GannieMo1 from South West France

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The Dordogne River


No fishing today


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   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Bonne Année, meilleurs voeux pour 2007!
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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GannieMo - Was interested in your comment about having a Bowen treatment for your back problem. I don't know what that is. When you have time could you come to my page & explain. I have been having some back problems, too, & wish I could find something that would help. Thanks. I'll be thinking of you at your gala New Year's Eve party. Hope you have a grand time & a good night's sleep afterwards in your mobile home!
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Mo, Happy New Year, sweetums! As always, you're bringing it in IN STYLE. I hope 2007 will bring you all the very finest things that make your heart sing. I have so enjoyed your presence on the site this past year, and look forward to many more laughs and smiles as I read your comments. I hope to meet you when I visit France in the Spring. Here's a toast to LIVE and LIFE! Cheers!!
Mindy  From Miami    Supporting Member
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Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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GannieMo, I like the way you look today, but understand the contributing health problems as well as just wanting to look your best that leads one to strive for difference. With that in mind, and your goal set, I know that your determination will help you reach at or pretty near your goal. If good wishes and full support of those of us who join you do any good, and I'm sure they do, I know that you will reach that which you set out to do. I lift my glass to you in goal setting and striving towards that end. Much good fortune and fun as you go forward!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Ed  From Lithia, Fl.    Supporting Member
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I second the comments from anew and Mamacita.
A blessed 2007 to you and yours.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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of course you can do it but long as it makes you feel happy and healthy.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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I have decided to take each day at a time and not set myself too big a target over too long a period. (Except for my waist, of course)
I have selected a belt on which the biggest setting just fits comfortably and have attached my pedometer. My guide will be the setting of the belt. I will wear it everyday and aim for 10000 steps a day, yesterday was not a good start 4739. Still I can only get better.
Good luck with your walking. I don't know which is worse, walking in very hot or walking in very cold rain(today).
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mo - how are you after your New Year celebrations.
Thanks for calling in at my page, did you go into flickr and see some of my photos from around Wickham. I was tired this afternoon so I sat here and uploaded some new photos.
When you were here you told me you used to be slimmer, but you didn't say you were THAT slim. in your campaign, I should join you. ha ha
Martha  From Saratoga, CA
Good luck to you, GannieMo, on your goal. I gave up, and threw away the pants! I didn't like feeling tired all the time from my low calorie diet, and I couldn't exercise enough to make a difference. My metabolism has just slowed down and I have accepted it.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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GannieMo, I like the latess approach, in particular, that you can only get better with the steps you take. Tell me about these steps and where you got the pedometer. Perhaps I can add that to my program. Is there a certain speed you must maintain? I walk the dog twice a day, and he would love to stay out for more than 1/2 hour at a time, however much of it is stop and stand around as he sniffs and selects his spots. The belt change is a good measure to see progress where it counts too.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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I managed 5684 today and it was raining all day. Thats 900 more than yesterday.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Mo: Good looking now and good looking then. Hope you achieve what you want but don't go overboard. You seem to be quite fit already!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Thanks GannieMo!
I agree about our personal health

