Fiona from France

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   andré  From england
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Give Scott a big hug from me and wish him happy birthday Fiona. I hope you saved a cake for me!! xx
02/Jul/09 7:20 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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My goodness Fiona you are beautiful. I love your picture.
I was just checking to see if you got the message that you were the cause of last Monday night/Tuesday morning events? You were either going to bed or out of town before I posted. It was you that started a conversation on water usage that literally had me explode. Thank you so much and why couldn't you have started that conversation like 2 weeks before? I was ready and so was the girl.
OH, your messages on my page, just made me so happy. I have a proud Mommy ego thing going on.
02/Jul/09 10:35 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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to your wee man Fiona, bet you don't want to see another fairy cake!!
02/Jul/09 3:35 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona, many thanks for your birthday wishes, I feel honoured to be able to share it with your wee man. I hope his was a happy birthday too.
03/Jul/09 2:13 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona - I am stopping by to wish you a "safe trip" and we will see you in a couple of weeks!! I am looking forward to it very much!
07/Jul/09 10:35 PM
Tulio  From Cali-Colombia
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Hi Fiona I hate to do this but I have to answer to your page because I don´t find where is the inbox. The Family name.
Have a good trip to Florida.
10/Jul/09 12:04 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Fiona, have a marvelous vacation! Hope you create many memories and have a fun-filled time.
14/Jul/09 1:17 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Have a great, great trip, Fiona! Wish I could be there, too!
14/Jul/09 4:01 AM
   andré  From england
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Have a wonderful trip over to the States Fiona, I hope you enjoy your time over there and the hospitality that everyone will show you. Please pass on my love to all when you have the 'meet'. Did you buy your Crocs?...I feel a slapping coming on!!. Take care xx
14/Jul/09 4:01 AM
   Glenn  From Winter Springs, FL    Supporting Member
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Call me when you are in Orlando! You have my number...
16/Jul/09 3:54 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK    Supporting Member
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Fi, thank you for the birthday greetings Am looking forward to tales and pics of FionaFest. Keep well!
18/Jul/09 1:11 PM
   Eri  From St. Louis, USA
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Hi, Fiona -- Thank you (very belatedly) for the birthday wishes. I had the most wonderful birthday this year!
I hope you are having a WONDERFUL vacation in the States. How could you not with a visit to Disney and your own Festival!??!
21/Jul/09 3:21 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Oh Fiona...Eric is a master with the camera - what wonderful portraits! Thanks for sharing all these great pictures. Hope you are rested up soon - I can only imagine how exhausted I am going to be once I return from my trip down-under.
09/Aug/09 1:21 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona - Thank you for the Birthday Greetings! I had a very nice birthday this year! My husband took me to breakfast and then he gave me flowers! Have a great day!
11/Aug/09 11:01 PM
saylz  From Tassie
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Hi fiona
Thanks for your birthday wishes. Glad to hear you had a great time in the USA. Duaghter's partner has applied for a transfer to Spain in the Navy. They're building some Aust. naval ships some where in Spain and need Australian supervisors. If they go I might get tovisit Spain.
13/Aug/09 8:31 PM
saylz  From Tassie
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My daughter rang me tonight to wish her poor old decrepit dad a happy birthday. The location would be Ferrol (I THINK I've got that right) which is on the Atlantic coast.
14/Aug/09 12:05 AM
saylz  From Tassie
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Love Carly Simon!
14/Aug/09 12:07 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Fi - finally got to look at your pictures from Florida. I REALLY wish I had made it!
By the way - you also have a beautiful daughter.
18/Aug/09 10:04 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona, if you find Newcastle its just north of there we also have an Air Force base near us at Williamtown we sometimes go and watch the fighter jets doing the touch down take off training it also has the domestic airport for Newcastle I love watching the planes. Loved your photos.
20/Aug/09 7:54 AM
   andré  From england
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Phew I was getting carried away then by all things Irish. I had a wonderful time there as always. Have you ever been? Just as beautiful as the Scottish coastline. It is like stepping back in time, that is the bit I liked alot. Hope all is going well with 'family' stopping and you are enjoying time with Mum and Dad. We must catch up soon, a chinwagius must be on the cards xx
27/Aug/09 8:59 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona
Thanks for your bon voyage wishes.
I'm looking forward to meeting up with Fi and will definitely say hello from you.
Anne x
09/Sep/09 8:52 AM
steve  From missouri
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at the end of 7 min turn the 7 min timer over. at the end of the 11 min timer turn the 7 min timer over again. when the 7 min timer ends that wil be 15 min. I think

