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Magnolia, KY
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It was so nice working the cows today. We did nearly everything my way for a change, and everyone agreed that it was the easiest time we ever had. And the cattle were all in good moods.
07/Nov/09 2:23 PM
Magnolia, KY
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COME ON OUT, Tami! I saved you from getting a second TOPP.
07/Nov/09 2:33 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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June, thank you.
What more can I say?
I think it will be an earlyish night tonight, very tired after the drive up yesterday, I might even get in a late nanna nap.
My sister (where I am staying) is having a dinner party for a few of her friends and I will be joining them.
07/Nov/09 6:41 PM
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Evening all!
What a wonderful time I had. Thank you so much for organising it June. It was great to see everyone!
Off I go to the show...
07/Nov/09 7:31 PM
Qld, Australia
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Where is everyone? Posted on Easy! What a great time I have had. Vici is one hell of a chick! Would not have missed this for the world.
07/Nov/09 9:18 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Broni, Suzi & Gail.
Great to hear you all had a great time.
I hope you did not get all the rain we have been having up here on the Mid North Coast.
Thanks for the pics on your page June.
When do you all return to your homes?
07/Nov/09 9:40 PM
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I'm home Viv. And been to a show - Tripod... we left as soon as the show was over because hubby was really too sick to go. He had suggested I take one of the girls instead, boy am I glad I didn't!! Not a show for them!
I hope your 8" of rain have run off really well, because that is a LOT of rain!
07/Nov/09 9:56 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hey Viv, there is life out there!
Liz returns tomorrow and leaves the same time as me and cous 3pm. Gail is driving us to the aiport. Vici leaves late Monday and Bluey and Dan should be taking her to the airport me tinks. Lots more but has been a long day.
07/Nov/09 9:56 PM
Qld, Australia
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Wow Zusy, hope you had a good time.
07/Nov/09 9:57 PM
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Falling asleep sitting up... night all - back tomorrow...
07/Nov/09 10:02 PM
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I did Broni, laughed so hard my face hurts - of course it was already a bit sore after today...
07/Nov/09 10:04 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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And I will be driving home on Monday!
Getting the chance to spend some quality time with my oldest sister. This morning we had a lovely time talking about Mum, and yes, a few kleenex were needed. I have just said my goodnights to her dinner guests, and after a lovely lunch, then a three-course meal tonight, I am stuffed!
Goodnight everyone. Sweet dreams.
07/Nov/09 10:56 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Posted this on Easy but will re-post here because I've got matchsticks keeping my eyes open and I still want to post some pics!
What a fantastic day! It was so wonderful to meet the glorious and vibrant Vici! And the added bonus was to meet Suzy, June and her family, Gail, Lizzy, Bluey and her husband, Ian and Anne, Kate and Leia as well as catch up with Broni & Maz and Kathi and Rob. Not to mention k (Kerrie) who chatted to me so I didn't think of my fear of flying and guided Karin & I through the Sydney public transport system. And a lovely chat to Keith on Skype.
Thanks for organising a wonderful day, June. And thanks to Bluey and Dan for driving us back to the airport, not going through the Harbour tunnel and taking us over the Bridge and past the Opera House.
Nobody seeing us all today would ever have guessed that most of us had never met in person before.
07/Nov/09 10:57 PM
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I have had a bit of a snooze putting Laura to bed. Thanks for all the comments. I have also had a fabulous day. Will try and get some more photos up tomorrow. It was great to meet up with both sudokuists I had met before and some I had not.And best of all as to finally meet up with Vici.
I was so pleased Sharon was able to be with us today as she only came home yesterday..
07/Nov/09 11:24 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning everyone. Glad to hear a good time was had by all. I will check out the pictures shortly.
Heidi, lots of baby calves due, that is a good thing. I would have posted after you "saved" me but I was already asleep.
Don't remember anything else I read. I will be back later.
08/Nov/09 1:20 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gooday all.
So glad you all had a fabulous time at June's get together.Wish I could have been there to.
Heidi...will you keep all of the cows since the vet could have missed a pregnancy?Glad it was a breeze to get all the stuff done on them. did the new car go and did you find the traffic ok?
All the family went to Bargara Beach yesterday for lunch.It was lovely to see the 5 grandies playing in the water and just being together.
08/Nov/09 3:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, I will be keeping the 3 that the Vet said were not preggers. I plan on turning them back in with the bull next week when I have time to sort them out of the herd.
It took a full hour LESS than it normally does to work the herd.
08/Nov/09 3:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I need to get in the shower, then get going. Our Lion's Club is having our annual Chili Supper today, and I have the key to the building. I have to be there early to open up, help decorate and help cook.
08/Nov/09 3:51 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Ohhh,a chilli supper sounds yum!Enjoy Heidi.
08/Nov/09 4:12 AM
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Morning all!
Heidi, I was trying to imagine our local Lions Club having a chili supper, and can't! Chili is an exotic dish down this way...
Nola, the new car did a great job! My drive was much more relaxing because I was completely extravagant and bought the GPS. It was soooo good! Of course that may mean I don't get my new bathroom cabinet for a while longer....
