Sudokuaholics Anonymous 5

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Good nite, Cyn, and sweet dreams, time to get back to me chores , hope to have them finished before lunch time!
04/Sep/08 11:25 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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MizT - I used to be very organised right up to when I turned 50 and now I couldn't organise my way out of a paper bag!
Night, Vici!
04/Sep/08 11:26 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Heidi, yes, I am lucky. My house was NOT organized the night I broke my ankle! I could not manage on the crutches, something about the pain meds and balancing on them just would not work! should have seen me trying to cook while sitting in my rolling desk chair, before a neighbor loaned me his Mom's wheel chair!
04/Sep/08 11:28 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Good Luck with bribery Heidi!

You are a gal after my own heart, another crocs wearer! Love my crocs, and I must order another pair, as I have worn the treads off this pair.
04/Sep/08 11:30 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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I Just LUV this Site. Nite sisters.From the cheeky furry little nosy devil.
04/Sep/08 11:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... the first time I broke my ankle was in the 4th of July in '99. Playing volleyball with a group of friends,who, like me, consider volleyball to be a contact sport. At home I had 2 litters of puppies... 4 1/2 weeks old. I had to bring them all inside, them feed them all, THEN go to the ER. It was a nightmare on a broken leg.

Pleasant dreams, eaa!
04/Sep/08 11:46 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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OH HEIDI, nite I broke my foot I did good just getting into the car for trip to ER. I could not put any weight in that foot!

We were going to visit neighbors when I fell in thier front parking area. I stepped in a small hole, and over I went.

Have you ever noticed how most people, first thing when someone falls, they want to get you UP and on your feet again? This neighbor did. Gee, once you are down, you not going to go anywhere or do any more damage lying there. Might do a lot of damage getting up. hubby knew not to get me up, till he checked out what was wrong. When I cried out as he took off my sock, we both knew something was sort of wrong! Took almost 3 months off that foot for it to heal as i had both sprains and broken bones, not fun. When I do something I do it right.

04/Sep/08 11:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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SUCCESS! I caught 'em. Bribery is a great tool to use with overly playful horses.
05/Sep/08 12:00 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I do too eaa lubberley friend with the furry is rather obvious I think.

Aha .... yet another thing we do almost identically Tricia.... I really am your twin but born in a different time continuum..... [been watching too much Dr Who..] should see my too Vici...I get such a buzz when I cross things off.

[I do hate it when I add things to the list after I've completed them just so I can cross them off......only do that when the productivity is really low to boost the morale..] Why am I telling you if you don't think [know?] that I'm bonkers....someone is probably ringing the men in white coats....
05/Sep/08 12:00 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Glad to hear that a bit of bribery worked Heidi...
05/Sep/08 12:02 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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And now this old chook is going to bid you all... ...catch you on the flip side..
05/Sep/08 12:04 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Vici... fortunately the upstairs bathroom (the one which was getting the rennovations) is still in working order. Downstairs one was being floor tiled first until we found the problem Now it is being renovated too. Heating boiler is being installed on Monday. Not sure when the bathroom window is being replaced,hopefully at the beginning of next week too.
05/Sep/08 12:06 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, I have missed out on what tests etc you have had, I assume something to do with moles, so I'm pleased for you that biopsies have come back with a good result
05/Sep/08 12:09 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Following you to bed Bean!
Just uploaded a whole new batch of fungi photos (no, not tree men, the mushroom type!). I had mentioned it waaaay back and had a gentle reminder tonight from Colleen about them. All welcome to have a squizz.
05/Sep/08 12:11 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Meant to say, Heidi, glad you got those nags in again!
Wongerful what a little bribery can achieve.
05/Sep/08 12:16 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Leave you all with a crock pic (haha!) as I go off for the day. Sorry I missed the DUGs...Chili Beanie - I, too, write stuff on my list that I have completed, just so I can cross it off.
Those men in white coats are going to have a tough time catching ALL of us!
05/Sep/08 12:41 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Down Under Girls!
Heidi - Bribery! Love it! - smarter than your average bear!
Brenda - hope your renno zips along. keeping good thoughts for you.
MzT - breaking your foot - now that'll keep you off your feet and out of your crocks!
OK - off I go - hugs all!
05/Sep/08 12:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Here come the white jackets with extra long sleeves.
05/Sep/08 12:48 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Looks like I missed you all. Put Laura to bed and went to sleep beside her. She was sick and had a temperature today to add to my concerns. She loves frozen smoked salmon (expensive tastes) and had eaten all but a mouthful of 220gm (about 4 1/2 oz)pack since Sunday and after being sick since lunch time today decided the bit left would 'make her tummy stop rumbling'. I could think of nothing worse to eat aftter being sick but she has not been sick since eating it!
05/Sep/08 1:06 AM
   mariana  From utah
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what a time june! when it rains it pours. it is all coming at you at once isn't it. just think, everything might simmer down at the same time son you can go on vacation again! you might need it!
05/Sep/08 1:33 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Oh June bad enough having your daughter in hospital but to have your granddaughter being sick too. Things can't get much better.
How is Sharon doing?
05/Sep/08 3:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Things can't get BETTER? I thought the expression was "It can't get much worse"? And it can ALWAYS get worse.

