Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Happy 7th Birthday to Laura
13/Aug/12 1:56 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon folks..
Still reading.. p484 ..such a mixed bag.. really giggled at You June.. you must have been such a devil when you where younger.. now I know where Sharon's cheekiness came from..
Perfect response Theresa..
Broni ... look forward to you having more time for self..
Nola.. so glad you can vent here... that sort of response is regrettably too common.. the 'caring profession'.. leaves you shaking your head at times..
The 'Antidepressant Kit' is wonderful..thank you for sharing.. something to stow away for future referance..
Tami..did yoy find some Valium? Oh boy.. good luck... stressful time.. equal only to a death in the family..
13/Aug/12 2:32 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Suzy.. bloody hell.. poor Alie..feel your pain.

Theresa its not so hard for me to remember being so young and going through similar things.. I'm now encountering similar types of jerks as I'm starting to socialise and get out there.. The first time my knee jerk reaction kicked in to bad behaviour I recognised it as response I would have made 40 years ago.. Whoa.. that was a shock.. thought age & wisdom would have kicked in but learned behaviours have to have new ones superimposed on ones that didn't work last time.. What is SO obvious to an outsider really isn't to oneself when it comes to affairs of the heart. My friend Diana knows me well and it really helps when she reminds me which way is up.. often with words that I have used with her. Nobody understands as well as someone going through the same experience at a similar time..
13/Aug/12 3:20 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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A bid of a sad day..
my Auntie (Mum's sister 2 yrs younger) 12 months gone today ♥
13/Aug/12 3:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All! I may not get far in reading, as it looks like you have all been busy posting here today.

Happy Birthday to Laura!

Nola, I'm so sorry to hear about Judy, and very upset that the RN wouldn't put the call through to you, especially when it was after your shift! NOT good that you went home and had to come back, when you could have gotten to Judy so much more quickly if you had been allowed to take the call! Prayers and positive thoughts for Judy!

Broni, I hope cutting back your work hours a bit will help! Prayers for your friend Teresa's new grandson! I hope she enjoys her visit!

Nola, both TOPPs were appropriate!

Theresa, be sure to let us know how the cats/kittens like the porch after they have visited. I'm guessing they won't want to leave.

Brenda, your time away from home was a great idea. You're right; sometimes just a brief change of scenery is enough to rejuvenate!

Heidi, how wonderful that Chaka has acclimated so quickly! Hooray that IH likes her!

Perhaps this comes as no surprise to many of you, but I'm another one who can forget to eat. And I can't even blame it on fb or SA.

Suzy, that was an awful way for BOY to treat Alie! I'm glad Dana agreed with you and Don to convince Alie that BOY was a jerk.

Theresa, what an awful day due to your SIL. Where does she get off trying to tell your hubby what he should be doing? She may be frustrated with her hubby, but that's no reason to take it out on you two! Hold firm and remember how she treated you the next time she tries to convince you to provide money for her. BTW, I like your goals to get south of your border and to head to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, etc.

MizT, I hope you are feeling better. It's nice that you have a bit of time to work on floor plans! The bedroom sounds quite large, which is good, as you want to be able to get in, out, and around the furniture. Tree tops and sky sound like a great view from your windows.

Heidi, I hope you get a really good night's sleep without someone's snoring! Take care of yourself. Those 2 weeks until your next epidural could absolutely drag.

Gail, you are making great progress! It looks good!

Rolanda, and {{HUGS}}!

It's time to head to bed. We have an early meeting tomorrow. The week is really starting to fill up for us.

Sending lots of , prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and healing vibes for everyone!
13/Aug/12 4:04 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Remind me next time I go out for lunch (a) not to eat so much - my sister served nibblies, main course and dessert plus a cuppa with a fancy choc biscuit - and (b) not to drink even a glass of wine (only one was all I had, I had to drive home and with a grandchild). I can barely keep my eyes open - at 4.30pm!!
13/Aug/12 4:34 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I would Cyn but you peobably would take no notice...
I have learnt that I cannot drink in the middle of the day.. has a soporific affect on me.. not so much in the evening when my body clock ison adifferent phase..
13/Aug/12 4:57 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I posted the photo of Laura's cake on my page.
13/Aug/12 5:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yes, Bean - I know I shouldn't drink until mid-afternoon at least and I should never have too much to eat for lunch. I have never quite learned to use moderation! (In anything!)
13/Aug/12 8:48 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Chuckling here Cyn at what (In anything!) conjurs up.. me too.. and now I will try to keep it clean.. :)
14/Aug/12 12:01 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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G'nite...note everybody that it is WAS before midnight when I started this post... I'll try to do better tomorrow...
14/Aug/12 12:03 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, 2 weeks is a long time to wait for the epidural ... any chance they'll take you earlier?

