Rolanda from Perth

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Since we have reached this point, I see no reason for not being pushed over to the next you? Here we go.....pushhhhhh
17/May/07 12:08 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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...and here you are, nicely ensconced on page 2....have fun. Peace
17/May/07 12:09 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Rola - it seems that I have missed your birthday because I haven't had time to read the posts. Sorry.
A very for yesterday (?). I hope you had a wonderful day.
from Anne & Kirilee xx
17/May/07 9:08 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Happy Belated Birthday Rola - Wish you well, Mary
17/May/07 9:42 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi, Rola! I hope you had a great day! I haven't been around much catching up on everything and just bringing my oldest daughter home from college. Sorry I missed the actual day. BTW, How are you able to change your avatar like you do and still see the previous ones? You have great avatars that appear at the right times! I miss everyone being constantly on the competition page. It's hard to catch people when there is no timer ticking! And thank you for your congratulatory visit to my page, that was very nice.
17/May/07 10:29 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hallo Rola, just popping into wish you a happy belated birthday I couldn't get on the site yesterday so couldn't do it then. Hope it was a lovely day xx
18/May/07 9:51 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Rola - I hope you had a great birthday. I had problems this morning getting on. I have dial-up so I don't know if it was the site or here at home. Anyway I shut everything down, turned off my computer and started everything again and it was better. I have three (teen-age and up) children besides my husband and me who use this computer. Sometimes it is just hard to share! Come and visit anytime.
19/May/07 12:12 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Rola I have always loved a 'sparrow' particularly a Captain one!
My daughter and her brother will both be 18 in a few weeks time.. something tells me there is mischief afoot!! x
20/May/07 3:04 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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HEY Rola, To bring you up to speed, Miz T asked about my page photo, which was taken at the complex where my son lives in Florida...He only could wish to own or even manage this would his This was a spot that I had enjoyed before hurricane Willma destroyed it. That was the convo...any thing else,just ask...thanks for playing mail lady
20/May/07 11:00 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Rola! Had your shower yet today? How's everything with you and yours?
21/May/07 10:54 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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Hey Rola, now just have to work out those pesky avatars!
22/May/07 10:33 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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I will have to get my son too, but helping his Mum is sooo far down his list of priorities....I'll have to me with an avatar and I'll cook, wash etc. Otherwise I'll strike!
22/May/07 12:18 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Finally got caught up with all the puzzles and posts since last Sunday. Found out I missed your birthday. Hope it was a happy one.
Don't know if you saw it, but wrote a thank you for the mums on the puzzle page.
22/May/07 12:55 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Rola - the stay in Wickham was lovely, thanks. Jaimee's birthday was nice, a bit noisy with lots of six year old girls, but nice.
Kirilee was well and I went and watched them play tee-ball on Saturday morning, EARLY!!
I've put an updated photo of part of Wickham on my page.

22/May/07 1:36 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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6 Ramekins – Butter and sprinkle with Castor Sugar

Mash together with wooden spoon
30 grams Butter
135 grams Castor Sugar
pinch Salt

Add - 4 egg yolks - 1 at a time and mix well

Add - 2 ½ Tablespoons Self Raising Flour
Lemon Rind
¼ cup Lemon Juice
1 Cup Milk
Mix well

Beat together 4 egg whites.
Mix gently in with the batter

Spoon into Ramekins

Set into Lamington Tray with hot water up the sides

Bake Moderate Oven 180C/350F 30 minutes till golden brown and springs back

Let Stand for a few minutes – remove from water

Dust with Icing Sugar
Eat warm
22/May/07 5:04 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Approx 500grams Chicken Thigh Fillets ( I use Breast Fillets)
2 tablespoons oil
1 large onion, finely diced
1 x 440g can peeled tomatoes ( I use can of chopped tomatoes)
2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons fresh oregano or marjoram, or ½ teaspoon dried oregano
2 ½ cups water
¾ cup long grain rice.

Cut each chicken fillet into 4 pieces ( I dice the chicken into small pieces)
Heat oil in a medium sized saucepan, add onion and stir over heat until soft and golden.
Add Chicken and stir over heat until brown on all sides. Chop the tomatoes, add to the chicken with the juice from the can. Add Salt, Pepper, Sugar and Herbs. Stir well than pour in the water. When liquid boils stir in the rice, turn down heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
When rice is just tender turn off heat, place a folded tea towel under the lid and allow to stand 10 minutes. The rice will become tender and moist. Fluff up with a fork, toss in a knob of butter if desired. Serve hot with green vegetables or a salad.
Serves 4-5
22/May/07 5:16 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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hey Rola, I'll go anywhere for food and drink!! The threats have worked...he PROMISES to show me how to set up an avatar when he gets home!!!
22/May/07 5:49 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Okay, okay, Rola!! Good things come to theose who whine. You may drag your chair in from the hall, but you have to share the thing!
MizT is refusing to come to meetings unless she is as comfy as you are
23/May/07 12:49 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Hey Rola, please keep me informed with what the doctor says. Do yoou think there will be surgery in the future? Has the stenosis given yoou any trouble in the last 15 yrs? Sorry to ask so many questions, I'm not only curious, I'm concerned. Please tell me if it bothers you. I was actually in congestive heart failure by the time I went to the hospital, and I've had several 'mini-strokes' since I got home (as recently as last week) and I don't even have high blood pressure!
Will wait to hear from you; hope you have a wonderful day/night.
23/May/07 8:02 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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RoaA; I don't have any problem giving you my email address either thru Ed from Lithia(?) or directly> I don't know if there's a problem with just giving it to you here or not. Whichever.
23/May/07 1:51 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Rola, I have a solution to the 'comfy chair issue'. I will post it on the SA page for all to see. MizT must be stopped!!
24/May/07 1:05 AM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hi Rola
Hope you dont mind me popping by to visit.
Your lemon delicious pudding recipe sounds lovely, I must add a few things to my shopping list and have a go at those. I hope you enjoy the carrot cake I have left for you, from another fellow Taurean!
24/May/07 3:42 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hallo Rola,
Sorry I missed your Birthday. Wishing you a happy late Birthday, treat your self to a little something on me.
Have a good day.
24/May/07 7:43 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Recipe: from the ‘West Australian’ Thursday 24 May 2007

