Fiona from France

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   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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By the way, I love your bubble photo.
10/Apr/07 11:05 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Looks like I've given you a push over to another page.
10/Apr/07 3:52 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Fiona, I hope you are feeling better now.
13/Apr/07 11:09 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Fiona, thanks for your response. The only people who have my email address are Anne(Albany), Canuk Greg and CP from Canberra - do we have a common thread? If not, I think CP has a neutral contact in USA I might be able to use.
Col is the only member I have met personally but the meeting was arranged on the site, not by email.
20/Apr/07 1:24 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona. Thanks for stopping by 'my place'. It was nice to hear from you. I do hope things settle down for you and you have more time to relax and visit your virtual friends on the site. I see you will be hooking up with André in England, so that will be fun. Enjoy!
21/Apr/07 7:20 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Fiona and Ian
if I can help, I have CP's addy and also Fiona's
thank you for the encouragement on my page. I am happy the weight is coming off albeit a bit slow but I wont give up. Still have lots to go but have changed now to doing more upper body exercises with weights to help move the weight around the middle.
24/Apr/07 8:25 AM
Judy  From San Diego
Hi, Fiona! I have have sent a message to you two times ... first, using the address you provided, with ''uk'' in it, and it was returned ... and then using one from Linda, which was also returned. Hey, I AM trying! :) Linda has MY address, so why don't you just get it from her and drop me a note, OK? That should work!
03/May/07 12:39 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona. Seeing your post today reminded me I hadn't stopped in to say hello lately. A very nice picture on your page! hope all is well with you and your family. Cheers!
08/May/07 7:00 AM
Mags  From Scotland
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Hi! I didn't know I had a page and I am still learning how to use it - like I just posted something to myself...!!! I am English but have lived in Scotland since 1970 - Cowal (Loch Goil and Loch Fyne side) Blair Atholl, Edinburgh and now Eskdalemuir, 40 miles north of Carlisle, 15 miles N.E. of Lockerbie. Where are you from? And where in France?
08/May/07 8:02 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Saw your message. I'm not sure I'm happy about your new President either. Seems to be an American clone. Guess time will tell. Would have liked to see you with your first feamle President, but c'est la vie!
08/May/07 8:27 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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thank you for your support and hope all is well in the land of the 'french scot' or the 'scottish french lady'.
I love that photo you currently have up.
08/May/07 4:44 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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for Your vey kind visit to my Egyptian Guest House and Your very interest words.
You are to my page any and every time you wish. and have a nice .
08/May/07 5:26 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Happy Mothers Day!
13/May/07 10:54 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Consider it an early Mother's Day wish.
14/May/07 12:10 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Fi - I would have loved to have met up with you guys on the 15th, but apart from washing it that day, it also takes a long time to my mum always says - do go out with wet hair...I always listen to my mum...
However, looking at Sept 2008 for a UK trip - so who knows? x
16/May/07 7:54 PM
   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Just stopped by for coffee and cake...

or maybe a little pasta and a large glass of wine...

