Kate from Sydney

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View from top of hill behind Bar Point house

You Tube: Blind aboriginal singer, Gudjuk Gurrumul Yunupingu singing Djarimirri about the Rainbow Surpent. He is from the Gumatj nation, his mother from the Galpu nation both First Nations peoples from North East Arnemland.

Taken from the top of the hill after my first walk up there.

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   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Thanks Kate. I was really stoked when the unexpected happened!
10/Feb/14 9:53 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Kate! Hope you have a and presents & lots of love today! Will I get to meet you when Jane & I come to Sydney? Hope so!
14/Feb/14 2:08 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful birthday Kate, and a happy and healthy year ahead!
14/Feb/14 2:44 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful day!
14/Feb/14 3:03 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Kate, enjoy your special day. At least it is not too hot.
14/Feb/14 7:59 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Love and best wishes Kate :)
14/Feb/14 1:23 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Happy birthday Kate. fancy being born on St. Valentine's Day.
Here's a card for you:
http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=4691629144614&source=jl999&utm_medium=internal_ email&utm_source=pickup&utm_campaign=receivercontent
14/Feb/14 1:48 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Kate, and thank you for all the wonderful photos you have contributed to this site.
14/Feb/14 9:51 PM
jacalmi  From Canada
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Happy Birthday to you Kate. As it's Feb 14th here I guess I'm not late. A Valentine baby too! Have a wonderful day and here's a piece of for you to enjoy.
15/Feb/14 5:34 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Kate - thank you for the birthday wishes. My name doesn't come up on the Today's birthday list so nobody really knew. Perhaps I'll untick it for next year.
Seems that I also missed your birthday. I hope you had a really great day.
18/Feb/14 12:22 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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for the wishes, Kate! Best wishes to you, too! I sure enjoy your photos!
18/Feb/14 4:08 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Kate! I miss being with the lovely folks on the Sudoku site on a regular basis. You have no idea how I wish I were with Kathy and Jane as they meet all of you there!
01/Mar/14 1:56 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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for the birthday wishes, Kate!
I spent a little time looking at your gorgeous flower photos. We are having yet another blizzard at the moment...I don't think I'll be seeing flowers anytime soon, so seeing yours at least gave me illusion of Spring!
04/Mar/14 5:25 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, I'm soooo sorry that I jumped in and commented on the photo when I should have had more sense. I knew I had commented previously but I couldn't resist having another go. You have been remarkably mature and understanding with your response to my knee-jerk and somewhat idiotic comment. Thank you. I should have known better.
I love your photos, they are thoughtful, varied and interesting; they are invariably well-composed and carefully executed. Without your photos the site would be dull.
11/Mar/14 5:32 AM
Judy  From Fort Worth
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Thank you, Kate! It is a milestone for me and, of course, every birthday is a gift!
02/Apr/14 11:35 PM
   k (brissie)  From Queensland, Aust.    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the birthday wishes Kate
03/Apr/14 8:14 PM
Sue  From NSW
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Hi Kate. Love the shot of Coronet Peak. Your sister is lucky to have such a great view.
11/Apr/14 4:29 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Kate, thanks for the flower info. I'd love your photos even if they weren't identified... a bonus for us flower lovers!
I'm better at painting flowers than taking photos! So my hubby takes the photos and I paint them. (Orchids are my favorite flower to paint!)
15/Apr/14 11:40 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate
Thanks so much for dropping by on my birthday.
Was offline for a week & it is taking me a while to catch up on everything...
Enjoyed th bounty you left on my page.
05/May/14 4:09 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Yes, Kate, hubby and I were on vacation for 12 days in Germany (Bavaria). We were on an 'official' sister-city visit with 28 others from our city. We all stay with Bavarian host families - which really adds to the people to people relationship built between our twinned cities. We also visited Austria & Eastern France while there.
11/May/14 7:26 AM
   Keith  From CA
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Thx for the info. I never would have guessed that.
06/Jun/14 2:29 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Kate. Good to see you back with us. How was the holiday? Silly question really.
13/Jul/14 7:54 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Rufus is hoping to get a clean bill of eye health on Tuesday, so I can set him loose on the rabbits that are multiplying in my garden and have ring barked 3 apple trees!
13/Jul/14 8:00 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Kate, yes his eye is finally mended. Thanks for your interest.
15/Jul/14 10:01 AM
   Wilodene  From Utah
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Kate, thanks for your comments on my photos this last week. I have been traveling, without internet, so haven't been back on until today.
16/Jul/14 3:30 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Kate, for the Birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day. It was made even better hearing from my Sudoku friends.
25/Jul/14 9:52 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Thanks. Nice to have suspicions confirmed. Looked like a bush, but looked too bright.
28/Jul/14 8:47 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Thanks for the Birthday wishes Kate. It was actually a non event. My MIL got sick and that meant my birthday took a back seat. Never mind there is always next year.
30/Jul/14 9:42 PM
   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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Thanks for the welcome home. We arrived home on Saturday afternoon and are still recovering from jet lag.

Don't envy you preparing your house for sale but good luck with it anyway. I hope you don't have to wait too long for a sale.
02/Oct/14 1:58 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands
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Hi Kate,
Hope all is progressing well with house sale preparation. Can imagine how busy you must be. I recently went through a somewhat similar case where I had to prepare a cottage for renting, I'd not done the job of clearing out 'stuff' before. I'm still sorting ! I'm not very good at staying on the job when the sun is shining and my garden is 'calling'me !
19/Oct/14 12:06 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate. I just want to wish you and all your loved ones a happy festive season. Merry Christmas, and Peace.
24/Dec/14 2:15 AM
   Sue  From ok    Supporting Member
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24/Dec/14 3:25 PM
   Robin  From Kurrajong, Australia
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Hi Kate
Havent seen you around this year at all, so judging by the comments here, I suppose finishing the final touches and the move are taking most of your time! Dont let it stop your terrific photography though!! Cheers, Robin
12/Jan/15 11:44 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Kate! Just in case you should happen to pop in - Hope your move is going well, and you will have a happy, healthy year ahead.
14/Feb/15 2:22 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Kate. have a lovely day. I think you must be up river with a bad internet connection.
14/Feb/15 3:34 AM
Carmel  From Brisbane
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Happy birthday Kate. Where would we be without your lovely photos.
14/Feb/15 10:11 AM
   Sue  From ok    Supporting Member
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Kate, wishing you a wonderful day.
14/Feb/15 10:37 AM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Kate, I hope you have a wonderful day!
14/Feb/15 1:19 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Kate! Have a great day.
14/Feb/15 1:24 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Cheers!
14/Feb/15 11:40 PM
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