Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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We usually teach what we most need to learn.
30/Aug/11 8:04 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, hope you are feeling better soon.

Nite, Nite all. See you in the morning.
30/Aug/11 10:46 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning all.

a slow start to the day here.
Did not have a good night sleep.
Looked at the clock 8.00am and thought best I get up, next thing it is 9.30am...
Have achieved something this morning ~ Dinner in the Crockpot : Gourmet Beef Casserole.
Hubby has run out of Ironed Work Shirts.. So ironing is on the Agenda
Look for the Boy's Car Registration Papers, I think they are in Melbourne, but they may have been left behind.
Boy has said: sell the car!
I lead such an exciting life!!
30/Aug/11 1:07 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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You and me both, Rolanda!
I woke up at 7am, felt cold, pulled up the doona, next thing it was 8.30. Got up, 20 mins later Col got home from work - he's on 2am starts this week. And, as I said before, I spent yesterday looking for paper that I don't even have here.
We're just back from a bit of shopping and lunch out so I don't have to worry too much about dinner tonight - which is lucky because Col's off to bed soon and won't be up until 10-11pm - who wants to cook then?
30/Aug/11 1:14 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Sent you a PM this evening. Hope you know I am here if you need ANYTHING!!
30/Aug/11 1:42 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone! I'm here (for now)...Glad to hear everyone has survived Hurricane Irene. I have friends all along the East Coast. Heard from several of them (on FB) and power is coming back slowly, everyone safe.
Sorry I haven't been here, life has been getting in the way. Still having issues with Darrell & I in our relationship. Trying to figure out what is going on. Priorities have shifted for both of us right now, hard to stay connected emotionally. That's all I want to say about this for now. Seems insignificant considering everything I read in the last 3 pages. Please stay well everyone. I pray for all of you freqently. Love you all
30/Aug/11 1:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko, SA10!

Gail, thanks for the link to the cake shop! Everything looks yummy, especially the Chocolate Indulgence!

Broni, it's nice to "see" you! I hope all is well!

Suzy, you're right about the calendar filling up for you and Alie! It's too bad one of the Pride girls apparently wants to be less involved. She needs to say that so she can be replaced. Is Alie the youngest of Pride? Thank goodness Forever Archie are able to "pick up the slack" and do the entertaining!

Cyn, AARGH! Sounds like the Solicitor needs to hire in some excellent clerical help, even if only on a short-term basis, to get his files organized! You're right - paperwork can be a nightmare! I'm so glad you found what you were looking for!

Heidi, I'm so glad Lady v. 4 and Mandy v. 2 both had a good night. A collar with ID sounds like a really good idea for Lady!

Suzy, I hope your day with the ferals went well!

June, remember to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. I hope the sewing will go quickly when you get the energy!
30/Aug/11 2:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, June! I hope the cold symptoms magically disappear and you find a burst of energy!

Rolanda, your day certainly sounds full! Unfortunately, it sound full of things for others. Remember to find some time for yourself!

Cyn, I don't know how Col functions on that kind of "upside down-day" schedule. I have a BIL who does shift work. He says he's used to it now and doesn't mind. I doubt that I could do it!

Suzanne, thinking of you and Darrell and hoping it's just a "bump in the road" kind of thing! Remember that we're here if you need us!

Theresa, I haven't seen a post from you today. I hope all is well! You're nearly at a month! Your job right now is not worrying about how you'll be able to do things for your D. What needs to get done will get done, somehow. I'm sure your SIL and his mother will lend a hand, and maybe even a church member will find a way to help

30/Aug/11 2:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Of course, I was referring to the number of days you are smoke-free! You can do it!
30/Aug/11 2:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I don't know where the evening has gone, but it's past 11:30, and I'm falling asleep.

Please share these , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}} Good Night!
30/Aug/11 2:41 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - please don't think relationship issues are 'insignificant'. They can be most stressful and whilst we don't need to know everything, please know we're here if you need us. Hope you work it out happily. Big hugs.
Julie - Col only does this 2am start shift for 1 week in every 8 weeks. There are 8 drivers and they share the good with the bad. If it was constant, he'd have had his eye out for a new job very quickly. And, at the end of this week, we'll have our weekend away at the beach. Woohoo - can't wait!
30/Aug/11 3:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I typed a really long post on my phone, not easy to do, and it didn't post!!! I'll try to recreate it!