Gail, love the picture you posted. I definitely think you should have a working holiday at my place. Tee hee!

I'm glad people liked the anti-depression kit. Of course I would change the title in the case of Gail's daughter. Maybe people could come up with suggestions here.

Suzy, my SIL sees no problem with her hubby not working. I just don't see where she comes off treating us like that after all these years.

I will tell you a funny, or maybe ironic is a better word, story about my SIL. She used to be into things like tarot cards, raiki (sp???), and other stuff like that. She did it as a sideline and got paid for her services. She considered herself a witch (good witch, mother earth witch, etc.) and she is also an atheist. So she meets and marries an anglican priest?????? She has given up all her activities that would obviously conflict with her hubby's religion. So she has given up everything she liked doing for him. I told hubby that if she starts going to church I am personally going to see her and slap her silly!

Rolanda {{{HUGS}}}

Reminder to Cyn: Next time you go out don't eat so much and don't have a drink! (You said to remind you!)
14/Aug/12 12:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, I love the cake! BTW, you will be happy to know that I investigated and found out that Snookums is a girl.

Heidi, you can tell IH there are three possible methods for him to find out if the calf is a male or female:

(1) Does it have a boy's name or a girl's name. If the calf's name is Joe, it is probably a boy; if the name is Sally, it is probably a girl.

(2) Are the booties pink or blue?

(3) Lift the tail. Are there nubbies? If so, it is probably a boy.

On to do the puzzles. I feel better mentally today. I can't change other people's opinions, so why bother. I know I am doing the best I can, and that's good enough for me.
14/Aug/12 12:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What a work of art, June! It's too pretty to eat, though.

IH couldn't tell what gender the calf was because it was too far away from him to see, and the cow & calf were moving at a good clip away from him. I can usually tell from a distance if there's something dangling between the back legs, tho'. He can't. He gets it wrong regularly when he lifts the tail and looks. I've had to instruct him to grab the calf, lay it on it's back, then stare at the underside to see if there is a p3nis and balls. If neither are present, it's a girl. He still gets it wrong occasionally.
14/Aug/12 12:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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How about a ''Homesickness kit'' instead of an ''Anti-depression kit''?
14/Aug/12 12:31 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nice idea for a name Heidi, but I have tried very hard to steer clear of telling her I miss her, or trying to make it seem like home is where she wants to be. I see this as a stage in her life that she needs to work hard at making it a happy time. I am thinking something along the lines of a Box of Loving Thoughts, or something like that.
14/Aug/12 12:42 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hubby was on the machine this afternoon because he did NOT want to do it's his birthday!
Happy Birthday honey, love you long time xo
14/Aug/12 12:45 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy birthday, Mr Gail!!! Are you going to spoil him rotten today, Gail???
14/Aug/12 12:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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14/Aug/12 1:19 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Belated Happy Birthday wishes to Scott. Glad he had a day off the machine.
Suzy..poor Alie.Not a nice experience as it would have been freezing outside.
Theresa..glad you are feeling better about the situation with inlaws.
Judy Update. She was moved to the private hospital and is doing much better.Will probably stay in a few days.Already her colour is back and she can manage the toilet by herself. She gave me a scare alright.
As for work,I saw the manager and clinical manager and WILL get all personal calls put through to me. They even said I could carry the mobile but I declined that.Action will be taken with the RN and a written report of the incident kept on her file.The meeting went for half an hour and many things came out that should not be going on. I felt so much better knowing I have their support. Thanks to you all also for your understanding and I will pass on to Judy your regards.
Day off today. Plan on booking hair appointment,taking Judy some personals and more clothes, feed her animals,take her mattress cover to laundromat,get some food and meds and not look at all that needs doing here.If I get my uniforms washed I will be happy.

