shosho from los angeles

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Welcome to my page!  Sit back, enjoy a glass of wine and some chocolates!  Mi casa es tu casa.  You can play around with my fishies.  To feed them by clicking here and there, which leaves little fish pellets.  Also they like to play follow the leader.  Just move your cursor around, they will follow!
Grandma and Brandon in a heart to heart talk

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   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Shosho. Thanks for your thought & your gifts. It seems strange talking to someone so far away, but it helps having someone there who isn't involved. You can say things that would add to the pain of the others involved! Here's a couple of bunches of jonquils from my garden. They don't seem to believe in gloomy wintry thoughts because the first bud opened on 1st of June!
27/Jul/07 7:35 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Shosho, What made you think of me while selecting this outstanding you tbe, I can't begin to imagin. Beautiful woman, beautiful voice, beautiful presentation...I've reserved this a s one of my you tube faves.....Thanks for the introduction...Does it sound as if I liked this...wrong....I LOVED IT!
28/Jul/07 4:16 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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See my pooter was skipping pretty badly.... tbe=tube, imagin=imagine, a s = as think that's it!
28/Jul/07 4:19 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Shosho, I am very humbled by your response...Thank you! You are very kind! If we are ever in each other's part of the country I would indeed be honored to meet and greet...tea, or whatever. I expect to be in California at the beginning of the year...My no#1 grand daughter will be having my first great grand sometime in January. She currently lives in San Francisco, but is thinking of moving before the baby is due. Things are in flux, so no definite dates...even so...its a long distance between the two cities, so I'm hoping you will find occasion to come this way sooner rather than later.... ..I'd love it!
28/Jul/07 9:42 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear 'S H O S H O' .
I am very pleased that you stop by my page .In fact this new avator designed by ANGIE .
By the way my new photos of CA on my Flikr of my page hope you enjoy it .Let me know.
Have a nice time.
28/Jul/07 12:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Shosho, I'm very sorry that each time I have just dashed in and not spent enough time with you and your family. How old is Brandon now and how is he doing?
I have brought along a bottle of bubbly, a plate of nibblies and an invitation to drop into my page anytime. Find a seat in the garden, have a look around and meet my family. Love to see you there.
29/Jul/07 5:34 PM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Shosho,
It's been a while since I dropped in. Thank you for your words of encouragement. VB is doing much better in the last few days - she is up to drinking over 600mls a day regularly now and has started on rice cereal, which she loves. Hopefully all this food will have that beneficial effect of growing that we are so hoping for. Also the first results from her genetic tests have come back negative, which is a good thing. We will get another set back next week so fingers crossed for then.

It has been so hard not to obsess over her weight and size when the paediatrician has been doing that and I have had to have her weighed every week and write down every amount she drinks so they can assess her intake! I am so looking forward to the day they say that I can stop that and I don't have to force her to just drink another 20-30mls more. She is my 4th and the only one I have had to do this for.

But we do have so many lovely moments with her - like the shower I had with her this evening and her smiles and chuckles the whole time.

Thanks again, Rose
04/Aug/07 10:44 PM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Hello Shosho. I'm just stopping by to thank you for your kind welcome. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your family. Isn't being a grandmother the most wonderful thing?!!
05/Aug/07 6:45 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Shosho, fabulous music..thanx for sharing
09/Aug/07 8:56 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Shosho, Glad you liked my video. I'm not a teacher but thought those sentiments were spot on! Teaching and nursing are two vastly underrated and underpaid professions! P.S I'm not a nurse either.
09/Aug/07 1:24 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh Shosho.... ! Techno lol......all I did was copy and paste a picture, and it took me forever to learn how to do that right....However, I'm too well raised to refuse a toast or to offer a thank you for the same....Whenever you want to do the same type thing...just ask! Thanks for the visit also.
10/Aug/07 12:58 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thank you Shosho for hubby's birthday wishes. I got him a token jumper for the girls to give him in the morning but we went out during the day for some retail therapy and he bought himself a few more bits and bobs as pressies. He wore the jumper to work today and gave it a two thunbs-up !
15/Aug/07 9:52 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Thank you for the Birthday Wishes last week. I had dinner with Mom that evening. She then flew up to Portland, OR for a Class Reunion (68th) and flew back for the wedding on Saturday of her only grand-nephew (my cousin’s son – 41, first marriage). Mom (85) refused to take a nap after getting up at 3 am for the flight back and insisted on driving (through Los Angeles to Orange County) for the wedding – she still drives fast. By the time we got to there we were not speaking & the drive back was even worse – getting home around midnight. The wedding & reception was wonderful (so was the beach party the night before, which Mom had missed). Dad always said the reason we fight, was because we are so much alike – both strong willed women. But, we will always love each other. I left Tuesday, had a meeting in No. Calif. Wednesday afternoon, and decided to camp at Burney Falls State Park – making my dog happy, before returning home. The back is still bothering me – but no violent pains – more of the gnawing variety and when standing up after sitting too long (so there were a lot of stops on the way down and on the way home). Thanks for the good wishes – I’m safe if not sound.
24/Aug/07 8:42 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Hi Shosho. I'm back home with my new knee and plenty of painkillers to tide me over the healing process. Thank you for your prayers. So many people have sent me prayers and loving kindness I am overwhelmed and happy that our planet has so much goodness in it despite our various faults.
25/Aug/07 8:48 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Now that I'm back home, I can really do the exercises 4 times a day. A soak is delightful. A couple of years ago, I went through the early stages of Alsheimer with my Father. I dreaded the day that he would not know who I was (other aunts and uncles have had it). I drove down to LA every other month for 3 years to visit Dad and gave Mom a chance to get away. She is still working full time as a Travel Agent and travels all around the world on her jaunts.

