Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, I am not casting aspersions but is there any possibility Emily could be making this up at all? I only ask because it would start a never ending avalanche of h3ll if you were to start something and it turns out to be not true, but if it is, then this 'woman' is an unfit mother. Has she ever told her father, or will you now if he doesn't know what's going on?
07/Jan/13 10:33 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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TOPP quote-
Our Wedding was many years ago. The celebration continues to this day.
Gene Perret
07/Jan/13 10:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, I also wonder if Em could be making this up. If not, the mother should be charged with child abuse. I can't imagine making a child eat soap. I have used a bit of soap in Mitchell's mouth when he was younger and used dirty words. He learned his lesson the first time and stopped, until recently.
07/Jan/13 10:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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W hen you read this, know that I live in the Shoalhaven...
07/Jan/13 12:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh no, the soap business is a story I have heard from the others but not really been sure until the 'naughty soap' was packed along with them this weekend with instructions to be used if they get out of line - read, have a disagreement with one another!
And I do believe Emily, she is not one to make things up.
We have plans to take this further, my son will have to do it, but it can't be done until at least next week (big ears listening).
07/Jan/13 12:27 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Gail, glad you and Scott got an upgrade, sorry about his toe. Next time we go there, I will book direct, not through Webjet or Wotif, and I will be very specific and check the hard copy!!
Well, with Em's help I have my Christmas decorations down and packed - all there is left to go now, waiting on Col, is the tree and the lights.
07/Jan/13 12:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tami - I think we have all threatened our kids with the soap if they swear and usually there is one time when it has to be done. It usually stops there, especially if the siblings see it.
I got the soap as a kid once, for swearing - but never as a course of discipline for everything!! Sheesh!
07/Jan/13 12:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - stay safe!!
07/Jan/13 12:35 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hello everyone. A nice day here so far,28c.
Suzy my son has gone away for a week with a car full of guys down your way. Hopefully there won't be any fires near wherever he is going to camp.
07/Jan/13 12:52 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Welcome back Heidi, glad the truck went well.
Thinking of you June and anyone else who is going to be in this extreme heat.
07/Jan/13 12:53 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Oh makes you want to cry,hearing stories about how some people treat children and to think it is being done by her mother.Imagine what she is doing to Ems self esteem. The head lice and the soap may only be the tip of the ice berg.I hope Dad can get custody.
Suzy and June...hope you can stay cool and safe.
Bummer about Scotts toe which may spoil your celebrations.
Gotta go. Greg now has the boys until 3pm then we get them again in the morning.
07/Jan/13 1:43 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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07/Jan/13 2:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My heart just breaks for Emily. Her ''mother'' shouldn't be allowed custody of any children. Just because someone is physically capable of reproducing doesn't mean they have the emotional or mental qualifications for being a mother. Em's mother reminds me of my own. She shouldn't have been allowed near children, either.
07/Jan/13 3:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had a nice nap all afternoon and evening. When I got up to make supper, IH told me about the trouble he got in last week while I was gone. He was stopped by a cop while driving 19 MPH over the speed limit IN A SCHOOL ZONE while students were leaving! He HAS to appear in court (Jan. 28th)- no prepayment of the big fine . The cop told him that he ''probably'' won't lose his license.
07/Jan/13 3:09 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All...
Suzy and any one else...I'm praying that the heat and the fires will calm down soon...but please make your escape plans as suggested before it gets worse. I don't know how any one can't believe in global warming with the crazy weather all over the world...we need to get serious and take more caution in protecting the earth we share.

Cyn...many have said what you and I know to be true. It is so sad that a mother would treat her child in this manner. My first thought when reading your account was to wonder if she is having a breakdown of some sort. Mental illness affects the way people treat certain children who may look a lot like the former spous...perhaps a close relationship between Em and your son has set her one has to be tough to see this happening and not be able to stop it...all you can do I guess is give the children extra love and affection so that they know they are not the problem. Hang in there...hopefully your son will be able to get it known to those who can bring it to an end. (((hugs to you all))). Peace.
07/Jan/13 3:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm still sleepy, so I'm gonna feed and water the birds, then go to bed. I have errands to run tomorrow, then more oral surgery on Tuesday. Tuesday evening is a Cattlemen's meeting, but I expect to be sore from the oral surgery and probably won't feel like going. I don't expect to luck out and have another pain-free procedure like last time. The last one wasn't supposed to be pain-free.
07/Jan/13 3:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy, and PLEASE stay safe.
07/Jan/13 3:19 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks..
It is so good to be home here with you.. reading your news.. It has brought tears to my eyes... such normal wonderful stuff.. good and bad. But all part of the tapestry of life. Will come back to reading later because I'm not seeing very well.