You both look wonderful, so cute
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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G'day GannieMo. Such a handsome couple. Happy New year to you and Steve and the rest of your family.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good for you Ganniemo, keep it going! lol about the dog doing a sit down until you turned towards home. He said he's not trying to lose weight so cool the walking mom. Dogs can be so funny. I spent time in the gym and had a good work out, along with my regular walking, and a little bit of bending and twisting at home, and a little bouncing to the music. Still cleaning up Christmas goodies here, so the food part hasn't started yet, but will soon. Cheers with water. Cool picture too.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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7852 steps today - they are slowly climbing. Healthy eating too.
I found that if I park the car the far end of the parking it takes an extra 250 steps to and from the store.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mo. I was a little disappointed. After seeing your post on easy today (01/03/07) I expected to see you and Steve in your motorhome, in your PJs, and suffering your hang-overs! Nice photo just the same. All the best to you!
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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GannieMo, I saw your picture yesterday with the 24 inch wasteline, and you were a cutie pie. I hope you reach your goal to wear those pants again, but honestly, I think you look so happy. splendid and beautiful sitting there with Steve ringing in the New Year of 2007. Cheers to you, my dear (and NOT with water for me!)
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thurs 4 Jan:
G'day Mo and Steve, lovely photo of you both.
Did you still look like that at the end of the evening.
I'm sure you did.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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So Mo, no PJ's. So you and Steve ran arouund in the buff at Anne's place in Albany? Oh what a rumour to start. I can really get some of the SM's talking about this incident!
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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I've just seen your photos on Flickr - great trip, great photos ! Loved the sun sets and the frost . About Budapest - it's a beautiful city -I recommend it .A funny thing - my friendship with Kathy began from a photo taken in Budapest - I saw one of her photos ( statue and a dog ) and remembered that I had a photo in the exact spot
Wishing you a Happy 2007 ! Health and many more trips around the world !
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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WOW I made it today 10.742 steps. Helped by playing 9 holes of golf in the pouring rain. Now for bed
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hi there GannieMo, I will check out that website about 10,000 steps. I don't know how well I will fare because my job is to sit on my bum, but I will give it my best shot. My daughter and I were talking this morning and she wants to lose a couple of pounds so we are going to try to get up early and walk in the mornings (but neither one if us are morning people) when it is nice enough to. She is going to run for our 'Miss Winona' scholarship pageant this spring and wants to tone up a little bit because she has to wear a swimsuit for the competition.

If our winter stays this mild I will be able to walk on my lunch breaks.

I am not going to give up alcohol all together, (too many parties this month) but i am limiting comsumption to the parties. sweets are not a problem for me, pasta and bread is what is hard for me to give up, but all for the cause . We can do it!!!!!!!!
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Your daughter will be your step buddy. Wish I had one here, but most of my friends just play golf and stay slim. The site I use is an Australian one It is based at the NSW University in Rockhampton.
Good luck and keep in touch, I find that helps enormously.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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way to go .... doing really well.
yes I try to vary my walk and add a bit more on each time. I have 2 knees that are not good so have to be a bit careful, hence went swimming yesterday and did some water aerobics. ouch bit sore today ... but sore means good.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Gannie mo, I just wrote you a longgggg report of my day and progress only to see it fly away into cyberland. I'm too tired to repeat it so please check out Rosemary's page. Kudos to you for your many accomplishments today....Great Job! Sorry, but I ache right now and must force myself to move and fix dinner. Cheers.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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GM - that photo! - you are such a handsome couple and your happiness shines right through the camera lens. I have put a report of my (almost) first week on here. I am finding that I am not getting the time to do an organised walk - but I am returning to karate and the children and I have been swimming a couple of times this week - so that will have to do for the time being.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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oops - that should read 'I have put a report of my (almost) first week ON MY PAGE'
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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GannieMo, thanks for your concern, I am OK now.
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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While visiting Kathy I saw your note and the word ' Budapest ' popped into my eyes ! It reminded me that my friendship with Kathy began with .... Budapest . In one of her photos she is standing near a statue with a dog.I have a photo in the same spot .Well,this led to a very special friendship between us . As for Budapest , visit it ! It's a beautiful city !
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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OH, now I see that my note from yesterday DID get through and you got it . Sorry for the repetition !
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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GM - I too like a glass or two of wine - and I dont normally knock back a Vodka, lime and soda either. But I'm reigning it in at the moment - I need to get momento going
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi GannieMo, Thought I'd start my update with you today, just in case. I have the exercise thing going pretty well now. This morning the dog and I walked for about a mile in the rain, then I had a great workout at the gym. I'm not too achy today either. Now just need to get the food portions together and I think I'll be underway towards positive results. Oh yes, water,water every where. Hope you are having an eventful day looking at new sights as you walk. Perhaps lining up new places to take pictures too I bet. I'm off now to your flickr page to see your pics. I also added to my flickr page too if you want to check them out. Cheers!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mo. You've added some beautiful pictures to your site. How wonderful to see a little of the world through youe eyes!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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You go girl! Keep up the good work! You can get to my flickr page from yours. Hit the search on the upper left and click on flickr members, type my name and you should be able to open it. I posted a message about your absolutly beautiful pictures on the hard page. Such great work!!!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Sat. 6 Jan:
Mo, the sheep were fast asleep. ha ha
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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