Vibrant Vici from California

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Welcome Sudokuland friends!

Thanks for stopping by...glad to have you here. Laughing


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   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Vici, don't worry about that! Last year the server Gath used crashed and we went weeks of either not getting on site or smilies missing. It took the poor man a lot of hours trying to get a new server and getting it to remember past records, pages, and smilies! So this little thing we let past and laugh!
31/Jul/08 3:31 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici - I am glad to hear all is well up there where you are! Those earthquakes can hit any where. I believe we have had about 3 in the last 20+ years right here in Michigan. Some people have had the dishes rattle in their cupboards! Such is life. Have a great day!!!
31/Jul/08 5:55 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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I think it was a old clip but it was two Aussie boys that raised the lion. Just a good news story [every thing old is new again]
31/Jul/08 7:22 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Vici, my avatar is a Pink Frangipani from my garden..
a larger version of the avatar is on my picture gallery.
31/Jul/08 11:27 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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and this one is a yellow Nasturtium.. also from my garden and is in the picture gallery.
31/Jul/08 11:30 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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this one is a blue Hydrangea is also from the garden, but is not in my picture Gallery.
31/Jul/08 11:33 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Hey I do like your new avatar.. the V,
that MizT is a clever cookie..
she did mine as well.

how is the new 'abba movie' CD.
and yes Muriel's Wedding is a good movie.
♪♪♪ You can dance, you can jive,
having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene,
dig in the dancing queen ♪♪♪
31/Jul/08 11:38 AM
   Eileen  From Surrey, England
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Thanks for the flowers! That's one cute cat, I'll certainly look out for him.
01/Aug/08 3:50 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Vici, stopping by to thank you for wanting to be my friend, buddy, pal or what ever anyone wants to call it.
I have never ask but where are you in CA? I have lived in CA 3 times each in a different place. Hubby was in the Navy so I have lived many other places as well.
Hope the earthquake missed you, BIL lives in Rancho Cucamonga & got shook fairly well, but no major damage.
01/Aug/08 12:17 PM
JennieT  From Oh/USA
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Thanks for the lovely gift of flowers from the Welcome Wagon! It definitely brightens up my page while I figure out how to add all the cool personalizing stuff everybody has. I'll be sure to look out for your cat, as I'm allergic. (Ahhh-choo!) Oops, gotta go.
02/Aug/08 7:41 AM
benny  From england
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That one sleeping is my newest grand daughter Alexis born 1st April 2008
04/Aug/08 8:52 AM
   Eileen  From Surrey, England
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Hi Vici
Thanks for the welcome. So many people have welcomed me it has taken forever to drop you all a note! I know what you mean about the housework not getting done - this is addictive, isn't it?
Thanks once again, its great to talk to you all.
04/Aug/08 6:01 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici - I am just stopping in to say, "Hello!" Have a great day!
05/Aug/08 2:05 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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I wish! sadly I'm not packing to go anywhere. Packing 'game' to feed the devils that are held in captivity,in Hobart and in Launceston. Thank you for your best wishes.
05/Aug/08 12:57 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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No I don't personally feed them. We supply the fed, that include a lot of work 'cause we send a tonne at a time and thats a lot of boxes,to put in freezer and take out and put on pallets.
05/Aug/08 1:52 PM
JennieT  From Oh/USA
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so much for the directions on how to do avatars & smilies! I'm still trying to figure it out, but at least I know where to start... Thanks also for posting that great doggie pic! Makes me laugh every time.
06/Aug/08 6:21 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello there friend! I hope you are having a great day!
06/Aug/08 7:02 AM
   Peg  From Ohio
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Hi Vici -- Thanks for your comment a couple of weeks ago. I've been slowly digging out from laundry and jet lag - so, here are my belated thanks for your note. I enjoyed seeing your pictures as well. The cat with the swimming goggles is truly astonishing! How did you do that?
06/Aug/08 10:10 AM
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Vici, it is the first time to visit your wonderful page ,also i go around photos all great, have a nice day
06/Aug/08 5:36 PM
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09/Aug/08 3:26 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici! Thank you for the birthday wishes, the birthday cake and the birthday balloons!!!!! Oh what fun! I sure appreciate it. Unfortunately the ant situation isn't 100% gone but..... it is much better than it was. We are still finding several a day. (One is too many in my book.) We just keep putting the "ant food" down. We will be celebrating tomorrow here at home. My daughter, Angi/South Lyon had a birthday on Tuesday and my DIL, Christina, has a birthday on Monday. Christina will not be able to be here with us this year. She has her show with her hand-blown glass. Thanks for thinking of me, Vici! I appreciate it!
10/Aug/08 2:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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VICI, teddy bear is most appropiate for Monday, I love it! Thank you friend!
10/Aug/08 2:18 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici, and for your kind comments on my pics. I love digital photography because it is so easy to turn a mediocre picture into something stunning with just a bit of cropping and red eye correction. There is a brilliant analysis of the Chinese situation on our local paper...
11/Aug/08 8:06 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Vici! I hope you had a nice week-end. We are looking forward to warmer temperatures this week. It was 57 when we got up this morning. We are still looking for the sun........ Have a great day!
12/Aug/08 1:20 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Vici, I love your cuddly avatar! Have a great week!
12/Aug/08 2:19 AM
arandoh  From New York
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Thank you. I like your kitty pictures. You should check out for other fun cat pics. Saw that lion video on youtube before. It's really amazing.

