Mamacita 2 from PA.

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This picture was taken at my cousin's wedding a few years ago. We had a great time too.

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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MAMACITA: I can still see and hear your You Tube, and it is wonderful to hear Amazing Grace. SPECIAL SONG for you and Sully on my You Tube, and I'll leave it until you can hear it. A little Ray Charles! A belated 51st anniversary gift to the two of you. Hope you can listen to it.
17/Apr/07 6:41 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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And I got you to page 3! Yippee!
17/Apr/07 6:42 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Beautiful, Mamacita. I thought of those college students in Virginia as I listened to this. It is good to remind ourselves of who gets us through in hard times.
17/Apr/07 8:58 AM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Mamacita, thank you for caring about Houpette and myself. We have been through a trying 48 hours. I thought it would be very difficult to only allow hae water , but, in fact, that was all she wanted for the first 24 hours. She is now on a diet of grilled chicken breasts and either boiled rice or pasta re-introducing a little carrot tonight. She has perked up somewhat but is still not her old self. Whatever the intestinal problem was, it knocked the stuffing out of her and a 500 metre walk is about all she wants.
19/Apr/07 3:59 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Nice to hear some decent jazz on the site. Thanks Mamacita. Enjoyed Johnny Hartman!
21/Apr/07 10:45 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Johnny Hartman is Sully's favorite male singer...he is wonderful and I sure hope you enjoy him... This is a good session, but trust me, its not his best! This Man can Sing!!!!! I'm so happy that you enjoyed him C. Greg... I like your diversified taste in music...good music is good, no matter how its dressed....
21/Apr/07 1:43 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita - I enjoyed your YouTube of Johnny Hartman - what a lovely voice and quite pleasing on the eyes, too.
21/Apr/07 2:00 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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just a quick visit to thank you for your lovely thoughts and comments on my page. I am happy that I am losing weight but get a bit antsy that it is not coming off faster. You are such an inspiration to us all. Hope Sully is feeling better.
21/Apr/07 9:10 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Nice song Mamacita. Have always liked Sarah Vagahan, and you snuck Billy Eckstien ib their too!
26/Apr/07 8:03 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hi Mama-in response to your question ,You know all winter I had no trouble with reception but last summer when it was raining I did and a storm came through the other day and I lost it for a few minutes but I live in a rural area and theres no cable so I have no choice.But 99% of the time its great and its crystal clear and I love the unlimited long distance,I talk for hours and don't have to worry ,check out your phone company and see what deals they have,also I get a $8 credit per month for having the bundle and auto draft so I don't have to worry about it being late paying the bill,and the DSL as you know ,I love it!and I love your new avatar Mama!
29/Apr/07 11:22 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita. I left a message for you on the Easy Sudoku today regarding cleaning your keyboard (April 29 here, 30 in Oz). Hope all is well with you and Sully. Take care and stay smiling!
30/Apr/07 8:38 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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Hey Mamacita,thanx for dropping by. Love the photo of your garden...great place for a party
30/Apr/07 2:51 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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very much for your beautiful wishes today. Its been a fun day, and I feel like my family has been extended and they are all over the world.