08/Nov/09 6:05 AM
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June, it was amazing that both Sharon and Ken made it! One just home, the other didn't even get to go home first! I have passed on the tips Ken gave me to Ebob and she was walking around the house practicing them. After her exams I will have to get her out in the yard and catch for her. Tell Ken the cheques in the mail!
08/Nov/09 6:10 AM
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A few people asked me yesterday when I went frizzy. I told hubby and the girls when I got home. The girls laughed and hubby gave me a look. My hair always frizzes!!! Especially when it is about to rain, is raining, has rained, will rain one day...
08/Nov/09 6:17 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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The gps is a great gadget Suzy.I couldn't get around Brisbane without it.
I had a chuckle about your hair.
Mine does exactly the same thing so I hate the humidity.
08/Nov/09 6:44 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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We have had some rain finally,but not as much as down south which is flooding.It goes from one extreme to the other.
08/Nov/09 6:45 AM
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Morning Nola
I'm glad you got some rain but not enough to flood!
We have sun today which means the swishy thing will be running a bit.
08/Nov/09 7:26 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello All...Hope you party goers have been able to catch up on your rest just a bit...glad all went so well. That's what its all about...wonderful relationships...people do need people!
Pretty fall day here and Jazz wants to go play so I'll see you all again when I return. Peace.
08/Nov/09 7:34 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I just got off the phone with Julie. I called her earlier and hubby told me he was on his way upstairs, call back in 10 minutes, so I did. She sounds fabulous. She is in a lot less pain. They have had her out of bed but she cannot support her weight yet. She needs the pain block to wear off more first. She will stay in the hospital for a few more days, not sure exactly how many, and then will move to a rehab facility. She will be in rehab for 10 days-2 weeks. She should be back on line before November is over. She was glad to hear that all is going well. She said she misses everyone and can't wait to get back online.
08/Nov/09 7:58 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Wonderful news from Julie.Please send her my well wishes Tami,and thanks for letting us know.
08/Nov/09 8:08 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning lovely people.
Can't stay - busy again today with a family reunion of sorts.
Have posted some pics of the party on my page for anyone interested, sure there will be many more posted before long.
June - it was wonderful that Sharon could come yesterday and stay so long. I hope she didn't overdo it. I hope Ken got some good sleep last night. It was nice to meet Belinda and finally to meet the lovely Laura, after watching her grow up in pictures these last few years.
08/Nov/09 8:17 AM
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Great news Tami. Thank you for doing that for us! The post-op stuff is a lot different in the US to here. My mother's friend was weight bearing within a few hours, home in a few days. Rehab was visits to an outpatient thing. Watching her walk now I think your way of doing it is better.
08/Nov/09 8:27 AM
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Guess what I have under my mouse?
08/Nov/09 8:32 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Me too, Suzy! - under my mouse, I mean!
Did you see the pics I posted, You're in a few of them - people will see what you look like now!
I have a nice one of you and I that I didn't post but will email to you when I get time to resize it. I was too exhausted last night to resize too many of them.
We had a lovely amusing drive back to the airport with Bluey and Dan - they even drove us across the Harbour bridge instead of through the tunnel, round past Circular Quay and the Opera House on our way - Karin got some good shots on her camera. Flight home was okay but, boy, did we make a bumpy landing! We flew down on Qantas and home on Virgin Blue - still Qantas for me, I'm afraid.
08/Nov/09 8:51 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good evening all! I'm so happy, and jealous, that your get-together at June's was great!
With the time change, recuperating from the trips to new jersey, twice, the world series (with Yankees winning, Yeah!), my Aunt dying (on the other side of the country, so I couldn't attend the funeral, but talked to my mom a lot since she was her last surviving sister) and FB and the games there eating up all my time, I haven't been here. But since so many of you are on FB, I hear what's going on. As pathetic as it may seem, you guys are my only friends! I'll have to do better to keep up!
08/Nov/09 10:45 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Loved seeing all of the pics from the various gatherings! You guys look like you had a lot of fun!
08/Nov/09 11:02 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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MizT, I hope everything has sorted itself out regarding your bathroom. I hope that your health is good and that your loss of hair turns out to be something simple, like caused by the meds(which happened to me), or something like that.
08/Nov/09 11:06 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Tami, thank you for keeping us updated on Julie. I was worried and I'm glad to hear that everything went well. Thoughts and prayers still bing sent your way, Julie.♥
08/Nov/09 11:07 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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I can't remember what else, so I hope everyone has a great day/night!
08/Nov/09 11:09 AM
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Gail came and picked up Broni and Maz and they have gone to join Vici, Liz, Kathi and Rob for lunch in the city. I have Laura so could not join them. I have put up some more photos on my page. What a great time we had!!
08/Nov/09 11:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm baaaaack.....
for the updates on Julie.
GREAT photos CynB. I wish I had been there, too.
08/Nov/09 12:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I am exhausted. The Chili Supper went better than I expected. I didn't expect much. The newspaper messed up our announcements... wrong date.... and vandals took down a lot of our posters and flyers. We still made a little money towards our scholarship.
08/Nov/09 12:21 PM
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