Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Sorry about the gloom and doom message, but sometimes little things build up and up and up. There's more garbage I'm contending with at the moment, but enough grousing for one day! Off to grab a coffee and get ready to start this day. Take care all!
23/Nov/12 9:51 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Oops! When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.
23/Nov/12 9:52 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, too much angst going on in your life. Take a deep breath and pretend all those people's problems just do not exist. Big hugs for you .
I think I did too much dancing tonight. Just had to fill a hottie to put on my back!
24/Nov/12 1:05 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Bean, what do you mean you have lost your GP?
24/Nov/12 1:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I was wonderfully stuffed full of food last night. SIL is an amazing cook. It was a lot of fun and I got to play with my 6 month old great-nephew. He is in town for a few days from New York. It was a great day.
24/Nov/12 3:02 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Everyone, Yesterday was a great day for me...dinner with family and friends at my niece's house..good food, good drink, good conversations and good football....and today I'll have friends here for dinner to help eat up all of the food I cooked for home.
Teresa, like the idea that you are taking all of the garbage thrown your way and trying to make lemonade from it...families as good as they can be, can also be bad for one's health when they allow different thoughts and opinions to be overdone. I think sometimes we feel our family members should understand us and we needn't be as concerned with hurt feelings as we might with friends or strangers...but it just doesn't work that way....and life becomes less pleasant....hoping peace once again finds its way to you and others who may be dealing with discord.
Gail, You asked the question of Bean that I want to know...but Bean, sorry you have been dealing with this loss yet very happy other things seem to be working out in a good way for you and both sound much happier.
Sending out hugs and best wishes to all those who are Mia's and hoping things are good for them, as well as those present and accounted for. Find some pleasure in this great day/night that looms before us. Peace.
24/Nov/12 4:44 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I thought Bean meant her General Practitioner (Doctor) when I read her post.
My back feels OK today after all the dancing last night.
Pleased everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving feasts.
24/Nov/12 5:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I hope you enjoyed your night out. Congratulations for your two awards! It's hard to imagine that you will be in your 80's in 10 years... young at heart will do that to you!

Theresa, what a mess your extended family is in! I copped the same thing from my inlaws when my MIL was sick. I should have been coming home from work to make dinner for them. I got home at 6pm and they ate at 5????? It all calmed down in the end, though it took me years to get hubby to talk to them again. You an your hubby can only do what you can do and no more so I would make sure you don't feel guilty. I bet they aren't offering to give up their jobs! If your FIL needs that much care he would probably be safer either moving in with someone or going into a retirement home. Since he won't consider that, you should get to keep paying your bills without harassment!

Big hugs to you and your oldest grandie! I hope they find a medication that works for her...
24/Nov/12 6:17 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I love that you did too much dancing! Sorry about needing a hottie, but I'm glad it was a good night - I assume it was since you danced too much!

Tami, your thanksgiving sounds wonderful, too much good food and a baby to play with, doesn't get much better than that!

Mamacita, I hope I get the chance to meet your family one day!! I have a ticket in lotto, but I'm not holding my breath that I'll get there that way...

24/Nov/12 6:22 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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June I thought exactly the same when Bean said GP. Hope you get as much comfort out of you electric recliners as we do ours. We bought ours 6 yrs ago and they are so comfortable. My seat has developed a little fault.... Occasionally it will take it into its own hands and will recline me nearly flat:-). The only other thing you have to watch out for is if you have a power cut when in the reclined position:-)
Theresa, how much time does your SIL spend with her father and is she willing to give up her job (if she has one) to be with her father. ((Hugs)) to you hope health and family problems improve soon.
Today was my youngest D's Graduation ceremony. We went down to Tewksbury last night and stayed in an hotel s we had to be in Cheltenham this morning for 9 am. We were
24/Nov/12 6:24 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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There's a first I ran out of space:-)
We were pleased we went early as there has been some problems with flooding in that area yesterday. Today the sun shone brightly.
24/Nov/12 6:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Topsiders, just curious, how many of you go shopping on Black Friday? I always thought about checking it out, but never worked up the courage. My SIL bought most of her presents on Black Friday...
24/Nov/12 6:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, how was the ceremony? Surprised you ran out of room with that post! I wonder if the size allowed has changed?

