jamie from aggieland texas

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   Jill  From Richfield, Ohio
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Hi again Jamie! Just wanted you to start page 6 with a smile!
28/Jul/07 11:49 AM
Christina  From San Antonio, Texas
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Was surprised to get a bunch of emails. Playing Sudoku can take up a lot of time, especially the tougher puzzles. I love checking out the photos though.

I had to go to the eye doctor yesterday and my eyes were dilated. So what does the weather do, but turn sunny and dry after weeks of daily rain. The one day I wanted it to be really cloudy, it wasn’t.

Hope you has a nice day.
29/Jul/07 4:26 AM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Hey Jamie
It was great meeting you in the chatroom this evening.
Hope to do it again soon.
I am now going to view your pics.
29/Jul/07 11:25 AM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Jamie--I have fallen in great like with Gus.
That is the gift you give to the person who has everything.
I loved your pictures.
29/Jul/07 11:53 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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jamie, thanks for dropping by. Now you have a new message, too. . My one&only son is jamie, too. A good name.
29/Jul/07 8:45 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Gus looks great Jamie, but where is his bathing suit? Hope all is well with you and your family. How are your Mom and Dad? Cheers!
30/Jul/07 7:13 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Isn't the whole countryside a giant pool by now?
30/Jul/07 7:36 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Jamie..I was looking for him to be in speedos.....,but he looks cute...not! lol, he looks like Gus!
30/Jul/07 10:31 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Gus is all set for the Beach..

Hope all is well.
How are your MIL and your Dad ..

must be your wedding anniversary coming up soon!! your #24. seem to recall it was this time of the year.
30/Jul/07 10:41 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh Jamie, Forgot to tell you that the priest that we called will start in September....everyone is looking forward to it. We have gotten nothing but rave reviews from many who know him....I think we did a great job,and have been blessed to have chosen a person well qualified to do the job. I am glad we didn't run into problems like you...there were a few up hill battles, but for the most part, it all went well! Our Interim and his preparation had a lot to do with the overall success! We are truly fortunate to have had this Priest. He made life much easier for all of us to accept the changes that will come. Wish you better luck this go round!
30/Jul/07 10:46 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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30/Jul/07 2:09 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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In the meantime - Los Angeles had 3'' total from July through June. Normal is around 18'' It could well be a very wicked fire season there.

We've been fairly normal. I lived in Gatesville, about 45 years ago when my husband was stationed at Fort Hood. Hated the humididty. It would cool down to 99 to rain. Ich!
30/Jul/07 2:16 PM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Love Gus' attire.
Heard through the grapevine that you have a celebration today.
Happy anniversary and many more.
31/Jul/07 4:04 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Jamie, glad you enjoyed Graceland. Was going to be there tomorrow but changed our trip, will go there in October instead. We had so much rain earlier in the summer but have not had any in 3 weeks now, could really use some now. Back to a normal Oklahoma summer. Any more trips planned for the summer?
06/Aug/07 1:34 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Hi Jamie
sounds like you have had a great summer break. Gus is certainly ready for some beach fun ..... but where is his cossie?
14/Aug/07 11:18 AM
   Kate  From TX
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Hi Jamie, I'm sure I missed it somewhere in the postings but would you mind telling me the story of Gus? How did you come to have him? Do other people bring stuff for him to wear? What do your neighbors think of him, etc? I get a big kick out of all the pictures of him. He's a hoot and a holler! I do like the idea of 'landscaping' around him with tropical plants and such. Maybe a rain forest. you can buy outdoor showers at Target for $89.
http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/sr=1-1/qid=1187057709/ref=sr_1_1/602-2326353-4417467?ie=U TF8&asin=B000OKRBOE

also check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorilla
14/Aug/07 12:16 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks for your well-wishes for my hubby's birthday. Whether he wants to admit it or not, I think he got quite a kick receiving birthday greetings from all over the world.
15/Aug/07 9:30 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Thanks for dropping over to visit moi, Demis Roussos is one of my favourite artists.
Oh and BTW the party has been moved over to Linda's page, I'm sure she won't mind if you just dropped in to make sure we all behave this time. LOL.
See ya there.
16/Aug/07 1:38 PM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Hey Jamie, glad you visited my page. Thanks for stopping by. It's fun that you finished off one page and began another!

