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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Thanks, Lizzy - I'll try that if it happens again. It was about 11.30am but she's a new resident, & was probably more disorientated than normal. They said she's been quiet as a mouse but there was a singing group there - maybe the noise upset her. I remember Mum hated it when she first got there but now loves to sit and listen. I know Mum has swung her handbag at people and don't blame the poor old dear at all.
Suzy - they did stand up for me - Mum and Col - I didn't look at it that way.
05/Nov/09 5:58 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - you are as nervous about driving as I am about flying. Every now and then I go into a panic but I tell myself I won't meet all of you lovely people if I don't get on the plane!!
05/Nov/09 6:00 PM
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Cyn, that's what I say to myself about driving in Sydney. It's dumb to be nervous really - I did it for 8 years and still recognise a lot of the ways to get places..
05/Nov/09 6:03 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Flying and driving, I just realised your going to the meet in Sydney, have heaps of fun you lot.
05/Nov/09 6:08 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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will this break any record for the ammount of sa'rs getting together ???
not that I have a clue if anyone has kept a count
05/Nov/09 6:10 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Hello everyone!
Oh Cyn! What a day! But I did love how Colin went to your defense and your mum's reaction to that woman attacking you!
Tami- thank you so much for having a report re: our was great to hear she is doing OK.
Look forward to more news.
MzT - If I were you I'd be eating sweets not worms. What yucky news...but so happy about your benign biopsy. You look so lovely in hats - and as everyone has been saying, we love you just the way you are!
05/Nov/09 6:11 PM
Vibrant Vici
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June - so happy that phase one is over. I'm so excited about the lunch on Saturday - and I even get to see Zuzy's new car! When I saw Broni here in Melbourne and said "Suzy"...she immediately corrected me, "It's ZUZY!"
She and Maz are such a fun pair...funny as all get out, and big fuzzy LOVES!
Well, I'd like to hang around, but I must start packing my stuff for Sydney...probably need to bring a bit of everything...and my new stuffed Platypus! I got to see them in Healsville up close and personal - you couldn't pull me away from them! I'm going home with lots of Platypus paraphernalia! Will need a suitcase for just the Platypi
05/Nov/09 6:16 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Bless your Mum, Cyn! While they are yucky things you went through, it brought a smile to my lips when the vision of your mother coming to your defense sprang to mind. See, the love DOES get in.
Tami, I cannot thank you enough, firstly like the others said, for having the foresight to ask for a contact number re Julie, and secondly for letting us know so promptly.
Sending healing thoughts and love Julie's way.
05/Nov/09 6:18 PM
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Just a little aside here - Ebob has turned down 3 guys who have asked to take her to the formal...
05/Nov/09 6:51 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Go Ebob
wait until you can do like the
kelloggs breakfast cereal commercial
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
05/Nov/09 8:02 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hi All, no time to catch up on the comments but having a great time down here.
05/Nov/09 8:37 PM
Qld, Australia
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Vici, it is ZUSY not ZUZY!
05/Nov/09 8:39 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Suzy Zusy Zuzy
Your all gonna make me
duzzy oops dizzy
I'm all confused
05/Nov/09 8:59 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hey Vici makes me think of Mozzy and ozzy
Ha Ha Ha
05/Nov/09 9:07 PM
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Evenin' folks
Bird update: We have the birds out for a little fly and wander around most nights and we discovered something kind of fun - Tip Tap is feeding the Baby! He is regurgitating food for her. Baby is starting to fly. She can fly short distances but her aim sucks - she has been rescued from behind a few things already.
05/Nov/09 9:52 PM
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Call me anything except late for dinner!
05/Nov/09 9:54 PM
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Or Sue....
05/Nov/09 11:15 PM
Perth W Aust
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Hey Sue !!!
06/Nov/09 12:37 AM
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If Sharon was able to come to lunch tomorrow we would have had fourteen members plus family. Laura and I paid her a visit yesterday and she will be home today.
Have a relaxing weekend Rolanda.
