Anne from Albany W Australia

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 Little Beach at Two Peoples Bay, Albany

West Australia's Sunday Times, 13 Jan, 2013, quote:-

"The turquoise water and white sand of Little Beach near Albany,

has been named one of Australia's top-five secret travel spots in a national survey."

Little Beach, Two Peoples Bay, Albany

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome to a new page!
12/Oct/13 3:23 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne. We had a great holiday, thanks very much. The weather was mixed, but it only slowed us down a bit. The scenery was spectacular. Hopefully I'll have some photos to share later.
29/Oct/13 7:18 PM
Mr.ED  From Minnesota
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Thanks Anne, It's nice to be back. Got lost for awhile. But I'm back.
01/Nov/13 8:01 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, thanks for dropping by. Its miserable here today so I thought I'd take the time to put the photos up. When I look at them I'm ready to head off again.
20/Nov/13 2:35 PM
Nozar  From Tehran
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Thanks a lot Anne
02/Dec/13 5:15 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Anne, thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm OK really, just a bit bruised - body and ego.
I was really impressed by the bloke who helped me, he didn't hesitate to drop everything and lend a hand.
I agree with you, but at least I know that goodwill and community spirit still exist - I've been on the receiving end.
04/Dec/13 10:36 AM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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Thanks for motivating me to upload photos of our holiday to my Sudoku page. They have been quite popular with the regulars and well worth the effort involved. Your comments against the photos were nice too. I hope you didn't have to re-input them too many times.
05/Dec/13 1:40 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne!
Just discovered you'd visited my gallery, thank you!
07/Dec/13 1:35 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Anne, for your kind words. I appreciate them.
10/Dec/13 3:07 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Thank you Anne, I had a wonderful day with family.
12/Dec/13 6:53 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a wonderful day with family and friends
23/Dec/13 5:56 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Anne, wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2014.
23/Dec/13 6:25 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well Anne, it's Christmas Eve for you, so what better time to say Merry Christmas. I hope you have a special Christmas with your family and friends. May the coming year be filled with happiness, good health, friendship and prosperity. Peace!
24/Dec/13 4:23 AM
   beeh‎ive  From ger‎o
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'aveagoogchrissy Anne. Hope to see you in the New Year.
24/Dec/13 7:55 PM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld
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Happy New Year, Anne!
(& a belated 'Happy Christmas!') - I was a bit distracted & missed the 25th completely.
Greg seems to have come through it all quite well. (5 hours in surgery.)
We celebrated a late Christmas with the whole family yesterday. These little stresses have the effect of making you REALLY appreciate what you have.
The Grandies wiped me out! (as usual!)
01/Jan/14 9:46 AM
Sandra Blume  From Mexico
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Thanks for the good wishes for my husband. At 87, these 'little' things turn into BIG things fast. The doctor had a machine on his desk (when we walked in) that you put some clear liquid medicine in a little cup inside a mask and then he puts it over his nose and we turn it on. He sent it home with us along with the little vials of liquid medicine. It has helped immensely. Prayer helps too. I tell him that I knew he was older than me when we were young but I didn't think he would stay that way! HaHa
02/Jan/14 3:22 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thank you for your kind wishes Anne, we have so much to look forward to. The call came the day after Boxing Day so we called it a late present, and in regards to New Years, we are calling it our Happiest ever :)
04/Jan/14 6:59 AM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the birthday wishes Anne. It's been a pretty quiet day, although I've managed to fit in breakfast at a café with the family, a session at the gym (with a run to and from the gym thrown in for good measure) and some work in the vegie garden so I suppose it hasn't been as quiet as I first thought!
05/Jan/14 11:17 PM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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Hi Anne, I never thought I would say it but .... I'm glad I no longer have any youtube videos on my home page. It annoyed me when I had to add them and remove them one at a time but it annoyed me more when I uploaded 4 and my home page locked up entirely. Gath was very good. I wasn't expecting to get a response for weeks. Should I experiment again uploading multiple youtube links??? Hmmmmm, I think it would be unwise to lock up my home page again too soon.
09/Jan/14 11:00 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Happy birthday Anne. I hope the year ahead is good to you!
13/Feb/14 2:26 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello Anne, I'm sorry I seem to have missed your birthday!
Here's belated & some more cake for a 2nd celebration!
Hope you had a great day on the 13th!
18/Feb/14 9:22 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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for the wishes, and the same to you, Queen Anne!
18/Feb/14 4:44 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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'Ello Anne. A bit dry is it? We just had a short, but heavy, rain. About 0.6 inches. (1.5 cm) in 45 minutes.
Weather here is getting weird, warm one day, cold the next. I think Spring is trying to arrive. I'll give it about six more weeks.
22/Feb/14 5:02 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Thank you Anne for your words of comfort.
It is sad losing them but a blessing for them ,they had suffered enough.♥
08/Mar/14 6:43 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Super photos of your time spent with K and J and others. It looks like you all had a wonderful and quite enjoyable time together. I'm glad you had fun!
21/Mar/14 7:47 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Great photos, Anne. What a wonderful time you had!
21/Mar/14 8:17 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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Great Photos, Anne, of our holiday with K n J
21/Mar/14 2:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Love your photos with Jane and Kathy. Realised there are a lot of photos on your page sine I was last here. Will have to come back another time and spend more time on your photos.
21/Mar/14 10:37 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Of course, I'll dedicate number 13 to you whenever I can, dear lady! There's so few numbers that are special on this site - Keith's 22, your 13, and my 8. It just makes posting a little more special!
01/Apr/14 3:06 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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BTW, Calvin will turn 1 on June 6th! I can't believe how the year has past. He's scooting around and always with a big smile! He's the heart of my soul!
01/Apr/14 3:08 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Anne, I was pleased that I saw the movie, 'The Great Budapest Hotel' for only $8. I thought the movie stilted, a few bits I laughed at, some things I thought silly. Some of the snow scenery in Germany was good and I did recognise the Swinger in Dresden. I actually missed the point that the old man with the beard was actually the Indian Bell Boy.
It was OK but probably not quite what I expected.
Ken really enjoyed it.
15/Apr/14 8:09 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Anne. Jane and I had a fantastic time. You really should add to your travel list this area. It didn't cost too much with the tour group we went with. The air fares cost the most. I'll add some more pics over the next couple of days.
16/Apr/14 7:18 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Thank Anne. That area is brilliant to visit. I can't wait to take hubby there!
19/Apr/14 7:44 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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To my gracious Queen Anne,
Thank you!!! I can't wait to visit Australia to see you!
14/May/14 2:31 AM
Judy  From San Diego
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Thank you, Dear Anne! If we can get through one more day of burning, all should be well.
16/May/14 1:36 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Anne. Having to keep busy with mind numbing chores helps me along day to day and having to respond to friends like you keeps me in touch with life. I am grateful for you for making me feel human again and that life is worth living. Thank you.
07/Jul/14 2:05 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Anne, for the Birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day. It was made even better hearing from my Sudoku friends.
P.S. now we are the same age.
25/Jul/14 9:51 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Anne, I had never heard it referred to as clickety click, but yes I am. We found out several years ago but I don't remember how.
25/Jul/14 1:43 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well I just can't resist this Anne.
04/Aug/14 5:30 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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One little push and your on a new page.
04/Aug/14 5:31 AM
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