Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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In keeping with the pay-it-forward idea:

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. — Albert Einstein
10/Jan/13 12:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Julie, the weather we are going through now is being called the January thaw here. Right now the snow removal equipment is furiously trying to remove some of the high snow banks, partly to remove the ice, etc., from the drainage holes. Also, some people will be having flooding in their basements if some of the excess snow is not removed, plus flooding in some streets. The equipment is right outside my window now ... I foresee more shovelling of the walkway in my future.

Tonight we are going out for supper as it is my youngest grandie's 8th birthday today. Supper out in the city, I think I can go for that.
10/Jan/13 12:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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My sun is gone again, rain here and more on the way. But it is warm and will be even warmer tomorrow. Warm and rain is better than a cold rain, agree?

Perhaps the approaching storm has more to do with my achies last night than my exercise did. I am 2 out of the last 3, a mini flare the night after exercise. I should try to take my meds on time after exercise, I delay them on occasion. Preventing pain is better than chasing after it.

I had a few chores to do today, almost finished with them still want to plant the new houseplants I bought yesterday. I also want to go downstairs at 2, they will have someone in to check blood pressure and blood sugar. Doc wanted me to monitor BP till time to go back.

I suppose I should cook again today. I will be away tomorrow, some business to take care of, and Friday I am going to a movie. Be best if I have planned overs for those days. Not sure what it will be, hummm, see what the freezer can yield.

Forgot what was said last page, the parts I do remember, was it before my last post and commented on already or new? So I will get off here now, and return later. I am wanting a cup of coffee, and the msachine has just finished providing one.

Hugs friends from warm and grey Alabama

10/Jan/13 4:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We've got the same weather you're having, MizT. The rain is taking a break right now, but it'll be back soon. The horses and donkey feet are done and look great. Whimsey is on her way to the trainer's, and I am DONE for the day. My back insists on it. My left hand is backing it up.
10/Jan/13 5:48 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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For those who do not read on facebook, this post from Jane:

Original Post Jane Clifton del Pino 3:25am Jan 9

The most horrible thing imaginable happened yesterday. My 4-year-old grand nephew from Oklahoma suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 40% of his body in an accident. He and his mother Cassandra were airlifted to Galveston, TX for treatment. I am begging my Facebook friends for the power of prayer and healing. I've pasted below the latest update from Terra, another one of my nieces.
10/Jan/13 7:33 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Poor Jane, as if she did not have enough to worry about with Jaime as well. Prayers for yound Fulton. They are also asking for donations for his treatment. That makes us realise how lucky we are with our medicare system.
10/Jan/13 9:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OMG. Just 4 years old! I cannot begin to understand what Jane and her family are going through right now.
Does Jane say where to send donations?
10/Jan/13 9:56 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, I have emailed you some notes from FB.
10/Jan/13 10:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I'm way behind! First the fires and then distracted by Anne of Green Gables!! The fire near us is not out and is still listed as out of control, but it's gone blue on the update page so for now all is good. It's supposed to get hot again tomorrow so we haven't unpacked the cars!!

Cyn, I'm stunned by the way Em is being treated. And possibly all the girls based on your soap story... I hope you kept the note as well as the soap. Your DIL needs some kind of intervention! Does your son still have 2 of them pretty much full time?

MizT, so glad you could pass the swimsuit forward and not be out of pocket at all too! Win-win there for sure. If you can, I think you should schedule yourself a day or so a week where you just get to float - no exercise at all. Just for pleasure!

June, did you end up bowling? It was way too hot for that even at 8am! The bill end at the dentist is getting more painful all the time! I wonder how they justify it to themselves? I've rarely, if ever, experienced a 108 degree day before but now I have, I have a little more of an idea of what it was like having Sharon in 110 degree heat! It would have been almost too hot to hold her!

Theresa, sorry to hear about your friend. I hope your shoulder is feeling better by now..

Gail, thoughts and wishes for a successful year for the company. Maybe the end users will revolt and you'll get some of the business back. I can only hope and be optimistic! Glad your celebration was so wonderful...

