Welcome to my shack.
Grab a couch, glass of cool tapwater,
and watch the birds or read a book. I'll be back in a while. There's some frozen curry in the fridge, or salad greens and herbs in the garden. Might find a bottle of sav blanc in the pantry....Enjoy!!!
Attractive, symmetrical tree 10-20m tall, occurring on Cumberland Plain in dry, clay or rocky soils. Naturalised in area where it may have been planted as a street tree, although it may also coincide with the limestone flora known at Grose Vale 'bends'. Flowering summer, large bell-shaped flowers followed by woody boat-shaped follicles 4-7cm long. Kurrajong comes from Dharuk garrajuŋ "fishing line", as fishing lines were made from kurrajong bark. There is some confusion about this as Hibiscus heterophyllus is also the main fibre-producing species in the area.