Have been MIA for a few days [3 days this time] after the maelstrom and resultant train wreck that the start of the new year turned out to be.. Almost went into complete physical collapse from emotional exhaustion.. slept for nearly 36 hrs.. I was so hot and tired that I wasn't even game to get into the pool in case I drowned.

I've been sifting through the detritus remaining and have, as usual, found a few gold nuggets and learnt a few lesson from all this. Will try to put into words later so I can reflect on the HOW and the WHY so I never need to make this wrong turn again.

Right now I want to run away from home... [ for another stray? :)], evict someone from home and find a new home for one of the dogs. That will break my heart but I cannot manage his dogs along with my own beautiful Zoe... The $hit is going to hit the proverbial around here.. big time...
Tough love... Shape up or ship out...

I've had quiet time alone while they have been over at Pete's.. which is just as well or I couldn't have coped with the grief. Not with them around. They have arrived back home and as much as I love them I was enjoying NOT being a mum... just me.. Sounds like I am due for a few changes...doesn't it. 2013 is going to be a BIG year for da Bean..

Love & hugs all round
07/Jan/13 3:26 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm reading the pages backwards... have just turned back to p574...
Heidi I so hope you are right... the way I spent New Years Day was totally awesome..
Watch out world if this is the case!! The next few days tested the resolve a little though!!

Need to stop reading... could make lots of comments but haven't the energy to chorale the brain cells to make any sense.
Hope the city survived your visit Gail... congrats.
CynB.. will get back to you when brain less scrambled..horrified!
Suzy blaming everything on the heat is ok..better than admitting we aren't 30 anymore..
Tricia isn't it wonderful to receive unexpected compliments..
Nola... how poignant is the relief we can feel in the release of stress, that we have been feeling, when we have lost someone that we love dearly.

Take care and keep safe everyone whatever you are doing...
07/Jan/13 4:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - I knew you would understand about Em (as did all you other lovely people) - from what you have said over the years we have known you - I knew your mother had treated you similarly.
I do believe, as Mama said, that the Mum is suffering from a mental illness, her life is a train wreck and there is so much more to tell. The problem is that she will never see the problem or do anything about it.
The strange thing is that, up until she decided her marriage to my son was over, I could never have faulted her as a mother. Lousy DIL, bossy wife, yes, but great mother! I really don't know where she lost the plot. She loathes my son now and will not even speak to him about the girls. He has his faults but he tries to do the right thing by his girls and if I thought, for a moment, that he wasn't, he would hear from me!!! But he's my son and we have a strong sense of the importance of family!
07/Jan/13 4:21 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Jeepers Bean you talk in riddles!!! No wonder you are in a constant tizz, spit it out girl, say what you mean!
07/Jan/13 5:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well, it's official, my house is NOT going to burn down tomorrow! There is too much of my mother that won't fit in a car....
07/Jan/13 6:21 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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We've brought all the photos with us, they're in the car valet'll probably collapse or something tonight. Typical!
07/Jan/13 6:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! I'm popping in for my daily visit. I think there is entirely too much going on in our lives. The first order of business is to straighten out the mess made of our calendars on computer, iPad and phones. We really need to get back to doing water aerobics and/or walking, if not daily, then at least every other day. I also hope to get on a more normal schedule (earlier to bed, earlier to rise). I also hope to find a time for regular cello practice, not just when I can fit it in. All this, and we need to puppy-sit in Chicago on Thursday. We'll also have the puppy with us from about Jan. 20 through Feb. 9 or 10. (Whoops, I nearly lost this post. I'm going to take a moment to save.)

