Rolanda from Perth

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   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust
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Hi Rola I will have to have a fossick on the net myself, no we don't own the houseboat we were on a cruise for charity. We intend to get a motorhome and do some travelling after Bill retires next year.
28/May/07 2:40 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Thanks Rola for visiting my page and my flickr page, is your current avatar a poppy? I have so many of them in the back yard, trying to get rid of some as they are all orange, and are taking over the garden even after we pulled them all up last year after they flowered.
28/May/07 3:34 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Well hope natursium is related to poppy's , just tried looking them up on google and came up with people without clothes.
28/May/07 3:46 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Wow just read about them on google, nice plant that is also edible, have heard about edible flowers but just thought it was an expression.
28/May/07 3:58 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Hi Rola just went back to the posts on easy and found the posts when I was trying to see if my avatar changed every time I updated it, it changes all the posts i have ever made to the new avatar, then changes back when I update it again, mabey it's just a SM feature that it does'nt change when you update your avatars.
28/May/07 4:32 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Thanks Rola. I spent a lot of time but learnt several new things and made new avatar and a few more smilies whilst I was at it.
Just looked out the window seems we have very similar weather. This makes day 4 of strong winds and torrential rain. Hard to believe I played golf in shorts thursday with temps of 30°C plus
28/May/07 4:45 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Yes tried every way to just change avatars, by going to update page and just changing my avatar but it still changes all of them, well will keep trying or mabey will become an SM just for the new features.Well for tonight and thanks for the input.
28/May/07 4:46 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Rola - Wow!! Great slide show of Perth! I never realized there are so many beautiful beaches there. If I ever get to come to Australia a second time I must make sure to get to the WEST coast. You have set a new standard in Personal Page production - good for you!
29/May/07 1:23 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Wow. The slide show is awesome. Really nice pics. Looks like a wonderful place to live.
29/May/07 2:06 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Rola, what a wonderful way to show off Perth. I'd love to visit, but don't think I'll make it ,so I thank you for this little tour. The beach looks great. Oh to be rich instead of simply!
29/May/07 10:14 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Just testing to see if the new avatar change's when I post now
29/May/07 10:30 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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nope still did'nt work
29/May/07 10:33 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Rola - our plumeria were in pots out around the pool, & over the winter they looked so ugly we moved them outside the lanai to other les visible areas. We also cut off a couple branches to try starting new ones. Now we have three new ones all doing pretty well, & I think we're going to leave them where they are. So far no more rust!! I hope they'll all bloom later this summer.
29/May/07 11:49 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Rola, what a great slide show of your area. Perth is absolutely beautiful and the beaches are gorgeous! You'll have to let me know how you did the side by side with slideshow.
29/May/07 11:53 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Rola, I think I finaly figured out how to change the avatars, but I have to update the details to make the change, Lovely slide show of Perth, Nice to see the ocean as I usually only see it once a year on vacation when me and my wife go diving. Well here's another test to see if it works
29/May/07 12:42 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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How about now??
29/May/07 12:43 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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sure now it works after about to give up, seems that i have to update then refresh screen to make new avatar show up i'm so confused.
29/May/07 12:51 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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trying again, oh btw Anne got a good laugh at the typo about your nastrutium, saying something about naked flowers
29/May/07 12:57 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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well I can't type either, meant nastrutiom, mabey I've figured out how to change the avatars, for your help.
29/May/07 1:01 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Rola, well seems that I have to go to update page, choose my avatar, then update details or the avatar does'nt change. if you have a different way of changing them will you please share it, or mabey some earlier members have different programs to use?
29/May/07 1:52 PM
Mags  From Scotland
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Best wishes to your MIL, Rola! Is she visiting the ORIGINAL Perth? It is a lovely city, beautifully sited on the banks of the river Tay.
30/May/07 8:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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HI rola, thanks for visitng the NEW ME. Thought I would test out a new smiley here, they seem to look pretty good, but take some time to do!
30/May/07 10:12 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Rola, the slide show is wonderful! I've been to Australia, but the Sydney area, not Perth. Next trip, for sure
31/May/07 1:58 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Rola, been having fun trying to figure out how to post animated gif's on my home page, but still wondering how you posted a slide show on your page, any Hints?
31/May/07 4:24 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Rola, thanks for the info and letting me try out different avatars on your page, had a hard time learning how to deal with the smilies .gif on my page but the look was worth it in the end.
31/May/07 6:07 PM
   Chalkboard  From FL, USA
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Thank you for the birthday wishes. The day was especially nice with the messages from all over the globe!
31/May/07 10:55 PM
   Bianca  From Perth, W.Australia    Supporting Member
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WOW Rola
I love what you have done!!!
Its about time somebody put perth on the map.
He he he
Anyway I reckon you should get a prize for having the best personal page.
01/Jun/07 2:05 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Rola~ Thanks for the visit and WOW I love your page ,I didn't know you cold do I'm going to have to learn that too!
Your city is beautiful and the information you have is so helpful.I should do that with my little town there is a lot of native american culture I'm impressed!
01/Jun/07 3:11 PM
Anne at work  From Albany
Hello Rola - just thought I'd pop in and say hello at it's pretty quiet here at work at the moment.
How was the weekend at Jarrahdale? I hope you and Peter had a lovely time with your friends.
I managed to get plenty of painting done until I ran out of ceiling paint about a metre from the end. I'll finish it this weekend and start on the walls, which won't take as long, thank goodness.
06/Jun/07 3:43 PM
   Jimmy  From Scotland
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Hi Rola,

