Mamacita 2 from PA.

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This picture was taken at my cousin's wedding a few years ago. We had a great time too.

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I flicked on to my page and thought I was on this page with cg trying to push me over...after looking at the number not moving..I thought he'd run out of breathe and push power, until I realized that I was on page 1......sorry for doubting you CG!!!!...LOL!
04/Jun/07 10:28 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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And now here I am...on another page....
04/Jun/07 10:29 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Mamacita, just a short note to say, Hola Como esta? I am on vacation this week so I'm off to Turner River Rd with my Mom to see what, or who, decides to show up for my camera.
Loads of love.
04/Jun/07 8:57 PM
Gator  From Baton Rouge
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Thanks for the marvelous house warmers...My specialty is my Gumbo (more of a cool weather treat), chock full of chicken, sausage, shrimp and crawfish (my kids won't eat it if I add the oysters)...ladle that over a bowl of fluffy Zatarain rice, sprinkle a pinch of filet over the top and Voila! You come on down between November and April and I'll sit you down to a steaming bowl!

As far as crabs are concerned...been here most of my life and STILL prefer our crawfish to our crabs!!!
05/Jun/07 8:45 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Appreciate your lovely visit to my page and Iam very pleased to stop myself at your page to enjoy your photos and your very nice You Tube.
Really I enjoyed and will be more than please if You stop from time to time at my page.
Have a nice Day.
05/Jun/07 11:04 PM
   Serena  From Vermont    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the welcome. I've actually been a supporting member for a year. I'm just not a very active one.
06/Jun/07 8:00 AM
Gator  From Baton Rouge
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Hi again! With gumbo, the secret is in the roux!!! I make a 45 minute roux. I take the fresh drippings from a package of bacon (everyone gets BLT's for an early lunch that day or bacon & eggs for breakfast). I keep seasoned flour for frying, so I use a little of that and the rest plain flour...stir, stir, stir, stir, stir...until the nice thick roux is the chocolate of milk chocolate on a medium/low heat...NEVER leave the stove...then I divide that into two pots/dutch ovens and add water or stock (at which point your soup should be a dark brown) and just start chunkin' good stuff in there, i.e., cut up chicken, sliced andouille (sausage)and at the very end the shrimp and crawfish (I cheat and use frozen when not in season). Most people down here add the trinity (onion, garlic, bell pepper) to their roux...I have never gotten that to work for me so I add all that with the meat. Then you just season to taste...don't forget the 'Tony Chachere's'!!!

OBTW, the two pots are so that I can add oysters to HAPPY EATING!!
06/Jun/07 9:00 PM
Gator  From Baton Rouge
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OOPS, left out a very important part...sprinkle a pinch of filet gumbo (ground sassafras leaves, found in your spice section at your local market, hopefully), over the finished product (gumbo is served over a bowl of rice).
bon appétit!
06/Jun/07 9:05 PM
emm  From germany
Hi Mamacita, that's a beautiful photograph of your granddaughter - the smile on her face and the colour of the dress are both lovely. Thank you for visiting my page to enquire about the book. 'Suttree' was quite interesting, but not a book that I'd particularly recommend. The story covers a short time (approx 18 months) in the life of a man who has recently been released from gaol and who now lives in a houseboat on a river in the south. The descriptions of the characters and settings were good, but I would have liked a more conclusive ending. I'll still keep an eye out for 'the Road' when I'm in the library.
07/Jun/07 5:28 PM
   Serena  From Vermont    Supporting Member
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Summer tends to be a little more relaxing at work so hopefully I'll have more time to hang out here. Plus Elijah is getting much better at entertaining himself.
08/Jun/07 6:13 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Great choice for your You Tube Mamacita! It was nice to hear Stevie giving his views on the need for peace and human rights.
08/Jun/07 6:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Mama, I shall look for a pensylvania map, have not seen one, but then have not been looking for state maps. How about tomorrow? My looker is tuckered out today.
08/Jun/07 10:10 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Mamacita, my friend - it makes me happy to know that at the same time I'm with my extended (boy, is it!!) family next week you will be with yours, too. Did you ever imagine when you were dating Sully what your love was going to lead to?! It's a wonderful feeling to be with the dear people who will carry on our genes long after we're gone. Have a wonderful time with all that love around you, & I'll do the same. I'll be thinking of you.
09/Jun/07 8:01 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Go on! Celebrate! a very to all! Make sure you have a zero calories

09/Jun/07 10:43 AM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Mamacita my table is overflowing thanks to your gifts, I shall enjoy them. I only have fresh oranges to offer, straight fromt the tree, I made a pumkin cake the other day but that was soon taken. Thanks again.
09/Jun/07 11:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hello Mamacita, I've been very remiss not visiting you sooner as I feel you are one of the matriarchs of this site. I have held you in high esteem for many months and marvel at your increasing pooter knowledge. I am not worthy. Please help yourself to the plate of nibblies and bottle of bubbly I bring with me. Also know that your msgs of peace are felt by us all. Thankyou.
09/Jun/07 1:29 PM
   Angie  From Wisconsin
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Hey there Mama. Dropping in very quick. So many people to see today. Haven't been on much. My computer finally crashed for good, so I'm at the mercy of friends and family. Things are going as fine as they can be. I'm headed for the Health and Fitness page to give a long overdue update and some words of encouragement for everyone over there. Talk to you soon!
12/Jun/07 4:45 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Mamcita, peace to you, too. Am just back home after waving to the Dalai Lama. Am leaving a true blue Aussie pavlova with passionfruit topping. Enjoy
12/Jun/07 8:02 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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for you gifts. I have put some links on my page which you might like to follow. The Dalai Lama is the 'Pope' of Tibetan Buddhism and revered for his gentleness and humanity. He encourages people to follow their own religion and take from Buddhism what they find helpful. (He also ordained me) He has written many books and they are all helpful and inspiring.