I apologize for my whine/whinge above; just feeling very inundated with ffuts to be done. In the midst of all that, I find time to think of all of you often. May all of your days be pleasant and the temperatures mild and avoiding extremes. Please stay safe in all you do! Positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and {{{{{ H U G S }}}}} for all of you and those you love! Good Night!
07/Jan/13 7:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Or your car will be stolen Gail.... shhh, I didn't say that!

Julie, from the things you've told us, I can't see what you would cut out!

Nola, enjoy the boys!

Alie has had a sleep over planned for a few weeks not and now I don't want her to go.. It's even bushier than our place!

9km to the closest fire, but it's fairly small right now.
07/Jan/13 7:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We all just got a text message (along with everyone on Alie's FB friends list):
Catastrophic Fire Danger tomorrow for Illawarra, Shoalhaven and Southern Ranges. Not being in a bush fire prone are is the safest option.
07/Jan/13 8:34 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Suzy, hoping the fires stay far away from you.
07/Jan/13 9:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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SUZY, how totally frightening that forecast is! Hope you can make it through to the cooler weather for Monday night! Thoughts and prayers to you and all in harms way from these terrible fires.

CYN, she actually sent the 'naughty soap' with the children this week? I would not return it, keep it as evidence. Totally unbelievable.

Heidi, glad you had a safe and productive trip. Did she let you take her grocery and clothing shopping for her and the baby as you wanted?

GAIL, so glad you got the river view room you wanted, and with a view of the city added in. I know you will, but gotta say it anyway. Do carefully watch Scott's toe as it heals. I have a friend who stubbed her toe, it turned black, she and doc thought it was just bruising that continued for weeks. The bruising masked gangrene. She lost the toe, and eventually the lower leg because of it. Granted, she had undiagnosed blood flow problems to the foot, but I am concerned about Scott because dialysis could cause less oxygen and other nutrients needed to heal that toe.

BEAN, glad to have you back. Hope things at your local can be sorted out to your satisfaction. Yes, compliments are nice. Lakeshore seems to be a place for them, first the man flirting with me, then this unexpected comment on what I was wearing. I should hang around there more often, good for the soul

Hugs to each of you, must post fore this gets too long.
07/Jan/13 10:17 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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GAIL, good to know I was not the only one who was not following the plot in Bean's post. I thought perhaps I had just missed out on a previous important post that shed light on what was going on. Thanks for saying to BEAN what I did not.

I met one of my neighbors this evening. Remember me saying I had ordered 2 swimsuits and one just would not do? Not enough top to cover my top! I put a SALE notice on the bulletin board, near the sign up sheet for bus to Lakeshore pool. This neighbor, just up one floor from me, phoned and stopped by to see it. She is visually challenged, loosing her sight, and when she is tired it is worse. She is also a clinical social worker, in private practice. She mentioned she liked my description of the suit, how well my notice was written. Found out that I was often on the internet. she asked if I would like to do some work for her, typing up from her dictation answers to her e-mails. she already hires people from a service, but my being just downstairs might work better. She also has fibromyalgia, so understands how I would not always be available, but as a plus, I would understand her having limitations from her fibro. We will discuss this later, see what happens. I need to be at MY computer and desk to work comfortably, she works from laptops and often in the library downstairs where there is wi fi. That would not work for me, could be a stumbling block. I did enjoy our conversation, like her as a person, and am interested in what she is doing now.

OH, she did like the swimsuit, took it with her to try on in the morning after her shower. I hope it works for her, lots easier than me sending it back, and I can get what I paid for suit, on sale and a great price, without paying so much for return shipping. A win win situation for both of us. She gets a suit without having to pay shipping, that she can try on before committing , and at a good price.

I am up still, at 5:25 am, started another flare about bedtime, meds were just not working, I think this last dose an hour ago is beginning to work, I am drowsy and pain levels are lower. I should try the bed again.