Brenda, from everything I've heard, Richard will have no trouble finding something to replace this job. I'm sorry that he may have to though.

Mamacita, when reading the Fifty shades trilogy I found the first book made me angry - I kept saying 'dump the b@st@rd' in my head! The third book I read in no time at all because by then I was skipping about 50% of the book, just turning pages until some kind of story line emerged again.

Heidi, it seems like the methadone doesn't help your back as much when there is pain somewhere else too? Does that sound right?

Midge, how awful to go through what you are now due to an error!! You have never shown us any of the anger you must sometimes feel. You've probably got to that place where the anger is doing more harm than good so 'it is what it is'.. If something like that happens to me I hope I have that strength! It would be great if you could get into one of those trials where they are growing organs from your own cells! I know what you mean about husbands... mine says stuff like 'I'll get that it's too heavy' - well who does he thinks does it when he's at work! And then when I drove down to Mum's on my own - you'd think I was planning a solo arctic expedition! If you are confident, I say go for it!
10/Jan/13 11:06 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I think I like the sound of dinner in the city too! I hope you had a good time!

The news about Fulton is not very sad. Makes me wish I had a magic wand!!
10/Jan/13 11:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oops, changed my mind about how I was going to say it half way through and now it's ALL wrong! It's very sad, not very good.
10/Jan/13 11:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I haven't unpacked the cars and won't for a while yet. In fact I keep thinking of things to add! A hot day forecast for Friday and Saturday, nothing like Tuesday, but not good fire weather. The fire near us was burning on Monday but had only burnt 4 hectares with an extra 2 overnight, by Tuesday night it over 5,700 hectares! (over 14,000 acres)
10/Jan/13 11:14 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, my Mum packed a case each summer with all the most important papers. Later after Dad was gone and we no longer used the dairy we packed things into the stainless steel vat in the old concrete dairy. After Mum passed away and the bush fires did burn down the old home (built about 1840) the dairy was left standing. (And is still there).
Mum also kept a collection of tennis balls to fit in the round drain pipes so she could fill the getters with water.
And yes we did bowl till about 11am. Is was not too bad until then as there was a bit of cloud cover and a breeze. The temp then was about 33*c.
10/Jan/13 11:47 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks got it in between the lines. You recognise deep grief & pain when you read it. BTW.. sent you a skype invite the other name..

Sometimes a being is in more distress than what can be put into words... particularly on a public forum.
It behoves us well.I think, to remember that what is written here is read by more than our friends.

Gail for what it is worth I am NOT in a 'constant tizz because I talk in riddles'. Curiously enough I thought you would have known that having met me in person... When I speak I speak my mind and it is usually unmistakable what I mean.. unless I'm having a joke... but none of this was a laughing matter.

I really do appreciate you all responding to my 'shout' for help here and on TOS.. I answered the messages of concern that I received privately there.
I believe 'W' is doing ok and back to his regular activities.. haven't spoken to him recently so he is still due a big kick up the you know whatzit for scaring me half to death.

Sometimes the friends [actual & axe murderers] that you take into your heart can cause you a lot of grief... and that is only because you care... as I do for all of you that gather here regularly. Sometimes you need to examine the balance sheet & back off. Which I'm doing for now.

Will get back to reading..

Mama... haven't found the passport but did find $240 worth of travellers cheques... will need more than that to get on the plane so back to the job on hand..
10/Jan/13 11:54 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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only just got that posted.. without losing it..
no..hadn't finished what I was saying ..battery down to 1%...
be back later...with power...
10/Jan/13 11:56 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Good Afternoon everyone.Nothing exciting for me to post, same old same old here.
Avon deliveries for the next two days.
10/Jan/13 12:15 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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plugged in... recharging battery & self ..somewhat naughtily Tricia... do as i say folks..not as I do...
Last night I decided it was time Jai was introduced to one of Aussies favourite deserts.. yep.. the humble pavlova... It wasn't a patch on the ones churned out by our very own pavlova queen... taking a bow there Gail?... but it was delicious... mixed berries... YUM... Having a third of the leftovers for lunch.. see.. I am trying.. I could easily polish the plate...

