Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Very tired today. Who knew recreating brain pathways could be so exhausting! You'd expect to be that tired after cardio, not moving pegs, undoing paper clips etc..
08/Feb/13 8:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Back home again. It has been a long day. A lot of funny emails, especially from peoples yahoo addresses.
I will catch up in the next few days.
08/Feb/13 9:45 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hope you had a great time away June. Just watch out for those emails, there have been a few people who have had their accounts hacked. Try not to open anything without a header on the email.
08/Feb/13 10:44 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hello everyone.
MizT...Very thoughtful of you to give out birthday cards. Bet that may your day getting a lovely response from Gloria.
Suzy... hope you are managing to get plenty of rest as you recoup.Is rehab getting any easier?
June...welcome home and nice to hear that you enjoyed the time away.
Heidi...pity the epidural didn't do a good job.I feel sorry for your pain.
Do you have to do anything with the cow that lost her babies with regard to drying up her milk? I presume,not many cows would accept another calf feeding from her.
Brenda...are you feeling a bit better now? Hope so.

The insurance assessors have been.I was concerned that there may have been a clause about flood and we weren't covered, but all is ok. They will put in a new kitchen,stove,doors (most wooden doors have warped)repaint and we are yet to find out about the carpets.Assessor,wasn't quite sure about a few things like if the curtains,hot water system and pool were classed as contents.Different companies have different policies.To me,all those things are building. I am probably concerned about nothing,but we hear stories were people thought they were covered and weren't. Re-building should start soon.We had loss of rent cover which may speed up the process as the company will be making them also. The longer they take,the more rent they pay.
So,I feel a bit more confident.
Paul now has a washing machine,fridge,clothes, bikes working,and work so things are looking up for him.Flood relief package has helped immensely. They will get a lounge this week-end.He IS lucky compared to some.Thanks to Judy and her unit.
Only 3 weeks until our holiday and I now don't feel as guilty.
I hope the predicted bad weather for the northern hemisphere is minimal.Stay safe everyone.
09/Feb/13 4:36 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello All from a rainy wet Pennsylvania that is preparing for the expected snows in my area of only 6 to 12 feet of snow...not as bad as that expected in other areas, but the wet ground will freeze and become snow I will not be going anywhere for a day or two. I have plenty of food, wine, Rum and soft drinks as well, snacks and a warm comfy home in which to enjoy...I am so blessed. Many aren't as lucky when storms are expected.
Nola, so good to hear that you will feel better about your much deserved vacation since the insurance assessors have given you a fairly good idea of where you stand in being made whole from the storms in your area. Hope all are dealt with as fairly.
I had a lot to say when first reading, but have become distracted and now am drawing a blank..please forgive me friends...May I simply wish all well and send hugs and good vibes for whatever is going on in your lives. Take care ...I do care! Peace.♥
09/Feb/13 5:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sounds scary, Mama. ONLY 6 to 12 FEET???? That's almost 2 to 4 meters! That's the kind of snowfall we had once a winter only, in Wisconsin, when I was a child. That hasn't happened since then even there due to global warming!!! PLEASE stay warm!
09/Feb/13 5:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My back is killing me today, even with methadone. I worked too hard yesterday. Unfortunately, I have a few errands to run now. And they MUST be done.
09/Feb/13 5:49 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh my...I came back to check what others were doing and saw Heidi's response to my comment....I didn't mean 6 to 12 FEET of snow, but 6-to 12 INCHES...A big difference...sorry folks.
Heidi, wish I lived closer and could help you out with those errands so you could rest that back a bit. I'm sorry you are in such pain. I watched Sully suffer with a very bad back and know some of the difficulties you fight. Hope you get some decrease in the discomfort soon.
09/Feb/13 6:16 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Okay, now I can tell you about my first rehab session. I can do everything they want me to do, so I'm a lot better off than the other people there, but I'm slow and it's very tiring. It's like doing an hour of cardio without moving your bum off your seat!! I moved pegs, I picked up sticks, I played tiddly winks, I cut up plasticene with a knife and fork, then squeezed, poked and prodded it, and I undid and then redid a row of safety pins. Not for a minute did I think that would be tiring... just goes to show. Apparently it's your brain making new pathways that is so exhausting, which is also the reason I am falling asleep in the middle of the day on other days too.
09/Feb/13 7:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, I'm so happy so much of the damage was covered!! What a relief!!

