Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Theresa hard to believe you have snow there and over here we are sweltering. lol
Port Macquarie 33c at the moment which is hot for here but other places closer to Sydney hotter than us. Son was heading for Bondi today so bet he spends the day in the water.
Better head home now and have a bit of lunch and then get into packing my Avon order.
Stay safe and cool Suzy. Be careful bowling in this heat June.
08/Jan/13 12:47 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Viv, not only do we have snow, we have way too much. Some of the snow banks are higher than I am ... while I was doing a bit of shovelling today, the hardest part was heaving the snow onto the snow banks. But I would much rather this than the problems being faced in Suzy's area. How scary.
08/Jan/13 1:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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We are home :) Back to reality...

Whilst we didn't do what I was sort of hoping we might do this anniversary which was to renew our vows, we certainly did renew our love and friendship for each other. It was a much needed getaway, and because it was for two nights and there was no driving involved, we were able to relax completely for the entire time, and have come home revitalised and ready for the road ahead.

I alluded to changes for us this year in a much earlier post. Of course we are always hopeful of a phone call saying a transplant is available, but we are certainly not living with our lives on hold, Scott is well and happy and you can't ask for much more than that!
On the slightly negative side of the ledger is that our company has taken a huge hit recently which meant we had to put some of our workers off late last year, just before Christmas in fact, so that was sad. It also means that our personal situation will have to change quite dramatically starting as of now (anniversary weekend was sort of our last hurrah), so there will be no more 'gails' unless we pack a picnic and find a shady spot, luckily the house got just about finished because there can be no more renovations that require $, and we have decided that if worst comes to worst, we will sell hubby's car :(
We are hopeful we can keep the company going with the product lines that are left, it looks like hubby and I may have to become workers again! Worst case scenario would be that the company folds and we have to join the job market for real... here's hoping it doesn't come to that...
08/Jan/13 2:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Welcome home, Gail.
08/Jan/13 2:58 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Happy New Year to everyone. Hope it is a good one for all. Have caught up with some of the news. Sorry to hear about your situation Gail but I am sure you will be o.k. You sound like you have your plans well in hand. Glad you were able to do your renovations and you do live in a lovely part of Vic. In our line of business there were a few large 'old' companies that went to the wall last year and I am sure there will be a lot more in the first 6 months of this year - many cos just cannot afford to dish out holiday pay and cope with the quiet period for the first couple of months. Hope Scott can get his transplant this year - me too but it looks like I can only have a live donor tansplant and I will not accept from my kids. Have been in and out of hospital again but o.k. for now. Off to the beach for a couple of days on my own next week but I am sure I can cope with dialysis in the van - anyway, only an hour from home if I get into trouble. Best wishes to all.
08/Jan/13 4:27 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations, SA Friends!

Suzy, you've discovered what we have: there really isn't much we can subtract from what we do to daily to free up time. Maybe it's just me. I remember back when I was in high school not having enough time for what I wanted/needed to do. The problem seems to have followed me throughout life. There are books to read and projects to do that I just can't find time for.

I am keeping all of you dealing with too hot temperatures, high winds, threats of bush fires, too cold temperatures, too much snow, etc. in my thoughts and prayers.May there be safety and moderation in your lives, in addition to the beauty and happiness I wish for you on a daily basis.

Happy Anniversary again to Gail and Scott. Wheat a wonderful example you set for your children.

I was also confused by Bean's comments, so hope one day she will feel like sharing the missing pieces. Hopefully you are getting the rest and rejuvenation you need, Bean. I'm guessing you are as inundated as we are with things that must be done and not enough time or energy to do them.

Heidi, hurray for the repairs/improvements to your truck, which will give you many more safe miles of travel.

I am so proud of my SA friends especially when you selflessly help others, whether family, friends, or even strangers (friends you haven't yet met).