It may sound awful, but I was glad that he died before he reached the full loss of his memory. We were always able to communicate. I know that Mom knows I love her and she loves me. We just know how to push each others buttons and seem to do it and do it hard to the point of hurt on both sides. It's a good thing I'm up here and she is there. We talk about 3 to 4 times a week and without fighting. I guess. in her eyes, I'll always be her LITTLE GIRL. Dad was definetly right that we are two of a kind, as much as I hate to admit it - some ways we are. I not only cherish her, but respect her for who she is. I'll never measure up to her standards and she will never take my advise.
26/Aug/07 6:02 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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For your lovely greeting for our 34th ,Anniversary.
26/Aug/07 6:42 AM
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Dear Shosho,
Thank you very much for your support . It means a lot to us ! Yes, Chen was a gorgeous dog, we miss her a lot , but we also remember all the beautiful years ( 16 ) that we were together.
I am making a power point presentation with her photos and it's a great way to ease the pain .
About the photo you have on your page - well , beautiful grandma, gorgeous grandson ! In Hebrew we say : AD 120 ! which means I wish you and your family all the best for the coming 120 years
26/Aug/07 6:13 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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I just caught up on today's posts, please know that love is sent you way and will keep you and your dad in my prayers.

02/Sep/07 11:55 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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shosho, it puzzles me why not everybody's in love with classical music. It's still the best and always will be.
03/Sep/07 5:47 AM
   Hugh  From Canberra
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Shikia is my six-year-old grand daughter. About fifteen months ago she fell and bumped her head causing her to become drowsy. She was taken to hospital where she was scanned. The scan revealed a tumor, which is inoperable, and proved to be cancerous, although of a low grade. The tumor was/is growing around the duct that allows the excess fluid around the brain to drain away into the body. This caused hydrocephalus (water on the brain) that was causing her headaches and had, over time, caused her skull to be thinner than normal. She was also a little clumsy. The answer was to put in a drain through her neck. There were two methods apparently, one being more dangerous (to perform) than the other but would give a better outcome in the long run. They were able to do this but it meant the removal of part of her skull hence the removal of the screws tomorrow. Shikia has to have the tumor monitored by scans every six months for the rest of her life. To date the tumor has not increased in size, which is good news. The tumor could have very well been there from birth, no one knows but since the operation she has improved considerably becoming more confident, outgoing and happy where before she was shy and moody. We don’t know what will happen or how the tumor will affect her longevity, we just hope that it doesn’t grow and she can have a long normal life.
05/Sep/07 10:59 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Sharon/Shosho. I think Lucy and Ethel need some help. Better call in André, Billy, Fiona and Granniemo as assistants! Nice to see some comedy posted on the site!
17/Sep/07 5:41 AM
   Wilodene  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Shosho; I evidently lost my first comment to you. So this time I'm typing and submitting without interruptions. Thank you for the birthday greeting; it gave me an opportunity to visit your page and see the lovely photos of your family. It appears that you're an empty nester now, but have the grandson to add to life's pleasures. I imagine it was quite worrisome with a son-in-law in Iraq; my brother served there 2 years ago and we were on pins and needles until he returned. I loved seeing Lucy and Ethel once more; they can still make me laugh. Thanks for the comedy!
19/Sep/07 12:59 PM
appy  From india
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Ha!! Shosho....I am 17 going on 16!!!! :)...
well I have a son in Boston just two years senior to yours! and I am glad you liked my choice..
20/Sep/07 6:55 PM
appy  From india
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it shud read,'Iam glad you liked my choice of song in my you tube'....
20/Sep/07 6:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Shosho, I thought I'd pop in to see how you are doing. Your story today of the belch in the ear was very reminiscent for me! lol
I hope this note finds you and yours well.
01/Oct/07 9:02 PM
   Lori  From Adelaide
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Hi Shosho, Loved your You Tube. We have to remind ourselves that we are happy more than we are sad sometimes don't we!!

