Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I think its time to try and turn a page on all of the bad weather and all that has been wrought thus far...I found a quote by Helen Keller that sorta sums um my feelings.

Although the world is full of suffering,It is also

full of the overcoming of it!
29/Jan/13 5:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's warmed up considerably here .... 54℉ / 12.2℃ and rising, with a gentle rain. If we're gonna have more mud, at least it's warm mud.
29/Jan/13 6:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
BOM shows the rain out to sea. We got about 4 inches total and no winds. Nola sent me an email around 1am but she didn't mention anything about the floods, just that she hoped I'd still make it to Sydney when she is there. I'm guessing her house is still okay or I wouldn't have heard from her. I'll telephone at a decent hour and hopefully catch her.
29/Jan/13 7:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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4 inches is good. I bet it put out some fires.
29/Jan/13 8:14 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola's house has not flooded as of now. Nor has her work, though that could change. At the moment they have around 7 extra residents from another facility that was flooded. Her son can't get home still.

She sounds good, calm, but tired.

29/Jan/13 9:19 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thanks for that info on Nola. We have all been worrying about her. Lets hope there is not too much damage to the other house.
The rain has stopped and the sun is just starting to shine through. We have also had about 4 inches of rain. The bowling green is too wet to play so I will go and do a bit of shopping.
Suzy, Belinda got a first and a second with her horses in Nowra on Sunday.(Dressage)
29/Jan/13 9:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the update, Suzy.

Congrats to Belinda, June. I used to do dressage before I broke my back, so I know how much skill it takes. I'm very impressed with her accomplishment!
29/Jan/13 9:47 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi all! I'm back at work today. I wondered if I would make it but there was no water over any of the roads. Even the river didn't look too bad - a bit high but thats all.
We had well over 300m's (12 inches) of rain over the weekend with most of it falling on Sunday. It was a very quiet weekend. I don't think I left the house much at all.
I hope the rain makes it down to Victoria and puts out those bush fires! Rainfall is the most miraculous stuff. Our grass looked like straw a week ago and now it is the most brilliant green.

Nola, I'm thinking about you and all the people of Bundy. I hope you all stay safe.
29/Jan/13 9:49 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Afternoon friends. Not a lot going on around here. Warmer than usual weather, in the 60's, but iti s overcast, so not a pretty day. We had the EP January Birthday Party yesterday, Sunday afternoon. A church group sponsored it, and they brought all 3 of thier children's choirs and thier parents to help celebrate. The children sang for us, the parents provided the snacks. Parents fixed plates of goodies that the children delivered, it was soo cute. They were mostly from age 4, pre kindergarten to second graders. A few teen age girls came. They were ll so cute, so polite, would stop and talk with the different tables. One small group knew the song 'Jesus Loves Me, in sign language, and they did that at each table that had one of our deaf residents. They were first graders, so cute.

After the party, many residents stayed down for card games, puzzles and duch. I was watching a table playing Canasta. For some reason I thought it a hard game, something that would take years to learn. It did not seem too formitable watching them. I came home and looked it up on the puter. rules are straight forward enough. Next time I am asked, I shall join them, if they will take a beginner. One thing for sure, I will not learn to play any younger.

Today sue and I went to Lakeshore and the pool. I did enjoy that, wishing again I could live in the pool, weightless, and in no pain. such a let down to have to return to reality.

Joy is coming over tonight, I have made one of her favorite meals, a stir fry with onions, mushrooms, pineapple soy sauce and ham. I need to cook some rice and we are finished.

I am so in hopes everyone fares well from the Aussie storms and flooding. Fires and floods, at least I hope the heavy rains get to the fire prone areas and does away with that threat.

Suzy, hope you continue to improve past this stroke. How unfortunate you had a second one, but how fortunate you knew what was happening and got to medical care quickly. The more I read about stroke, the more important it seems to be to get to good medical care within 2 hours. there is every hope for complete recovery if that happens, or so I have read. anyhow, thinking of you girl.

June, sorry to hear that Laura has chickenpox. And just at the start of her school year too. How long will she be kept home? I forget from my children and shucks, by now that could have changed twice

Mama, enjoy your few snow free days. Rain is no fun but better than snow and ice if you need to be out and about.

Broni, sorry to hear that your cous is becoming a problem, hope whatever clears up soonest.

Cyn, hope your brother and family are all OK, and no problems develop from being isolated from the rest of the world. It is good they got needed supplies in fore they were cut off.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
29/Jan/13 9:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OOOPS, I missed a whole nother page of posts. I will get to those tomorrow. Good we heard from Nola, thanks Suzy for letting us know.
29/Jan/13 10:01 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Lots of snow here today, expected 10 cm but I think we got more. Then the freezing rain will start at any moment. I have a feeling tomorrow will be a snow day.

