Fiona from France

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   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Oh! A riddle for my birthday! What a nice gift! I'm off to check it out now.
03/Mar/09 10:02 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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You turned the page for me, I turned the page for you! What teamwork!
03/Mar/09 10:03 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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Can that DVD pull the truck?
06/Mar/09 8:04 AM
   Jill  From Richfield, Ohio
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Hi Fiona! Stopped by to attempt the riddle and ended up at La Sagrada Familia, then Parc Guel. Looks wonderful!
12/Mar/09 7:14 AM
   Jill  From Richfield, Ohio
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I am due mid-June and Karen shortly there after. We are being intentionally vague at this point in order to heighten excitment during the guess the baby contests. Thank you for asking.
12/Mar/09 8:34 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Fiona, I absolutely LOVE all the photos in your gallery. Is Eric C a professional photographer? If not he should be.
12/Mar/09 6:15 PM
Janie  From Orinda, CA
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Fiona - thanks so much for the info. What a truly beautiful website - both your's and Eric's. I left him a thanks, but it was screened out 'cause I'm not a pbase member. Please extend my sincere admiration for his photos. He has a unique eye & wonderful technique. Eventually I'll put up some of my photos, but they can't compare. Looks like I missed some lovely sites when I was in Toulouse. You are also beautifully photogenic. thanks so much for sharing.
15/Mar/09 11:03 AM
Catherine  From Sydney
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Oops, thanks for the head's up Fiona! I should have realised that people answered on the private pages... I often thought it rude that no-one seemed to answer the riddles! I have just been putting the occasional post, commenting about a photo usually, haven't really found out much about Sudokuland yet.

I have to ask, are you an australian living in France? I'm a french teacher and love anything French.. Even named my daughter 'Elodie' cos I thought it was so pretty and unusual here in Australia!

Have a good day, catch u round
16/Mar/09 8:08 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Thank you for your birthday wishes Fiona. It was nice to get all the messages that I did.
25/Mar/09 3:51 AM
   andré  From england
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Hi Fiona, haven't heard from you in an age. How is everything going? Have you managed to clear up after the storms? I sent you an email but I don't know if you received it or not. Take care and love to the family xx
26/Mar/09 10:02 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Merci beaucoup, Fiona!
How sweet of you to look it up!
I listened to several versions. The Jean Sablon version must be a few years ago! Nice voice, strange back-up singers! Maybe the early 1960's?
31/Mar/09 3:08 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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I had a lovely day. All me children came to visit.
03/Apr/09 4:44 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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just hopping in to wish you a very Happy Easter and a season full of joy!
10/Apr/09 11:47 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona
11/Apr/09 3:54 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona, Wishing you a
11/Apr/09 12:56 PM
catherine, S  From France, T    Supporting Member
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bonsoir fiona ! je suis si contente d'avoir un signe de toi ! je ne sais pas trop ce qu'il faut faire : j'ai clicqué sur accepter :) je t'ai envoyé des mails sur yahoo toujours restés sans réponse ... je pense souvent à toi ! j'espère que tout va bien ( j'ai toujours les mêmes adresses d'e-mails) donne moi vite de tes nouvelles,je me réjouis de te lire xx
15/Apr/09 7:30 AM
   Jude  From Dwellingup W Aust    Supporting Member
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Fiona - hi there. I've solved your puzzle, but don't know what you mean by the "piggy bank inbox"???
16/Apr/09 7:04 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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Thanks so much for the Birthday greetings, Spring has finally arrived here and I am enjoying hiking in the Morton Arboretum - the spring flowers are in bloom. Take care, Mary
19/Apr/09 7:00 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Fiona, stop!
You made an old woman's day with your sweet birthday words to me. Sorry I have taken so long to get back to you but it has been an absolute madhouse around here, no excuse really, it's ALWAYS a madhouse!
Have a great day, young lady.
25/Apr/09 3:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heaven only knows where that welcome came from!
25/Apr/09 3:46 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you, thank you, thank you dear girl!! I am sooo overwhelmed!! I guess it isn't toooo bad being $&%* years old. Oops, sorry for the mumble, I just can't seem to get my lips to say $&%*. Oh my, snort, giggle!
13/May/09 11:39 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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for the lovely birthday wishes! Had a wonderful weekend away (at Indy 500) and then came home to find wonderful wishes from my friends in Sudokuland!
What a great bunch you all are!
27/May/09 1:10 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Just for you Fiona....