I do a lot of interfaith work... when I am not doing sudoku or jigsaw puzzles!
12/Jun/07 8:21 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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Hey Mamacita, glad you liked the teacher's youtube. I am not a teacher but certainly agree with what he had to say.
Have a nice one
15/Jun/07 8:51 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Thanks for answering my pineapple question, Mama.
If I had half a brain, I would have put the question here to begin with, instead of trying to track you down all over the site! Perhaps a 'dunce' corner is in order. I'll be the first one to sit there
16/Jun/07 3:31 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mamacita - I just watched your Elvis You Tube of Unchained Melody. What a sad video clip. I still remember when I heard that he had died. My son, Aaron, was seven and I was cooking tea and he came into the kitchen and asked if I had heard of someone called Elvis Presley, because he had heard on the news that he had died, and I told him not to be silly, he must have heard wrong. But, alas, he hadn't.
16/Jun/07 12:08 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Mamacita , yes we are having difficult times in this dear country , i beleive we need all the prayers we can get ,if not help also , so thank you very much for thinking of us and for praying .
16/Jun/07 2:16 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Mamacita , i always enjoy hearing Elvis , thank you .
16/Jun/07 2:20 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Oh, Mamacita. I remember where I was and what I was doing when they announced his death. Such a waste. Amazing talent showing through just days before he died. Thanks for the you Tube!
16/Jun/07 4:25 PM
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Mamacita, I just returned from an open-air concert here in Medford Oregon where a 23 yr. old kid by the name of Justin Shandor did an Elvis impersonation which was sensational. It was the next best thing. He first appeared for 35 minutes as an early Elvis and then later in the show in the white Las Vegas suit. Google his name and you will see. Thanks for the video...what an unfortunate waste.
16/Jun/07 4:50 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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A belated, but very happy, birthday to my fellow Gemni, Mamacita!

Your Cairn is the cutest thing since Toto!

How about those Spurs! Tim Duncan is the man! That little Parker fellow has a lot going on, too.

Since I don't run into you on the pages anymore, I just wanted to communicate these things to you.
17/Jun/07 1:01 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Mamacita - you are a wonderful woman and human being and I admire you. Thank you for your comments on easy.
I couldn't be bothered to continue on with the silly argument on easy and I'm not very good with words so I'm best to keep out of those types of discussions. I think it takes all types of people to make this world what it is, no matter what colour, creed, religion, or whatever. There is mixed blood in some of my grandchildren, but they are all still just the same to me and I love them equally.
Cheers, Anne
17/Jun/07 1:25 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Mama, you must lay off the smilies, you are clearly addicted and must know it is a Gateway drug and will most likely lead to hardcore things ... like Youtube. Thank you for the Father's Day wishes. I spent a long time today in an on line game with my daughter. We had a great time and she wished me a Happy Father's Day several times. Life is good. My wife and I head out for Canada Monday morning for two weeks. Hold down the fort in my absence.
17/Jun/07 2:44 PM
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita. The wrong YouTube got posted. I have corrected it.....enjoy. is the web site for Elvis impersonator. I don't know whether he comes east. you may want to write him.
17/Jun/07 4:18 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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For your very kind interest.
For your lovely wishes of our trip to Los angles.
For Your beautiful supporting to others.
Goodbye and see you.Will keep in contact from LA.
Have a very nice time.
20/Jun/07 7:15 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi, Mamcita. Just to let you know that I'm creating a new SA page (called Sudokuaholics Anonymous 2). You will find it in the usual place. Gath will close off comments to the old one.
20/Jun/07 1:25 PM
   sharon  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hoo, hoo (whistle) Saw your bathing beauty shot. You're one hot mama! 'Elvis has left the building' Thought I was reading the Spanish subtitles but all the words didn't look right, then it hit me, it's Portuguese. Time for a hit in the head!
24/Jun/07 8:15 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Mamacita, Paintjam was great. Thank you for sharing!
24/Jun/07 2:42 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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OMG Mama that was amazing!I had no idea what/WHO< he was painting ! that was GREAT!
24/Jun/07 3:03 PM
   BJC  From Ohio
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Mamacita, the painter is truly amazing. It goes to show how our perspective can be altered just by shifting the focus.
Thank you.
24/Jun/07 3:18 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thank you for five minutes of amazing fun. The response has been huge on easy.
24/Jun/07 4:23 PM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Hiya Mama! thanks for Carla's birthday wishes on Thursday - she had a lovely birthday!
24/Jun/07 6:25 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Mama, loved the video! It's amazing that someone could do that so quickly and you not even realize what it is! Thanks, that was so enjoyable I watched it twice! Have a great day! Peace!
24/Jun/07 10:22 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita! I'm having a wonderful 5 days alone while Rob's up in NC. Loved my together time with all the family at Fripp, but also enjoy time to myself. Finally getting caught up a little on e-mail, sudoku, personal pages, etc. Rarely watch any you-tubes, but did watch yours today. Quite amazing! Love your zoo picture, too. We took Caleb to the Tampa Zoo while he was here, & we had a great day with all the animals. I'll try to get some pictures posted on Flickr after Rob brings my memory card home on Tuesday. Glad you are enjoying the jazz festival & life in general!
24/Jun/07 10:56 PM
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