Hey the avatars are looking good.
Chat soon. toodles xx
03/May/07 8:50 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Mamacita, I missed you when you were down in Miami. I hope you had a wonderful stay.
I know is a bit early, but Happy Mothers Day! Wishing you all the happiness.
07/May/07 9:23 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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With all my pleasure i had visit you page and enjoyed the beautiful picture and the very wonderful You Tube. .
You are to my 'Egyptian Guest House 'to enjoy my new photo of Egypt every Sunday.
Your visit any and every time You wish will be highly appreciated.
Have a nice Day.
07/May/07 5:57 PM
emm  From germany
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Hi Mamacita, I'm just popping in to thank you for the book recommendation. I'd never heard of Cormac McCarthy before, but there were two or three of his books in the library - not 'The Road' unfortunately, but I borrowed one of his others: 'Suttree', - now to find the time to read it! Best wishes.
10/May/07 8:41 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita:
When you are in the You Tube page simply drag your mouse from left to right on the Embedded code until the whole code is hilighted. Once it is hilighted, go up to the top tool bar and click on Edit. The drop down menu has a copy feature. If you click copy, the area you hilighted will be copied and stored. Then you just go to your personal page in update details, delete or erase your old Embedded code click in the blank box, then go back up to the Edit menu and click. In the drop down menu you will see Paste. Click on paste and the new code will be on your page. Then all you have to do is select the Update my Page box and you should have your new You Tube.
10/May/07 10:13 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Sorry, when you drag your mouse you should left click it.
10/May/07 11:48 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita. I just listened to Barbara and I'm certainly glad I was able to help with You Tube. I wonderful song selection. Thank you. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow!
13/May/07 8:38 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Happy Mothers Day!
13/May/07 11:11 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Mamacita, Some jazz I don't care for, but I like this. Very smooth. Thanks
15/May/07 7:21 AM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita, love the music.
Thanks for the visit and compliments
Ate a whole pizza tonight so will have to double my walking tomorrow!!!!
15/May/07 8:41 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita - thank you for the belated birthday wishes for Kirilee and your good wishes for my trip. I'm busy trying to clean the house and pack my case. I think it will be overweight because I'm trying to put two pairs of rollerskates that used to belong to my two daughters, in for my grandaughters to use. I'll still be on site now and then.
15/May/07 10:06 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Ello Mama,
Popping in to see how your doing, havn't chatted for a while. Enjoyed your youtube (jazz) and loving all your new avatars.
Hope all is well.
15/May/07 11:45 AM
   sharon  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Dear Mamacita2, for the birthday greeting! Had wonderful time when my two sons took me and my husband for lunch and bowling. We had a howling good time because we're all terrible bowlers barely breaking 80's. Had more tears of laughter razzing each other. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day too. Isn't it the greatest feeling when your children come to you!?!
15/May/07 11:49 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita! Just back from our almost three week trip to NC for daughter's surgery, Daytona for Rob's tennis playoffs, & then to SC for another week at Fripp Island. I am SO glad to be home again. Seems like we've been on the road for months! Still have another week at Fripp coming up in June (next time with all the grandchildren!!) & then a week in Pennsylvania to attend a post wedding party in July. Think we will be flying into Philly & renting a car to drive to a place called Allenberry Resort in Boiling Springs. How far away from the airport do you live? Would you & Sully like to meet us for dinner or drinks somewhere??? Hope you're both well. I've missed LOTS of comments on the site the past couple weeks & will never have time to catch up on Archives.
15/May/07 12:20 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Dear Mamacita2 from Pa, love the jazz, not to many people can appreciate music played by the seat of your pants and changing at a whim,and still following the same tune, some I like and some I don't but this selection is great.
15/May/07 12:57 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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If you like some alternitive music by not the same artists as everyone else try my page for Loreena McKenitt or visit Youtube for some of her music, Celtic Music with a new outlook on it.
15/May/07 1:29 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Thanks to all who have found their way to my page. Its great having you visit. For all who enjoyed the music, I'm so very happy because it represents a deep part of me. I am especially happy to have read the comments by Kathy/Maryland, Angie/Melb,GannieMo,and Kevin. Jazz is not for everybody and I like to hear what works for many. Thanks for takng the time.
17/May/07 4:56 AM
   Angie  From Wisconsin
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Hi Mama! Check it out! I have my own page! I am so darn excited Come on over and don't forget to look at my flickr page for anything new.
17/May/07 5:04 AM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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Hi Mama, thanks for visiting my page. I do not remember saying that I do not drink wine, must have been under the influence of something to say that. I do not drink it often, but am not against it. So many thanks for the wine and cheese.

