fii from NT

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Cool   Welcome to Top End NT where the wet season brings tropical rain and wonderous electrical storms and the dryseason May to September brings cloudless skies and warm days every day ... Come to think of it the nights are pretty warm too.  

Sunrise over Arafura

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   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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fii, the Chooky Dancers, what a treat!!
06/Aug/08 5:55 AM
   Tree Sheila  From Deniliquin, NSW, AU    Supporting Member
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Fii, I have just caught up with your wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing them. They show a flair for capturing those shots that are just a little bit different.
06/Aug/08 10:47 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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fi I'm SO confused!!! You say you are not fi from Australia, yet I come to your page and it say's "fii from NT - welcome to Darwin" - isn't that Northern Territories, Australia?? I must admit that I am a bit slow for some of the gang here and some stuff just goes over my head! I was born a blonde, but my hair is NATURALLY almost black now. I must have some blonde genes still lurking!
15/Sep/08 10:42 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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hey fi! If I had only take the time to ACTUALLY read your initial post on my page where you clearly said you were fi from NT...but you are right about getting turned around reading all the posts and joking that goes on. Hope your training is fun. I love your work and that you travel out to all those remote areas. When I eventually get out to Australia I want to pay you to be my travel guide around the NT.
BTW - you probably already know this, but the guys on that video are Aussie lads.
16/Sep/08 8:40 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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fii, Fred was one of the nicest men I have ever know. Anne got to know him well because she is a physio and Fred was her patient. The tragedy is that he passed away just as I was getting to know him well,
19/Sep/08 7:26 PM
   Rayray  From Yorks & E.Sussex    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the rebuttal on evolution.
I don't agree with you, but it makes for debate AND it's a good laugh
22/Oct/08 2:02 AM
   Dizzy Lyrical Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hia Fii
Just saw the message you left under one of my pics,
Sorry had no idea it was there,
Yes I know Palumpa well, used to go there to get meat,for my self and the community,
I see in your pics you also have a photo of Stanley chasm, well let me tell you this is my favourite place, its where I was planning to mary Lenny, will go back for a visit one day..
22/Oct/08 8:11 PM
   Dizzy Lyrical Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hello Fii
Yes I know Peppi very well, as the drinkers from Port Keats used to go there on a weekly basis, I used to run the airline Murin Airways,
so I know most of the outstations around the Territory.
You are making me remenisce and its nice, makes me a tad home sick though..
The new names are a hoot, now what could we call you flamboiyant Fii. hehe
I like chatting about the top end with you,
so Thanks
23/Oct/08 5:13 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Fi, belated wishes to you. Sorry I missed it! My son shares the day with you, he turned 24 this year...EEK!
Hope it's not too late to pop a cork and celebrate.
28/Oct/08 10:59 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Fi. You celebrated your birthday quietly, and as such I missed sending you good wishes on the day of you birth. I hope it was a good day, filled with friends and fun, and not too much work. Belated Happy Birthday young lady, and all my best wishes for many more in the future!
01/Nov/08 8:40 AM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
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Hi Fii
I must tell you that I felt so proud of myself because I came from Greece almost 38 years ago.Lilian must be a wonderful lady.Please give her my regards and a big thank you to YOLNGOU dancers.
02/Nov/08 8:15 AM
   Rayray  From Yorks & E.Sussex    Supporting Member
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HI-FI hi fi: Thanks for your follow-up comment on Leviticus. Its main problem there is that these days folks are very selective about which bits they quote and which they pretend aren't there. Surely if you accept one bit you have take the whole parcel on board. I also think it was based on then-prevailing conditions and is now very much out-of-date.
10/Nov/08 12:47 AM
   Rayray  From Yorks & E.Sussex    Supporting Member
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I have a Freudian problem with "Hi fii". It makes you sound like a solicitor who charges a "High fee"
10/Nov/08 12:48 AM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
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Hi Fii
Visiting Aboriginal communities?Helping people understand about Aboriginals? Oh Fii if only a few more people could do what you are doing.I think your story is as great as Lilians.Be very proud of youself my dear Fii. Regards
17/Nov/08 10:03 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hey missed you FII!!! I used one table. One row of 5 sets of ethnicity, one row of 5 sets of color of houses, etc. As I read each fact I would circle the definite and cross that out in the other sets. Finally at the end had my answer!
23/Nov/08 4:07 AM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
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Hello Fii
About forty years ago an African American said " I HAVE A DREAM" and his dream has almost been fulfilled.If you have that kind of dream only you and people like you can make the difference.Whatever your dream is go for it.I presume you are anAboriginal woman but then again I might be wrong.About me? I came to Australia almost 38 years ago but to me as the song says " I AM YOU ARE WE ARE AUSTRALIANS'
take care my dear and
24/Nov/08 6:27 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi fii!
I only used one grid because I remembered some puzzles I used to do years and years ago. It was the biggest grid I've ever seen for those sorts of puzzles though! The fish came out last for me too!!
26/Nov/08 8:10 AM
   elsie  From strath
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fii, I've seen the Yolngu boys do their dance before, and could watch it again and again. The sense of humour and respect to Lilian is outstanding.
27/Nov/08 5:27 PM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
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Fii,it is even more important that you are not an Aboriginal and you care so much about the Indigenous prople.Every one is entitle to be proud of [his or hers] heritage but the most important thing is to respect and help each other.Keep doing what you are doing and be proud of it.I have only joined sudokuland a couple of months ago so I do not realy know much about the nice people in sudokuland.