Stay safe, my friends, and feel free to share the positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and {{{{{ H U G S }}}}} I send to you each day! Good Night!
08/Jan/13 5:26 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I'm pleased you had a great time away for your anniversary Gail. Fingers are always crossed in the hope that Scott gets the much needed (but as you say not desperately needed yet) transplant. Sorry to hear that you have had to lose some staff, especially just before xmas. I hope that things pick up for you soon. I don't know what sort of products you manufacture, but hopefully people will need to buy some soon.
We had a similar thing a few years ago with the company Richard was partners in. It got so bad that we weren't getting any income(fortunately we had savings). Eventually R said enough was enough and walked away and took up contracting again. He is now in his first 'real' job, which is nice to say as we get paid holidays now. Unfortunately on Friday they were told that the company were losing the account R works on. We will have to see what happens in 6 months time when this happens.
08/Jan/13 7:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Our company is a metal manufacturing business, and most of our products are known in the trade as 'me too' product lines, meaning we are just one of many who make the same things. The problem is we are a manufacturer, lowest on the totem pole, we sell to middle men who do nothing except buy and sell. There aim is to buy for less $ and sell for more. Sadly they made the decision to import from overseas at a price we just cannot match. Our company had three main lines, two of them are now defunct, so we are relying on the stability of the third product to keep the business running. :(
The lines we lost were powder coated steel curtain rod (this is what hubby and I started out doing when the company started in 2000), and aluminum fly frame, used to make window frames, screen doors etc.
08/Jan/13 10:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Gail, glad you two had a lovely 2 day last hurrah at the best hotel in Melbourne, with the best view! If you have to tighten your belts now, what a way to go!!
Hopefully you can salvage your business - I think a lot of people are doing it tough these days and after our experience a few years ago, I feel for you all.
You have one another and after 30 years are still deliriously happy. That is a wonderful achievement!
08/Jan/13 11:43 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm feeling a little unsettled tonight thinking of Suzy being so close to the fires. I keep checking FB for updates from her. Fingers crossed that all will be well and we will have better news from her in the morning.
Goodnight lovely people
08/Jan/13 11:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, we've turned yellow! For those not following the Rural Fire Service site that means we've gone from Emergency warning to Watch and Act!!! I'd be happier if we were blue, but you take what you can get...

The southerly change hit which was a bad thing because it pushed the fire towards homes (I haven't heard if it's got any of them yet) but a good thing too as the temp has dropped 20 degrees C, that's more than 36F!! 42C/108F was toooooooo hot!

09/Jan/13 12:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's quite the temperature drop, Suzy! Now if you can only get some rain.....
09/Jan/13 2:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My next oral surgery is in just over 3 hours! I don't expect this one to be so painless. But it would be nice.
09/Jan/13 2:15 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have a dental appointment in 12 hours.
It is now much cooler outside. Hubby turned the AC off before he came to bed and it was still hot so it is still not a good sleep temperature inside.
So pleased you are safe Suzy.
Gail, sorry to hear about your business downturn. I do hope things pick up for you and that 2012 turns out better than you are anticipating at the moment. So pleased you had a great time celebrating your anniversary.
I hope something turns up for Richard as well Brenda. (And by the way we are planning on being your way end of August)
09/Jan/13 3:39 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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June, we are not too worried about Richard's job, but if it comes to an end he can always go back to contracting (we also have an insurance which we can claim on for a year which will give us a fairly comfortable income) It would be lovely if we could meet up when you come over in August, so keep me informed as to dates etc and we can organise something.
09/Jan/13 4:01 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon from here to where ever you may be...I'm thinking of you.
Gail, as been said, sorry to learn of the downturn of your business, but pleased as punch that your personal life is not only strong and vibrant, but knows how to reinforce its self in repeat the phrase...what a way to go out..on more than one way. I'm sure you were caring employers, and feel badly about having to let your employees go at Christmas time especially, but because of that, when your good fortune returns in full force, you will have many happy to return to the fold...that's a good thing.
Brenda, good to know that you and Richard will fare pretty well regardless of how things turn out for him...having been faced with misfortune once or twice in life is enough.
I am concerned about the toll the extreme temps are taking on many of you , both heat and cold,windy nowy conditions leave a mark...please stay safe.
09/Jan/13 6:11 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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June and Heidi, hope both of you do well as you undergo the aftermath of your dental treatments....
I don't know why I seem to be the only one who felt as if I understood what Bean was saying in her ,with so many of you being a little confused makes me wonder. Gail's comment simply spoke to the need of getting things fully out in the open rather than allowing them to fester and spill over in anger or haste...but I think Heidi said it best when she wished her well, as we all do, and know that when ready, she will be more open with us if possible.♥
'To take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole staircase: just take the first step' Dr. M.L.King...This quote reminds me of the way those who post frequently on this site approach the staircase...we just step forward and try to get closer in a helping way with others....Wonderbar. exemplify those words...I do hope you continue to move forward and pray that you and Scott both find suitable transplants in the near
future. to do the jigsaws and read some more...Tami, which of the Fifty Shades of Grey did you say you liked best? I'm currently reading the first one, but am not too impressed...Peace.
09/Jan/13 6:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No oral surgery today. The bone needs to heal more before they can do anything else.
09/Jan/13 7:00 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hello all, and greetings from a warmer place. We are at the +2C mark and it is supposed to stay warmer the next few days, with one day even predicted to go to 9C. It's actually kind of pleasant to be outside. Sooooo thinking of Suzy and wish I had a plane where I could dump tons of snow in her area.

