fii from NT

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Cool   Welcome to Top End NT where the wet season brings tropical rain and wonderous electrical storms and the dryseason May to September brings cloudless skies and warm days every day ... Come to think of it the nights are pretty warm too.  

Sunrise over Arafura

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Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
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Fii and family!
May 2008 fulfil your dreams!
01/Jan/08 9:17 AM
   Kate  From TX
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Hi Fii, Responding to your comment today about wind power; Texas and California are the biggest producers of wind power in America, if not the world. Even T. Boone Pickens, who is a notable oilman here in Tx., is investing in the development of the technology to transport the wind power to other parts of the country. good news for alternative energy sources.
02/Jan/08 9:52 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU
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Dropped in - have never been to Darwin and just wanted to check out the scene up there. Stunning sunsets - what a paradise for photographers. Look forward to seeing a few more of your hometown photos.
03/Jan/08 10:57 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Fi
I read your recipe for lemon cordial on Gail's page.. hope you don't mind if I steal it! A question though, as I am not a great cook.... When you bring the mix to the boil, do you just put it on high heat until it reaches boiling, or is it more complicated than that?

I have been reading about the bad weather in Darwin and am hoping that it leaves you unscathed!
05/Jan/08 7:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Fi!
Thank you for the info on the recipe. I will find some bottles and give it a go! I'm south coast NSW, about an hour south of Wollongong.

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but I couldn't find the back door until I got an e=mail from Canuk Greg. I thought that because I couldn't get on through the main page, that I didn't have access at all.....
06/Jan/08 10:38 PM
   Kate  From TX
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Hi again fii, thanks for the visit. lOve your youtube about the car! HAAA! that was amazing. my youtube is actually from a pleasant place in my little Texas town. We have enjoyed Blue Hole and other rope swings in the area (those people in that are not my family). But no crocs here, whew!
Excuse my geographical ignorance but what does NT stand for?
That picture on my page is my granddaughter and me. She is one yr. old now AND I will be the gran of her and her little sibling come July. It's awesome!
Visit me anytime!
12/Jan/08 8:08 PM
   Kate  From TX
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fii,I keep telling my friend who lives in Adelaide to get me a job (along with a work visa and air fare -one way) in Australia, but I think she thinks I am kidding. In our political climate here these past few years and esp. now, I am pretty serious! Someday, when I pay down some of my very expensive children's college loans, I am coming to visit as many places as I can on your awesome continent!

by the way, your avatar did come through; it is lovely. and thank you, my grandie is absolutely grand!
24/Jan/08 3:11 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday fi, just popped in for a splash in the pool. Imagine my disappointment to find that it was a victim of the crash!
The first time I ever saw the photo of Bluey the wreck, my comment was that with a bit of wire and an ounce of luck, I know some bush mechanics that could get it going! I loved that TV show about them, they are so ingenious.
31/Jan/08 10:48 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Fi. Totally enjoyed you Bush Mechanics video. Noticed those boys were entering WA, maybe going down to Albany?
How is everything? Lot's of snow here, but that's typical Canada. Cheers!
09/Feb/08 10:31 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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and was going to suggest have you thought of using fi_ from NT. as in Fi underscore? or _fi, just a thought lol
Have a great one.
19/Feb/08 11:04 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the Bush Mechanic, Fi. Great fun!
21/Feb/08 8:36 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Good morning Fii, I guess it took me all this time to get to your page. to Sudokuland, I am fairly new myself since I joined in October. Saw your posting today and felt I had to say HELLO. Hoping to catch you again soon.
03/Mar/08 2:18 AM
   Rayray  From Yorks & E.Sussex    Supporting Member
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I found your page today, and, as this is my first visit to your room, I have left one hundreweight of Jack Frost brand ice cubes in your fridge. They should provide for your esky and chill your drinks. Jack Frost ice is guaranteed to last, even in the hottest of climates.
03/Mar/08 2:37 AM
   Rayray  From Yorks & E.Sussex    Supporting Member
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Hi fii,
Thanks for visiting My Page.
I enjoyed your U-tube of the car escapade. Obviously you have abandoned M.O.T. testing in NT.
By the way, I 'come from' Yorks because I was born there, and I 'come from' E.Sussex because I live there now. I suppose, actually, I 'come from' an egg, add before that I was probably some kind of wave of consciousness in another dimension.
16/Mar/08 5:32 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Fii - I am stopping by to wish you and your family a Happy Easter.