Loved your pictures of Alaska. I'd love to go there someday.
16/Aug/07 2:43 PM
Scrappingmami  From Illinois USA
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Hey Jamie, thank you for visiting my page, I, too, am a teacher, just beginning my first year of retirement. I have developed some serious health issues that have forced me to leave my classroom and stay at home now. This does seem to be a very welcoming site with such a diverse population of people!
16/Aug/07 11:08 PM
Fishing Guy  From Kent, OH, USA
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Hi Jamie Thanks for the visit. I do have a brother-in-law and family in Hutto. We visited him two years ago on his 50th. The area certainly has exploded. I was in Austin about 15 years ago for work. I was there for one week a month for about a year. I would run over to Hutto when I had a free weekend and was surprised as to how there were so many changes and new roads being built.
16/Aug/07 11:17 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Jamie, Thanks for stopping by...you know, I hadn't realized how many of my pictures were of the ladies....oh well what can I say...Yes, we rule...thanks for the kind words....Hope all goes well and we will be wishing you happy retirement before you know it....but be prepared....you will, after a short break, become even busier than now...be careful of what you wish for....you just may get it! Peace.
18/Aug/07 11:06 AM
Christina  From San Antonio, Texas
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Thanks for your concern. Yes, we have had a ton of rain this year. Erin is barely out of here (but still drawing storms from the gulf) but authorities are already preparing for Mean Dean (Weather Forecaster’s name for the Hurricane). The Red Cross has one shelter open right now for those who have flood water in their homes, but next week they will probably be opening a lot of shelters for folks from Brownsville and/or the TX coast. I am hoping Dean heads for Mexico’s desert where few people live.
18/Aug/07 1:23 PM
   Kate  From TX
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I LOVE the Gus story! Just keep updating with pictures. You flatterer, you, Gabi is my granddaughter. And she is just great.
Are y'all getting lots of rain? The usually 'dead by this time' foliage looks great! I've never seen green in August. But it is very steamy.
Gearing up for school to start. We have a new principal and new assistant principal at my school and the district has an interim superintendent. Never a dull moment in a small Texas town school district. How's the start of school going for you?
18/Aug/07 2:33 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Jamie! How goes it with you? Did you chack out the past party on Linda's (Minn) page? I have decorated her front lawn with an ornament to rival Gus, the purloined Willie Walleye statue from Baudette, Minn. (Painted it pink to disguise it, but nothing can come close to Gus!) Cheers!
19/Aug/07 7:38 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Just read the Gus story on Kate's page. What a great gift and keepsake. You'll enjoy the next set of decorations from the school gang I'm sure. Now if you decide to downsize after retirement, where will you put Gus?
19/Aug/07 7:44 AM
   Rayray  From Yorkshire
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Thanks for your nice comment about my raunchy romantic story. I don't usually put words together like that, but I felt the story had a balancing function. I am enjoying the site including your own contributions.
19/Aug/07 9:24 AM
aone  From adelaide
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thanks for visiting, jamie, and thanks 4 the welcom!
19/Aug/07 7:09 PM
   Vera  From Alexandria, Egypt
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Hi, Jamie!
Thank you for explanation of the beginning of the school time.
I had no idea that it was different from state to state.
Just looked through you pictures. They are wonderful: All, your family, dog, nature, and flowers. And that gorillas' statue just hilarious.
As it is my first visit to your page, I brought some cake and flowers for you and your guests.
Feel free to come and visit my page at any time.

22/Aug/07 2:08 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Jsmie, I was surprised to see your post this morning. When do you start back to school (for your second last year!!)?
05/Sep/07 12:48 AM
   Kate  From TX
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Jamie, I know how busy school start can be but you never answered my post to you from 8-18, no problem, but I'm thinking that Gus needs to have a "back to school" outfit on. You see, "you are responsible for what you tame." (from the "Little Prince.")
16/Sep/07 2:23 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Jamie, don't work too hard! Stay in touch.
28/Sep/07 6:24 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well Jamie! You actually posted today. You must have lots of spare time! How goes all, and are you and yours surviving?
13/Oct/07 9:02 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Its so great to have you dropping in so often even though I know how busy you have been. Its such a shame we can't all be on at the same time but I suppose, if we were, we'd never be able to get on, the 'server is having a nervous breakdown'!
26/Oct/07 7:53 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Jamie. Waiting patiently to see Gus in his Halloween splendor!
27/Oct/07 4:59 AM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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hi jamie
how nice to have a fellow teacher on the site. in australia we have 4 terms in a year, and our big holidays are over Christmas, so while you are gearing up for a busy year, we are in the mad rush of final assessments and end of year festivities. i sympathise with your school computer changes. our server at school just had a massive meltdown and we lost ALL our school documents going back forever. the back up fried too, so we are all very busy starting again and checking thumb drives etc for stuff we can retrieve! the good thing is that we are updating a lot of things as we go, so i guess there is always some good in things that happen! what grade do you teach? hope you have a lovely wekend and are refreshed to face the coalface again on monday!
27/Oct/07 7:09 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Jamie, glad you are finally dressing Gus up again. I was wondering when you would get around to it. I've seen you post quite a bit in the last week, and lkeeping very late hours. Is this how you prepare yourself for retirement? Take care and stay smiling!
28/Oct/07 5:26 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Super job, Jamie! Kinda hard to walk him from door to door around the neighborhood, isn't it? lol
28/Oct/07 5:54 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh Jamie, Gus has out done himself ROFL!!! Here's some for his bag (tell your wife to help herself, especially when PMS sets in) and some for you, nicely chilled just right!
28/Oct/07 6:02 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Jamie...Its been awhile, but I justhad to see how you had finally gotten Gus gussied up for Halloween! He looks better now than ever...lol. Things are improving on my end, but still busy. The new priest has been a great success thus far...hope it continues and I don't see any reason for it wont. Love to Jeanne, and hope things are looking up for you guys.Peace!
28/Oct/07 6:13 AM
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