Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Suzy, not a fun day for you with all the waiting! Hopefully the repairs are completed and done correctly!

Brenda, it seems your day has been horrible, as well! I hope there will soon be some improvement!

Mama, I hope your sinus infection is soon gone! {{{HUGS}}}

Suzanne, I know you have been working hard to become a member of Eastern Star. It seems your wish is soon to be granted! I hope you get a lot of enjoyment from your affiliation with the group!

I'm about to head off to bed. I hope these positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} reach all of you and find you in good health!
03/Oct/12 4:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry! I wasn't watching the numbers.

‎'May the stars carry your sadness away,
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears,
And, above all, may silence make you strong.' ~ Chief Dan George

“There are no random acts...We are all connected...You can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind . . .” ~ Mitch Albom (in The Five People You Meet in Heaven)

“When someone is in your heart, they're never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times.” ~ Mitch Albom (in For One More Day)
03/Oct/12 4:33 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I have missed Tami's birthday along with her hubby's. Many happy returns.

So much going on here that I might offend someone by not mentioning them by name. Wishing you all well,as I think of the SA site daily.

Nice to see Midge, Brenda,Mamacita,Judy and Suzanne again.
03/Oct/12 4:34 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Julie.. you did well with second top......very nice.
03/Oct/12 4:44 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Purple top and undies today.
Hope you are smiling now Lizzy
03/Oct/12 5:22 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Love to you all xoxo I kept you in my thoughts as we farewelled a beautiful lady. It was a packed house, a sea of purple. Her sister bravely spoke the eulogy then her friend of 40 years said her goodbyes. So very touching.
We watched a slide show of photos to Elton John's 'Can You Hear the Love Tonight'. I am so happy to say there were several sudoku gathering photos, one of Liz about to tackle a big piece of chocolate cake on one of our get togethers that happened to be her birthday, one taken last Christmas with the whole mob, and one very special one, the three dags, Liz, Broni and me at the gathering at my house in honour of Broni's visit. If I wasn't a mess before that I certainly was after. :,)
When the service was finished family and friends released 53 purple balloons, one for every year of a sweet woman's life.
03/Oct/12 6:02 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Thanks for letting us know how it all went Gail!
RIP Lizzy
03/Oct/12 6:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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RIP Lizzy. Thought about you a lot today.

03/Oct/12 7:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie has been sick basically all of the holidays so far and was meant to be meeting up with friends from out of town today. They all ended up having to work etc and she was incredibly sad so I said we'd do the trip to look for her formal dress. The shop we were going to go to had closed down! But I'm glad we went anyway as we had a good time spending time together and had an incredible find.. Alie loves op shops and we stopped into a Vinnies and found a red dress that would be perfect for Carols in the Park. It's floor length and gorgeous. I couldn't find a price on it so asked and they thought it must be $10. I thought that was such a bargain I told Alie to try it on! It looked fantastic!! In the meantime they found the price tag ($30), but smuggled it past another woman (who was in the back room) so we could still get it for $10.

We also picked up some goodies in a knick knack shop - not a bargain shop, bought American candy bars and had lots of fun.