Poor little Laura. She's really having a rough time of it.
05/Sep/08 3:53 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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put things on the list after I do it, just so I can cross it off hehehe!

Today I must add a really big item to my list and mark it off, spending 2 hours at the bank. I went online this morning to pay a bill, checked bank balance and I HAD A NEGATIVE BALANCE!! And a huge charge for airline tickets that we did not purchase. cleaned out my account and then some!!

Someone, somewhere used my check card, and my check card has never left my hot little hand! AAAAAAAAAG. This is a nightmare and we did not get it resolved this morning, and no promise of when it will be resolved. May I scream again? AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHH.
05/Sep/08 5:59 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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No MizT!!!! I keep hearing about that sort of thing happening, but this is the first time it has happened to someone I know - confirmation that it is true and not just some hype. Wish I didn't have confirmation! OMG I hope it can be fixed!!!
05/Sep/08 6:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A calming cuppa to quiet the nerves.

Are you sure it wasn't an online purchase MizT? Over here we keep hearing about little devices attached to ATM machines which collect all your info. The info is then transferred to a fake card. Can't remember all the technical names...

No more speculating! The bank will sort it out. They're used to this stuff happening and will work it out - even if they need pushing!!
05/Sep/08 6:18 AM
   mariana  From utah
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yikes mizt! that is a nightmare. make some good friends at the bank! then they have to be extra helpful! on the plus side, if you need to be cheered up just open the freezer and gaze at all your hard work and preparedness. i hope you have an appetite to eat all this great food you've been whipping up. surgery has a way of making everything unsavory.
05/Sep/08 6:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, the only encouraging thing I can think to say is at least you don't have time to worry too much about Sharon. Not very encouraging is it?
05/Sep/08 6:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Picky picky Heidi! We knew what she meant...

Chasing escaped horses.... mmmm.... just another day on the Heidi-farm. Rather you than me! Though I did help catch a widdle horse on the road here a while ago. Was very proud of myself!
05/Sep/08 6:30 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi - why am I not surprised that when you broke your ankle you first fed 2 litters of puppies before taking care of yourself???
05/Sep/08 6:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, did you read the same story I did about walking improving memory and staving off alzheimers? I think the article said it took 2.5 hours a week for the over 50's. What do you think about my theory - I'm under 50, I'm walking about 12 hours a week at the moment, so I should soon develop a photographic memory!
05/Sep/08 6:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Yep, can't post the same thing twice... trying again...

On my own again
I don't want to be on my own again..
05/Sep/08 6:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... MizT just won the worst nightmare in the group award. MY GOD!!!! How awful!!! Is there any paper trail left by the thief? Such as name and address of the person who used the tickets? I thought airlines kept records of that kind of stuff now. And I thought banks were federally insured against theft?

