Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Another unproductive day yesterday. I blame the heat, but I'm not sure what to blame when it isn't hot....

We're off to Berry markets today. Not a patch on what they used to be, but still a fun day out.

Nola, I hope you do make it down to Sydney!!

Tami, enjoy the noise, you will miss them when the boys grow up and don't do that anymore. I did anyway.
06/Jan/13 7:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.
Will Rogers
06/Jan/13 7:06 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I don't know that that I could resist that little kitty. I'd probably leave him presents and encourage him to hang around... naughty me!
06/Jan/13 7:10 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
Suzy...are you just browsing at the markets or do you go for fruit & veg? Hope it is a cooler day.
06/Jan/13 7:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I thought of you when I read this...
06/Jan/13 8:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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What a feisty kitty, Suzy. Looks exactly like my cat Splotch, the one with AIDS, same eyes.

I wouldn't mind taking in more cats, but I'm not getting any younger and if something should happen to me, I don't want to leave my daughter with the problem of all the cats. Once we get down in numbers (our 2 oldest are 11), I would like to see about fostering a dog or two. I love dogs also, but I figure if I'm fostering them, if something happens to me the organization they belong to would take them back. That's my hope anyway, but my younger cats are only 5 or 6. Time will tell.
06/Jan/13 8:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nola, the other day Suzy and you were mentioning how difficult it is to dispose of loved one's property. When my mom passed away, I couldn't bear to part with large plastic hangers that my mom had knitted a cover on. There must have been a couple of dozen. It was only this last summer (my mom passed away in 1999) that I finally got rid of most of them. {{HUGS}}
06/Jan/13 8:18 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Theresa...both Mum & Judy have loads of coat hangers that they had knitted covers for.I have saved some and will try to give the rest away as they are too nice to get rid of.
What a good idea to foster a dog!
06/Jan/13 8:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nola, the hangers my mom had were large plastic ones, and we don't have a lot of closet space. So I kept enough to hang the off season coats on in storage. It's so hard to let go of some things.

I am sort of 'undecorating', but my heart just isn't in it. I've put away all the miscellaneous Christmas stuff and I am now working on the tree. Or at least I should be working on the tree .....
06/Jan/13 8:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning dear SA friends. Did you see the poem Rayray posted on easy yesterday? Kathy/Valrico reposted on TOS, it is very personal and poignant to the way we all feel.

Not here for long today but I will be taking the iThingy with me. Hubby and I are heading down to the city to stay at the same hotel as this time last year, thought for two nights this time. Tomorrow is our 30th Anniversary so we are treating ourselves, this way we will be spending the whole day away.
Cyn, we are staying at Quay West again, booked a Riverview suite online...wish us luck!
06/Jan/13 8:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy Anniversary to Gail and Mr. Gail ... hope you have a great time away.
06/Jan/13 9:01 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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06/Jan/13 9:09 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Did I tell you that I love my mechanic??? Hubby's car has been leaking power steering fluid. We knew the price would be about $250. Mechanic said just keep putting fluid in until we had the money to pay for it. Brought car in this morning. Called a few hours later to see if it was done. It was and hubby asked the final price. He was told ZERO. When they started taking out the power steering thingy they realized that the whole problem was a bad bold. Replaced the bolt and end of problem. No charge. I really have a mechanic that I trust and this is just one of the reasons why.
06/Jan/13 9:16 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary Dag and Mr Dag, spoil yourselves rotten!
Theresa, dogs and are a brave woman.
Tami, Yay!
06/Jan/13 11:02 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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About to give Maggie, Teresa's dog a bath...wish me luck. No more fights with the two of them since the one at midnight on their second night together.
06/Jan/13 11:04 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Broni, my name is Theresa (but with an 'h') and my daughter's name is Maggie. Coincidence? I think not.
06/Jan/13 11:24 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Funny THeresa, thought I must have spelt your name wrong?? Does Maggie need a bath too? or perhaps a bucket of cold water hehe! Will always remember her name now.
BTW Maggie managed to give me a bath too and the old Basset Hound shared her bed bath with me as well.
06/Jan/13 12:07 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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PPS: My Grandmothers name was Margaret and was always called Maggie, my mother was Margaret also and was called Madge and my middle name is Margaret and cannot tell you what they call me in case I booted off!
06/Jan/13 12:10 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Happy Anniversary Gail and Mr. Gail. Hope you have a wonderful day.
06/Jan/13 12:33 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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They are running away for two days Tami.
06/Jan/13 12:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GEKKO everybody! I am back in one piece. We wiped the floor with the clowns from social services. They were embarrassed and humiliated. The judge, the sheriff, and all the lawyers there, including their own, told them to leave Maxine and the baby alone. They had no case and made up charges. The baby is happy, healthy and well cared for, and everyone saw it. Believe it or not, they (Social Services/DSS) actually claimed that the fact that Maxine and her boyfriend weren't married was grounds for them to confiscate the baby!!!!! I saw it in writing! The boyfriend's assault case is coming up in a week and a half, and this helped that case. Yesterday proved that the social workers were harassing them, so the court may consider his anger towards them to be somewhat justified. Maxine and I did have a long discussion about her options if the worst case scenario happens there. She does understand that she and the baby are welcome here, and we worked out details on transporting her furniture and what to do with the BF's dog. That is, if she choses to come here. I won't force her to do anything that she doesn't want to do.