This morning I sat straight up in bed in a panic! I knew I hadn't taken my phone/alarm to bed with me last night and I wondered if I was late. I quickly looked at the clock, saw it was 5:50, then remembered it was Saturday! Wide awake now of course. Went to complain to hubby who had gotten up early to watch American footy, and he said 'well you did go to sleep at 8.30 last night'. I fell asleep in my chair but didn't realise it was THAT early!
24/Nov/12 6:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just got back from a big haul of groceries and most of it is put away. This evening I spend cooking so I can make up some home-made dinners for hubby to take down tomorrow.

My sister-in-law works at cleaning houses. She said she has had to give up some jobs because of looking after her parents. The problem is 25 years ago her parents GAVE her the house next door to them, free of charge. We struggled to buy our house and have managed to keep it since 1986, during some very rough times. It's my feeling that since she has been living mortgage-free right next door, the majority of the work looking after her parents should come from her. It is an hour and a half drive for us to get there, and we have obligations at home too. We raised our daughter, then looked after my mom for about 4 years, then D and her hubby moved in with us, and now we need to help look after hubby's parents. I am 61 years old and just wondering when our 'me' time starts. I guess that is kind of selfish of me, and I do feel guilty.

Oldest grandie was her usual grumpy self this morning. I yelled at her because she flat out refused to brush her teeth AGAIN! This is the third time in a row. I am going to have a talk with her when I pick her up a little later. It's time she learned the word 'respect', and with her mother's permission (already given), I am going to start not allowing her to do certain things like watch TV or play with her DS or be on the computer. I refuse to let a 9 year old treat me like that.
24/Nov/12 8:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, after working in retail for 25 years I avoid the malls/stores on Black Friday. You can get some good deals, but it is not that important to me. I can get almost as good of a deal on other days and not have to fight huge crowds.
24/Nov/12 8:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I also have the impending separation at the beginning of March between D and her hubby to look forward to. The grandies, especially the older one, are going to take it very hard. The oldest sometimes cries when her dad has to go to work .... so sad.

We have Black Friday sales here this year ... Canadian retailers want to try to stop cross border shopping. Since we live so close to the States, a lot of people go down there to shop. I didn't partake in the sales today because there's nothing of any value that I needed. The sales are probably great for big ticket items.
24/Nov/12 8:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Sorry for the rant, guys. I have been so low lately that earth worms have to crawl over me. I feel better just talking to you all. Thanks for listening.

Off to start cooking and then pick up the kids ... I have about an hour.
24/Nov/12 8:38 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, there are no easy answers with your grandie! Mine were experts at holding out when things were withheld. No TV until that is done, okay, no TV. They'd go weeks! The computer on the other hand might have worked, except they didn't have their own back then so wouldn't have missed it too badly.

24/Nov/12 9:14 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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There is an easier (hah!) answer to the rest. Stop feeling guilty! You've looked at both sides, you are doing more than is easy for you to do (if you know what I mean), your brain at least should be telling you that the SIL is mean spirited and unjust!
24/Nov/12 9:17 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Theresa - Suzy is right about the SIL being mean-spirited. Yes, I understand that she may need a break from looking after her father but it sounds like your hubby is doing his best. Expecting him to reduce his work hours is ludicrous!! Don't even let her get you down. She sounds very selfish and spoilt for a supposedly grown woman.
I hope you sort out some approach with your grandie that works. They are all different and it might take some trial and error to find the way to make her realise, that she must have respect for you.
24/Nov/12 9:44 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I had a 'fun' experience with my D this week. She spoke to me in that tone they use. I have often said 'don't speak to me that way!' or words to that effect and been told 'I am NOT using a tone, you're the one using a tone!!'. This week hubby walked past the bathroom just as she used that voice, and corrected her (don't speak to your mother that way)!!! It felt so good to know it wasn't just me and to be supported!
24/Nov/12 9:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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One meal for two done (sausages and baked beans) and second meal for two on the go (lasagna). After that I am going to bed for a while because I'm beat.

