Mamacita 2 from PA.

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This picture was taken at my cousin's wedding a few years ago. We had a great time too.

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   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Mama!! You look fantastic girl!! I did do b'day wishes for you on yesterday's postings, but here's another one for you in case you missed it...
24/May/07 8:03 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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LOOKING GOOD on your birthday Mama. Way to go girl! thanks for posting a photo. BUT WHERE IS THE BIRTHDAY CAKE??
24/May/07 9:04 PM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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You are looking really well. Do we call you MamaNita (neater!) or MamaPetite from now on?!? I read your message, and was thrilled that it had been such a good day for you.
24/May/07 9:09 PM
   Celia L  From Toronto    Supporting Member
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Wow, Mamacita, you look fantastic! You're an inspiration. (This has probably been discussed earlier on and I'm just not 'with it', but did you follow any particular diet plan?) Birthdays last all week (don't they?!!), so have a great Happy Birthday Week.
24/May/07 9:37 PM
   Linda  From Minnesota    Supporting Member
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You are one Hot Mama! I hope you had a great birthday and that you received as much love as you give!
25/May/07 1:19 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hope you had a wonderful birthday, sorry wasn't around to wish you a happy birthday then, was in the 'old smoke'. You look wonderful and the music is just great xx
25/May/07 7:33 AM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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You sure look great! Good job with your diet. How much are you walking now? Anyway, again
25/May/07 5:07 PM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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I hope that when I am 71 that I will look that good!
25/May/07 5:11 PM
   Linda  From Minnesota    Supporting Member
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Thank you Mama. My son had a few of his buddies that I love like they are my own. They all call me Mama T (our last name starts with T). Were comfortable with walking in the house and asking if there was anything to eat, and I loved every minute of it. I have the feeling that there are a lot of your children's friends that felt the same way about you

We will be bottling a white zin in about 3 weeks! Wish I could send you some. Maybe we should call it Mama's Zin?
26/May/07 5:41 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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A very belated mamacita. Beautiful photo of yourself.
26/May/07 11:01 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Mamacita, I have just been looking at your photos and what a wonderful collection of family photos you have.
26/May/07 11:09 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Mamacita ,your words are encouraging and inspiring ,i always enjoy reading what you write ,i thank you for your feelings and pray with you for our army to keep us safe and and keep the country free from terrorism and for your visit
27/May/07 3:50 AM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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MAMA, it is a good thing to rid your house of the ice cream and cake. Now I was not the one who asked about it, at least I do not recall, but too late for whomever really did ask. Cyber cake and icecream have NO CALORIES and no guilt, so I gobbled it down! Thanks, it was yummy.
27/May/07 7:03 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita - You are a very pretty lady. It is nice to put a face to your name!

Paint - I have Windows XP - I go to accessories. Paint should be under that category.
27/May/07 9:19 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita. Paint is probably in your Accessories file. If you click on Start, then select All Programs, you should see an Accessories file. When you open that file you should find Paint. Select Paint and right click on it. One of the items in the drop down menu will read Send To. If you click on that item it allows you to Create a Shortcut to Paint and put it on your desktop so it is always there whenever you want to use it. For the Adsee problem, as Rosemary said just delete the whole file. And for Avatars, use the link she advised, and size the picture to 50.
Hope this is clear and helpful.
27/May/07 11:11 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Mama - great picture of your 'baby'.
27/May/07 1:11 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Mama! Yes, your little Jazz is a cutie! I'll allow that he might be the World's Greatest MALE dog, but Ebony is the World's Greatest FEMALE dog. Bet we might get a few arguments on that, ya think?? I've been trying to take some more pictures of Ebony, but it's so hard. Every time I go to snap one she moves! Hope you're having a good weekend.
27/May/07 1:54 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Mamacita 2
I miss you to much too.And very pleased to see You in my page.
Concerning the special service which We done it to my MIL is a Coptic Custom to remove the sadness feeling of the family and done after 40 Days from the passing of anyone,refering to the Bible Words which state that Our 'JUSUS'Have been bound and nailed on the Cross,died and in the third Day JUSUS Disapear.
During the next 40 Days JUSUS appears to his students many many times to remove thier sadness before telling them that JUSUS will raised up to his FATHER.
Mamacita,hope my explination with my poor English is OK for You.
Have a nice Day and please keep yourself visiting me.
27/May/07 8:14 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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I do thank you for your very kind comments re my photos. I am humbled by the comments I have recieved and although I am pleased with some of my photos I am only occasionally that lucky to get a good shot.
28/May/07 12:45 AM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Hi Mamacita 2, hope you resolved your problems with that nasty program that expired it's trial period, nice jazz tune today, gremlins on this site today so don't know if you resolved your problem with the program on your computer or not, any way have a nice day/night where ever you may be.
28/May/07 1:45 PM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Mamacita, Thanks for stopping by my new place and for leaving the delicious Jambalya and for sharing your some of your .
28/May/07 4:34 PM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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I forgot to say that I like your photos on flickr, especially Sir Edward's Jaz...what a cutie, of the zebras at your zoo and your marina. Hope you visit my place again soon.
28/May/07 4:49 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Hello Mamacita, your Youtube is very nice, I enjoyed listening to it. I like all kinds of music and everyone here always has a nice variety. Stop by my page sometime.
29/May/07 3:56 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Love your terrier, Mamacita! Just stopped in to say that I appreciated reading your thoughts about Memorial Day. I, too, am one of those who cannot grasp the concept of war; I pray for our soldiers in Afghanistan and wish we could find more to celebrate rather than to always seem to be on the edge of mourning. And yes, why is it that the people issuing the orders to continue the brave fight are the least courageous?
Anyway, bless you for your good, good heart.
29/May/07 6:23 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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LOL Mamacita. Rich instead of Beautiful... I would have thought Rich and as well as Beautiful !!!
Thanks for visiting....
29/May/07 10:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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MAMA, naked only till GATH can either move my avatars, or I can resubmit. Submitting again might be faster, than to wait for him to read my E-mail. That is IF I can find where I put them, Oh dear. (note to self: search files on computer for AVATAR*.jpg)