Afternoon all! The ferals weren't as bad today, the teacher must have better control of her classes than the other one did. Guess what I did for sport with the kids??? Lawn bowls, and I even bowled! I sucked at it, but I gave it a shot.

I stopped off at the mall on the way to pick up Alie because I hadn't eaten all day and wanted something to eat, and saw you know who!! I was very strong and didn't hit him with my car, though I was tempted, Then regretted it later when I got back and found a note on the windshield, NR is the father with a phone number on the back!! I said to hubby that I wouldn't be calling him, I have 7 months until he has to be a part of our lives and I am going to take advantage of every minute of it!! Then I realised it is only 6 months... WAAAAA!!
30/Aug/11 3:56 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy doesn't time go quickly when you are (not) having fun. Pleased to hear that the ferals are being tamed a little. You seem to be getting quite a lot of work which will help to keep your mind off other things a little.
Theresa, you have to concentrate on your health problems rather than your daughters. She would have to cope if you were not close by and as someone said the girls are now a little older and should be able to help a lot more this time.
June hope you feel better soon.
Cyn (hugs)for having to cope with paper work for your mum and having to deal with Col's unsocial working week, but your forth coming weekend away sounds wonderful.
My brain has gone to sleep and house krow is calling me.
Take care everyone.
30/Aug/11 5:54 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Big storm went through here earlier and now may be coming back.
Lots of lightning and thunder.
Suzi are you teaching ? Being off site for so long I have no idea who is doing what.
30/Aug/11 7:17 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzanne.
Plenty of issues in my house as well.
Hi Julie. Theresa hope the not smoking is still going well.
30/Aug/11 7:19 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Viv, Suzy has been doing casual teaching (substitute) until she can find a permanent position.
30/Aug/11 8:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Frustrating time right then watching X Factor. Bunch of 14 and 15 year olds Alie could wipe the floor with getting through!! A friend of Alie's, actually the boyfriend of one of the Pride girls, just posted on her wall "Excuse my French, but why the f* aren't you auditioning on X Factor?" He's in his 20's..Guess they were watching it too. And it's not just me being a proud Mum..

After each one sang, Alie was singing the same song, just because that's what she does, and kicking their butts - without music!!
30/Aug/11 8:52 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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YAY, boy's car registration papers found... in Melbourne.
Now we need to send him transfer forms for him to sign and return with the Registration ..
then we (read his father) can sell the car.
30/Aug/11 9:13 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone. Awake WAY too early this morning.
Thanks for the coffee Tami!! Much needed today.
I think this situation with Darrell is just a bump in the road. He seems WAY too preoccupied with school, work, etc. to sometimes notice that I feel ignored. We are going on 20 years of marriage this December. We're both also stubborn, so there is no giving up here...Just wish he could be romantic like in the earlier years of our relationship. Any suggestions would be helpful.
30/Aug/11 11:28 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Will check in later with everyone.
Love & Hugs to all with extras!! TTFN
30/Aug/11 11:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... Is NR Three? I REALLY hope not, because then you would have a connection with his entire nightmare of a family as well. Could this get worse? Does he have a job so he can pay for Dana's medical bills during pregnancy? Somebody needs to make this as nightmarish as possible for him, too, so he'll never again drop trou.
31/Aug/11 12:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Lady v4 has decided she likes it here and has stopped escaping. I'm keeping the collar on her anyways.
Timmy has 2 more days until his surgery. He's in much better physical and mental condition for it than when he first arrived here. I'd guess that he's put on 10 pounds already. And having played with the Vet here at home, he now trusts him.
31/Aug/11 12:50 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All
Nothing much going on here today...beautiful weather and I'm getting ready to go away for a week and enjoy some good jazz in Detroit, Mi.with my sister. Looking forward to that.

Suzanne and Viv...hope you and your spouses are able to get past the current issues. As we age we become more involved with our creeping ailments and the need to secure our lives financially and to make as much money as we can so that we will be comfortable as we get to old to work. We become unaware that the changes we're undergoing often are hidden or aren't shared with our partners in life and we start to grow apart w/o knowing what's happening...It takes lots of work to repair these breaks, if love is still there. The being ignored or left to think whatever comes to mind , as we too face many of the same issues leaves lots of lonely, hurt feelings in there wake. In the long run however, because love is usually there, the gaps can be bridged over time.
I hope whatever bump in the road you ladies have incurred, can be repaired because you have invested a lot in each other and deserve to share in seeing what you started has bought to fruition.
May peace walk with you as you seek the best path to follow.
31/Aug/11 1:46 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Day 30 and still going.

