Kate from Sydney

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View from top of hill behind Bar Point house

You Tube: Blind aboriginal singer, Gudjuk Gurrumul Yunupingu singing Djarimirri about the Rainbow Surpent. He is from the Gumatj nation, his mother from the Galpu nation both First Nations peoples from North East Arnemland.

Taken from the top of the hill after my first walk up there.

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   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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Welcome to page 25 Birthday girl.
14/Feb/13 8:07 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Mr Cee!!
Thank you for the birthday wishes and for turning the page for me!!
Share these with Mrs Cee!!
14/Feb/13 9:14 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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Glad you liked it. It's hard to find funny ones.
15/Feb/13 2:07 AM
   Petula  From Harston Vic
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Kate, we don't have any bushfires here, just a problem with grass fires lately. Made the Moon and Jupiter even more red tonight. What a blast it was seeing that; I hope you got a pic, I saw one from Armidale where you could see all of Jupiter's moons!
19/Feb/13 12:40 AM
jacalmi  From Canada
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Thank you , Kate for the explanation of the water reflections in yesterdays Med. puzzle.Now I can see what the photo is. Very original, I must, say.
19/Feb/13 3:24 AM
   dirt girl  From pdx
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Hi, Kate!
Thanks for your response to my comments and my 'handle.'
Living in Portland, a person either loves dirt, or leaves! It is so rich and grow-able and I love making things grow.
19/Feb/13 7:59 AM
   dirt girl  From pdx
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Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
We are negativity-free, now!
I am sorry we all had to go though that and yet I am glad to see how many people pulled together to make a positive change.
06/Mar/13 8:34 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Kate, thanks for dropping by. I was knocked out when I saw the pair of black cockatoos in the gum tree. They didn't care about me, but I didn't dare go any closer. Some of the Metallic Shield Bug pics are going to be put on a Tasmanian insect site. Apparently not much is known about them and these will add to the knowledge.
06/Mar/13 9:14 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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That's great Sacky! I've had some photos used by other people at times, too!!!
07/Mar/13 8:08 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi Kate! Thanks for the Birthday greetings -I had a fantastic day! :)
Glad you liked the banksias - they were very beautiful! :D
08/Mar/13 7:56 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Kate, thanks for visiting my page and leaving your kind comments. I find out my shoulder problem tomorrow. I have no idea how I hurt it and it is getting progressively worse.
27/Mar/13 12:39 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Kate. The shoulder should be fine. A bit of tendonitis in one tendon, but thankfully no tears!
29/Mar/13 12:17 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Kate. Thanks for your lovely and informative comments on my pics.
The shoulder certainly could have been a lot worse.
03/Apr/13 4:41 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thank you, Kate! All three flowers must be wonderful to see! I am really impressed with the size of that flowering hedge! Then again, I am always impressed with your photos, too!
09/Apr/13 11:21 PM
Wow_Axel  From Pugetopolis
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Hey Kate,

Pugetopolis is pretty much everywhere the fresh water flows into greater Puget Sound. The population of this area is growing so much that it will soon be one big city. BTB

Wow girl, it appears that you're a most prolific maker of friends.
11/Apr/13 12:33 PM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Kate, I thought that I was having another birthday this morning when I opened my computer and saw all those messages. For some reason there were 2 emails for each comment.
I did have a wonderful birthday, including a family lunch and lots of phone calls and lovely messages! It was a glorious day too weatherwise!
Lunch sounds good, and any time is OK, I am always here... But are you going away for all of June and most of July?? Lets try to have lunch beforehand then if you can get into town, and June also.
It is really annoying when you have to change computers isn't it, especially if the old one just dies. Give me a PM if you need the details again.
And thanks again Bluey
12/Apr/13 1:19 PM
nili  From Christchurch
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Hi Kate,
Thank you for a warm invitation to join a legion of your friends. Love your photos!
18/Apr/13 1:35 PM
Brewster  From Mosman, NSW    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate,
I don't think todays photo accompanying the hard puzzle is 'The Swifts. IThe Swifts I know is the old Edmund Resch (brewery) 'home' in the middle of 3 or more acres in Darling Point Road. It was left to the Catholic Church and the Archbishop used to live there until it was sold to the Moral (Healthcare) family. There may be the building you showed also in Darling Point, but the 'big one' takes up half a block and would be worth $50 million+
08/May/13 5:45 PM
   Joe  From NJ USA
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Hi Kate, thanks for all the fabulous photographs over the years. You are a most able photographer.