WHEW, moving is a lot of work!!
30/May/07 3:35 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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How cool was Marvin? I don't know anyone today that can come close to him...
Mama - just to say how touched I was by your words - it was like you had transposed 'dance like no one is watching' to 'write like no one is reading...' - it was from the heart and I thank you for that - in no way was it 'mangled'. There are such beautiful people on this site - you being extraordinarily beautiful.
01/Jun/07 9:26 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita - Your granddaughter is just beautiful. I love her dress, too. Her date is very handsome. I love the picture where he is kissing her hand. What a sweetheart! Thanks for sharing those with us.
02/Jun/07 3:24 AM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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How proud you must have felt. She looks beautiful and she has good taste in men too (like her Grandma!)
02/Jun/07 3:52 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Mama, Your granddaughter Imani is beautiful. They make a cute couple, a once in a life time experience. Hope they had a good time at prom.
Congratulations to your cousin and his wife, 50 years it a long time, to be happy.
Enjoy Marvin on YouTube, he was great.
02/Jun/07 3:54 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Imani, you free tomorrow night for dinner?

Mamacita, a gorgeous lady, and great minds, as I have Marvin Gaye on my You Tube today as well!
02/Jun/07 5:47 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Wow! What a looker - you are undoubtedly very proud.
02/Jun/07 7:17 AM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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mamacita, what a stunner and what a gorgeous colour! hope she had an amazing night.
02/Jun/07 8:36 AM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Wow! Stunning colour - gorgeous against her skin! I wish I could wear that colour but I just look yellow and sick. She is beautiful.
02/Jun/07 9:10 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Mamacita, love that color on your granddaughter. Both very pretty and the matching tie on her date.
02/Jun/07 10:40 AM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Hi Mamacita, What a pretty prom dress, beautiful color. And her date looks like a gentleman, too! They make a beautiful couple.
02/Jun/07 10:49 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Oh my Mama she is beautiful!Oh yes what a striking a color with the gold clutch VERY nice
02/Jun/07 12:47 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Mamacita, just wanted to let you know Cyndi and I were trying to post to you tonight. That page seems to have a lot of gremlins lately. I answered your question on pg. 92, about half way down. Hope it helps. If you can't see it, let me know and I'll post it on your page.
02/Jun/07 12:54 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hello Mamacita, thank you for visiting my page and the bucket of goodies you left. I have some Ceylon Tea packaged in Sri Lanka that hubby brought home from a business trip. I can also offer green tea, peppermint, camermile or other flavoured teas. I find the 'reguler' tea is best in the antique silver teapot though.
Your Grandaughter Imani is quite a stunner. Good genes!!
I have been throught Philadelphia once on a tour (Sept 2001). You know, a look at the Liberty Bell, something quick to eat and back on the coach!
I did get to meet the Philly Phanatic back in about 1996 when he came to Oz to promote Baseball here. His wife was with him and I did spend some time with her when her husband was 'working'. I forget who he was but he was a very quiet man when he was out of the costume. I remember they had a young child.
I am enjoying meeting all these wonderful people on this site and you are one whose comments I look forward to reading. Thank You
02/Jun/07 9:03 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I thank all of you for visiting me and I hope you found much to interest you as you mosey around. Its good to have folks come and make themselves comfortable. Sure hope you come again anytime. My door is always open and goodies will await you. May you find peace and joy while here.
03/Jun/07 12:51 AM
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