Mamacita, 6-12 inches is a lot better than 6-12 feet! Enjoy being warm and comfy..

MizT, I loved your birthday card story! A wonderful way to make people smile, and to make new friends...

Heidi, bummer about the epidural. Next time we'll make more awful wishes and maybe it will work. I think we got a bit complacent this time...

Judy, thinking of you and your rehab.

Well I'm trying to get a few things done before we go to watch Alie perform. I hope she does okay...

Forgot to tell you they want me to play Wii..
09/Feb/13 7:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh, forgot to tell you, forgot to tell hubby and Alie too... I recognised the physio lady and thought I must have just seen her around the hospital. Turns out her daughter is one of Alie's best friends!!
09/Feb/13 7:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's a small world, Suzy.
09/Feb/13 9:08 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda I am envious! I like Martin Clunes and the topic .. well.. need I say more.. the most majestic of animals.
The hot weather has meant time indoors and I've been watching catch up TV .. just finished watching Rogue Nation.. our Australian history dramatised. Must confess history never interested me much when at school compared to art, science and literature. Fascinating..
09/Feb/13 9:55 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well. :)
Suzy, when I first started rehab I wasn,t allowed to do much, because I wasn't seeing things very well on the opposite side. I thought I was FINE, but probably not ... I'm starting to realise that I may never drive again, and as I was a late starter that still makes me very sad. On the plus side, at least I know what I CAN do, and there's still quite a bit! (Even the Sudoku is improving!) I've been cleaning out my kitchen, throwing things out that I've been saving for years, clean, clean, clean (I'm SO bored!) The worst thing is the total loss of confidence, and independence, that leaves me wondering how I will manage in the future ...
09/Feb/13 10:06 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nola I am glad that you are coming up trumps with the insurers. It is always a worry.

Mama I chuckled at your retraction..6-12' is much better. Glad you are stocked up with rum and food..

Welcome back June. Glad you enjoyed your time away.

Suzy well done on your progress.. what you are doing is one of the hardest forms of work. People generally have no idea unless they have worked with or had to do the work themselves. What a small world. Enjoy the reward for all your hard work..watching Alie perform.
09/Feb/13 10:31 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Judy ..
You will do what I do... get by with a little help from your friends. I'd be lost without mine.
Worry about each day as it presents itself with its unique challenges. Solutions will be found for what may seem to be insurmountable problems ahead of you. Plans can change in a wink of an eye.. as they have done for me.

I think most have gathered how challenging I am finding things at the moment.. have now decided NOT to move in a hurry... mostly because of a neighbour [of 20 years] that I love dearly. She's been there for me through a lot of tuff times.. marital & health. She has let herself into my home and rung the doctor when I've been too sick to do so myself etc.. She is starting on another round of chemo and radiation and I've put myself on the roster. There is so little I can do to help her but I know it is a comfort to her to know that I am just across the road.. can be there in minutes.
09/Feb/13 10:47 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Stuff to do..almost out of dog food...NOT good... The youngun's are heading over to Pete's this arvo so I will have the place to myself.. BLISS!!!
Doesn't happen often enough.