Awww Gail, so sorry about the 'work' problems. But you had a two day getaway that sounds like it was fantastic.

Midge, I was just thinking about you yesterday and when I turned on the computer, there you were. I did not realize that there were kidney problems that only could have a live donor transplant. {{HUGS}}
09/Jan/13 7:11 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi there everyone.
Suzy...I was so concerned about you while watching the fire updates, and knowing it must have been quite close to you. Re-leaved to hear you are OK.
Today should be much cooler thank goodness.

June...wondering how you were coping with the heat too.Isn't a/c a life saver. Drink heaps while bowling!

Bean....I hope you can pop in more often,so that we know you are alright.Whatever is happening,know that we all care and would help if we could. Much love

Brenda & Gail....couldn't find the post about what is going on with (work,business).Thinking positive thoughts for you both that all improves. have a heart of gold helping Maxine and baby.Did you get to the cattleman's meeting since you didn't have the mouth surgery?

Theresa...stay warm!
Cyn...keep smiling, Em at least has you to give her comfort.
Julie...hope one day you have a less busy schedule and can do the things that are most important to you.

Midge....enjoy your beach holiday.Fingers crossed that you get a transplant very soon,same for Scott.I must find out what is involved with becoming a live donor. I am on the register but think it only works if you end up on life-support.I don't know if there is an age limit.My kidneys would probably be too old!
I have it marked on my license as a donor and told my family.There must be more that we can do though, as Australia lags behind the rest of the world for organ donations.

Must get ready for the clinic now. Only Thursday off this week.I did have a two week break over christmas which was lovely.
Bye for now.