More hugs and wishes for safety and solutions to problems. till later.
07/Jan/13 10:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... I did make her go grocery shopping with me. We filled 2 carts to overflowing, and packed wholesome food into every available nook and cranny in their fridge, freezer and pantry. BF was thrilled at the huge selection of foods. Maxine would not let me take her clothing shopping too, but I brought her a super warm alpaca cloak (which she wore the entire time I was there), and I gave her money for winter clothes for her and Holly. I know she doesn't have many warm winter clothes to wear. (In case you don't know, alpaca is 3 times warmer than wool, soft, hypoallergenic, and very light weight.)
08/Jan/13 12:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wasn't following the plot in Bean's posts either. I figured she needed to talk, but isn't ready to give us the key to break the code yet. If talking to us helps her, I'm happy to stay puzzled by them. She'll let us know the details when she's ready.

BTW.... any news on William, Bean?
08/Jan/13 12:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got back from having the last of the work done on my truck. We still had to do the alignment, and she needed new wiper blades. Now she's as good as new!
21 hours until the oral surgery, part 2.
08/Jan/13 8:03 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I will be thinking of you today and watching the fire reports. We are supposed to be back at bowls today. Temp only 258c at the moment so we could bowl for a couple of hours. Not sure if I want to stand out in the sun as the temp climbs upwards!
08/Jan/13 8:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Oh no, I have to shovel. The snow plow came by and filled in our walkway with a bunch of ice chunks about 2-3 feet high and I can't get to the road. I have to pick up the grandies around 5:30, so I guess I better go and do it. This is not going to help my shoulder. Hubby works until 10:00 PM tonight, so I can't wait for him. Sigh.

Got a call today from my friend who had a heart attack last May. She also was diagnosed with diabetes, and now it turns out she has bladder cancer. The biopsy is being checked a second time to see if they can determine what stage the cancer is in. If it's in the first or second stage, treatment can be started. She is 80 years old and she is one of the dearest people I know. I miss her terribly since she moved away about 10 years ago. We chatted for almost an hour.

Suzy, thinking of you.
08/Jan/13 8:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I got off the computer last night - it was hard to leave the RFS site - but Alie's friends were all panicking and posting about how scared they were and it was scaring her. We sat together in the lounge room and watched movies...

No new fires this morning (Alie's friends found the one I mentioned last night a couple of hours after we did, one of her friends lives 5 minutes from it!)
08/Jan/13 8:25 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Jumping On the Bed ~ Gotta love women~

A fiftyish woman was at home happily jumping on her bed and squealing with delight.

Her husband watches her for a while and asks, 'Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look? What's the matter with you?'

The woman continues to bounce on the bed and says, 'I don't care, I just came from having a mammogram and the doctor says I have the brea$ts of an 18 year-old'.

The husband said, 'What did he say about your 56 year old a$$?'

'Your name never came up!' she replied.

(Men . . . They just never know when to shut up, do they?)

08/Jan/13 8:35 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Subject: Environment Canada....warning

Environment Canada has issued a travel warning due to the snowfall and bad road conditions.

They suggest that anyone travelling in the current icy conditions should make sure they have the following:

Blankets or sleeping bag
Extra clothing including hat and gloves
24 hours worth of food
Rock Salt
Flashlight with spare batteries
Road Flares or Reflective Triangles
Gas can
First Aid Kit
Booster cables

I looked like an idiot on the bus this morning!
08/Jan/13 8:37 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Off to pack up some Xmas stuff...
08/Jan/13 8:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... Right now I wish you lived close to me so I could plow your driveway with my tractor.
08/Jan/13 8:53 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks Heidi, it's the thought that counts. I just did a small path in the walkway so that I could get through when it's time to get the girls. We live on a corner and the snowplow tends to come around the corner and dump everything in the first opening, which is our walkway and driveway. Hubby shovelled at noon before he went to work, and darned if the plow didn't come back again around 3:00, and as far as I'm concerned there was no need for the second time. Sheesh. But you know me, I have to complain.

I am having spasms right now in my right shoulder, but by morning they should be gone. I should be home around eight tonight, so I'll sit for a while with the hot water bottle on my shoulder ...that always makes it feel better. And it gives me an excuse to sit around and do nothing, but you didn't hear that from me.
08/Jan/13 9:04 AM
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