this case,i5=7,whether f6=6 or 9.This got me to UP62,when I needed another step,g9=9,whether e9=1 or 6.Regards, Alfred.
09/Aug/09 8:11 AM
   GannieMo  From France    Supporting Member
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I see from Rosemary's list that the 29th is also your birthday. Belated greetings, hope you had a great day
30/Oct/09 12:23 AM
   andré  From england
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Happy Birthday Fi, I hope you have had a wonderful day, celebrating with family and friends. x
Wonderful video, lifes simple pleasures to be enjoyed.
30/Oct/09 9:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I see I am third in line!

Belated birthday greetings from me to Fi.

Hope your day was very special.

30/Oct/09 10:32 PM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi fii.Happy birthday from me too! Didn't know you lead such a busy social life here.
You were ofcourse right about yesterday's puzzle.I have made a correction there now.
Regards, Alfred.
01/Nov/09 1:22 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona, and a belated happy birthday! I hope you had a great day, and I hope all is well in your world. Cheers my virtual friend!
01/Nov/09 8:39 AM
   andré  From england
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Hello Fi, do you travel into the outback often? You sound as though as you have your hands busy. Are you a teacher or? I would love to hear what you do, when you have a moment of course. take care x
01/Nov/09 9:26 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Fii.
Wishing all of you
A very "Merry Christmas"
A very "Happy New Year"
With my best wishes to you.
21/Dec/09 5:07 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Best wishes for a wonderful New Year!
22/Dec/09 4:07 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas


22/Dec/09 9:25 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Fi, and my best to you! I wanted to stop on your page and leave seasons greetings for you and all you care for. May your life be full of happiness and peace through the yuletide season and throughout the coming year!
23/Dec/09 5:55 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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24/Dec/09 4:26 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas to you and your family - enjoy the day, Mary
25/Dec/09 2:56 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Sweetheart! Won't you be mine???
14/Feb/10 2:46 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Happy St. Patty's Day!
17/Mar/10 2:10 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Just hopping by to wish you a very
04/Apr/10 2:39 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Hi, Fiona. Nice to "see" you again!
30/May/10 4:59 PM
   Fiona  From France
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HI sister!! How are you? I saw your recent posts on the site but as usual, I was busy at the time and didn't get a chance to say hi. I gather you're out in the sticks up north at the moment and still working in the school. Hope all's well with you and hope to see you again soon - playing online chess is fun but it's lonesome!!
29/Jun/10 6:01 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona! Well a day late for 'down-under' but it is your birthday here in Canada, so Happy Birthday! I hope your day is special! Cheers young lady!
30/Oct/10 5:10 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona,
What can I say, other then I hope you life goes well young lady!
I just wanted to send season's greetings to you and all your loved ones. I know you celebrate Christmas, so I hope you enjoy the season and have a wonderful time, and my best wishes for a happy new year as well. Take care, enjoy, have fun and know you have friends out there thinking of you. Cheers!
21/Dec/10 8:57 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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fi - A most Happy Holiday to you and yours. Sending love and holiday hugs.
24/Dec/10 1:50 AM
Jiminoregon  From Portland
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
26/Dec/10 7:08 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hey Fi,
Lovely to see you on eassy last night. Too late for Merry Christmas, so I'll wish you Happy New Year, hope you have a fantastic 2011!
29/Dec/10 11:44 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Which could be enhanced by a visit from me - and Mr P!
29/Dec/10 11:45 AM
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