Thanks for the comment on my page, I am fine.

I don't tend to post often, just when something peaks my interest, such as the last to post or Maths page.

I think I am called a 'lurker' since I do tend to read through a lot of the comments most days.

Ta ta for now.
09/Jun/07 4:21 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Rola, Cant get thru now from SA page, just testing here.
09/Jun/07 9:23 PM
   Helena  From Pta, South Africa
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Hey Rola, just a quick pop in to say thank you for the good wishes for my mum. My heart breaks for her - Parkinsons is such a horrible disease. Anyway, she did receive her medication sent by courier and she is very happy about it. Hopefully the suitcase and walking aid will be found soon! Take care
11/Jun/07 6:12 AM
   Helena  From Pta, South Africa
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Rola, your page is very good. I particularly like the slide show, well done!
11/Jun/07 6:17 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Rola just been busy this last week with school then went away for a long weekend to Las Vegas, did a little gambling, and had a few drinks.
13/Jun/07 10:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Rola!
Thanks for your offer to share my e-mail address with MizTricia (for help with avatars). I was away from the computer for nearly a week, and now have read that Kathy, FL, is enroute to the beach. I'll try e-mailing her to let her know she can share my e-mail address with you so you can forward it to MizTricia, but this may take a while.
This may be my first visit to your page, so please enjoy this vase of flowers and a large box of Frango Mints for you to enjoy and share.
14/Jun/07 3:29 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Rola, I also wanted to mention how great and informative your page is. What a terrific idea to have a slide show - however you do that! We hope one day to visit Australia, but I think we would need at least a month!
14/Jun/07 3:35 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Rola! Thank you for the nasturtiums! They certainly brighten up my space. I've enjoyed chatting with you and others, but I'm going to have to call it a night. I'm exhausted (can't blame it on housework - I got up way too early this morning!) Take care!
14/Jun/07 11:40 AM
   sharon  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Rola, I am soooo impressed by your page. You are so computer savvy. The opening was so informative, now I have to include Perth in my world tour when I retire in 5 years. Somehow the insurance policies I bought accidentally, are coming to fruition and I've got traveling money. So watch out Rola, I may come rambling by. I will buy the first round.
14/Jun/07 1:57 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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well now that I've learned how to change avatar's guess i better search for some better one's, lately been trying to find smilies that are the right size for Gath to accept, kind of tough with the size restrictions he has put on them.well time for a long soak in the have a great day.
14/Jun/07 3:34 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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well shall we try for a 4th page?
14/Jun/07 3:40 PM
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