10/Jan/13 12:28 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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This post is mostly for my benefit.. I'm sure you all do this.. start reading from where you last posted... works well if you only post when you have finished reading!!
Note to self... you are up to Heidi's comment after your post on p577....
Hugs & love to all
10/Jan/13 12:29 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Bean...that's a start! You are a wise Skype wasn't working...and yes, thank you, we do need reminders that many read our words that are not our friends necessarily.We must be careful at all times.
Hello all...Thanks Trica for putting Jane's newest upset here for all to be aware of and contribute to help the family if they are able and wish to do so...I know it would be greatly appreciated.
Suzy...I understand losing half of Fifty Shades in the manner you did to get finished...not sure I'm that game...At times it seems as if a teenager has written it...but I do like the fact that it shows that there is a big difference between good sex as just good sex, or lovemaking...perhaps there's hope for her yet..
10/Jan/13 12:30 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just a quick stop in after a busy day. Mitchell had basketball practice tonight so we just got home. I am going to tuck myself in and read for a little bit, at least until I fall asleep. I am reading a series of 22 books by Christine Feehan. They are paranormal (vampire) romance books. My has them on her Kindle so she is letting me have it until I am done. Is she a great friend. Actually, she is the 'candy theif's' mom :)
10/Jan/13 12:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bean, you could have surprised me! You talk in riddles all the time, I never know what you're talking about. I've mostly given up on reading your posts because I don't understand them.
10/Jan/13 2:33 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi all, youngest daughter's Birthday today she is 22! I don't know where the years have gone, she was 7 when I first met her.
I spent most of yesterday in accident and emergency at our local hospital. Celia is back in hospital BP so low that her Dr couldn't take it on her portable machine and heart rate down in the 30's. She still hasn't eaten anything apart from the replacement meal drinks the Dr had given her. The carer told me that she hadn't moved out of her chair since Monday. Will be going to the hospital today to see her,then will have to report to her son in Cyprus what is happening. (He already knows she is in hospital as I let him know as soon as the Dr. said she was sending her there)
10/Jan/13 11:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got behind on the posts. The back is in really bad shape. It's hurting so much that it's almost overwhelming the methadone. This morning when I tried to get up I thought I would have to resort to the wheelchair today. But the methadone has now kicked in and has taken the pain from a 9 to a 7 on the pain scale ( 1-10 where 10 is so bad that you pass out from the pain. I've been there. Almost there this morning.) The next 6 days are going to be a complete write-off.
I HAVE to go out and feed the cows in a little bit. IH has promised to help by manning the gate. That'll not only speed up the job but make it much easier on my back and knees, since I won't have to be constantly climbing up and down into the tractor. He also just helped me by bringing in all the bags of dog food from the back of my truck. It's about 300 ibs worth.
11/Jan/13 3:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My Skype isn't working right now. For some reason, it won't accept my password, and I can't find the notebook with my various passwords in it to double check. I may have to set up a new account.
11/Jan/13 3:47 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I was going to try calling you Heidi,to see if it would trigger your Skype but it says you are off line.
11/Jan/13 3:55 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Beautiful sunny day here so far. Last night's birthday dinner for my youngest grandie went well. Tomorrow the elementary school teachers in our province are having a one day walk-out again ... parents are left scrambling for daycare options.