Then we drove up to Shellharbour to look around some more. We went into what felt like a million shops and picked up a whole lot of little things. We couldn't find an appropriate dress anywhere. Luckily it didn't ruin the day. Alie was singing to herself in the shops and in the car so she must have had a good time.
03/Oct/12 7:30 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yes, it was hard to keep Lizzy out of my thoughts today. Thank you Gail for the update on how her farewell went.
In the light of today being the day it was, my piece of news is not making me jump for joy, however I'm sure as the date gets closer I will get very excited.
We are going to Melbourne for a long 4-day weekend and will be there to meet Mo. I am excited at the prospect. It's just today I feel gloomy! Blah!
03/Oct/12 8:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I have just booked return tickets, hotel and travel insurance all on the one website. That was the easy part - I swear I used half a pack of printer paper, printing up everything, including 16 pages of policy on a very basic Travel Insurance.
03/Oct/12 8:50 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Cyn, why didn't you just save the insurance document to a PDF file on your computer. That way you would have the document and save paper and ink. Plus you wouldn't have to carry the paper when you fly to Melbourne.
03/Oct/12 9:12 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, it is excellent news, just the thing to turn our moods around. I certainly don't have time to dwell, it's time to move on, time to turn the corner. It's what Liz would want xo
03/Oct/12 10:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Speaking of travel, it looks like I'll be traveling to Ocala, Florida, for Thanksgiving. A friend and I will be spending the holiday with those friends/neighbors who just moved. IH has ''promised'' me (and them) that he'll look after all my critters for those few days. Of course, IH is furious with me over this. He wants me to spend my few vacations with HIS family, instead.
04/Oct/12 12:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I like the header on the page today. Nice purples for Lizzy's send-off.

You'll always be in our hearts, Lizzy.
04/Oct/12 2:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Lincoln Day's Parade is in 3 days. Besides my friend Tammy and myself, people are jumping ship. It seems that most grown-ups get embarrassed by dressing up as pirates and wandering around town taking Lincoln impersonators hostage. And by strutting in costume in a parade. Poor scurvy lubbers. We be nuts enough to be up to them devilments, even in the rain that be predicted. Our pirate hats be waterproof.
04/Oct/12 5:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well..... off to the store for more dog food. I have no idea why we go through so much dog food.
04/Oct/12 5:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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One disappointment. My left leg is still a bit swollen from the surgery, and I can't get my pirate boot on it. I will have to improvise with some riding boots and hope nobody notices.
04/Oct/12 5:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Another day and although it feels wrong, Gail's right and I need to move on....

MizT, I'm hoping you got to see your online friends. An axe-murderers meeting without anyone from SA???

Cyn, how fantastic that you are going to get to meet Mo! I hope you are able to feel excited about it today..

Heidi, have a fantastic time in Florida! It's very rare you get to go away. I hope all of your animals are alive and home when you get back...
04/Oct/12 7:21 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Suzy...sounds like you had a great Mother/Daughter day and had fun. I hope Allie feels better soon.

Cyn...exciting news that you will go to Melb.and meet Mo and all the other axe murderers down there. must be excited too.It is a rare occurrence for you to get away from the farm.
Doubt if anyone will notice the boots but who cares if they do.

Brenda...nice to see you here!

Well, our visitors arrived last night,late. I had already gone to bed and told Greg to wake me if it was before 9pm. Didn't see them,and they are still asleep. We are looking after the girls today also. I hope it is here...yet to ask Greg.
My exciting news is that I have a job offer of 1 day a week at a Dr Surgery. I will keep my hours where I am so it will mean hardly any days off.At least if I get my foot in the door,it may lead to more easier work. It is a Health Assistant and I just do BPs BGLs etc and enter on the computer so the Dr already has the info. I will work 1 day next week with the EEN that is leaving, and see if I like it.
I can hear stirring,our visitors must be waking up.
Have a great day!
04/Oct/12 7:53 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes, it's another day for the living to live. Today I get the coiff done then some laat minute thibgs like make junk disappear...we're good at that! Hubby made new computer tables so he will be applying varnish this morning. Our tradie bloke who has been doing the earthworks 'finished' last night, but there are a few minor tweekings that need doing with the retaining walls but that can all wait till after. Sadly it was supposed to be finished in plenty of time to have plantings behind it, but for now we have to accept the mounds of dirt!
This morning we will have a delivery of very small gravel that we will put over the top of the new cutting so it should look lovely for whenthe outlaws arrive.
04/Oct/12 8:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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WooHoo!!! IH is taking off for the plant and won't be back for 2 days!!!
04/Oct/12 8:26 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, why don't you dress the swollen leg in bandages and make it look like you were in an accident? You can then say that you can't wait for your wooden leg. I wish I had been able to come for a visit but unfortunately it was not to be. I would be very willing, and eager, to dress up and kidnap people with you. I did check. Ocala is about 4.5 hours from me. Don't know if I could make the drive or not.
04/Oct/12 8:39 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Wore my purple today and had to smile everytime I saw someone wear purple. I know Lizzy is smiling down on us and I think I will remember her every time I see purple.
04/Oct/12 8:40 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, everything crossed that you love the new job and it becomes full time! We are supposed to work less as we get older, not more...

