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Easy Sudoku for 8/July/2007


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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We took our Rocko to get a checkup and his nails clipped. The vet and her assistant took him to the back to get his nails clipped. When they were getting him down from the table his leg broke - he has a close fracture. He is going into surgery on Monday.
08/Jul/07 3:21 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Oh, Nal! The poor baby! How in the world could that happen?? Sounds like they needed a heck of a lot more supervision getting him off the table!
Hope everything goes well. Please keep us informed.
08/Jul/07 3:33 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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nal, sorry to hear about Rocko. Hope the surgery goes well.

Kathy, click Update Details and check to see if your birthday is still set correctly.
08/Jul/07 4:00 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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& Jane, I went the longest time after becoming an SM before one time I was no longer logged in. I think maybe it happens when there's a problem with the site itself and Gath has to do a restart. I'd forgotten my password and where I'd written it down. Senior moments are starting to come thick and fast.
08/Jul/07 4:04 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Thanks Keith, but the birthday info is there and correct. 'Tis a puzzlement...
08/Jul/07 4:20 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon to all! An interesting photo, and a typically quiet day on the site for a Saturday. Hope all are enjoying their weekends!
08/Jul/07 4:28 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Remember the Association? ''Cherish'' is my song for the day. Enjoy all!
08/Jul/07 4:30 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Regarding the log-in requirements/problems. I noticed in the archived comments that Gath had to reset the server. This probably knocked everyone out, as I had to sign in as well. Has happened before and will happen again. Remember your password and just sign back in.
08/Jul/07 4:33 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Nola: My best to the bride and groom!
Sharon: How come I don't get gifts when I have a shower?
Nal: Good luck with Rocko. Do they provide dooie crutches?
08/Jul/07 4:38 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Okay, this one is for CP! Everyone once in a while you do influence me CP!
08/Jul/07 4:39 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I did done it!
08/Jul/07 4:40 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Nal, I am so sorry to hear about Rocko's broken leg. What a freak thing to happen. Was he anesthetized for the nail clipping? I know some dogs just hate having it done. Maybe he leapt off the table before they could gently lower him down. sends her love & Rob & I do, too. Rocko's your baby so I know you probably feel as bad as he does
08/Jul/07 4:43 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Good Maen to everyone.
Very interest picture.
08/Jul/07 4:48 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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CG: DOOIE crutches???
One for the Sudospeak list!
Nice dooie, nice dooie. Sit dooie! Stay dooie!
08/Jul/07 5:08 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Congratulations to France on the success of two of their young tennis players at Wimbledon this year - Richard Gasquet & Marion Bartoli. Also, Serbia can be proud of both Ana Ivanovic & Novak Djokovic, two more excellent young players from a very small country. Wouldn't they make a cute couple! As for the Americans, well...... very disappointing results for everyone except Venus Williams (and her braggart father).
08/Jul/07 5:10 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Dooie = doggie. Where is Spellmaster when you need him? I think my keyboard isn't laid out right!
08/Jul/07 5:24 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Yeah, like I can throw stones....
Sudospeak = Sudokuspeak!
08/Jul/07 5:33 AM
val  From bolton england
3:47.great pic.Nola best wishes to the bride and groom.Nal sorry to hear what happened to Rocko hope all goes well with the surgery and he's soon on the mend.Sharon hope the Baby Shower goes well.Kathy did you see the tennis?I'll be watching the men's final tomorrow.Rosemary sorry I missed wishing your mother Happy Birthday please except my belated wishes for her.
08/Jul/07 5:39 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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CG, have you checked out my trip pictures yet?
08/Jul/07 5:42 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Keith, your pics are spectacular! The rainbow is a sight to behold! Now, as for CG......looks like he's given up shaving
Thanks for sharing.
08/Jul/07 6:00 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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nal, I hope the vet pays the bill for the operation. If not - change vets.
nal, your recent photo of the thundercloud is one of the most exquisitely beautiful photos I have seen.
08/Jul/07 6:22 AM
Eve  From So. Oregon