Hugs to all going through various issues, including weather, health, etc.
11/Jan/13 4:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After feeding the cows, I had a nice nap. At least, by taking the maximum allowed level of methadone, I can fall asleep easily. I will have to go to the grocery store tomorrow, but at least there won't be much farm work to do to set the back off.
11/Jan/13 8:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've always felt that teachers should be the highest paid professionals of all, not the lowest. We entrust the future of the world with them, and it should be a job that attracts the best and the brightest. Granted, there are some intelligent and dedicated teachers now, who truly believe in what they're doing, but there are also a lot of poorly educated teachers with limited intellect out there. I've met some lousy ones here in Kentucky, and a few bad ones in other places. Paying the teaching profession an excellent wage, with full benefits for their families, would weed out the uneducated and ignorant and make teaching what it should be. An honored and honorable profession. And if anyone wonders where the money would come from, look at the fat salaries and benefits that politicians get for a LOT less work for the public. Politicians, as public servants, should get minimum wage. That would inspire them to improve conditions for the real working people.
11/Jan/13 9:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It would probably just inspire them to be corrupt Heidi.
11/Jan/13 11:08 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Afternoon everyone. How is your weather today Suzy? Warm day here 29.9c at the moment.
11/Jan/13 12:48 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Beautiful day here - supposed to be 37 but not there yet. Lost any earlier post - agree with you Heidi. Iam from a family of techers (grandmother and siblings). My g/m's first teaching role was at Whyalla in South Aust. at the age of 15 (in 1915). She retired at age 70 and still had many ex-pupils visiting her over the next 10 years (actually she was nicer to her pupils than she ws to us). I have all of her assessment reports (no-one else in the family was interested) but I don't know what to do with them. Suppose one day will be a sentimental 'burn-off'. My brother took an early retirment at age 54 - our ridiculous system here meant he would be better off financially to retire early than continue teaching until 65. Both my sister and brother were excellent dedicated teachers - what a waste!!
11/Jan/13 1:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. I hope I have a better day tomorrow than I did today. I do not enjoy back pain.
11/Jan/13 3:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It was strange not seeing Whimsey out in the pasture today. I hope she's behaving herself at the trainer's.
11/Jan/13 3:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mini Sudoku meet tomorrow, we'll meet at a coffee shop since I don't have air conditiong! Just me and CP
11/Jan/13 6:01 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read or comment today. Just sending the regular allotment of {{{{{{{ }}}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes! Take care of yourselves!
11/Jan/13 6:38 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Enjoy the mini meet Suzy and CP.
11/Jan/13 8:40 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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How exciting Suzy, hope you find a nice, cool spot! Say hi to CP :)
11/Jan/13 10:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Say ''Hi'' to CP for me, too, please.

The back is feeling much better today than yesterday. Only low level pain in contract to yesterday morning's nearly-off-the-scale level. I think I'll make it through the day.

In about an hour, we're having a visitor who is thinking of buying some of our heifers. We had very few born last spring, and some have already been sold, so he has 5 or 6 to chose from. If he's smart, he'll take them all. They're gonna make magnificent cows. Beautiful conformation, great mothering instinct and good dispositions.
12/Jan/13 2:15 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning....glad your back feels a bit better this morning Heidi...hope you continue that way until your next treatment. Good luck with the sale of the heifers..hope all five go and you will be done with that for now.
Suzy...please give CP a hug from me along with a big hi... Wish I had been feeling better when she visited me in the nursing home...enjoy your time with her even more knowing that I wasn't up to par and even w/o are in far better physical shape than I was at the time. Can't believe you've been a granie for 10 months!
12/Jan/13 2:50 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I am gathering information about different cars that I'm interested in in preparation for getting another one...This will be the first time I buy a car w/o Sully around to help guide me. My insurance agent is trying to get my prefered status back since I was not at fault for the accident and had been a good customer for many accident free years.. that will help lower the cost for me. Keeping fingers crossed that all can be sorted out for my budget.I'm getting a bit excited now because I am regaining my Independence even though I will have to deal with wearing this cholecystostomy drainage catheter for the rest of my life. The doctors have all agreed that the surgery is just too dangerous for me to undergo. This is a big disappointment for me since I was looking forward to being free of this. Its not visible,nor is it smelly or any thing but a receptacle for the gall blather stones that my body has chosen to form...of all the luck...but they are painful so ....It is what it is.
It has warmed a bit for January. Today is cloudy and the next few days are forecast to be damp and gray., weather I don't like, but after hearing of the weather that many of you have had to deal with ,along with the side affects of same, I won't complain. I do hope when we reach our summer again, we aren't faced with similar conditions...and we still have those who disagree with the science of global warming stats....SMH in disbelief!
Have a great day/night...I'm out of here....Peace.

12/Jan/13 3:17 AM
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