Anne from Albany W Australia

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 Little Beach at Two Peoples Bay, Albany

West Australia's Sunday Times, 13 Jan, 2013, quote:-

"The turquoise water and white sand of Little Beach near Albany,

has been named one of Australia's top-five secret travel spots in a national survey."

Little Beach, Two Peoples Bay, Albany

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   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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for the birthday wishes, Anne!
03/Mar/15 8:32 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld
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Hi Anne, Rolanda has probably told you that I am heading your way. We will be in Perth for the WA meet up with Mo although I hear you won't be there.
We will be in Albany on 18th - staying overnight at the Albany guest house - before moving on to Denmark, Pemberton, Margaret River, Bunbury and back to Perth.
I was hoping we might be able to meet up for a coffee and chat while we are in Albany.
04/Mar/15 3:22 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi Anne - thanks for the Birthday wish! No party till everyone is back from their travels, but should be a fun time then. I went out with my sister and had a nice lunch, so that was great. :)
05/Mar/15 7:36 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Thanks Anne ,so do I, Ive had enough of this pain.
09/Mar/15 10:59 AM
Bob  From Oz
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Hi Anne
Thanks for the compliment. We retired from Canberra and moved to Ulladulla 9 months ago and it was in the first couple of months that these were taken. We knew that the whales would be migrating back to Antarctica then but didn't expect to see any. It was marvellous. We think that this was a young bull but don't quote me on that.

Yes, I have changed my name again. Thought I could hide but as they say 'you can run but you can't hide'.

03/Apr/15 7:01 PM
Bob  From Oz
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Thanks Anne. Wood fired pizza for tea. Can't wait.
10/Apr/15 10:28 AM
Danny  From The Hive
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Hello Anne. I suppose you are happy as well. I take it you go for the Eagles?
12/Apr/15 10:14 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne,
Thanks for the comment on the latest gathering. Will be around your neck of the woods within a few weeks. Peter(possum), Bella the Basset and I are on a trip of a lifetime around OZ. We have no set agenda but would love to catch up if you are around. Will let you know when we get closer.
Take care.
29/Apr/15 10:43 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks Anne for your birthday greeting
02/May/15 1:52 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thank you, Anne, for the information about Cahors. I think it would be a lovely place to visit!
21/May/15 9:20 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh Anne, thank you for your concern. I've been rather preoccupied over this. We've decided on radiation with hormonal treatment . We're going to try to get in a Hawaiian vacation before hubby has to start with the two month of radiation. But we'll make it, well he'll make it, my nerves are another consideration!
22/May/15 11:30 AM
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona
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Thank you for the birthday greeting. Life is good.
27/May/15 2:34 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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for the birthday greetings! Birthdays are always a very special time on the Sudoku site! And your good weather wishes really worked! It was sunny and breezy at the Indy 500 race where I spent the Aussie portion of my birthday! Perfect!
28/May/15 1:08 AM
Carmel  From Brisbane
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I still do the puzzles every day but I don't seem to have time to read all the comments. I was in Perth at the end of January, first time I have ever been and I loved it.
31/May/15 8:33 AM
aussie  From NSW
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I just left a comment on your photo on today's 'Hard'
05/Jun/15 3:19 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Many thanks for the Birthday wishes.
Sorry about the late response,having computer probs AGAIN.
12/Jun/15 8:33 AM
Sailor  From Qld Coast
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Thanks Anne
22/Jun/15 1:39 PM
BYOM  From me
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You lost your bet yesterday. I'll have a cappuccino with an extra shot. No sugar (cause I'm sweet enough).
24/Jun/15 11:41 AM
BYOM  From me
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Yep I saw the comments. Did you get my PM?
24/Jun/15 11:11 PM
   Jimmy  From Scotland
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Hi Anne,

Thanks for the message on my page, as you can tell I only pop by occasionally & today happened to spot Fiona's comment on easy. Felt it was worth trying to remember my log in only took two attempts.

See you in another few years
26/Jun/15 8:19 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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so much for the retirement wishes, Anne! That is so sweet of you! Loved all the little retirement related smilies! You have quite a collection!
02/Jul/15 3:14 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Anne. Thanks very much for the birthday wishes. I had a lovely day.
26/Jul/15 8:47 AM
Vao88  From Melbourne
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Thank you Anne for your comments. Your trip photos are so inspirational! My children enjoyed their trips to South America and plan to visit again! Great life experience! Enjoy next trip Anne.
29/Jul/15 6:55 AM
saylz  From Tassie    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne
Thanks very much for your birthday wishes. It's the big 7 oh. Still feel pretty fit and well so perhaps I'll last a year or two more.
13/Aug/15 12:14 PM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Thank you Anne, still a bit sore in places but doing ok.
Bill had a great day finishing with dinner at the sailing club, he even managed to get a $70 jackpot on the pokies.
16/Aug/15 5:48 AM
aussie  From NSW
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Glad you enjoyed my photos Anne. i was in your part of the world in the late 90's but my camera went on strike and I lost all my photos. Good excuse to visit again.
27/Aug/15 5:00 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the birthday wishes Anne, hope you are well.
13/Sep/15 12:27 PM
aussie  From NSW
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Another visit to your part of the world is definitely on my bucket list Anne. At least with digital cameras you get an immediate preview of your shot and don't have to wait till you're on the other side of the island to find out your camera had a whoopsie.
17/Sep/15 1:52 PM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi, Anne:
Thank you for the birthday greeting!
My family threw me a dinner to celebrate my 60th!
About 40 family and friends joined us at a local favorite Chinese restaurant.
18/Oct/15 11:34 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thanks, Anne, I had a great trip. (It was a Viking River Cruise.) It's a great way to visit the small villages and see the castles along the Rhine and Danube Rivers. Would have liked more time in the larger cities, though. I can now see why they offered 3-day stay-over packages on each end in Amsterdam & Budapest!
02/Nov/15 7:05 AM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, thanks for dropping by! I'm still on the site every day to do the puzzles but I no longer leave comments. There are a couple of people (you obviously not included) who, for whatever reason, have decided posting times for completing the puzzles is offensive. I know I shouldn't let that get to me but, with everything else going on in my life, I just have better things to be bothering with.
20/Nov/15 6:21 AM
   Judy  From Bendigo
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Thank you for your birthday wishes, Anne. Being only an occasional visitor to the Sudoku pages these days, I fail to notice and send greetings to others when they have a special occasion, so I appreciate the friendliness of those who make contact for my birthday. So I'll also take the opportunity to wish you a happy Christmas and New Year while I'm here
04/Dec/15 12:42 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne
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Hi Anne, thanks for the birthday greeting! It was a big birthday so I have had a pretty awesome couple of days. No more birthdays now...forever!
06/Dec/15 9:18 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Thank you Anne, your message has made it a great start to the day.🤗💟
11/Dec/15 6:14 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thank you for your thoughts Anne!
13/Dec/15 5:29 PM
BYOM  From me
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Thought I would put in an appearance for old time's sake.
Yes they are 4 of my 7 grandchildren. Its a work in progress.
19/Dec/15 3:59 PM
BYOM  From me
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And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.
19/Dec/15 5:42 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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23/Dec/15 3:14 PM
Tony  From Wagga Wagga
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Hi Anne, just a short note to wish a very merry xmas and happy new year. Hope you are well and life is looking after you. Kind regards Tony
30/Dec/15 8:46 AM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your birthday wishes Anne. Nobody else is up yet so I don't yet know how my day's shaping up (I do know one thing, I'm about to head off to work so that means it won't be the best of birthdays!)
05/Jan/16 8:00 AM
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