Had another critter added to the family today. Several months ago, our local Postmaster found a 2 or 3 week old kitten that someone had thrown out. All it's siblings were dead. The various employees took turns bottle feeding him, and made sure he got great care and loving. He would visit with everyone who came into the Post Office, and loved everybody. Today, the district Postal Inspector paid them a visit and blew his top when he saw the kitten. He gave them 1 hour to get rid of the kitten. They called me. "Raleigh" is now learning to adjust to my place. He is such a sweetie.
05/Sep/08 7:12 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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YES, Heidi, I am not surprised that the post office knows to phone you to come get the kitty. Good luck with him.

Well, all the bank lady could tell me was when the tickets were bought. Sunday at 5:03 AM. Did not clear the bank till last night. The fraud department will be looking in to this, so maybe they can find who and where. Whomever it was probably flew using a fake ID, and have dissapeared forever into the great masses.

Since I have got home, I have been thinking, it could be the bank that got hacked! Our local bank lady was trying again and again to phone the fraud department, and was on hold forever. sounds like they were mighty busy! It is not unheard of for a bank to be hancked these days, it has happened.

We do some limited online purchases, hubby orders computer parts for the ones he works on. Those charges I am not as worried about, computer companies have geeks who encript thier info and they check hourly to be sure noone attempting to gain access. I do use my bank card locally instead of writing checks, so the grocery or the pharmacy could have been breached, I just do not know. I will get the money restored, just not sure when.

05/Sep/08 7:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That district postal inspector is a spoil sport! Thank goodness they knew to call you Heidi!

MizT, what will you do in the mean time???

I am very nervous about buying things online. I tried to get a low limit credit card just for that and was told I had to take whatever limit they gave me. If they thought I was capable of managing $5000, that's what I would get, even though I only wanted a few hundred. Solved that by getting one of those cards that draw directly from a bank account, and keeping the amount of money in that bank account at around what I wanted to be able to use online. Of course that doesn't protect me from the zillion other ways criminals can get at your money, but it made me feel better....
05/Sep/08 7:45 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Oh, MizT, I hope they straighten out your account quickly! I had a similar experience about a year ago. I started getting some mysterious charges on my credit card bills. Whoever stole my credit card number (I never lost the card itself) was smart enough to make small purchases that they thought I'd overlook. However, since I check my monthly statements with a fine-tooth comb (and save all my charge receipts), I caught them immediately. I was issued a new credit card and have had no problems since. Later I read in the local newspaper that one of the restaurants that we frequent was the source of credit card fraud. Apparently, one of their waitstaff was copying the credit card numbers down and selling them to a gang in Nigeria. This is why many restaurants now bring a credit-card-swipe machine right to your table so that your card never leaves your sight. I'm sure this was how my card was compromised. Just to be safe, however, I've stopped using my credit card for online shopping - I just use PayPal.
05/Sep/08 7:56 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hello Everyone.... MizT, I'm so sorry that you have been caught up in the credit theft,and know how frustrating trying to straighten out the mess left behind...I certainly hope things get cleared up as quickly as possible. Hope the stress doesn't create more problems as you approach your surgery date.BTW, I see why you and Al work together as you being a Gemini and he a Virgo....both are very much alike in many ways...but where they differ...oh boy! How do I know????? D is Virgo and of course I'm the
05/Sep/08 8:05 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I feel like the cat on the hot tin roof. Very nervy worrying about Laura still have the temp. Refuses to take any panadol. I was going to have an easy day today with Laura in childcare but that is not to be. Will ring Sharon soon to find out what to do. She is drinking so hoping not to have her dehydrating.
Also worry about getting her reflux medicine out of balance.
05/Sep/08 8:08 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, what a nightmare. One you did not need at the moment. Hope it does not take too long to get the money restored to your account.
05/Sep/08 8:10 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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05/Sep/08 8:14 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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05/Sep/08 8:14 AM
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