Oldest grandie was a bit nasty when I picked them up from the after school care place. I sent them with hubby when I got home so that I could get things done. Your D's attitude, Suzy, is what the 9 year old grandie is like. Like I tell my daughter, the teenage years are coming and it's pay back time for me.
24/Nov/12 12:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I understood doctor, just wondered what she meant by lost!
24/Nov/12 12:08 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Theresa there comes a time in our lives when we can no longer be responsible for others. I did the chore of 'love' for my M, MIL and FIL only to neglect the ones closest to me - my own family. Only when I went to hospital for months last year did my brother and sister step in and help - they complained at the time it took to look after M between the two of them. Your hubby sounds like he is doing an awful lot for his father and seeing as his sisterlives next door how hard is it for her to be there each day for him??? How selfish can you be?? I would love to be able to do that for my Dad.
24/Nov/12 1:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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After-Thanksgiving greetings to all of you. I feel blessed to have found this site and 'met' you and become friends! As so many others have said, I am so thankful to have you as friends and thankful to Gath for having created this wonderful place where we can share the good, the bad, and the ugly of our lives.

Let's see what I can remember. June, your new double recliner sounds wonderful! Enjoy your runner-up awards at bowls. Thinking of you and your MIL and the time spent traveling to and from the hospital. You and Ken are so smart to think about purchasing furniture that will continue to work for you as the years progress. I don't think that would even have occurred to me.

Tami, I hope Dylan had an amazing birthday!

Broni, hooray for your paycheck and the improved job! Hopefully the paycheck can be spread out between your various needs.

Bean, enjoy your singing, drumming and all that brings you pleasure.

Brenda, congrats on our D's graduation! If she is looking for employment, I wish her the best of luck!

Theresa, so sorry to hear that your feet are acting up again! You certainly have plenty of stress in your life! Do you think that the stress is contributing to the pain? I hope at least some of the family issues can be settled by the end of the year! Your TOPP seems very appropriate, based on what you've mentioned you're dealing with. Just remember that you and hubby are doing all that you can do for your FIL. Don't let anyone shower you with guilt!

I also assumed Bean meant her doctor when she said GP, and assumed that he was retiring, so would no longer be able to treat her. It can be extremely scary to suddenly need to find a new primary care physician when there are ongoing medical issues and there had been a successful working relationship with the previous physician! Bean, if I have interpreted the situation correctly, I wish you all the best in finding a caring and knowledgeable replacement!

Midge, what great advice you offered Theresa. It helps to put things in perspective.

I have thought of each of you yesterday and today and been thankful for the opportunity to share in your lives. I regret that I don't have the time to go back and see who I have missed, but rest assured, that you have been thought of warmly. Sending gentle {{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and healing vibes for each of you and your family and friends. Good Night!
24/Nov/12 5:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hmmm, I wonder why Brenda's comment was cut short, and all of mine fit. I was expecting to need to perform a 'cut and paste' procedure in order for my post to work.
24/Nov/12 5:39 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello everyone, hope you're all well. :)
Not a lot happening here, just getting ready for youngest daughter's birthday (tomorrow) - we will be going out for dinner, so that will be fun!
Today I decided to use a pumpkin grown at Mum's old home - very hard to get the top off it, so Rob stepped in to help, then we both worked on it. Hope it tastes ok, but it's starting to smell good! Only bad thing, its down for 2 hours cooking, and I'm already hungry! :D
24/Nov/12 6:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Theresa, it's no fun babysitting (or parenting) a grumpy, mean child. I know! Big hugs and I hope you had a good sleep!