NAL: Having seen the pics of Rocko, makes him closer. May the surgery go well. Give him lots of love and tender care. 7-7-7 hasn't gone well for you. My 4 legged friend sends some treats his way.
08/Jul/07 6:31 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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everyone. Hope the 07/07/07 has been good to all (it's my brother's birthday!).
Sharon; Have great fun at the shower; now is the time to sit back and relax and show that baby's pix to everyone.
Fraz: Congrats on the last and first posts--an unusual feat!
08/Jul/07 7:00 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Nola: Best wishes to your daughter and new SIL; hope they have a wonderful, happy day followed by a wonderful, happy life together.
Nal: So sorry about what happened to Rocko; hope all goes well with the surgery. I'm with Ian, but, I think I'd switch vet's regardless.
Kathy: my horoscope won't come up either, but, maybe I'm better off not knowing!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
08/Jul/07 7:09 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Nola - hope your daughter has a truly wonderful day. All the best to her and your new SIL.
08/Jul/07 7:16 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Kathy and Jane - I can't get my horoscope through, either, even though I have updated my details. It is all VERY slow, tonight.
08/Jul/07 7:25 AM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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I've found that I have to sign in whenever I come onto the site now too. Never had to do that before, I was always signed.
Angie....Love Evie part 1...Looking forward to Parts 2 and 3.
Poor Rocko..he is so beautiful...
08/Jul/07 7:25 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Nal - so sorry to hear about Rocko. I sincerely hope he is well on the mend by now. How old is he?
08/Jul/07 7:26 AM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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My horoscope is missing too. What will I do? lol
08/Jul/07 7:26 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Nal, sorry to hear about Rocko, hope the surgery goes well. I have to agree with Ian about paying for the operation and with Cyndi about changing vets. I know accidents happen but............
Horoscope was there this morning, I also had to sign in this time, was fine this morning
08/Jul/07 7:26 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Fiona - you O K? Recovered from all the parties? Did you get my email? Will contact you again, soon, when I have some positive dates.
08/Jul/07 7:28 AM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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I love weddings.....hope to see some pics soon. I get all excited when I see a car with the ribbons on the front. Just love looking at the bride and her dress and the bridesmaids and looking at how happy the couple are. Rick groans when I see one and I want to stop for a sticky beak....lol
08/Jul/07 7:29 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone...I can only echo all that has been said here...Nola, wishing the bride and groom much happiness, and the bride's mom. peace and rest. Nal, How in the world...poor Rocko...hoping all goes well...hang tough
Shosho...Hope the shower is great fun
Congratulations to Venus on her fourth Wimbledon win...Kathy....please don't hold her daddy's attitude against her. She really did play well! That being said, I do understand why you feel as you do.
08/Jul/07 7:30 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Is it just me, or is everything extremely s-l-o-w this evening? Takes over 40 secs for each post.
08/Jul/07 7:31 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Last one took 49 seconds!
08/Jul/07 7:33 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Keith, I just did your photos, and left some comments. Glad you got to treat yourself to one of my beavertail pastries!
08/Jul/07 7:36 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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No problem here Liz. Posts just going straight though in no time. Maybe your posts are suffering European jet lag!
08/Jul/07 7:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Not only did I have to sign in again, I also lost pictures and heading from my page while I was signed in. going to my page, update details and clicking update, they came back again. It is surely Gath, rebooting the site as he is tweeking the new things again today.

Oh, a funny on me. I signed back in and forgot to put the 1 after MizTricia. I had a page, but my OLD one, and was no longer a supporting member.(I have an old and a new because I goofed when signing up for a membership) I fleetingly thought I was being sent to the naughty corner for some reason.
08/Jul/07 7:42 AM
Eve  From So. Oregon


Love your choice of music! Brings back a lot of memories - Dood ones!
08/Jul/07 7:48 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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I'm not having the slowness and missing pictures problems, but I've discovered I, too, have no Horoscope. Sorry Kathy, I was so ''know it all'' without even looking to see if mine was there. Deb's right, we're all doomed. How will we cope without it?
08/Jul/07 8:35 AM
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