I heard stirring at my house, thought someone was up and just being very quiet - turned out I'd left the door open and one of the dogs was exploring and looking for me...

Heidi, those people have no sense of adventure!

Gail, thank you for reminding me to make an appointment to get my coif done... I'm sure the just finished work will look perfect by the time your visitors get there!

04/Oct/12 9:46 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I love the sound of the new floor! I can recognise the cats by how their nails sound. Punch clip clops :)
The funniest thing is Nibbles, she sussed very quickly the slip quality of the floor, she runs at great speed from one room to the next, turning mid-stride and ends up legs akimbo trying to turn back on herself. Hysterical!
04/Oct/12 10:31 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends! I have only a few minutes. Our visiting grand-puppy is accustomed to an early start to the day, including out the door at about 6 a.m. We do NOT have a fenced yard, so that means one of us is out the door with her.

No time to read, so just my customary sending of healing vibes, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and !
04/Oct/12 3:29 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Home again. Have some reading to do to catch up. Laura is here for a couple of days and has found that she likes playing games on my FB page. Rather tired and a bit achy as doing things at Belinda's place (like cleaning high windows) that I would not do at home!
04/Oct/12 6:46 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The following write up explains so much.

'Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind,
only to completely forget what that purpose was?

Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses.

Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an event boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next.

Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room
and prepares a blank slate for the new locale.'

It's not aging, it's the damn door !

Whew! Thank goodness for studies :-)

04/Oct/12 7:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Phew, thank you Theresa, that explains so much!

Gail, that would be hilarious to see! One day I will.

Julie, vibes, thoughts and hugs back at you.

June,i always knew you were a superwoman and babysitting tahli proves it to me! Hope all your aches and pains leave quickly.

MizT, I hope you aren't here because you are off having fun.