You have some very awesome pictures!
22/Mar/08 11:33 PM
Jiminoregon  From Portland
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That was a nice photo from Kakadu on the "tough" page, Fi.
24/Mar/08 9:36 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Fi. I was overdue for a message to you, so I came on your page and checked out your photos. Great pictures, and I left a few comments. Hope all is well. How goes your fall travel session?
04/Apr/08 8:54 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Awesome photos, Fi. Thanks!
04/Apr/08 8:56 AM
   PJay  From HK (exPerth)
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Hi Fi - you guessed right. I'm a sandgroper who has been dragged north - although to Hong Kong rather than Ca. I spent August of '95 in Darwin and saw a bit of Litchfield and Kakadu NP's, and quite a lot of the Casino's outdoor entertainment on Sunday afternoons! Much fun. HK is ok - but I'm still getting used to it....I REALLY miss my garden.
Love the you-tube with the Eagles jumpers! Ciao, PJay.
05/Apr/08 8:29 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Fi, just noticed your comments on a couple of my pictures, thank you. I was just about to start my 3rd year of nursing! That dam is beautiful! Even when the temperature has been over 40* it's still cool in the water, because it's totally shaded in summer. Last weekend I noticed some of the ferns on the side where I was standing, were very brown. This is probably the only time of the year (& spring as well!) they get direct sun and we had a couple of days over 30*. Not so today - it's pouring (no tennis!) & 18* outside. Just shut the back door because it's only 19* inside!!
08/Apr/08 11:10 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hi Fi, I am totally useless at remembering all the old crew who were around. Bucko was fun wasn't he, it is strange how people just disappear and are forgotten. I was in touch with QRP but now she too has gone from here, although she did come back once into the chatroom which was delightful. Love the photo's by the way wonderful shots.
10/Apr/08 7:53 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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not sure if your back from your Island getaway, but just wanted to say "ello, and missing you". Hope your having fun.
27/Apr/08 10:09 PM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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Is the photo on this jigsaw page yours? If so, you've raised many questsions and comments! Check it out and let us know....

25/May/08 5:53 PM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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No problem, Fi. I find that I've already forgotten what the picture was about myself, LOL. Thank you for the reply, at any rate. I know all about being busy on the job. Have a good day! Kay
02/Jun/08 10:15 AM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW Australia    Supporting Member
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Welcome back Fi. On the jigsaws today there is a photo that might be yours.
05/Jul/08 12:36 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks for that Fi. Wasn't sure as I am from South Aus, where we sat dArby, living in Vic, where they say dErby!
Having heard from an NTer about WA, I'm now a very confused person!!!

08/Jul/08 12:11 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Fi, hope all is well with you. Will try and team up a chatroom session soon. xx
11/Jul/08 1:32 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Thought your tiny yelp tinny whelp comment and said so on Medium.
17/Jul/08 8:38 PM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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Hi fii! I've seen you around the jigsaw page a time or two, and admired your photos. Thank you for the compliments on my artwork!
25/Jul/08 4:09 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Fii - just visited your gallery - what beautiful pictures! What is your job that you get to travel to these remote areas? I loved the Darwin sunset.
28/Jul/08 12:52 AM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Hey fi. I'm sorry but I really can't remember whether or not I replied to your message. Please let me know. I have it saved on my pc in case.
28/Jul/08 12:53 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Fi, for the fantastic photos. I especially liked the sunsets and the Daly River crossings pix.
28/Jul/08 2:22 AM
   Carol  From Punta Gorda
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Fii, Thank you for sharing the photos of the places you visit. What a beautiful part of the world you live in! Makes me want to see it!!
28/Jul/08 6:48 AM
   Liz  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hia Fii
Great pictures, check mine out when you get a chance, I worked in the Territory for almost 15 years, the communities I worked on are Wadey/Port Keats, south of Darwin.
Owartilla/ Canteen Creek,south east of Tennant Creek and Titjikala south of Alice Springs.
What sort of work do you do ?
I was an airline agent in Wadeye
Store manager in Owartilla
womens centre co-ordinator in Titjikala.
I also worked in Alice Springs in a store called Mabantua.

28/Jul/08 9:20 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Fi, I just took a a look at your gallery & enjoyed your photos so much. The landscapes are lovely, but I think my favorite might be the children jumping rope! Thank you for sharing your eye for beauty with us.
28/Jul/08 2:02 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Fii, you have some wonderful photos.
28/Jul/08 7:27 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Whoa FII, what a harrowing experience! I would have been sitting on the roof of the car, yelping all the way!
29/Jul/08 12:26 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Only wish that pose was me!
That is my 13 year old niece who is truly a "dancing queen"!
I had a youtube video of her for awhile...may change my youtube back to that.
Blessings to you, Fii
29/Jul/08 1:47 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Oh, and what a fabulous occupation, Fii!
29/Jul/08 1:48 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hi Fii! This earthquake doesn't follow a pattern for more according to the seismologists. The big active years were 1971 to 1994 then it quiet down. If this one isn't followed by another biggie then it's just one movement not a series.
Thanks for caring
30/Jul/08 9:56 AM
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