This is an old- fashioned Amish apple pie recipe. You could add grated lemon rind or sultanas for more flavour and texture. Serves 6 –8

3 cups plain flour
300g butter
½ cup icing sugar
1 egg
1 yolk

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until it forms a ball.
Rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Flour the workbench and roll out the pastry to 2mm thickness. Line a metal pie dish and trim off the excess. You will have pastry leftover for a second pie. This can be stored in the fridge or freezer

1 cup sour cream
1/3 cup caster sugar
2 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 eggs
3 tablespoon flour
5 large Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced.

Whisk the sour cream, sugar, vanilla, eggs and flour, and mix with the apple slices. Spoon into the pie shell and top with pastry, trimming, brushing with egg wash (made from 1 egg yolk plus 1 tablespoon milk) and making a slit with a sharp knife to release the steam.
Preheat the oven to 180C/350F and bake 40-45 minutes
24/May/07 11:48 AM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hi Rola
Thank you for the apple pie - and I see you have left the recipe here. I do hope I will have enough time to try these out.

My birthday was on the 19th... 36, not too worried about the age as the lady in the supermarket asked me for ID to buy some cider a couple of days before. You have to be 18 to buy alcohol over here, so I was quite chuffed at that! However, I do wonder if she had forgotten her glasses that day!
25/May/07 1:09 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Rola. That Lemon pudding sounds very yummy! My babies will be 18 on May 30th, can't believe it has come around so quickly. Holding a huge party here on Sunday to celebrate!! Their last day at school is on Friday, gone just like that, I'm getting all soppy now xx
25/May/07 7:28 AM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Hallo cous, see you've had lots of friends drop by. Here are some of my now famous poffertjes for you and you friends to enjoy.
25/May/07 11:55 AM
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Hallo Rola, and thanks for stopping by my page. I used to be a much more regular SA poster and chatter..but my life got very busy.! As far as being a Sudokuholic, I am one of the Founding Members. The first Sudokuholics Anonymous meeting was in Tampa, Florida, in February of last year. I met Ed and Kathy (Valrico) there. Then in June of 2006, there was another SA meeting with me and Linda (LK from MN) in Minneapolis. Now there are SA meetings all over the world! I love this site and the people on it. The last SA meeting I attended was this Feb. in Punta Gorda, Florida with Kathy, Ed, and Carol and their spouses. I will be in Washington DC in June, and I hope to meet Bert (BWI). I would love to one day go to Australia and meet you all, I feel like I could go anywhere there and know someone from this site!! Maybe I'll see you in the chatroom sometime. I will go check out the SA link you told me about...
25/May/07 4:21 PM
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Oh, I forgot to tell you how old Annabelle is. She just turned 16 in March. Kyle is 17 and a Junior, that is how she got to go to prom, since it is only for Juniors and Seniors. I checked out the SA site, very cool!! That MizTricia is something else!!
25/May/07 4:28 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Rola, laughing so hard you cried ha! Well I'll just have to pick up my bat and ball and go home
25/May/07 6:53 PM
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Rola, yes you have my email address! I have seen the pics from the SA breakfasts, I so wish i could have been there! At our last SA meeting in Florida in Feb this year, we got calls from Billy and Greg, and Kathy brought Tim Tams and Vegemite that were sent all the way from Oz. And darned if I can remember from who right now (too early in the am. She is from Queensland though)!
25/May/07 11:12 PM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hi, thanks for your visit... Toria may be gorgeous (parental bias allowed!!!), but she is driving me round the bend at the mo!!!!
26/May/07 3:23 AM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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your pictures are beautiful Rola - this Perth is a far cry from my one in Scotland!!
27/May/07 6:48 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Very impressive Rola - are they your photos?
A brilliant idea you have there, well done.
27/May/07 6:49 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Very good Rola - I'm sure your page will create a lot of interest and others will follow suit.
But we in Albany like to point out that Albany was the first white settlement in WA, even if it was the convicts.
27/May/07 7:02 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Rola - how did you do that? Please
27/May/07 7:10 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake West Oz    Supporting Member
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Hey Rola, great stuff!!!Now everyone will want to come!!!
27/May/07 7:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just dropped by to see your great shots of Perth. Love the changing slide show. Will leave you a couple of my pink camelias. Lots on the bush at the moment.
27/May/07 8:00 PM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust
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Wow Rola you certianly know how to make an impact I know GMO has already asked but HOW DID U DO IT it's fantastic.
27/May/07 8:15 PM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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ROLA - WOW!!! I love the pictures and the info.
28/May/07 11:16 AM
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