09/Jan/13 8:03 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda, best wishes and good luck to Richard :)
09/Jan/13 8:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, you need to get about halfway through the first one. I didn't like it either until about midway. Book two is my favorite followed by book three. If you like the series, I can recommend others for you.
09/Jan/13 9:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
All is good here and the weather is cool. I think I will go back to bed to read for a while, then get stuck into some ffuts while it's still cool... I might get distracted and come back here to read first, you never know...
09/Jan/13 9:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I didn't go to the Cattlemen's meeting. Tho' my mouth feels fine, my back is killing me. The methadone is barely taking the edge off it right now. And I still have to go out to the horse barn, get the stalls ready, and bring the horses in for the night. The horse shoer will be here in the morning. Red Hawk has to have 'bute the night before, and that morning, so he can tolerate the trimming he gets. He has a shoulder injury so he can't stand on his front right leg for a long time while his front left is worked on. The 'bute takes the edge off. Whimsey will be going into training tomorrow for driving only. She's still too small for riding, but old enough to learn how to drive. She has the typical Gypsy Vanner disposition so will be a joy to drive.
09/Jan/13 11:28 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Nola - I was misdiagnosed and given chemo and steroids which resulted in pheumonia and life support. Because of this my kidneys packed it in and I developed bronchiectasis which at the moment is precluding me from cadaver transplant. I tell everyone now to get a second opinion before any treatment. Before the misdiagnosis I was fit and healthy with no symptoms.
09/Jan/13 12:35 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Heidi - any more pcitrues of your gypsies? Would love to see them.
Theresa - we could have done with your weather here a few days ago - 40deg. - not nice.
Suzy - hope the fires stay away - we have been watching them on tv and hopefully the cooler weather helps.
Gail - the A$ is predicted to downturn again which will help against imports. We are importers but most of our products are not manufactured in Aust. Cheap products from China are exactly that - cheap and not of the quality we expect. We have found that overseas suppliers will guarantee anything you want but when it comes to the crunch, there is no rsponsibility taken for inferior quality. Who can sue a Chinese manufacturer when things turn bad?
09/Jan/13 1:08 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I have been meaning to ask you all week, did you see the Rose Bowl Parade? there were a troupe of riders on Gypsie Varners, boy were they pretty. I thought about you and your horses when I saw them.

SUZY, so glad your alert has changed, happy to hear you turned yellow, but it still sounds rather serious. Enjoy your cooler weather and stay safe.

HEIDI, how much longer till you can have your epidural? sorry the oral surgery was canceled for today.

JUNE ans BRENDA, do hope you can meet up this year. Cyber meetings are so fun.

MIDGE, did I read you were soon off on holiday, and alone at that? Peace and quite and time to call your own, aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Went back to Ai Chi today, that water feels sooo good when you walk in. It is such a relief to go hang in the deep water, and in the weightlessness, be pain free, even if it is only for the 10 minutes I hang there without any exercise. OH I got a compliment today on my new swimsuit. All I can say about it is that it covers a lot that I need covering hehehe. but it is comfortable. Lakeshore is a good place for compliments it seems.

It was so warm today I had a window down in my car on the drive home.

I am on number 5 of my 'random acts of kindness' in memory of the children in the Connecticut shooting. I picked up milk for neighbor who mentioned she did not get a space on the buss for shopping, but it was OK, she only really needed milk. She was surprised when I brought her some home with me!

Someone else mentioned they were doing the random acts, was it one of you? My niece was recipient of one, she and her toddler stopped for lunch at a burger place while running errands. She went to pay her tab and found it had been paid.

GAIL, car picnics can be fun, even if if it is really hot. The cars ac can handle it when the auto gets too uncomfortable. Now I am assuming your autos down under have AC?? I do hope business picks up for your company.

TAMI, what other books can you recommend that are in a series? I love having another book to pick up when one ends.

NOLA, hope the days back at the clinic are not too difficult. Only one day a week off sounds like a hard schedule. Try to take care of yourself.

THERESA, yeah, your temps are above freezing. Will some of those Theresa high drifts melt down in size during this warming trend? the weather man here is calling our warm spell a 'January Thaw' even though we have nothing frozen to thaw.

Went back to exercise today, that water feels sooo good when you walk in. got a compliment today on my new swimsuit. All I can say about it is that it covers a lot that I need covering hehehe. but it is comfortable and brightly colored floral.

It was so warm today I had a window down in my car on the drive home.

I am on number 5 of my 'random acts of kindness' in memory of the children in the Connecticut shooting. I picked up milk for neighbor who mentioned she did not get a space on the bus for sh
09/Jan/13 2:30 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Just as I thought, I ran over again. Here is the remainder.

I picked up milk for neighbor who mentioned she did not get a space on the bus for shopping today, but it was OK, she only needed milk. She was surprised when I brought milk when I came home! Huuummm, does it count if you know the person??

Someone else mentioned they were doing the random acts, was it one of you? My niece was recipient of one, she and her toddler stopped for lunch at a burger place while running errands. She went to pay her tab and found it had been paid.