I talked to my friend today with bladder cancer. The cancer has not changed, so the doctor is not doing anything at the moment. She will go for tests every three months to keep an eye on it. I am so happy for her.
29/Jan/13 11:40 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh your does indeed put it all into perspective.
There are a lot of Grahams out there. When I was single the word was out that I was good for an escort.. drive the bus, push the chair, attend to intake and output with the minimum of fuss. The excitement levels induced by a break out from their necessary institutionalised lifestyle is something to behold. Somethings you never forget in life.. the day I drove a vanload up to the snow was one of those...
29/Jan/13 12:18 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Judy I haven't checked recently what is happening out Violet Town way.. how is your mum..have you heard recently. It is hard when you know that the best thing you to do as far as emergency crews are concerned is keep out of the area.. they have enough to contend to without an influx of concerned relative's surging into the area.
29/Jan/13 12:22 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It is so good that the head count of our northern friends is coming up trumps..

We have been experiencing some blessed cool relief from the heat.. even had some RAIN last night.. dampen the dust a little.
29/Jan/13 12:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from the Leadership banquet. The Commissioner of Agriculture (for Kentucky) was the guest speaker. For the first time in the 20 years that I have been attending this banquet, they had a different meal!!! And it was really good! Pork chops or chicken (I had the pork), cheesy potato casserole, green beens, rolls and an assortment of pies.
29/Jan/13 12:32 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I love the vibe of your posts Tricia. Such a good move.

Two days to get my self packed and ship shape.. will be leaving a day early for the wedding... heaps to do before then so will will no doubt be MIA for a while.

I will be, as usual, thinking of you all with affection.
Hugs all round.
29/Jan/13 12:39 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I know, Bean. MizT sounds so much happier now. Her posts are a joy to read.

Off to bed in a few. I just need to feed and water the birds.
29/Jan/13 4:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone!

I'm keeping each of you in my thoughts and prayers! Sending healing vibes, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Hoping for a speedy recovery for Suzy! Be religious about your physical therapy! You can do it!
29/Jan/13 5:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Had another one of those 'and I feel sorry for myself because?' moments today. Hubby took me to the doc and then we went to buy cat food. A guy was standing in line at the registers and went out of his way to ask if I was okay and pass on thoughts and wishes. This man lost his wife to cancer a couple of years ago and his son to MD a couple of months ago. And he was worried about me??? I had the same feeling when you passed on your wishes Judy. There are some wonderful, giving people in the world...

We ran into Dana while we were out and got to spend some time with Tahli - we've given her back to Dana on a sugar high. Don bought me a coffee and got Tahli a babyccino. They asked him if he wanted foam or cream. He had no idea so said cream, so she had a cup of cream...and loved every bite of it. A couple came up and had a little convo with us. They said they're eldest was 42 and they still don't have grandies so they borrow other people's.

While I was out the physical therapy people called so I will call them back tomorrow to arrange the therapy. I have my echo scheduled for Friday.
29/Jan/13 6:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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All sounds positive Suzy. Please take care and get better soonest.
Judy, I saw the fires around Violet Town on the news but they did say they were not a threat at the moment. Always a worry though. I would much sooner have floods than fires.
29/Jan/13 9:56 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Car decided to spit the dummy today, crankshaft wants to exit thru the radiator. My friend Teresa has lent me her car for the next couple of days. Will figure out what to do. Less that a week and a half before I fly down to Melb to pick up my new car. Go figure!
Love and Hugs to you all.
29/Jan/13 11:11 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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I love my friends.
29/Jan/13 11:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just found out that my favorite aunt, who has MS, just had a stroke a few days ago, and to top it off now has pneumonia, too. I feel like I need to go see her, but I don't know of she's up for visitors. She's up in Wisconsin where the snow is deep and the cold intense.
30/Jan/13 3:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, pneumonia is apparently a big thing with stroke patients. I wasn't allowed even a sip of water until a speech therapist had been to evaluate my swallowing. And that was after 2 days of a stomach bug! I ate my first meal in record time! I was going to say I inhaled it, but that was kind of the point of the speech therapist, to make sure I didn't.

The visiting thing. It's good to have to talk because it makes you use muscles that need to relearn how to work, but it is very tiring and you don't really miss the visitors... I didn't anyway.
30/Jan/13 9:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, the car couldn't wait a week and a half? I wonder if it's chucking a tandy because it knows you're replacing it!
30/Jan/13 10:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The floods from space
30/Jan/13 10:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Dana saw someone with a tattoo on their back 'Made in Australia'. I said she would have to get 'Made in America from Australian ingredients'.
30/Jan/13 10:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH went to the plant this morning and won't return until tomorrow night. So I'm having a relaxing evening.
Right now the temperature is an astounding 65℉ / 18.3℃!!! I have no idea what's going on with this heat wave in the dead of winter. Tomorrow afternoon it's supposed to suddenly drop down to 28 ℉ / -2.2 ℃ !!!! We'll be lucky not to have some sick cattle.
30/Jan/13 1:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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We will also be lucky not to have some severe weather, tornadoes. I am not looking forward to this. I have to be out tomorrow, but the EP Bus is taking me, so at least i do not have to drive in the rain and wind.