06/Nov/09 12:59 AM
Perth W Aust
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June my love to all on Saturday... Have a great gathering.
and yes.. am planning on having a relax and unwind weekend with Hubby and friends.. lots of reading, walks, chatting..
06/Nov/09 1:15 AM
Perth W Aust
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This ittle pumpkin is heading for snoozeland.. Have to be up early,6.00am, to help hitch up the caravan to the car.
I managed to get most of the stuff packed in the Van, just need to do my clothes and a few other ittle things..
So not much to do tomorrow at all, while waiting for his nibs to get home from work.. He says around 4.00ish..
We should be at the Caravan Park around 5.00ish.
Sitting down relaxing with a glass of vino about 1/2hr later..
06/Nov/09 1:18 AM
Perth W Aust
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Catch you all on the Flip Side
06/Nov/09 1:19 AM
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Good Maen everyone!!!! I am a VERY happy camper today, the Yankees won!! WOO HOO!!!!!!! Darrell actually watched the end of the game with me, he's had pooter problems since he loaded his new tower...Trouble with viruses in the old one he didn't know about. Going out with him today, TTFN everyone!
Get well wishes for all those ailing. BTW, where is Heidi?? Haven't seen her here for a few days!
06/Nov/09 1:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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WOW, do I have big stuff to comment on!
MizT... it could always be worse. Hats are a great idea... always... and wigs for special occasions. You can have fun with different lengths and colors, even!
CynB... I, too, like to look at the good side of that awful day. Colin did come to your rescue, as well as do something about it. And in an emergency, your mother defended you. That has got to be a great feeling.
06/Nov/09 3:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy/ Zusy.... That's fascinating info on Tip Tap and Tim Tam. Tim Tam was obviously sold too young, and Tip Tap proved himself to be a chivalrous gentleman. They're gonna be inseparable.
06/Nov/09 3:20 AM
Mamacita 2
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Jumping in without reading to give a congratulations to all of the New York Yankee fans who may be here....Good Series with the wrong outcome as far as I am concerned, but when the bats stop hitting and the pitching doesn't hold up, and the other team plays very well..this is what I get...a long face and a wait until next year...but I'm still proud of my Fighting Phillies...they hung in as long as they could! Now to go change avatars and to catch up on several days reading to see if I can get back in the loop. Suzanne, check your you can collect on your winning bet! Peace.
06/Nov/09 4:01 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all,
Cyn,so nice to hear that your Mum stood up for you.You don't need another day like that in a hurry. cute that TipTap is playing Dad.Ohhhhh
I can imagine how you feel driving in Sydney which isn't that familiar anymore.Take care and have a great time. nice of you to host the get together.Have a fantastic day all of you going.
06/Nov/09 4:26 AM
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Morning all!
I'm watching the old lady through the window. She is reaching under the white rope I have protecting my fruit trees to get the juicy grass that is behind it. I don't blame her, it does look delicious, but if she touches my trees....grrrr...
Speaking of grrrr.... Rolanda....
06/Nov/09 5:52 AM
Mamacita 2
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Well I have finished reading many pages and looking at lots of great pictures...I've tried to take some notes in hopes that I can recall what I want to say.....Here goes...
Susan and Rolanda, your guys are doing so well...I know how proud you both must be.
Rola, Prayers are continuing for your mum's health and treatments, and as been said, take care of yourself...may the camping be as relaxing as dreamed about.
CynB, please pass on my belated birthday wishes to Lachlan. I'm sorry you had such a rotten day at the hands of others, but as others have said, the priceless defense by Colin and your mum, for you, had to supersede the thoughtlessness by the others. Count the blessings, forgive the actions of others whenever possible.
Heidi, I too have been keeping my dentist pretty busy recently, but you have far more replacements than I, to deal with...good luck. Glad you have also found a good dentist to do your work...its just so frustrating that work sent to the labs usually is not up to standards the first time....better luck on the 19Th.