Suzanne, you have to set some time aside so the two of you can talk and get everything out in the open. Been there/done that.

It's not so much helping D that is troubling me - there is only so much I can do - it's worrying about the financial situation again. We are almost finished paying off the debts we accumulated from before, and now here we go again.

One of our rescued cats, Splotch (the little boy with AIDS), is very timid. Last night was the first time that he curled up with me and slept on the bed. He has been with us for almost a year. Mind you, there was a lot of growling going on because he upset the routine and placement of the other cats. But we survived. I didn't get a good night's sleep because I thought I was going to be a battleground ...
31/Aug/11 3:13 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Theresa, your daughter is a grown woman with her own family, isn't there some benefits she can get. You shouldn't have to get yourself into debt over this again.
31/Aug/11 3:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Brenda, we went through this the last time with my daughter and there is just nothing available for them financially. Last time I got into a letter writing campaign with various levels of government, all to no avail. If my daughter was single, there would be all kinds of programs to help. Not that we lived in a screwed up society or anything ........
31/Aug/11 4:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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My son has an 8 page essay on Medieval Music due on Friday. Who cares about Medieval music????
31/Aug/11 8:23 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tami - the Medieval people did!!
31/Aug/11 8:52 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - glad Lady v.4 is settling in.
Suzanne - Theresa is right. Make time to talk about these issues.
Theresa - I feel for you about the financial worries. Many nights I have lain awake worrying about our financial situation and trying to think up ways to fix it. The stupid sad awful thing is that our situation is about to fix itself when my Mum's will is sorted. Personally I'd rather have my Mum. And, in all my worrying, it wasn't an option I thought about. The trouble with inheriting is that someone you love has to die... it's almost like dirty money.
31/Aug/11 9:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, find me a Medieval person so He can interview him. I am a rock & roll baby and that is what I care about. Give me some Beatles anytime.
31/Aug/11 10:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, I know what you are saying about how you feel about the inheritance money, but please don't, it is something she was able to pass on to you and you must value every cent.
When my fil passed away, due to the complexity of his shares and companies, it took a long time for anything to come through, not that we were expecting anything. When it did finally come through, we had just moved interstate and were in extremely tight financial circumstances, and the coming Christmas looked terribly bleak for the fact we had even told the oldest child that we would have to IOU him a present (not that we ever spend a lot at Christmas time, it is not the way we celebrate). We went from thinking we would not even have a special lunch, to having a wonderful and joyous celebration, all through the generosity of my husband's father. Our windfall couldn't have happened at a better time ♥
31/Aug/11 10:11 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well, my oldest daughter is another year older and on her way to South America!

What was going to be an early morning anyway to get her out to the airport for the first leg of her journey, became a VERY early morning as she had misread the times of her flights!!! I had my alarm set for 5am, enough time to get up, have a quick shower and a cuppa...she came in very apologetically at 4am saying her flight was not at 9.30 but at 6.30! No shower, no cuppa and driving in a zombie-like state for the hour and a half trip out to the airport!
31/Aug/11 10:16 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Bon Voyage Chloe
31/Aug/11 10:35 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning everyone.
Last day of winter here in Australia.
Perth is set for 22C, with light showers today.
On my list of 'what am I doing today' is Grocery Shopping.. always a highlight of the week NOT!!
31/Aug/11 10:37 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Any one heard from Tricia, she has not been on these pages the last couple of days.. hope all is well ♥
31/Aug/11 10:38 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I know what you mean Gail. In time I will appreciate it but right now it doesn't feel right.
Hope Chloe has a great trip despite the early start.
31/Aug/11 10:40 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh my goodness, Rolanda, I hadn't noticed. Did either of them have any more tests/appointments coming up? Hope you're OK MizT.
31/Aug/11 10:42 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I just got off the phone with Tricia. I have her number. She lost her phone and internet on Sunday. She just got her phone back today (Tuesday) and is still waiting for internet. If she doesn't post in a few days, I will call her back and check on her. Her daughter and family are doing fine but still have no power.
31/Aug/11 10:52 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite all. See your smiling faces in the morning. I don't usually smile until I have had my coffee, if then
31/Aug/11 11:00 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Thanks Tami ♥
31/Aug/11 11:01 AM
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