Today was a hurty day, took forever two different times today to get pain under control. Perhaps it is the approaching storm and cold front. whatever it is, I want it to go away.

Nothing going on tonight, seems like a weekend for some reason.

Suzy, cute comment, made in America . . . hehehe.

Heidi, enjoy your quite evening with gil gone.

Broni, sorry to hear about your car trouble. Like others, i think it took exception to being replaced. Like some disgruntled employee, ' You cannot fire me, I quit!' Hope you can work something out to keep transportation till you pick up your new car.

June, how is Laura and chickenpox doing? I hope she is comfortable, the itching can be pretty severe.

Julie, glad you could drop in to say HI, good to know you are OK< just busy.

Heidi, we have new very young baby birds in the bird cage downstairs. I saw three tiny heads with mouths wide open today. they are in a Little basket like nest at the back of the enclosure.I have tried to take photos to show you, so you can tell me what kind of birds they are, but too much glare on the glass sides.

Bean, enjoy the wedding, have a safe trip.

OK, I am getting ready for bed now, must be up earlier than usual, leave here at 8:30. shoot, there are mornings I do not get up till 8:30 hehehe. Catch you all tomorrow, Hugs to each of you, with extras.

30/Jan/13 2:07 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Strange weather, the temperature is climbing since sundown. It is now 69 F,20.555C. That would be an exceptional midday temp for january, but for this late in the evening? I remember only oncebefore a Dec 31 where we had 71 degrees at 10 pm, it was the day my sister got married. We had her reception at my house, and people were outside in shirt sleeves, the house was sooo hot and humid with all those people inside. I remember vividly and that was about 45 years ago! We had tornadoes January first, too.
30/Jan/13 2:17 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
This wont be long but I wanted to thank you all for asking about me. I am fine,just very sad for so many reasons.
Paul arrived home late last night when the Bruce Hwy finally re-opened. He was devastated when he couldn't get close and realized all the things that he has lost.
They finally got in by wading thru water. The level came just above the windows so there is not much life. The clock,a few pictures,and kitchen gear in the overhead cupboards.
He has moved into Judys unit for now. Renae & I went and bought him a fridge,toaster and kettle.
Just got off the phone to the insurance company who were so understanding. Even asked if our tenants were safe.
The water is dropping,so tomorrow the big clean up will begin (if possible) by hosing out the mud and lifting the carpets.The mattresses,clothing,linen and lounge all go.
I saw a sign out the front of a house which said.
It made me cry. The generosity of people is just amazing.
I hope you are all ok too.
Catch you later.
30/Jan/13 3:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Nola,
So glad everyone is okay, but sad about Paul's losses...

30/Jan/13 4:41 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh Nola - I just let out a sob when I read that!
What utter devastation! I'm so sorry that Paul lost everything. Obviously you were insured as the house owners, did Paul have insurance for his contents? Is there anything we can do? I would sooner donate directly to Paul than through the other options where you don't know what percentage gets to the victim.
Maybe we should set up a bit of an SA Flood Relief for Paul!
30/Jan/13 4:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Nola - just a bit of info I saw on FB this morning - wise words:

I was asked to post this on behalf of a 2011 flood survivor -

If you are assisting in the clean up of a flood affected home please DO NOT assume they want everything thrown out.

Books, recipes, photos and other paper work can be dried and recovered, precious mementos and jewellery can be cleaned and even some electrical appliances with sealed backs can be dried and/or repaired to use again. Linen and clothing can be washed. Some timber furniture can be restored. Tupperware can be cleaned as can cutlery, crockery and other kitchen utensils.

Be considerate of the feeling of the home owner. It is all overwhelming at present and they may need a day or two to decide what they want to keep. Clean the house out, of course, but make piles of things for them to go through in their own time. Once it is thrown out their choices are taken from them and this can be more devastating than the flood (where they didn't have a choice)

Please repost and share to help out those who are flood survivors and those who are assisting in flood recovery in Queensland. Thank you.
30/Jan/13 4:50 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I was thinking a gift voucher for Lowes, or a store that sells linens etc myself...
30/Jan/13 4:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Excellent idea, Suzy - or a Coles or Woollies gift card.
30/Jan/13 4:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Isn't there one that covers Target, Coles and a couple of others? I'll have a look the next time I can get a ride to town...
30/Jan/13 5:00 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Coles cover Target and Kmart. Woolies cover BigW. I think Coles is the better option.
30/Jan/13 5:03 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Although the best option would be what's available in Bundy itself, I guess.
30/Jan/13 5:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Available in Bundy and not flooded!
30/Jan/13 5:05 PM
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