regards Harry
30/Nov/08 9:22 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Oh fi! Mother Nature can be so unpredictable! I will be keeping your neck of the woods in my prayers that safety and well being abounds! Loved seeing you on my page!
01/Dec/08 2:16 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Fi - what a lovely time I've had traveling through your gallery. You live and work in a most amazing place!
01/Dec/08 6:27 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi fi, I came to say thanks for visiting me & found a treat awaiting - some more photos! But I can't find my comment from my last visit. It should have been just after elsie's! I bet I didn't hit submit before I left - I've done that before!!
01/Dec/08 10:13 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello again, fi! I saw him on message stick a few weeks ago & wrote his name down so I could find a you tube, but didn't have time. Then I lost the paper I'd written it on & couldn't remember it, but I did remember he was connected to Yothu Yindi, so I found them & went from there! Also, the "mussel collector" jigsaw that's been on a few times, is that one of your's? I always thought it was from Africa or somewhere other than here, but on message stick last week was a section about city aboriginal kids being taken north for some culture & in one section they were taken mussel collecting! I enjoy message stick but it's on while I'm preparing dinner so I don't actually sit & watch it, mainly listen, but I do get distracted by it & watch short sections (no wonder dinner takes so long to prepare!) ! have seen something about Tom Tom and Rosemary Sullivan recently!!! By the way are you a teacher? You have so many wonderful kids photos I thought you might be! I like the way you catch them behaving like kids but always with their faces away from the camera! Respecting their privacy!
03/Dec/08 10:10 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Fi, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your utube of the Chooky dancers. What a treat! Their interpretation of the music is wonderful, humorous and joyful. It made me laugh out loud.
I was watching on tv recently where the aboriginal children are filming the elders as they tell stories or perform traditional roles, cooking etc. In this day and age, I think it is an appropriate way of "recording" their history. They say it will take (I think) 5-10 years to complete the task of filming.
03/Dec/08 3:34 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Hi fi! Thanks for all of you kind comments on my pictures. Just one comment: while I'm sure the red rocks around Sedona have been used as background for lots of movies, what you probably saw in the old westerns was the Monument Valley in northeastern Arizona. Especially if it was a John Wayne movie.
I took a look at your gallery. You have some excellent shots. The eagle in flight was fantastic. The pic of the Stanley Chasm reminded me of the 'slot' canyons of northern Arizona. And when we were in Alice Springs, the Todd River was dry.
04/Dec/08 7:14 AM
   (Sugar) Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Hi, fii. Stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
05/Dec/08 8:46 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Dear FII, thank you for your kind words. They meant a lot to me. It helps to face life's challenges when there's friends around.
06/Dec/08 3:39 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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You have some stunning photos and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting your page.
07/Dec/08 1:54 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Enjoyed your Christmas display & revisiting your photo gallery. Vi - today, my U-tube posting is a Christmas Aurora Borealis. Worth watching on full screen. Have a blessed Holiday.
07/Dec/08 7:04 AM
   (Sugar) Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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fii - lovely video. The Father hand picked a very dedicated and loving and righteous man to be His Son's all-important stepfather. How much our dads influence us and how much God cares. Thank you for the video and the card and the visit to my page. Don't be a stranger!
07/Dec/08 8:01 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Just doing the weekend's puzzles now, fi, & watched the "brickies" clip - awesome!! I'll catch up on the one here later!
08/Dec/08 9:05 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Another great you tube, Fi! Thanks (the escape artist dog, that is!!)
11/Dec/08 7:40 AM
   (Sugar) Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Thanks for the escape artist dog video.

You watch it and you're amazed, then you realize why the new boards are there at the top of the doorway, then you laugh because it pops the roof off!

Then you're saying, "Dumb dog, you got yourself into this mess -- 'be careful what you wish for'."

And somewhere in there s/he wins your heart and you say "I want that dog" just about 2 seconds before you say, "Ah, no, on second thought ..."
11/Dec/08 9:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh fii, and what a party of extremes between the backyard Aussie barbie full of our slang and Glinda's Russian aristocracy having their own little gathering. What fun!!
17/Dec/08 6:48 PM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Fii, and let me be the first to add my fondest festive felicitations to your page!!
I remember you as one of the first sudokuers I met and so you have a special place in my thoughts! Your pictures are a continuing joy!! May your bottle of virtual bubbly never run dry!!
20/Dec/08 12:48 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello fi. Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful Christmas and the happiest of New years. Take care xx
21/Dec/08 8:18 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

21/Dec/08 3:01 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona! What can I say? The day we managed to put that masterpiece story together on the site was one of the most fun days I had. You have a wonderful imagination and a great sense of humour. Right now, I'm just sending my best wishes to you and to all those you care for. Enjoy the festive season, and may today and all future days bring you good health, happiness and peace. Cheers!
23/Dec/08 6:25 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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May you & your family have a wonderful holiday season.
23/Dec/08 7:39 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona,
Very many thanks for your wonderful Christmas message. A visit to Darwin is still very much on our itinerary, possibly around the middle of next year. We think we will drive up in our motorhome and see some of the wonderful Australian countryside on the way.
Anne and I would like to wish you a great Christmas and a bright New Year with lots of Lemon Cordial (suitably laced) in the company of friends and family. Cheers.
23/Dec/08 7:52 AM
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