I'll read all of the posts in the morning. It's after 1 am.
06/Jan/13 5:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All!

Happy Anniversary to Gail and Scott!

I'm so glad RayRay's poem was shared on Facebook. We're so blessed on Sudoku to have many people who use words beautifully!

Another late night, but we're beginning to make some progress with the new computer, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Thinking of all of you and hoping the weather becomes more temperate for everyone. Who needs the extremes?

{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes for everyone!
06/Jan/13 5:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Welcome back, Heidi! I'm so glad things went well! Maxine has a wonderful friend in you! I wish her all the best, and I know you'll be there for her and the baby if she needs help. I'm sure that's reassuring for her. Sleep well, and have a great day tomorrow!
06/Jan/13 5:29 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Nola, Alie and a friend went busking and I was chauffeur. I had a look around the markets while I was there but didn't see anything I liked.

Theresa, fostering sounds like a brilliant idea! No hassles if you can't take care of them anymore - or just want to go on a holiday.

Happy Anniversary Gail and Mr Gail!! Your welcome looked brilliant, and I hope the rest of the trip goes as well...

Tami, that is amazing! Now you have $250 to go toward something else... I wonder if I can fly your mechanic over to look at my car!

Broni, how did Maggie's bath go? Did you end up wetter than her?

What an amazing coincidence between Broni and Theresa!!! Or not...

Boy Heidi, is that a claim from the past or what? Here it's called the stolen generation and was mostly aboriginal children, but not only. I think they call it forced adoptions or something for the non-aboriginal children. Our politicians are apologising for it now. If my mother and father weren't married, I could have been taken away - but I was right at the end of it all. And that was 46 years ago!!!! (shutup Gail)

I'm not sure it's a good thing that his case is helped....
06/Jan/13 8:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Slight panic a little while ago, Alie said one of her friends had been evacuated! Quick trip to the Rural Fire Service page showed there are no fires near us, and in fact, all the NSW fires (and boy are there a lot of them) have all been downgraded to 'advice' so they are not threatening homes - I think that's what it means. She must be off on holiday somewhere...

06/Jan/13 8:22 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Thanks for the link, Suzy. I have been watching on our news about the fires there (especially in Tasmania) and the map is helpful for me to check your area. I complain about the cold, but I really have no right. Even in our summers we don't have those problems in our immediate area. We do have fire bans and water bans, but most fires are north of us, and B.C. has its share. Thinking of everyone there. This is your area and June's ... do you feel comfortable telling me who else of our sudoku family lives in the area?