28/May/09 2:53 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Nice try....

28/May/09 9:36 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Seems like all of the girls...(supply names from Canada and Northern California as well...) have left you twisting in the wind....

28/May/09 10:09 AM
   GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Hi are you going to join in our hen night party for Billy starting on easy moving on to Billy's page if any grumplestiltskins show up
29/May/09 2:18 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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40? We should all have looked like that at 40!
Gorgeous photo my dear!
04/Jun/09 1:28 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes.It really made my day special.
04/Jun/09 2:37 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Fiona, you have been tagged. See page one of easy for details.
13/Jun/09 1:36 AM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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Fiona, saw the posting saying new pictures were being shared and had to visit, your children are precious, as you of course are already aware, and it looks like they have budding interests of their own that you are no doubt fostering!

-Aimee :)
16/Jun/09 6:25 AM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW Australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Fiona, for the birthday wishes. It was great to receive so many. Your photo on the top of the page is beautiful. Nice to be young!
18/Jun/09 1:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Fiona, thank you for the birthday wishes you left on my page! Having so many from such far away places remember me on my day has added a bit of sparkle.

Do enjoy your trip to Florida, wish I could make it down, but a bit far for me to drive. I will be thinking of the gatherings, and looking forward to all the photos after.
19/Jun/09 11:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Joyeux anniversaire Carla.
Best wishes.

22/Jun/09 2:13 PM
Ian  From Bostοn
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to Mariane/Barooga From Ian/B
Using Windows, é is produced by holding down the ALT key and typing 0233 (on a normal, desktop keyboard, use the calculator, not the row of numbers at the top of the letters). If you are using a laptop, you also have to hold down the Fn (Function) key and make sure you use the numerical keys in the calculator, not the top row of numbers. If you go to the character map in Windows (Start, Programs, Accessories, System tools, character map), there are thousands of letter variations and symbols. Most give you the ALT+number code. And these directions may not be at all right for whatever set-up you have.
09/Jul/07 9:33 AM
24/Jun/09 9:02 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Ian From the other place
On a laptop with Windows XP, turn Numbers Lock on.

Hold down Fn (Function) + Alt (Alternate) and type
130 for é 138 for è

On a desktop, use Alt and the numerical keypad rather than the horizontal row of numbers at the top.
24/Jun/09 9:15 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Fiona, sorry to be so long-winded, but it can be useful.

Activate the numeric keypad on your laptop by holding down Fn while you also hold down ALT+the numbers.

Go to the character map and get the ASCII numbers to produce the symbol you're looking for. It is usually displayed somewhere on the screen.

For example, é, is (on a laptop) Fn+Alt+130(jlm). Give it a try.
24/Jun/09 9:26 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Let's see if this works. It's supposed to be the Euro sign.

24/Jun/09 9:57 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Fiona - thanks for visiting my page again!! And thank you for your comments on the lenticular cloud photo! They are such fascinating formations. It sounds like you are planning a trip to Florida next month. Have you been to the States before? If I don't "talk" to you again before you leave, have a safe journey and a wonderful time!
24/Jun/09 1:33 PM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona, I hope you have a wonderful day with lots of family, friends and photo opportunities!
26/Jun/09 12:05 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Adult cupcakes today?

Fiona, a very to you.

May this be your most joyful ever.

26/Jun/09 12:07 AM
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