Thanks for welcoming me!
12/Aug/08 10:50 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Vici, I am totally devastated by the news of the loss of your brother's fire fighter. How tragic. There are enough risks on the job than to have this happen. Being an ex yourself, you would understand the pain the crew is going through.
Please pass on my condolences to Craig, from someone in Aus who used to work with the country volunteer fire service on the radio many years ago. I know how we would have felt, we were like family.
12/Aug/08 4:15 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Vici. I came here to thank you for your very kind birthday wishes. The specail hugs for your cats brought the biggest smile to my face. Then I saw your you tube video and now I sitting here with tears rolling down my face. What a wonderful story. I just lost my boy Cloudy three weeks ago. He was Muffin's father and now I only have two cats left. Saying goodbye is never easy but they live in my heart forever.

Thanks again for the wonderful birthday wishes.
Enjoy a slice of
13/Aug/08 1:18 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Vici, I just watched your friendship video and it made me cry. Of course, any animal story sets me off. Thanks for sharing, and I'm so pleased and honoured to be your friend.
13/Aug/08 5:12 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Vici - I am so sorry I was gone when you come by. I did have a wonderful birthday. Did you notice my flowers? They were a total surprise from my husband!!! I played with my mountain band at a different church on Sunday, and when I got home, the flowers were on the counter with a card! He comes through at the most unexpected times!!!! (I was happy with my mud flaps!) I looked at your pictures again and really enjoyed them. The one with your it a picture of his birthday? Someday when you are bored, check out my Flickr pictures. I have my instruments and my family on there.
13/Aug/08 7:03 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi again. Panda sure looks like a very special girl. I used to show and breed burmese and when I finished up breeding I had seven cats. That was quite a few years ago and now I only have two left but I am a complete softie when it comes to animals and my cats in particular. I have Malibu who is a blue burmese and she is nearly 16 and her daughter (also blue) and she is nearly 14. Give Panda a big hug for me.
13/Aug/08 10:37 AM
   Sophia  From Skipton, Australia
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Hey Vici,
Many thanks for your warm welcome, I cant brag enough about how everyone has made me feel with all their messages, I am replying to everyone so many messages to write, maybe we can talk some more later, just getting the hang of all of this still my page is a bit boring havent worked out how to get all the great pictures everyone has but will keep working on it, have a wonderful day all the best and cheers from australia, Sophia
13/Aug/08 5:07 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello there dear friend! I am just popping in to offer you a cup of coffee and some chocolate zucchini bread. I hope you like it! Have a great day!
14/Aug/08 2:42 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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No Vici there are no plans at this stage to introduce any young ones. Malibu believes she is human and she doesn't like cats. She tolerates her daughter but only just.
When these two are gone I will have to decide what to do. I have had cats all my life so I can't imagine not having at least one. Although I am tempted to get a dog as well.
Thanks for the wonderful Panda hugs. She gives very good hugs.
14/Aug/08 2:22 PM
Koguma  From US
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Thanks for the welcome Vici! I loved the video you have posted! It definitely warmed my heart.
15/Aug/08 12:59 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon Vici - I took a quick peak at your newest pictures! It was fun! Thanks for sharing them. I hope you are having a great day!
15/Aug/08 4:32 AM
   Koguma  From Ohio
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Glad you liked the video and my avatar! It's from a Japanese comic called "rirakuma." It's basically just about this little teddy bear and how he likes to lounge around all day and eat food. I must say, I'm pretty jealous of his lifestyle!
15/Aug/08 11:30 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Yes, today is my "Medicare" Birthday. The weather isn't cooperating - yesterday was 108°, today is suppose to be 105°.

Mom called this morning to sing me Happy Birthday. Last year I was in So. Cal. with her for my Birthday.

Tonight, I will be working Britt & listening to Midori and the Britt Orchestra, and being Pop Corn Queen - a title I got several years ago. [Not a fun job when it is hot - sun on the back & heat from the kettle. But during classical allows time to mix with friends.] I've found the least amount of clothes I'm allowed to wear and still be presentable.
16/Aug/08 4:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Vici... I added a picture of Araucana eggs to my gallery, since you mentioned that you'd like to see some.
16/Aug/08 5:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They're just regular chicken eggs inside. We eat them regularly.

BTW ... love your video. GREAT story.
16/Aug/08 7:19 AM
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