Heidi, we can now breathe a sigh of relief for Maxine and the baby. You are truly a good friend to her.

Tami, our mechanic is the same way. Hubby first met him when he was working for someone else (about 25 years ago or so), and when he opened his own shop hubby followed him. He does things for hubby for free so that he only has to pay for the part (like headlights, etc.). He also keeps immaculate records, so if a part is replaced that is still under warranty, he lets us know.
06/Jan/13 10:53 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, other people from here live in areas with even worse fires! Black Saturday was in Victoria, several sudoku people are from there... i can't find an equivalent map for them.

This, however, is our expected fire ratings for Tuesday... As far as I can tell, I'm in the red zone... and I think June is too.. ter

If my neighbour burns off again tomorrow I swear I'm going to report him...
06/Jan/13 11:08 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

{{{HUGS}}} to all down under facing the fires. I hope all are safe as well as all family and friends.

Heidi, welcome back. I am glad things worked out for Maxine and that she knows she is welcome at your place.
07/Jan/13 1:20 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suzy , I think the way things are where you are I would have reported him a while ago.
07/Jan/13 4:45 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Sunday Afternoon all...Hope things are good with each of you.
Welcome home Heidi...Good to hear that things went well for Maxine and the baby. I agree with Suzy though, I hope the fact that the Social workers were in the wrong does not necessarily help his case. He needs to pay for his misdeeds...if the evidence is in his be it.
Brenda, I was thinking the same way...with the risk of fire so close, I too would have reported Suzy's neighbor for his activities before now.
Tami, it's great having someone you trust to be your mechanic....and I'm glad your pocketbook got abreak in a positive way for a too are lucky having a good mechanic...I know when Sully and I were first married, we had someone like you describe to work on our cars,but as the cars became more advanced and he aged, that was discontinued. However,my neighbor owns a shop and was very helpful until I totaled my car in March. When I get a new one, I will ask him to work on it gladly.

To all who may be in the line of the fires, or who have friends and family affected, I pray for the firefighters to soon have complete control of the fires with as little damage possible done...however, property is isn't...Please stay safe.
07/Jan/13 5:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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By helping his case, I don't think the BF will get off (tho' he does). I just think he may avoid jail time, and get a fine, or get less jail time than he would have. His lawyer seems to think that he won't get the jail time.

My truck thinks it's new again. It's very happy now. It was a joy to drive those 1,460 miles (2,350 km).
07/Jan/13 5:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Heidi, pleased you had a good trip and things worked out well for Maxine.
Although we have bush surrounding our area our home is well back from the actual bush with a lot of houses in between. I do not feel we have much of a risk but my daughter is in a different position. We are taking Laura up to stay with Belinda for the rest of this week and with 43*c predicted for tomorrow that is a bit of a concern.
Suzie I would report anyone who lit a fire at the moment.
07/Jan/13 8:25 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I do hope Gail and Scott are enjoying the celebration of their 30 years of marraige.
Sharon had me sort out some clothes a few weeks before she passed away and I only took them to the charity shop just before Christmas. I think her other things are still in her wardrobe, but other than get back some things of mine she borrowed it is not up to me to do anything. I still have lots of things that came from my Mother ('99) and other things from the family home that I am sentimental about. There is also some very old coathangers!
Nola I am so pleased that Judy's memorial was a celebration of her life.
07/Jan/13 8:33 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have read all you have said and thought of you all. Just too hot for me to concerntrate on commenting. I also have had Laura the last week and that has kept me busy.
Hugs to you all.
07/Jan/13 8:37 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
Happy Anniversary Gail & Mr Gail. Hope you got the suite you wanted.
Yes, I read Rays poem,how appropriate. He has a lovely way with words.
June..43 is way too hot.Hope Laura enjoys being with Belinda.
Heidi...good news for Maxine and baby. Glad your truck went well and you had a safe trip. How were the animals when you got home. Bet the dogs were pleased to see you.
Brenda, Julie and Mama,lovely to hear from you.
Tami..there aren't many mechanics around like yours.
What a coincidence Theresa and Broni.
Suzy..glad all is well with Alies friend.