03/Oct/07 8:38 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Shosho, your hug has arrived! I'm so grateful for your kind words. Mom's death has really left a hole in my heart, but she also left me with tremendous strength and determination. While tears are appropriate and expected now, I smile occasionally too, because we sure had some fun together and she told some great stories. So I soldier onward, as she did after each illness and setback. A great lesson.
05/Oct/07 7:09 AM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Shosho thank you for visiting, I am always ready to show off Girlie-girl. I know Brandon has moved away from you and I am sure that was not his choice--it is a blessing that the girl has two grandmas, a grandpa and a great grandmother that she sees one on a regular bases. I regret (regret is not the word I want) that she missed one of her grandpas; she resemebles him so much. Since Kendall is a true miracle both sets spoil her rotten and I enjoy as much as the girl does and as well as the grandparents.
Thanks again for visiting--one day I hope to update the pictures.
07/Oct/07 11:20 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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sorry that yesterday was not a great day for you .... hope the smile is still there today.
08/Oct/07 8:53 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Shosho, a very to your son, Yumio. Hope he has a great day.
08/Oct/07 4:40 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Shosho, just stopping by to wish Yumio a belated . Hope he had a good one.
09/Oct/07 1:55 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Shosho - I'm glad your son had a lovely day on his birthday last week, as did my daughter, even without the rest of her family around. I chatted with her via my webcam for a while so that was lovely.
I wasn't familiar with the places you mentioned on TV shows or the name of the shows. I watch very little TV these days.
13/Oct/07 11:54 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Shosho - Glad you have recovered, so quickly. Hope you took a nice warm bath with lots of salts and bubbles a couple of candles and a glass of wine, before you laid yourself down. You said you took some Tylenol - no wine then, maybe a couple of chocolates to melt in the mouth as you lay back and relax in the tub (spa even better).

Now that you have recovered, be like my Mom and start planning the next trip or adventure. As I noted yesterday, Descanso Gardens have great outings for students. This time of year is fun with scare-a-crows & other Halloween decorations. My favorite time is spring when the tulips in bloom and the liliac / azalias in blossom and there are still some camelias on the bushes. They do have wonderful teaching tours for classes from LA Unified and other schools.
14/Oct/07 2:29 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco
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I certainly enjoyed the William Tell Overture. Have a glass or wine with sometime.
14/Oct/07 9:42 AM
zinos20  From Turkey
Very very nice.
14/Oct/07 11:37 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello shosho
How nice to hear from you , we are fine here , the last explosion was a month ago , w never know when it happens , but we try to live a normal life .
My three boys finished university , and trying to find work abroad . One of them is working here but may change .
thank you for asking
20/Oct/07 2:37 AM
jeb  From ks
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Thanks for stopping by to enjoy the YouTube offering. If you have Google Earth or access to it, look at Kentucky and West (B.G.) Virginia. You won't believe how much of the land has been destroyed.
21/Oct/07 3:17 AM
Lynne  From Kanahooka    Supporting Member
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Thanks Sharon for your kind thoughts on the death of my husband, Geoff. Our Sudoku family is a great one to have at any time and its a family of choice. I'm honoured to be a member, to have so many friends across the world who can share in our good times, have a laugh with us and also be there for us when we need guidance, comfort or strength when times are tough. Thank you for being a part of that family. Lynne
23/Oct/07 12:35 AM
   rob  From utah    Supporting Member
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shosho~~thank you so much for your kind words.they have touched our hearts. it has been hard, but we are trying to move on softly,lightly,sometimes silently. thanks again for your heartfelt words. xxx
23/Oct/07 3:03 PM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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shosho - Thanks!! Actually, I will probably let Jeanie have most of the bubbly, too. Alcohol gives me headaches! She and I can share the other goodies.
Gus has been a lot of fun.
Been on any more field trips lately? I certainly agree with your comments yesterday (I think) about administration "stuff".
28/Oct/07 6:05 AM
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