16/May/07 11:11 PM
Helen  From Rome, IT
I like the idea of the gettogether in London on the 15th of June, but I can't find the page... I end up in pages of lots of other stuff I'm not interested in. Oh Help....
17/May/07 4:30 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona,
Thanks for stopping by my page. As you may have gathered I've been having problems opening up any of the sukudo pages, but it seems that Gath has fixed the problem now. In the meantime I have sent you an email to explain the situation. It's good to get in touch again; thank you.
18/May/07 5:41 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Fiona, I meant to tell you that is a lovely portrait at the top of your page. Your Hubby is a very talented photographer.
18/May/07 7:12 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona! I haven't been to visit your page in a long, long time! No, I don't think ehpoo will be an appropriate name for our new dog since we will NOT be getting a French poodle! No one except the Sudoku gang would get it anyway. I just remembered today that I have not checked your blog on Yahoo in months. Do you still do it? I totally forgot about it & couldn't find anything recent there today. I went & checked MY page & found a bunch of invites to be my friend from all sorts of guys with strange names & photos, including a crotch shot - ugh! They must be pretty desperate to approach a 60 year old woman! Luckily, all the invites expired before I ever saw them! Guess there are weirdos everywhere these days, even a few on the Sudoku site!! Hard to tell sometimes who's real & who's not. Hope you & your family are all well. Will you be going back to Scotland to visit this summer?
19/May/07 7:54 AM
   sweetie  From india
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hi Fiona simply lovely to hear from you .is this u in the pic .u look divine.
19/May/07 1:33 PM
Eugene  From Jonava, Lithuania
Hi Fiona, greetings from Lithuania.
21/May/07 6:12 AM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hi Fiona
Just picked up your messgae about the Great British Bash, sounds fun to me, however I am in London the weekend before (nieces 1st communion) and I dont know if I can afford it twice in the month!!!
What is the where and when?
My family live in South London - so I at least have a base to work from.
oh, btw please enjoy the carrot cake.. (extra cream cheese icing)
22/May/07 2:46 AM
PIP  From Somewhat south.
Thank you. jtasw. xx
23/May/07 1:33 PM
PIP  From Somewhat south.
As Patrick Swayze said to Demi Moore...ditto! xx
24/May/07 8:32 AM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona, and thank you for dropping by.
I absolutely love your photo!! I gather from Ian, that it was taken by your hubby, but I think the wonderful subject made it easy for him!
27/May/07 8:25 AM
Ethereal Chicken  From Santa Mia
I see we both appreciate a good singer and her song. Keep 'em coming!
27/May/07 11:46 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona. The Perth in Scotland, I have been to in 1979.
I've have just added some text as well.
27/May/07 6:55 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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oooh and the photos are off the net....
27/May/07 7:00 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Glad you enjoyed my yard. Sorry to hear of your excessive rains. Maybe later in the spring or early summer it will get better.
02/Jun/07 2:20 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Fiona. It is kind of funny because I have a sister-in-law called Fiona and she is in France at the moment on holiday. We are all very excited about the latest addition to the family and can't wait to see the little fellow.
02/Jun/07 10:08 PM
   Sue  From Melbourne Australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you for dropping in! Just lerv the wine! Leaving you here some wonderful Salada biscuits with butter and vegemite. Some of the simple pleasures in life are the best!
02/Jun/07 10:16 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Fiona, if Abba makes you feel old, then you must be very young compared to me!
03/Jun/07 4:49 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Fiona, thank you for visiting my page and for the bubbly. It should go well with C Gregs Bevertail pastry! I am a bit late for a housewarming gift, how about a hostess gift, for letting me visit your page? I leave you my traditional home made apple butter, cause I was making some when I got my first page and starting visiting pages. That one batch has gone a loooong way in cyber space

03/Jun/07 5:06 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Seems like I have been given extra chores and even a supervised leave of absence has been denied me, and that was after dusting all 15000metres of skirting boards (it's quite a big place...) I haven't been able to stand upright for the last 36 hrs, but they say the new meds should relax me in no time at all, either that or i'll be put in traction...x
03/Jun/07 10:34 AM
   Lynda  From Perth
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Hi Fiona, thanks for visiting and the nice words about Perth. Perth Oz is a lot warmer that Perth Scotland. Perth is the most isolated capital city in the world, very pretty and we would welcome you here. I will have to add to MizTricia's apple butter (which is delicious) with my quince jelly (just made).
03/Jun/07 1:10 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Happy Mothers Day Dear! I left you a little present in my page.
03/Jun/07 10:53 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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It is great to have a new addition to the family. I think we are going to see him next weekend. I will have to find something nice to take him for his first ever gift (from us that is). I lost my mother last October and having the little to cherish will certainly bring a smile to all. Is it Mother's Day in France? If so, have a very happy and peaceful day. Hope all your family will be around to share a latte or whatever takes your fancy.
04/Jun/07 12:22 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Hello Fiona thank you for visiting my page. I will be putting up more pics of the area so come back again. Happy Mother's Day.
04/Jun/07 6:03 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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France does everything a little different, but the day means the same everywhere, despite the different time it is celebrated. Happy Mother's Day Fiona, and hope it is a special one for you!
04/Jun/07 6:06 AM
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