Mary, my house cleaner was here today, I love when everything is clean at one time. she helped me remove the light bulb from floor lamp, I can now take it with me to buy a replacement. I miss my reading/sewing lamp.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
09/Jan/13 2:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... The epidural is in one week... next Wednesday. And that's none to soon for me.

If you're looking for good books that are in a series, and are just fun, I recommend The Scarlet Pimpernel and it's 16 sequels. I find them very enjoyable, very educational and great escapism. Classics are classic because they're good.
09/Jan/13 2:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I try to do Random Acts of Kindness whenever I can. And not-so-random acts as well. It makes me feel good. I try to do at least one a day. Some I tell nobody about.
09/Jan/13 2:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My hand is still swollen, discolored and quite painful. I can use it a little, but it'll be nice getting full use again. I am 100% certain that there's a fractured bone in the hand, but it'll heal without a splint, and with calving starting in a few weeks, I'll need it.
09/Jan/13 2:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, I didn't see the Tournament of Roses parade. I heard there were Gypsy Vanners in it. I'm sorry I missed that.
09/Jan/13 2:56 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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They are absolutely beautiful Heidi - can see why you are so keen on them.
MizT - on my own will be lovely but I am meeting a bit of resistance from my hubby - he is worried I will not be able to take care of the dialysis on my own. Can see why he is concerned but this is something I must do for myself - I hate being dependent on my family.
Tami - I have just read the Time Travellers Wife - really enjoyed it. Also saw the Life of Pi on Monday night - the film is as good as the book. Actually probably better because the first 100 pages of the book were tedious. Also loved Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand - have read this book several times.
09/Jan/13 4:38 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Take care of your hand Heidi - you already have enough problems without extras! I don't know how you will manage a farm with one hand!
09/Jan/13 4:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Popping in to say Hello!

Heidi, so sorry you couldn't have your oral surgery, but glad you only have 1 more week until your epidural! I hope your hand will be OK in time for calving.

Suzy and others affected by the fires, please stay safe and follow recommendations. I hope there will be no additional incidents!

Gail, I'm glad you and Scott had a wonderful anniversary celebration. So sad to hear that some trusted employees had to be let go. Hopefully the economy and the need for the remaining line picks up.

Brenda, so sorry Richard's account will be dropped. I like your confidence that all will be OK.

Midge, enjoy your independent get-away. If you take care of your own dialysis at home, hopefully it will not be more difficult when away.

June, I hope bowls doesn't keep you in the heat and sun for too long. I hope your dental appointment went well.

Mama, enjoy your reading!

Theresa, so glad the temperature will be warmer - and hopefully some snow will be melting.

MizT, your Ai Chi sounds wonderful! Good for you for performing random acts of kindness, as many of our fellow SA-ers do.

Nola, seems your work is keeping you very busy.

My mind is a sieve. That's all I remember. Please enjoy these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , prayers, healing vibes and positive thoughts!
09/Jan/13 7:04 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Thank you Midge for your comment about the book A Life of Pi. I have started reading it and couldn't get into it, it hasn't 'grabbed' me so stopped reading, if you say it gets better after the first 100 pages I will give it another try.
09/Jan/13 8:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A cool evening and I think I will have an early night. Dentist was OK. Just needed a filling where I had chipped a front tooth. Did not need a needle and really no pain. I once hated the dentist but now it does not worry me.(Only the bill at the end!)
Suzy, stay safe. That fire is still a worry with hot weather coming again in a few days. Yesterday was not quite as hot as the day Sharon was born in Melbourne (110.6*F- 43.7*c)in 1968
Midge, you have been through so much and still suffering. I do hope you enjoy your few days away.
09/Jan/13 9:10 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hello and goodnight.
09/Jan/13 10:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can't believe the heat you Aussies are experiencing! That's TOO hot!
10/Jan/13 12:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now to get off my keister and get the horses in. I was too sore last night to do it. The shoer will be here in 2 hours, enough time for the Bute to work on Hawk.
10/Jan/13 12:07 AM
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