14/Aug/12 6:59 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Feeling guilty about the time you spend on facebook and twitter? Now you can rest easy,with research revealing social networking sites are good for you!Researchers from Milan and the US found spending time on these sites results in lower heart rates and stress levels-the interaction with other people via these sites brings about a positive effect on your mind and body.
New Idea. March 2012.

But we already knew that!!!
14/Aug/12 7:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just called and said that he's spending another day at the plant!!!
14/Aug/12 8:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy..... I've been thinking about that awful ''date'' Alie had with BOY. Besides wanting to practice my castration skills on him, it occurred to me that he was bullying her! She had enough bad experiences with girls doing that, that she doesn't need something with a ''Y'' chromosome belittling her. HOW DARE HE!!!! She's so much better than abusive slime like him. She is talented. She is beautiful. He's just a creep.
14/Aug/12 8:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nola.... HURRAH for the Manager and Clinical Manager!!! I'm so glad that you have their support! It's good to know that the Clinic is run by people who DO care.
14/Aug/12 8:48 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!
Nola - I'm so glad you reported that RN's behaviour, it was not acceptable. I would imagine that in the hospital up there, after all the Patel scandal, things are being done 'by the book' these days and allowing a staff member to take an important call is one of them! Hope the RN gets into big strife.
On a nicer note, I'm pleased that Judy is improving, what a scare for her.
Oh well, I'd better have my shower, it is 9.30 and get some errands done. There's no one else to do them.
14/Aug/12 9:33 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Scott!
14/Aug/12 9:34 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the reminder Theresa
I'll behave myself today!
14/Aug/12 9:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Back to krow today. I have the class I thought I would. All the pain in the a$$e$. Oh well, I will survive.

Mr. Gail. Hope you have a great day.

Nola, glad that things are working out for Judy. Keeping her in my thoughts.
14/Aug/12 9:49 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I felt so bad this morning, with everything going on I didn't even think to grab a card to give him this morning! I made him a coffee then raced out the door, went to the local post office, grabbed a card and a Discover Australia's Coastlines book (for when we become grey nomads!) and gave him his token birthday pressie. We will get ready soon and go out for lunch and I will buy him something of his own choosing while we are out. He did get one nice little pressie though, we have been in the process of refinancing and it finally came through last night, so looking at our new bank account put a smile on his dial :)
Bless him, he deserves so much more!
14/Aug/12 10:48 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Brenda, I missed your post until I saw Gail's comment. Something really fantastic to look forward to!!

Gail, please pass on birthday wishes to Scott. What a great birthday pressie!

Nola, so glad to hear Judy is doing better. And that you will be getting the calls in future! That was so wrong...

Theresa, nice healthy way to think about it! I like it!

Gail, my mother never steered clear of letting me know she wanted me back in Australia! It wasn't all bad, I knew I was loved and missed, and I did what I wanted to do anyway...

I've had a giggle about not knowing the gender of the calf. It reminds me of Dimmie. When we checked there was no sign of anything down there. It wasn't until he was almost 6 months old that we found very undersized 'bits'.

Alie finally changed her relationship status on FB. Dana and I kind of applied a bit of pressure there. He had convinced her that he was a victim and his friends would make fun of him if they broke up so quickly. So they were broken up but nobody was supposed to know??? In the car on the way to school this morning I said very quietly that I was glad she wasn't going out with him anymore because the language he was using was typical abuser language. I said it very low key because she tends to rebel 'just because' if I try to give advice.

Tami, sorry to hear about your class though I'm sure you'll work your magic with them. I don't think they put bad teachers on those classes!
14/Aug/12 11:40 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, I messed up and read it wrong even after seeing Gail's post! I want my brain back!!
14/Aug/12 11:42 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Hope you both have a lovely day Gail and the rain holds off. Lunch in the hills somewhere? My hubby's b'day is on Friday and one son's tomorrow - August is a bit hectic. Didn't plan anything too well - 2 birthdays each in June, August and December. We have our choice of restaurant for dinner on our day - glad we are past the MacDonald's stage!!
14/Aug/12 12:30 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon everybody.
The sniffles I had last night have declared themselves..not allergy. Woke up with a stinker of a headache and a sore throat. Feeling more than a little 'blurk'..