I will ask Rola for your e-mail, since I have hers now, but no problem using the business one, it would be forwareded to me if I did not find it first like I did the e-mail from Rola. Either way will work.

Now, just where is that lovely pool you have pictured on your page? May I come sit and enjoy a bit? Oh, I did check out your flickr pages, and looks like your relative ( forget just who) had a lovely annicersary party. You must remind me to tell you a story about a family reunion, but privately in e-mail, I think you would get a kick out of it.
17/May/07 9:04 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita, thanks for visiting my page & for the cheese & wine - would love to sit by this pool sipping some wine & eating some cheese. It is a lovely photo to warm up my cool, almost winter, day.
I do not listen to jazz very often, and don't know much about it, but I did enjoy listening to this.
I will leave some good Aussie bubbly & a box of Lindor Chocolate balls (my favourite). Cheers.
17/May/07 10:19 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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I am enjoying listening to the Jazz, while I am here.. Thanks you for visiting me and the Birthday Wishes..
and pushing me on to Page 2...whooo hooo. Have just sent an email to you...
xxx Rolanda
17/May/07 12:31 PM
Judy  From San Diego
Beatitudes for Friends of the Elderly

Blessed are they who understand
my faltering step and palsied hand.

Blessed are they who know my ear
must strain to catch what others hear.

Blessed are they who seem to know
that my eyes are dim and my wits are slow.

Blessed are they who looked away
when my coffee was spilled at the table today.

Blessed are they with a cheery smile
who stop to chat for a little while.

Blessed are they who never say,
''You've told that story twice today.''

Blessed are they who know the ways
to bring back memories of yesterdays.

Blessed are they who make it known
that I am loved and not alone.

Blessed are they who ease the days
on my journey home in loving ways.

Ester May Walker
17/May/07 12:35 PM
Judy  From San Diego
Easiest way to make a copy of the above:

1. Highlight it.
2. Under ''Edit'' hit ''Copy''.
3. Hit ''Write'' as if you are going to send an email.
4. Place the cursor on the body of the letter.
5. Under ''Edit'' hit ''Paste''.
6. Doctor up where ''More'' shows up in the poem.
7. Print.
8. Amen.

17/May/07 12:40 PM
Judy  From San Diego
Mama, I wanted to tell you where I found that poem. We drove up the Coast to spend Mothers' Day with my mother-in-law. We went to church with her, and the poem was an insert in the bulletin. I thought it was quite touching, too.
17/May/07 12:44 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Buenos Dias, Mamacita! Thanks so very much for dropping in and for the marvellous jambalaya. As you can tell, I'm still a neophyte with this home page business, so as yet, no avatar, youtube or photographs but hopefully soon! My first photo will of course be his majesty, Sir Arthur, since he seems to have become quite famous of late. He's doing so much better, though we're still watchful and monitoring his diet. In honour of my Hungarian heritage, I'm dropping off a pot of cabbage rolls and a bottle of Tokay to jump start your weekend. Bless you for your kind words and as always, I look forward to your continued visits to my page and your postings on the site. (And to decorate your table,
19/May/07 5:14 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita, thank you for visiting my page. I think you should know that Miles Davis is one of my favourite jazz musicians, he has an easy, relaxed and interesting style that will survive the ages. I wish you and yours well.
19/May/07 5:50 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita 2 - Thank you for the visit. I am sorry I wasn't home when you came by. We have been so busy this month. We are having Open House for my daughter on June 3. We have invited about 100+ people. My mom has always come and helped me with the other Open Houses, but she is too sick to come this time. You know how moms always put the finishing touch on everything.....
Thank you so much for the Jambalaya. How did you know I love Jambalaya? It will surely come in handy on one of these days when there is no time to cook. Tonight is Jenny's last concert at school. Yesterday was her last day of school. She graduates two weeks from tonight.

Thanks for thinking of me.
19/May/07 7:44 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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P.S. (Me Again) Your avatar does fit right into my page. I love it!
19/May/07 7:49 AM
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