Have a good weekend everyone.
09/Feb/13 10:52 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Bean, thanks for the words of wisdom, I don't often get mopey! :0
09/Feb/13 11:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Judy, I'm not the same, but I'm good enough, if you know what I mean. Well actually, I'm not good enough yet.. Some more rehab and some more stubbornly doing things because they are hard and I will be good enough. But I'll never be what I was before, and I have to be okay with that. I hope you get to the point where you can drive again - and it's only early days so it may happen. Your surgery was a lot more significant than my stroke so it is taking longer, but that doesn't mean you won't get there!
09/Feb/13 12:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Spent this morning watching Alie perform for a local radio station. One of those ones where local people, not professionals, run the shows. At one point they stopped and said something like ' for the people out there you need to know that this young lady is 16 and still in high school yet sounds like a professional'. She actually sounded kinda croaky, she thinks she may have been coming down with something.. but still good.
09/Feb/13 12:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have so much respect for you, Suzy, Bean and Judy. You are overcoming so much, yet you all seem to have such strong wills to succeed. I hope I never go through what each of you has, but if I do, I hope I have the strength and grace that you all have.
((((( HUGS )))))
09/Feb/13 3:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're months late is weaning the Spring 2012 calves, so tomorrow morning we'll be sorting them out, then taking the heifers in to the closest weighing station to weigh them. Then their buyer can finally pick them up. Then Sunday afternoon, I'll take the steers to the graded sale.I'll most likely have to make 2 trips. What a way to spend my birthday.
09/Feb/13 3:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've decided on corned beef and cabbage, with a side of blintzes for my birthday dinner. I'll have a sour cream angel food cake topped with whipped cream, blueberries and strawberries for dessert.
09/Feb/13 3:19 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Heidi, May your special day be filled with more than dealing with the cows at market, but hopefully the time will be well spent. Enjoy your birthday dinner and yummy sounding dessert.
Oh, I am getting so very forgetful.....Good Afternoon to all. The snow has fallen and has been cleaned up so that all seems to be passable outside of my house. I don't know the official amount of snow that fell, but I'm sure it was less than the 6-12 inches...perhaps about 4' as I look around. Not too bad and far from stopping things folks may want to do...All in all, the folks near me have gotten off easy..and that's a good thing.
You wonderful folks here seem to have things under control...Suzy, the brain rules the entire body, so sure to tax your strength as you go about the work of returning it to working well for you. As far as not being the person you were...that too is expected because much has happened and all changes bring about a difference...even if you hadn't had the stroke, you would have changed, but you wouldn't be as aware of the changes. Hope that makes sense to you because it does to me and I don't want to be alone in my perception ..LOL. BTW, I like the person you have become...still feisty and opinionated, yet compassionate and strong!
Judy...thinking of you and your struggle too...and its okay to feel mopey sometimes...You too are strong and compassionate and persevering...all good things to be...
I'm off to play the jigsaws...Make good use of the gift of life that we have been given all...Peace.♥
10/Feb/13 4:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The calves have been sorted away from the cows, and the older heifers sorted out from the steers and younger heifers. There are 7 heifers for the buyer to chose from... I think one might be too small for him... and 14 steers and 2 smaller heifers to take to the graded sale tomorrow. We left the youngest calves with their mothers since they're too young to wean. This will be a nice bit of money for the checking account. It'll pay the mortgages for nearly a year.
10/Feb/13 5:06 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Good morning everyone! :D
Feeling good today, and I'll head off to the Farmer's Market in a while. Thank you all for your kind thoughts - sometimes I just think too much (better than the alternative?)
Son was here for dinner yesterday, back from India and feeling sick as a dog, and today the girls are coming round for lunch - will try out my chicken skills ... :)
Hope you all have a lovely day.
10/Feb/13 8:32 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Happy Birthday Heidi, hope you have had a good day. Your birthday dinner sounds lovely,but it's a pity you have to make it yourself.
10/Feb/13 10:08 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy happy Birthday Heidi - hope you have a wonderful day and that your dinner is yummy!!
10/Feb/13 10:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Brenda.... I prefer my cooking to restaurant food most of the time. But to make it up to me, IH is taking me out tonight to our local restaurant which serves really good food. I'm all dressed to go and waiting for him to show up.
10/Feb/13 10:26 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Judy - I'm pleased to hear you more upbeat and cheerful today. Have a fun time with your family together - and I'm sure your chicken skills won't have deserted you. Keep smiling!
Mama - glad the snow wasn't too bad in your area. I just saw a photo on FB of a door opened to the outside, which was so deep in snow there was an imprint of the door and about 2 inches of air at the top. Ughh! I felt claustrophobic just looking at it!
Love and hugs to all!
10/Feb/13 10:30 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - I hope he shows up or he's going to have a gang of your cyber-friends after him!! Hehehe!
10/Feb/13 10:32 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I heard from grandaughter that daughter in CT had 32 inches of snow. That doorway Cyn mentioned was probably caused by a drift, the wind was realy blowing the snow around. You get 2.5 to 3 feet of snow and high wind, you can have some very deep drifts.