Cancelled my coffee date today..which is so NOT good.. asked Lachie to let me know what he baked this morning so I could start anticipating.. hazelnut cakes!! I love hazelnut anything.. he told me what went in the mix before he piped it into patty-pan case.. sounded better than good. His excuse for NOT baking at home is the cluttered benchtop [also not wanting to do for fun what he gets paid to do..]

Guess who is going to try and have clear benches before the end of the week..
14/Aug/12 1:20 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have read, smiled and nodded ... and promptly forgotten everything I wanted to comment on.
I want to make some is always good when you are sick & off colour.
Need to get milk and so will get what else I need then as well.
And then I will go back to bed.. what a wuss I am...
I want to be well enough to attend my African Drumming class tomorrow night..

14/Aug/12 1:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night friends. I am off to bed to try to get to sleep before the second line of T storms comes through.

Did want to mention, my apartment is on indefinite hold for move in date, due to the leak. I am so disappointed. but they must find the source of that leak and then do repairs. I think tomorrow I will e-mail Linda again, and ask will they give me next available apartment if this hold is prolonged. I and my family think that is only fair, not sure what they will say. Must have my brain in gear and word this just right, ya know?

Hugs to all, and Nola, so glad Judy is better, so glad you will now get personal calls so you can properly tend to Judy during her chemo.

Till tomorrow
14/Aug/12 1:47 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Beanie - had a smile about Lachie not wanting to cook at home. Col's younger brother is a pastrycook, not that he works at it any more due to the hours and having no life. We used to love when he got in from work with loads of goodies they'd baked. So, when Col and I were getting married, we asked him to bake our wedding cake. Left it to him, just gave him guidelines about what we wanted. The day and the cake arrived - both lovely - but when we thanked him for it he said - oh, that's OK, I asked a mate to do it.
He couldn't quite understand that the reason we asked him was because we wanted him to do it!!
14/Aug/12 2:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Word it carefully, MizT. Who knows? You might get an apartment in the building you wanted after all!

Off to bed and a quiet night again.
14/Aug/12 3:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Everyone! If I read & respond quickly, I may get to bed soon after midnight. (Bean, you have inspired me.)

Cyn, here's a friendly reminder to eat in moderation and skip the wine when you go out for lunch, especially if you have a grandie with you.

June, what a WONDERFUL cake Belinda got for Laura! I suspect it was a huge hit.

Theresa, your SIL must truly love her Anglican priest-hubby to give up so much. Unfortunately, that means giving up their only means to make a living, since he does not have a parish. Is he actively looking for one, or just being complacent and expecting manna to fall from heaven? (I hope that doesn't offend anyone.) Theresa, I'm proud of you for realizing that what others think doesn't matter. It helps to put things in perspective.

Gail, please extend birthday wishes to Scott! At least by doing his treatments at home, he had the flexibility to decide when he would do them.

Nola, what a relief to hear that Judy is doing so much better! I'm also glad that things are getting straightened out at work! You need to have the flexibility to take calls from and about Judy! It would also be nice to have their support!

Tami, I'm sorry to hear that you have the PIA class this year!

Suzy, I'm so glad Alie has amended her facebook page to reflect reality! In no way did she deserve to be treated the way BOY treated her!

It's nice to 'see' you again, Midge!

Bean, how awful that you are not feeling well! Hopefully there will be improvement on each and every day! The African drumming class sounds like a lot of fun!

MizT, what a disappointment that your apartment will be on indefinite hold while they try to determine the source of the leak! Hopefully they have a policy to accommodate a client in such circumstances!

I really must head to bed! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, , healing vibes and prayers for all!
14/Aug/12 3:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Night, All!
14/Aug/12 3:36 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hey everyone, hope you're all well. :)
Bean, hope you've gone back to bed!
Suzy, glad Alie's sorted out her situation - she's too young to be stuck with someone dubious.
MizT hope everything works out ok. :)
14/Aug/12 4:51 PM
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