Bought alie's Xmas present today - tickets to see her fiance in concert next year. We got 2 and she has the option of taking one of us (hahaha), giving the ticket to a friend, or selling three ticket to a friend and putting the money toward the recording equipment she wants.
04/Oct/12 10:24 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Middle of the night here - just back from seeing 'Jersey Boys'. I'm probably the last of you to see it, Brisbane seems to be the last venue in Australia to get stage shows. That said, it was wonderful. Had always been a 4 Seasons fan, they were around before the Beatles. Went with my sister and her 14yo granddaughter who thoroughly enjoyed it too.
Theresa, thanks for the info about doors - I knew it was an inanimate object causing the problem all along! Haha!
Trying to wind down before I head to bed. If I watch TV, I'll wind down to sleep right there and then. No TV tonight for me!
04/Oct/12 11:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thank you Theresa.... That sure explains a lot!
05/Oct/12 12:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The closer I get to Saturday ( 51 1/2 hours until the parade starts) the more concerned I am about being able to complete the kilometer long parade route. My back is back to screaming at me.
05/Oct/12 12:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't want to get my bloated carcass out of the chair, but I may have to. I do have ffuts to do today, and I can do it undisturbed by IH. I need to keep telling myself.... ''epidural in 4 days, then bed rest''.
05/Oct/12 1:26 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Heidi....Everything is NOT' mind over matter'....your back has been hurting for far too long to keep pushing yourself...Hope you come to terms that you may not be able to take a full part in the parade..perhaps limit it to dressing as the head pirate and bellowing from a horse drawn cart or something...but give the back a break( no pun intended) until you can get the epidural!....My two cents worth...
Hello to everyone...since we have been helped by Theresa's wonderful reporting about why we forget things...we now understand that dreams can come
Cyn...Glad you had a great time at the show.
June you have earned a rest big time...feel better soon.
Suzy...I had some thoughts to comment on, but I walked past a door and it blocked those thoughts...but when did Allie get engaged? Who is he...etc...please direct me to the convo if you can...I feel so ill
Julie..enjoy the grand dog's visit. I know your kids appreciate your effort in maintaining his schedule....and I know how hard that can be....I too must accompany Jazz on all of his outings..and they grow more frequent as he ages.
Gail...thanks for the visual of the cats walking...or should I say finding their way across the new flooring...has to be fun to watch. would be good at pirating..I agree its a shame you can't be closer to Heidi when she comes to Florida...I know you two would have fun together.
Brenda...what a timely reminder that we don't always have to print important stuff out, but can save it electronically...often that slips my mind and I waste time, paper and ink doing just what Cyn did.
Miz T...Hope all is well and as Suzy said you are MIA due to fun...but you are missed.
Okay folks...I'm off to do the jigsaws and easy before getting back to my reading...Have a good day/night and find a way to make tomorrow even better...Peace.♥
05/Oct/12 2:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama... that sounds like good advice, except for one thing. I have a bizarrely archaic sense of honor. I made a commitment to do this. it's not just for us, we're representing the Magnolia Lions Club and trying to let people know that we have fun and they should join. Unless Tammy's health gives out (SHE's the pirate leader... she goes as Captain Jack Sparrow and you can barely tell her from the original) we're doing this. Tammy's health is as bad as mine (she suffers from the worst migraines I've ever seen), and if we're both hurting too much, we'll cancel our participation in the parade. With my back, I can drug myself into surviving it, but if she gets one of her frequent migraines, she can't bluster through.

Suzy got the same reaction from the rest of us the first time she mentioned Alie's fiance. He's a red headed musician.... whose name escapes me (I'm sitting next to a door).... that she's crazy about.
05/Oct/12 4:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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By the way, Mamacita.... I think that avatar is perfect for you. A dove of peace with wings outstretched to engulf and protect us all.
05/Oct/12 4:25 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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And he's not really her fiance, she just wishes he was! Did you ever fantasize about being the wife of a famous music personality? I was going to be Mrs Roger Taylor, the drummer fo Queen!

Cyn, I still have not seen Jersey Boys, but I saw the original earlier this year, Frankie Valli!

I have always been suspicious of doors, this just confirms it.
05/Oct/12 7:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Thank you for explaining it to Mamacita Heidi. Ed Sheeran is not really her fiance, but she made a passing remark that she was going to marry him one day and we have never let her forget it! He is the first 'celebrity' that she has gone all fan-girly on (that is apparently the term for it now, at her school at least).

Cyn, I haven't got to see Jersey Boys. When you have over 2 hours of driving each way the shows seem a little less appealing for some reason... hubby and I are going to have a night out when we take Alie to the show. We're going to explore China Town at night (I'll have to get some recommendations for the best place to eat there).

Dana has found a place, applied and been accepted. In 3 weeks she will be out on her own! I will miss them, but will also enjoy the quiet, reduced housework and reduced bills!

Anecdote that I was reminded of when I typed my fan-girly comment.. The kids like to test teachers, but they never get me on the lingo! Some kids were yellling out YOLO at the end of last term and asked me if I knew what it meant. When I did they were suitably impressed and asked me how I knew. I told them it was because I'm cool. (You only live once for people without teenagers). I've also impressed kids (I see it in their faces and they always ask 'how did you know' by knowing about 'selfies'. Especially when I tell them they've done it wrong because they don't have duck face. (photos taken of themselves, most commonly in front of a bathroom mirror with a hip out thrust and pouty lips, but sometimes taken in the classroom)

05/Oct/12 7:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning Gail, you beat me to it too!
05/Oct/12 7:58 AM
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