Midge, when I read your comment the thought came to mind 'What did they think she was going to do? Get up from her hospital bed and do it for them?' Some people are incredible! Big hugs to you too!

Julie, I am also thankful for this site where I can vent, share happy news, and better still hear all about your lives! The good, the bad and the ugly...

Happy Birthday to your D Judy! I hope she has a great one!!

Nola, I know things are not easy for you right now. I hope they are not too bad and please know that I am thinking of you
24/Nov/12 8:07 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well folks, I feel better today ... a good vent helps. BTW, my sister-in-law is not normally such a selfish person ... I am sure the stress is wearing on her too. I just don't know what more we can do.

June, I am saving up for an electric recliner. At some point, probably within the next 10 years, D will need another hip replacement and a chair like that will definitely help her (and help me too ... it was not that easy getting her in and out of the regular recliner after the operation, and 10 years down the road I will not have gotten any younger).

Hope Heidi is having a good time.

Hugs to all! Take as many as you would like.
24/Nov/12 9:10 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I meant to come back on here last night and then forgot this morning to tell you this -

(Col's nephew) Matt's operation went really well and the Doc's are confident that they've corrected whatever it was that was wrong. Good news for us all.
24/Nov/12 10:01 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cyn, I love hearing good news.
24/Nov/12 11:16 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Ditto what June said. I can never get enough good news!
25/Nov/12 2:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Yay Cyn!

My good news for this morning is that I have marked two quizzes!!! Only have left to mark the exam, summarise what I have done with each class, plan one lesson and get everything in good order to return to their regular teacher.
25/Nov/12 8:00 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I had a quiet day. Did a little holiday shopping. Met a friend at the big mall near me and was able to get a few gifts done cheaply.

Cyn, glad to hear all is going well for Matt. That is good news.
25/Nov/12 10:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Exam marked! Now to take a break to buy Alie some black pants to wear for work experience tomorrow...
25/Nov/12 11:03 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, it's great to get some of the gifts finished with! A few less things to worry about! I am trying to make mine this year, but so far haven't had much time to do it in... Maybe next week I'll get some time off - which I do and don't want!
25/Nov/12 11:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Took Alie shopping and got lucky with 30% off store wide. I got myself two wash and wear tops, Alie got a pair of black jeans, a black top and a black and pink striped top (the pink fades as you go down the top). She is going to be working at a hair salon called 'My Pink Hair', so the top works... All of that cost me $58.75 so I was pretty jazzed!!
25/Nov/12 12:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! This will be a quick visit tonight, as I need to get up even earlier tomorrow than all week. It's great having family visit, but 3 little grandies are early risers.

Cyn, so glad the surgery went well for Col's nephew Matt!

Judy, I hope the pumpkin was yummy! Was it for soup? Happy Birthday to your D!

Tami, congrats on getting some holiday shopping done!

Suzy, great bargains for you and Alie while shopping today!

Theresa, I'm so glad things seem better and brighter today! I suspect you're right that a lot of stress is involved in the misunderstandings!

Nola, thinking of you and Judy and hoping things are as good as can be expected.

June, thinking of you and your MIL and hoping for the best outcome.

Heidi, I hope you're having an amazing and relaxing time away! We miss you.

Suzy, I hope you were able to finish all of the grading and have also finished the report to the teacher.

My apologies to those I've missed!

It's time to head to bed. Sending along loads of {{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and prayers for all in need or in want of them. Blessings to all of you! Good Night!
25/Nov/12 4:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good maeN everybody, and Gekko!

I am home. I had a fantastic time with my friends, but am glad to be home, despite the shock I received from the weather. When I left Kentucky 5 days ago, it was shirtsleeve weather. I returned to bitterly cold temperatures well below freezing. I left Florida at 7:30 pm overheating in a sleeveless silk shirt. It's COLD here!!!
25/Nov/12 5:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Seeing how it's after 1:30 in the morning, I'm off to bed without reading any posts. I just wanted to grab #22000 first.
25/Nov/12 5:40 PM
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