thanks for that one it makes me think a bit
10/Sep/09 7:27 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you Fiona for your birthday wishes, I had a great day and yes it was sunny, this year is going to be the best.
14/Sep/09 12:06 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Yup, my big day, and it went well. thanks.
18/Sep/09 2:14 PM
   Susan  From Qld
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hi fiona...thx for your is just so hectic these days...i keep saying that ill get back to sudoku.....
22/Sep/09 7:04 PM
   Karen  From Texas
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Thanks dear for checking in on me. You have another beautiful picture up.
Everything is great. One would think I would have more time on my hands with one in school and one still in the sleeping phase. But it is busy, busy here, we have another bundle of joy about to arrive and a huge wedding. Both are supposed to happen the same weekend. Thing 1, aka Kendall, is the flower girl in the wedding and we all know the flower girl is always the star of the show.
Have to cut this short, sounds like someone wants an afternoon snack and wanted it 5 minutes ago.
25/Sep/09 7:38 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi Fiona! Who-hoo I got something right!
The rooms on shelves are, indeed, miniature rooms, one twelfth scale. I have quite a few dolls-houses, and the left-over bits go wherever they fit - the kids' favourite was the sweet-shop, though they also liked the Hansel and Gretel house, with a table full of cakes and sweets, shelves full of nasty things, and a chest full of "jewels". Unfortunately they're a bit hard to photograph because the windows reflect too much - but I'll see what I can do sometime! There are a couple of display pictures on my page. :)
26/Sep/09 10:37 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona, I started "Eclipse" last night. I really don't think these books are in the Harry Potter league at all. I just don't understand Bella at all. I've never met anyone who pined over a lost love the way she did in "New Moon". If she had been me, I'd have said "up yours" to Edward and had it off with Jake. That would show him!
I think the thing with Victoria and the Voltari(sp?) is that Bella doesn't want to be killed by a vampire. If she can't become a vampire then she just wants to be dead.
As you say, they are very readable stories, but I just can't put myself in Bella's place -maybe I need to be 17 again. I always think that the sign of a good book is when you see yourself in their position - I can't do this with these books.
I'll let you know whether my opinion changes over the course of this book and "Breaking Dawn".
07/Oct/09 11:16 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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15/Oct/09 2:35 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Fiona, I finished book 3 on Tuesday and started book 4 yesterday. Like you I think this book looks enormous. I was talking to a young (nearly 18 y.o.) about the series. She thinks that book 4 is C R A P. Actually she didn't think much of book 3 either.
15/Oct/09 9:49 AM
   andré  From england
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Thank you for the birthday wishes sweetheart, I had a wonderful day celebrating to exhaustion. Was dancing ever that hard to do when we were twenty!! I feel like I have done the rounds with Casius Clay!! A great day, speak soon xx
17/Oct/09 9:03 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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LOVE the picture, Fiona! It really shows your character! Bean is sure she can fix Vegamite for me so I will like it - I can see me spitting it out at first taste...guess I should have Bean videoing the event! haha! Thanks for the well wishes - I'm expecting a grand holiday!
20/Oct/09 3:25 AM
   GannieMo  From France    Supporting Member
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It has a perfume to match, too.
20/Oct/09 4:08 AM
saylz  From Tassie
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Hi Fiona
Still batching. This week they're in Cortona where the mobile reception is very poor. They have to go to the local patisserie very regularly to get reception. Finished the bus tour on Sunday and loved it. Next Tuesday/Wednesday they briefly visit France as they are staying at Ventimiglia and going by bus to Monaco and Nice. Then back to Rome and then home.
Cats are still alive but haven't worked out why they have to survive on one 85g can as well as lots of dry food instead of 3 85g cans and little dry food. We've had a very wet spring and the roses are a bit late. I think she will come home to a garden full of rose buds.
21/Oct/09 11:34 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona, I've got about 100 pages still to read. I'm really enjoying this book - perhaps it's more suited to adult tastes? I'll let you know more of my opinion when I've finished. Now all I need is the time to just sit and read. I should have brought it to work with me today. The boss is off playing golf and it's quiet in here.
21/Oct/09 1:57 PM
Ian  From Bostοn
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23/Oct/09 8:12 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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By BUS????! Yikes, that would be a LONG trip!
We hope to be skyping during some of our meets - will keep you posted in hopes that the timing is right for you. Big hugs!
24/Oct/09 5:54 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hey Girl....Thanks for dropping by and saying hello. Always good to hear from you. I'm doing is good, and comes with its ups and downs to keep me on my toes...
This is not a fun time of year for me weather wise....I don't like the cold, the dark or rain that is part and parcel of autumn and winter.....but since I'm not moving, I'll just have to deal with it!
Ahhh, the return to work is looming huh???? The thought must boggle the mind right now, but after a couple of day back, you will no longer be thinking about it...all will be normal again...a life full of chaos....but knowing you, you will make it look easy. Going to run now, say hi to all, and have fun in your final free days. Peace.
26/Oct/09 2:47 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Fiona, sorry I should have gotten back to you. I finished Breaking Dawn last Wednesday. It was definitely the best of the 4. A few inconsistencies in it's pages but most readable. I found the part where Jacob was narrating a bit dull but it certainly picked up again in the last part. I'm not certain if the story could continue from here or whether it would become Jacob and Nessie's story. I suppose time will tell!
I'm now on to "An echo in the bones" the 7th in the Outlander series. Judy S/D recommended the series and I read the first 6 back to back. Now I have to dredge through the memory banks to put all the characters in their correct places. It's a long book of over 800 pages dealing with the American War of Independence. I should learn a few things about that topic along the way. I'm afraid my knowledge of American history is a bit sketchy. Actually, my knowledge of Australian history is a bit sketchy now. It's been a while since school.
26/Oct/09 3:01 PM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Here's a link with some technology, and it's a lot like Billy's "Kitten Stomper" (in the Forum's Funny Videos), but they don't show you the execution.

The final frame is great, though:

"Learn. Do. Enjoy."

26/Oct/09 11:51 PM
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