My sister was telling a snow story she remembered. Soon after daughter moved to CT, she was taking toddler granddaughter out to see her first snow. she took a step across the deck and disappeared! she had missed the steps and fallen straight down into a snowdrift.
10/Feb/13 11:10 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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10/Feb/13 11:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I think this is a me kind of avatar. Hearts for Valentine's Day and a quilt.
10/Feb/13 11:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I' back from a delightful meal. Gil had notified them this morning that it was my birthday, so when I walked into the restaurant, there was a big sign, in lights, wishing me a Happy Birthday. My jaw hit the floor, I was so astonished and delighted. They also sang ''Happy Birthday'' to me. I had some good comfort food: salsbury steak, mashed potatoes with gravy and fried apples. All were delicious. I didn't want any dessert since I'm having a nice cake tomorrow.

The 14 steers and 4 smallest heifers are going to the sale barn tomorrow afternoon, and on Monday afternoon I'm delivering the 5 biggest heifers to their new owner. He lives only 15 minutes from here.
10/Feb/13 1:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I' = I'm
10/Feb/13 1:17 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Happy Birthday, Heidi! So glad you had a lovely day. :D
10/Feb/13 5:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm pleased to know, Heidi, that Gil can sometimes be thoughtful. Sounds like a nice evening!
10/Feb/13 6:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! I tried to find out where I stopped reading yesterday, but didn't find my post. Apparently I typed it, but forgot to 'Submit.' Sorry about that!

Suzy, hang in there! I'm not surprised that you are exhausted from you therapy! You CAN do it, and it will get progressively easier if you persevere! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Welcome home, June!

Heidi, I'm sorry your epidural didn't produce the desired results! It's too bad there isn't a way to make sure that you'll receive the benefits!

Nola, it good to know that the insurance will cover much of the costs of repair/replacement will be covered! Enjoy your holiday! You certainly deserve it!

Judy, are you still doing away from home? I suppose everything you (and Suzy) do is considered therapy. Keep up the good work! We know you can do it! And don't necessarily take their word that you won't be able to drive. Your determination may trump their best guess.

Bean, you have provided some good advice based on your experiences! I'm glad you have decided not to rush into a move - and also glad you were going to have a quiet afternoon at home!

I am so proud to be a member of this page. We have so many strong, determined and independent women who lead by their example. Thank you all!

Heidi, sounds like you got a lot accomplished - and just in time for your birthday! Good for Gil for arranging a nice dinner out! Happy Birthday, Heidi!

Cyn, I was thinking the same as you, hoping that IH would show up and on time for dinner out! Good for him for following through on a promise he made!

Mama, I'm glad to hear that you didn't receive the amount of snow that was dumped on Connecticut and Massachusetts!

MizT, I hope your D in CT is doing OK with that amount of snow! I like your new (or are they old) avatars!

It's time to make my way to bed, as I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. I think of all of you every day, whether you're mentioned or not. I also miss those who don't get here as often to post. Sending {{{{{ H U G S }}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers and healing vibes for all of you!
10/Feb/13 6:10 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Suzy and Judy, both strong women, am sure you will manage your health problems.
Did IH buy you a present Heidi?
10/Feb/13 10:11 PM
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