06/Nov/09 6:05 AM
Mamacita 2
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MizT, You have been doing so well sticking to your new eating plan and losing weight....good on you. I was hoping you didn't lose so much that we wouldn't be able to find you if you turned sideways.....don't want that...however, please don't stress the hair loss..I too lost hair. It was a great big circle at the back of my head and I didn't know it until my hairdresser told me...I used Rogaine, and the hair grew back quickly, and no weight was gained. Of course I didn't like the idea of hair loss so I know how you feel, but as others said, you can always buy hair in lots of styles and colors...and use hats this too shall pass...but cry for what was all you want to....we understand!!!
Brenda, glad to hear that you and Richard are enjoying your holiday in our country....hope it continues to be pleasurable and you have lots of good memories.
Tami, Give the boys a hug for me and thank them for supporting my team....and thanks so much for being on top of the Julie Update.
To all of the rest not specifically mentioned, you are not forgotten and know that my prayers for good health, complete recovery, safe travel, and lots of goods times and of course peace always includes all of you...even the lurkers who just read our comments. May yesterday be cherished and tomorrow be desired, but not sought after to the exclusion of the here and now! Peace.
06/Nov/09 6:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Does anybody know when Julie comes home? She probably said when, but I have a memory like a sieve.
I had a busy night last night. I bought a young pair of Grey Peacock Pheasants, and they were shipped Tuesday afternoon. They left Louisville for Elizabethtown (1/2 hour from me) around 9 pm yesterday, and arrived in Elizabethtown at nearly midnight. I had told a postal employee there to call me as soon as they arrived there, which he did. I drove up there to get the birds at 12:20 and had them back here by 1:30 in the morning. No, the Post Office was NOT open. They let me in the employees entrance in the rear.
06/Nov/09 7:02 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi Suzy and Mamacita,and of course anyone else around.
06/Nov/09 7:04 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Beautiful looking bird Heidi,I have never seen one before.
06/Nov/09 7:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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These 2 were born this year, so they don't have all their markings yet. They only have the spots on the tails so far.
06/Nov/09 7:32 AM
Stevenage UK
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Hi all, I've had two days posting to catch up on. We left Pompano Beach yesterday for a three/four day trip to the Keys.On Tuesday Richard booked places to stay. Last night we stayed just south of Key Largo. We had a two bedroomed suite (Richard's cousin is with us) which had a huge 7ft wide bed. It was rediculously large. We are now in Key West and again have a two bedroomed suite but the beds are more normal size though still bigger than the one we have at home. Just having a rest right now before going exploring.
06/Nov/09 7:55 AM
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Back again. The girls are gone and hubby is still asleep - with cold symptoms! I had better not wake up sick tomorrow!
Third day of rain here, but I'm not going to complain as some areas are on flood watch - including Coffs Harbour - thinking of you!
06/Nov/09 7:57 AM
Stevenage UK
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Lots of things I need to comment on but cannot remember them all. Hope everyone is feeling well or better
MizT good news and bad news but hopefully a good outcome will be on the cards.
Cyn, I too thought it was really lovely that Col and especially your mum stood up for you.
Hope Julie is doing ok.
Everyone going to Sydney for the get together with Vici have a wonderful time.
Suzy enjoy your new car.
Crafts has got me now.
06/Nov/09 8:00 AM
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Hi Brenda, people in the Keys must really not get along to need a 7 ft wide bed! I hope you are having a great time and are not tooo hot.
06/Nov/09 8:01 AM
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oooo I really need to get my mind out of the gutter - I just thought of another reason they might have 7ft beds...
06/Nov/09 8:07 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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The very tall basketball players must have to get a bed especially made for them.Nice to know they have a motel with beds big enough to accommodate them in Florida. hehe
I wish we could get some of the rain.I have lost the grape vine which was about 14 yrs old.Just forgot about it and noticed yesterday that it was dead.Never did get many grapes anyway.
Enjoy Key West Brenda.
06/Nov/09 8:31 AM
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