Also, many thanks for the biography of the Fitzroys. I knew about the weather forecasting part.
02/Jun/13 4:02 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate,
Have been missing your posts on easy,and even on medium lately,do hope it is just due to you being busy, rather than any troubles. We still often get your photos on easy, even though they are often repeats and some years old. There have been a lot of ''unlabelled'' photos which have been getting many comments and ''complaints''( ? ) because it is suspected that they are NOT from Sudoku enthusiasts.
24/Jun/13 11:55 AM
jacalmi  From Canada
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Hi Kate,
Hope all is well with you. We've missed your comments lately ,and will be glad when you you are back.I love all your jigsaw photos.On this Canada Day,I'm celebrating by going on a picnic and tonight the fireworks of course.
02/Jul/13 3:29 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Welcome back, Kate. I hope your holiday was fun. I've missed your comments on the site while you have been away. Thanks for visiting my page. I love my new camera. I just need to wok out more about it can do.
18/Jul/13 3:37 PM
Molly  From The Hawkesbury
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Thanks Kate, I'm at the opposite end, Lower Portland.
18/Jul/13 6:07 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your comment Kate to my page. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Now I've got to find out how I can do time exposures. I have tried to take shots of things (especially flowers) and find that the flash does not capture the true colour. Also when I want to use shadows, they just disappear !
18/Jul/13 8:34 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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for the b'day greeting! It's always such a treat to get the 2-day Sudoku celebration
Hope you are well rested now!
21/Jul/13 12:58 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Any time you want to visit, Kate, I'd love it!
I hope very much to see my Aussie friends in-person one day, too! When hubby retires...
21/Jul/13 2:11 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Kate, Thank you for the Birthday greeting.
I always enjoy hearing from special Sudoku friends.
25/Jul/13 3:23 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Vice versa, Shiela! Lets hope we don't do a cross over at the same time - I would certainly be disappointed if I couldn't see you here or there!!! I'm hoping to get ''over there'' one day!!
25/Jul/13 8:07 PM
   Robin  From Kurrajong, Australia
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Hello Kate, I guessed you must have headed off somewhere by the lack of your comments; and now by the message on return..thanks! Hope you now have a great new set of pics to share!
26/Jul/13 6:28 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate,
Just read your comment on today's Medium. Your photo of the white camellia - you did not give that one a name - is it sasanqua or japonica, and do you know it's name. I have quite a few of both types with the J's just starting to open. I'm hoping that they will still be flowering in mid-
September as the Garden society holds its Camellia
Show then, and I hope to have a few choice blooms to display. Must admit I was surprised at Gail's comment, calling japonicas ''viscious'' ??
28/Jul/13 12:19 PM
   Peter  From 42ยบ South
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Thanks Kate.
30/Jul/13 4:29 PM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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Hi Kate, so glad you still recognize Murphy. We have been training him as a companion dog for hubby. Quite fun to be able to take him everywhere. We have had Miss Molly about 4 years. I can hardly believe that's how long I have been away from Sudoku!
30/Jul/13 9:18 PM
   Robin  From Kurrajong, Australia
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Thanks for the birthday greetings Kate! 70 isnt as ancient as I had expected and Ive felt more debilitated in my younger (and wilder ) years!! And Cockatoo Island is now one of my favourite spots in Sydney where I can dream of the past! Have you been watching First Footprints on ABC? Some truly awesome historical material! Cheers for the day, Rob
05/Aug/13 9:12 AM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, it was great meeting you on Saturday and finally put a face to the lens, I mean name!

The run went pretty much to plan - I faded a little bit in the hilly section and didn't quite make my goal of 63 minutes. I ended up with 64:46, which is still around 2 1/2 minutes faster than last year so I'm pretty happy with that.
14/Aug/13 8:51 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Kate - thank you for taking the time to check out my holiday photos and for your comments.
It's hard getting back to reality but at least the memories will last forever.
20/Aug/13 3:02 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Kate, I think being in another country on the other side of the World is an acceptable excuse. Thanks for the thought.
23/Aug/13 11:44 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the info. I didn't know most of that, but suspected something like it. I wonder why it seems to be so difficult to correct.
27/Aug/13 12:02 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Kate, thanks for the information about the jigsaws on easy. I personally have never done any if them, I go to jigsaws on the right hand side of the page under network sites. That is where the pictures I submit are usually shown first. I have noticed some of my old pictures being shown again. I have never submitted a picture to easy, only the medium & hard.
27/Aug/13 12:14 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate,
I see that quite a few have already thanked you.
But I'm in hurry to be the 1000 post, and it was 998 when I lastlooked !!
27/Aug/13 1:25 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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I made it, I think !
Congratulations on 1000 posts.
Also, I saw a new photo has been showing as ''latest'', and then when I went to the gallery - WOW, there's a whole lot. I don't remember you telling us that you had posted you holiday pics?
I've got a lot of work ahead -I'm looking forward to it.
27/Aug/13 1:28 PM
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