We have the 3 boys today and tomorrow while parents work. They are riding their bikes around the estate at the moment. That should keep them busy for 30 minutes. Sonny just loves the company and visa versa.

07/Jan/13 9:32 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
Heidi - I'm pleased that Social Services are off Maxine's back now. Whatever happens to the boyfriend now, at least mother and daughter stay together, the way it should be!
Gail and Scott - Happy Anniversary, have fun at Quay West, best hotel in Melbourne!(Even if we messed up our booking last time)
Tami - it's good to find a trusty tradesman whether it be a mechanic, electrician or plumber!
All those in the areas at high risk of bushfire - stay safe please. Meanwhile Rolanda and hubby nearly got washed away in Albany!
I have lots of hangers that were Mum's or mine that she knitted or crocheted covers for! Couldn't part with them.
Love and hugs to all!
07/Jan/13 9:55 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Vent time - and there is so much more than I will not put here because no-one wants to read a novel!
Everyone knows what a biarch my son's ex is. I have Em here all week because Vacation Care does not start again until next week - she was telling two things that horrified me this morning.
1. When she goes to her Mum for the weekend, her Mum first takes her into a shed and check her hair for head lice! Apparently if either of the others get them, it couldn't possibly be any of the hundreds of girls they associate with on a daily basis at school - it must be Emily! She's not allowed in the house or near the others until she's been checked! (BTW, she's only had them once)
2. If her mother considers she has been naughty - she gets the 'naughty soap' in her mouth and has to bite down on it!!
07/Jan/13 10:09 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Does anyone think that is the right way to deal with things? Am I mistaken in being horrified?

One more thing, they have moved into a really bad area and now she's sending H to the absolute worst High School in the state. Rumour has it that the boys have to learn to be tough or spend their time there bruised and broken, and the girls are pregnant by 14! I'm scared for her, and she knows no-one at all in the whole school!
07/Jan/13 10:13 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I am not really here, ok, just thought I would drop in with thanks for all the kind wishes for Scott and me. We have had a lovely time so far and the room is fabulous. In fact, when we checked in I asked if our room was a Riverview as we had booked and she said that in fact we had been upgraded to a room on a higher floor! So, not only do we have a river view, but we have a panorama of the whole city :)
Today (at 3.30pm Melb time to be precise!) is our actual anniversary. The weather is predicted to be very hot, but at the moment it is lovely. I am sitting on the balcony watching time roll by. Across the river is Flinders St railway station, and there is currently a goods train rolling through. We have no real plans for the day, take it as it comes, but it will culminate in a dinner in a fancy schmancy restaurant I have no doubt.
One small mar on the occasion though, hubby managed to stub his toe last night on the bed, so he is now sitting in the lounge with ice on a very black there will not be much walking happening today...
We had talked about going to see Les Mis at the movies but after much discussion last night we may not. If he is up to it we may go to the Art Gallery which is just around the corner but we will have to see how he is walking, he is limping at the moment :(
See you later and thanks again xoxo
07/Jan/13 10:18 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Cyn, I would be horrified too. It almost sounds though that the only thing to be done is for your son to take her to court, a long and messy thing to happen. You must feel as if your hands are tied ... wish I could help. Makes me so sad to think that a mother can treat her child that way.

June and Nola, I don't know how you have the energy to have the child(ren) for that long. I find my grandies just wear me out. I have them tomorrow before and after school until about 8:00 PM and I'm kind of dreading it. They are not getting along lately, at least not very often. Arguing, arguing, arguing. I also have them Friday before and after school as Maggie's (my D) workplace has screwed up her schedule.

I made a pork rib roast in the crockpot I got for Christmas ... hubby really liked it. I have enough left over so that he and his father can enjoy some next weekend hopefully. One less meal to have to cook.
07/Jan/13 10:20 AM
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